Features of memory development in older preschool age
Main types of memory In psychology, memory refers to a number of abilities that record the received
Methodological development “Development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age”
Didactic games for children of the first junior group Didactic games for children 2-3 years old Didactic
Experience of a preschool educational institution: Modeling technology when introducing preschool children to the basics of geography.
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Using layouts in preschool educational institutions as an innovative technology for the cognitive development of preschool children Author: Pastukhova
Gymnastics after sleep as one of the components of health-saving technologies
Gymnastics after sleep as one of the components of health-saving technologies I’m not afraid again
'Interactive game for children of senior preschool age "Musical Pages"' title= 'Interactive game for children of senior preschool age "Musical Pages"' width="400
Card file of musical and didactic games aimed at developing musical and creative abilities card file on music (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Interactive game for children of senior preschool age “Musical Pages” This resource is intended for children
Long-term creative project for the middle group on the topic “Non-traditional drawing techniques”
Notes on drawing with potato stamps in the first junior group “Balloons” Natalia
Extracurricular activity about wintering birds in elementary school. Presentation script
Extracurricular activity about wintering birds in elementary school. Scenario with presentation Methodological development of extracurricular
In order for gymnastics using the method of the Tibetan monks to be beneficial, you must use a systematic approach and follow a set of rules
Gymnastics complex for waking up after a nap in the senior group
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, reviews and results There are not many reviews on the Internet regarding this
Application of a man (120 photos): step by step with your own hands from paper. Lesson on making a man in motion from geometric shapes
Appliquéing a person is a very exciting and creative job. Its advantage is the variety of used
Rowan branch drawing for children step by step
Summary of a lesson in the middle group on drawing on the topic “Rowan”
Rowan bush The rowan tree is not always a tree; often it does not grow tall, but
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