Summary of GCD on life safety on the topic “Healthy and harmful products”

A fairy tale about healthy eating.

Marina Soboleva
A fairy tale about healthy eating.

A fairy tale about healthy eating

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had a wooden house, and next to it there was a garden and a vegetable garden. Apple and pear trees grew in the garden, and the old people grew vegetables in the beds.

One day, during the summer holidays, their granddaughter Mashenka and grandson Nikitushka came to them from the city. The old man and the old woman were delighted and began to prepare dinner. And now on the table there is already cabbage soup, porridge, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad, a plate of fruit and a jar of milk. But Nikitushka said that he would not eat soups or salads, but only sausage, chips, candy and drink Coca-Cola.

The old man and the old woman threw up their hands, but there was nothing to do. The grandfather went to the store and bought everything his grandson wanted.

The granddaughter eats sausages and chocolates and is gaining weight by leaps and bounds. And Mashenka listens to the old people, eats vegetables and fruits.

Time has passed. Mashenka has grown and become stronger. A healthy blush on her cheeks. And Nikitushka became lazy, fat, clumsy, and his stomach began to hurt. It became difficult for him to run and play with his sister. The boy just lay there and watched TV.

Once Nikitushka had an unusual dream. He walks along the path, and there are two doors ahead. One of them has a healthy food

, and on the other
“junk food”
. The boy approached the first door and heard the ringing laughter of children behind it. He approached the second door, and behind it moans and crying were heard. Nikitushka got scared, turned around and entered the first door.

The boy saw a clearing, and there were cheerful children in it. They played various games. Unusual trees and bushes grew around the clearing. On some there were bread rolls, on others boiled vegetables, on others fresh vegetables and fruits. There were even trees with milk and kefir bags. Spoiled food fell from the trees to the ground and large beetles carried it away somewhere.

At that moment, out of nowhere, Carrot and Cabbage approached Nikitushka. They smiled at the boy, took his hands and led him to the other children. Nikitushka began to play with them, and then they all ran up to the trees together, picked and ate healthy foods.

Nikitushka woke up and realized that a healthy diet is beneficial for the human body. And then he decided that he would eat only healthy foods.

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