Gymnastics for waking up after a nap in kindergarten

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Gymnastics complex after sleep


I. In cribs

One and two, one and two Simulate making snowballs

We are making a snowman.

We will roll a snowball Alternately pass along the neck on the right and left

Somersault, somersault. Run fingers over cheeks from top to bottom

We sculpted him cleverly, They rub the wings of the nose with their index fingers.

Instead of a nose there is a carrot.

Instead of eyes - coals, put your palms to your forehead and "visor" and


Handles and twigs were found. They rub their palms together.

And on the head - a bucket. Rub the index and middle fingers

points in front of and behind the ears

Look, here it is! Place both palms on the top of the head and rock


II. Near the cribs

Sitting on chairs

“let’s warm up frozen feet after a walk in the snow” : stretch your legs forward, clench and unclench your toes; stretch your legs forward, pull your legs with your toes and heels; stretch your legs forward and join them,

“draw” various geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) with your feet in the air; place your entire foot on the floor, raise your legs on your toes, lifting your heels off the floor as much as possible; from the same IP raise your toes up without lifting your feet from the floor.

Repeat each exercise six to eight times.

I. Breathing exercise

"Candle" . I.p. – feet at the width of the feet, hands in the “lock” , thumbs closed – “candle” . The child takes in air through his nose, purses his lips into a “tube” and blows on the candle (blowing it out). Exhale calmly.

IV. Walking along the path of “Health”


I. In cribs

  1. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise straight legs up, i.p.
  2. "Log" . IP: lying on your back, arms up, roll from back to stomach, roll from stomach to back.
  3. "Boat" . IP: lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, bend over, hands to your shoulders - inhale, IP. -exhalation.
  4. "Barrier" . I.p.: lying on the stomach, arms along the body, raise the right leg, i.p., raise the left leg, i.p.
  5. "Ladybug" . IP: sitting on your heels, straighten up, stretch up, sit on your heels, bend forward, touch your knees with your nose, move your arms back, etc.

II. Near the cribs

6. Self-massage of the head ( “let’s wash your head” ).

I.p. - sitting on chairs. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate the movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Touch it... Oh, it's hot! Add cold water, wet your hair, pour shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides... No, the back is not washed at all. Good now! Rinse off the foam again from all sides. Sasha still had foam on his temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently dry your hair. Take a comb and comb your hair thoroughly. Don't press the comb too hard or you will scratch your scalp. You are so Beautiful!"

III. Breathing exercise

7. "The wind is rustling in the chimney".

I am a strong wind, I fly, I fly wherever I want:

I want to whistle to the left, I want to blow to the right,

I can blow upward into the clouds, but for now I’ll disperse the clouds.

Hands down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose. Turn your head to the left, make a tube with your lips and blow. Head straight - inhale, head to the right - exhale, lips in a tube.

IV. Walking along the path of “Health”


I. In cribs

  1. I.p.: Lying on your back, arms along your body, raise your arms up, pull yourself up, arms forward, etc.
  2. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, pull your socks towards you, i.p.
  3. I.p.: Sitting, legs straight, arms supported at the back, spread the toes to the sides, etc.
  4. "A pedestrian" . I.p. the same, stepping with your toes, bending your knees, the same with straightening your legs.

II. Near the cribs

5. "Hammers" . I.p.: sitting, legs bent, arms supported behind the back, toes on the toes, hitting the floor with the left heel.

I.p.: o.s., Hands on the belt, rolling from toes to heels.

III. Breathing exercises “We are building a house”

  1. "Raising bricks " I.p. - legs apart, arms down, fingers spread. 1 - inhale; 2 - exhale - lean forward, clench your fingers into a fist ( “Wow!” ); 3 - inhale; 4 - return to IP.
  2. “Putting in the solution . I.p. - legs apart, hands on the belt, elbows back, 1 - inhale; 2 - exhale - turn the body to the right (left), swing the right (left) arm to the side, back, forward ( "One!" ); 3 - return to IP.
  3. "White the ceiling" . I.p. - legs apart, arms down. 1 - inhale - raise your right hand up and back; 2 - exhale - lower your right hand; 3 - inhale - raise your left hand up and back; 4 - exhale - lower your left hand.
  4. “Putting up wallpaper . I.p. - basic stance, arms bent at the elbows at waist level. 1 - inhale; 2 - exhale - rise on your toes, straight arms up; 3 - inhale; 4 - exhale - return to I.p.
  5. "Painting the floor" . I.p. - standing on your knees, arms bent at the elbows, hand to fist. 1 - inhale; 2 - exhale - bend forward slightly, stretch your arms forward, fingers apart ( “Zhik!” ); 3 - inhale; 4 - exhale - return to I.p.

IV. Walking along the path of “Health”


I. In cribs

  1. IP: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your right leg (straight), IP, raise your left leg (straight), IP.
  2. IP: lying on your back, hands in front of you “holding the steering wheel” , “riding a bicycle” , IP.
  3. I.p.: lying on your back, arms up, turn the body to the right, i.p., turn the body to the left, i.p.
  4. IP: lying on your back, hands behind your head, bring your elbows together in front (elbows touching each other) - exhale, IP, elbows touching the bed - inhale.
  5. I.p.: sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt, arms up through the sides - inhale, exhale.

II. Near the cribs

When performing the exercises, inhale through the nose, mouth closed.

6. “Start the engine . I.p. - stand with your legs apart, hands in front of your chest, clenched into fists. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - rotate your bent arms (one around the other) at chest level; at the same time, say with one breath: “R-r-r-r” . Repeat four to six times.

III. Breathing exercise

7. "Little Frog" . I.p. - main stand. Imagine how the frog makes quick, sharp jumps. Squat down slightly, sigh, push off and jump with both legs moving forward. As you exhale, slowly say “K-v-a-a-a .

IV. Walking along the path of “Health”

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Summary of gymnastics for waking up after a nap in the first junior group

Irina foundova

Summary of gymnastics for waking up after a nap in the first junior group


1. Gradually involve children in active activities, moving them from a state of inhibition to wakefulness.

2. Evoke positive emotions in children, including soft melodic music, thereby giving children the opportunity to wake up.


3. Game motivation.

When it's time to wake up from a nap, I turn on some soft music and say:

Who sleeps sweetly in bed?

It's high time to get up.

Hurry up to charge,

We won't wait for you!

A set of exercises while lying in bed.

Educator: Well done, everyone woke up! We put the blanket aside and lie down on the back.

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