Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, reviews and results
There are not many reviews on the Internet regarding this gymnastics and some of them are contradictory. You can find both positive and negative. To believe them or not is up to each individual.
Here are some positive reviews I found:
The complex consists of 11 exercises of 30 seconds each, so it turns out that 5 and a half minutes are enough to complete it. I think that such a simple and fast technique deserves attention. If you haven’t tried it yet, then try it, and if you are already practicing it, then share your impressions in the comments to the article.
Since during training you have to act on certain biological points that are closely related to internal systems, not all people are allowed to perform gymnastics. The main contraindications include:
- Hypertension;
- Stomach ulcer;
- Various pathologies in the spinal column;
- Arthritis in a complex form or its seasonal exacerbation;
- Recovery period after surgery;
- Parkinson's disease;
- Mental imbalance;
- Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- Age up to 16 years.
In some cases, incomplete training is allowed. In order not to harm your body, before starting classes, you should consult a doctor to eliminate elements of the method that are inappropriate for health reasons.
Execution Rules
In order for gymnastics using the method of the Tibetan monks to be beneficial, you must use a systematic approach and follow a set of rules:
- The workout takes place on an empty stomach, and after it it is not recommended to eat for another 30 minutes;
- While performing the complex, you need to control your breathing - it should be calm, deep, and even;
- Each element is repeated 25-30 times, adjusting the frequency of movement in accordance with the pulse rate;
- If discomfort occurs after the first training, you should continue exercising as before;
- To normalize digestion, immediately after the complex, drink a glass of clean warm water;
- When improving your health using the Tibetan method, you should completely abandon bad habits;
- Exercises are performed efficiently, slowly, constantly monitoring stable breathing;
- The best time to start training is around 6 am.
Following all these rules will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from performing exercises using the Tibetan method, which will be noticeable physically and emotionally after several months of training. For some, this may seem like too much time, but the full complex takes no more than 5-7 minutes.
The benefits of exercising in bed
Bubnovsky’s lazy gymnastics is joint gymnastics. There are other options for exercises in bed, ranging from breathing activities to those that strengthen the back, abs, and so on. We will talk about such Tibetan longevity gymnastics next time. Follow the publications.
Today we will focus on the joint complex, since healthy joints are a guarantee of health, a good figure and excellent well-being.
Here are the main advantages of such gymnastics:
- it makes us cheerful and energetic in the morning;
- gives a good mood;
- ideally takes care of the condition of those who lead a “sedentary” lifestyle and move little;
- safe with a minimum of contraindications;
- minimizes the risk of osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other similar diseases;
- makes the back muscles strong and strong;
- improves heart function;
- helps to truly and, at the same time, gently wake up;
- makes joints flexible and healthy;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- is an effective prevention of constipation, which helps minimize the risk of hemorrhoids;
- removes tension from the spine and lower back;
- normalizes blood circulation;
- protects against pain;
- suitable for almost everyone, including the elderly;
- has a minimum of contraindications.
Do this exercise every morning and you will feel that your body has become more flexible. The muscles of the neck, abdomen, and chest work. It perfectly helps to cheer up and drive away drowsiness.
Lying on your stomach, slowly lift your head and chest. Reach back, trying to arch. Lift your chest off the bed as much as possible and stay in this position. Then lie down on your stomach and relax. Rest for a few seconds and arch your back like a cat. Do a strong backbend and hold for a quarter of a minute. Return to the starting position and relax. Repeat these exercises 12 times.
Life is an interesting thing, you shouldn’t waste time on long rises and a bad mood in the morning. Appreciate the moments and enjoy every minute you live!
Light exercises right in bed are an effective way to wake up. You should not jump up suddenly immediately after waking up - this is stress for the body. It's better to set your alarm 10 to 15 minutes earlier to do a few exercises that will speed up your blood circulation and help you cheer up.
Lying on your back, bend your leg and pull your knee toward your chest. Hold for a while and repeat for the other leg. Do this several times, alternating legs.
Raise your legs, making sure they are straight. Place your hands under your buttocks - this will help relieve the load from your lower back. Spread your legs to the sides while doing swings. You can imitate the movement of scissors.
Stretch, trying to “stretch” your body. Make rotational movements with your hands, twirl your hands. When you feel that your body is invigorated, you can take a shower and have breakfast.
Signs of circulation problems
Symptoms of chronic circulatory failure in the brain may not appear until a situation requiring abundant blood supply: stress, unusual physical activity, or being in an unventilated room. They appear suddenly: headache, numbness of part of the face, loss of coordination of movements, tinnitus.
Chronically, the following symptoms may appear: frequent dizziness, decreased memory and performance, poor concentration, drowsiness or insomnia.
Signs of impaired blood flow in the extremities include intermittent claudication (pain when walking and its absence at rest), cold hands and feet in any weather, the formation of spider veins, heaviness, fatigue, swelling, cramps in the leg muscles.
The benefits of morning exercises
It's already difficult to get up in the early morning, and waking up an hour earlier to go for a run or to the gym seems like an impossible task. Motivation may be enough for a month, but what next? It is necessary to constantly maintain a toned body and maintain normal weight. The “diet – uncontrolled gluttony” swing will have a bad effect on the skin, and stretch marks will appear, commonly called stretch marks.
Especially for those who like to linger in bed after the alarm clock rings, an effective system of exercises has been invented that allows you to do them without getting up and without going to the gym.
Gymnastics for lazy people, lying in bed, keeping the body in good shape, helping to lose weight is not a dream, but a reality.
Tangible benefits:
- toned body;
- feminine forms;
- improved blood circulation;
- a boost of energy for every day;
- increasing endurance;
- strengthening the performance of the lungs;
- stabilization of the nervous system;
- quick awakening;
- good mood;
- improvement of well-being;
- strengthening immunity;
- stabilization of hormonal levels;
- high concentration of attention;
- increased productivity;
- improvement of metabolism;
- the first step in the fight against dangerous laziness.
The set of exercises is extensive, choose the most productive and interesting for yourself, combine, alternate daily. Implement a complex aimed at strengthening the entire body and specifically the abs. Perform daily for at least 5-7 minutes, and 2-3 times a week stretch for 20-25 minutes. Woke up, yawned, stretched and - get to work!
Stretch your back
Such gymnastics will not only help you wake up, but also form good posture.
Lying on your back, try to press your bent knees to your head. It is important to keep your back muscles tense. Exhale all the air and hold in this position for a while. Slowly lower your legs and inhale. Do 10 - 12 times.
On a note!
To wake up quickly, the body needs oxygen. Therefore, immediately after waking up, ventilate the room.
"Dead Beetle"
Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees at a right angle.
Raise both arms up towards the ceiling. Straighten and lower your left leg, leaving your right leg bent. At the same time, lower your right arm down above your head. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Perform 10-15 repetitions for each.
This exercise helps strengthen your abdominal and core muscles without putting unnecessary strain on your lower back. It also improves coordination.