Consultation “How to introduce preschoolers to the arts”
Dick Bruna: Miffy in the museum It used to be that children were bored and uninteresting in museums,
Group game
Socio-game technologies as a resource for the development and support of children's initiative of preschool children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education
Classification of games and formation of groups Work should always be carried out in small groups (“peer groups”).
Life safety. Life safety in kindergarten in the middle group
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Notes on "Dangerous Objects"
Subject drawing in the middle groupan article on drawing (middle group) on the topic
Summary of an art lesson with children of the middle group “Subject drawing from life “Rowan Twig”
“Ball games as one of the means of physical development of preschool children”
Tasks that are set during classes In outdoor games with a ball, preschoolers acquire the necessary
Mini-laboratory “Get to know” - experimental research activities of preschoolers
Mini-laboratory “Know-ka” - experimental research activities of preschoolers Relevance of the chosen topic 2 Advantages of experimental research activities 3 Modern
Aesthetic education of preschoolers is according to the Federal State Educational Standard in pedagogy
Aesthetic education of preschool children
Aesthetic education of preschool children It has long been known that for the harmonious development of a child’s personality, it is necessary
child observation diary
Protocols for observing children in various activities
When to start observation and what is its main value Observation is important at any age.
physical education classes in kindergarten
Health-improving walks and hikes with preschool children on the territory of the preschool educational institution
Progress of the lesson in kindergarten Presenter: - Today we are going on a hike.
PLAN of activities for the implementation of the program of spiritual and moral education for the 2020-2021 academic year
In what areas do you need to work? Psychologists recommend not mixing all types of activities, but clearly
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