Text of the book “Exploring Space. Encyclopedia for children in fairy tales"

Fairy tales "Journey into space"

Class: d/s


The kitten sat on a tree and looked at the sky. The weather was clear and the kitten saw many luminous points. It turns out that these are stars and planets. They appear small because they are far from the ground. In fact, the stars and planets are huge, much larger than our kitten.


Once a puppy Timoshka flew into space. I ended up on the planet Saturn. There I met aliens and became friends with them. The aliens treated Timoshka to something tasty, something Timoshka had never eaten before. Timoshka invited them to his land. Since then, Timoshka has been sitting on the street waiting for guests.


Once upon a time there was a man who dreamed of going to space. One day he built a rocket and flew into space. First he visited Mars, and then other planets. When he got to the moon, he stayed to live there. No one else saw him on earth.


In one kingdom, an evil wizard cast a spell so that a piece broke off from the moon and fell to the ground. It was the Moon Hedgehog. He was very scared and cried. Also in this kingdom lived a good astrologer and he had a young friend Grisha. One day, the Astrologer saw through his telescope that the moon was missing a piece. He and Grisha found the lunar hedgehog, dispelled the evil spell and returned the Hedgehog home to the Moon


The Moon and the Sun lived in distant space. One day the Sun woke up, descended to the ground and it became light. The moon also wanted to go to earth, but she could only go out at night. One day, the Moon found a magic star and made a wish - to become the Sun. The star granted her wish. So the Moon turned into the Sun for one day. When the desire ended, everything returned to its place and the Moon began to come out at night again. After this, the Moon and the Sun began to appear every day at their own time.


There lived a hare, a hedgehog and a squirrel. They somehow wanted to see the stars closer. And how to do it? We need to fly into space. We began to think about how to get there. Then the hare remembered Baba Yaga, how she flies on a mortar. Friends went to the hut on chicken legs and asked Yaga: “Can a stupa fly to space?” Baba Yaga replies: “Otherwise! I’ve already flown more than once, and I can fly you with the breeze.” The animals gathered, gathered food, plunged into Yaga’s mortar and rushed off. Yes, I liked it so much in outer space that Baba Yaga more than once drove her space shuttle across the expanses of the universe. And the hare, hedgehog and squirrel have even more friends who want to go into space.


Once upon a time there lived a girl, Nadya. One day she decided to go on a space journey to see the planets. Nadya made a rocket and went into space. Having reached the planet Mars, she saw many volcanoes and craters, and among them an unusual girl. Her name was Yatak. They played hide and seek, Nadya did not notice how night had fallen, it was time to return home. The girls exchanged phone numbers and flew to visit each other.


My journey began during the holidays. It was the 5th week of my summer vacation. My parents and I were going to Jupiter. It is the 5th and largest planet in our solar system. We have already visited Mercury, Venus and Earth, and now we are going to go from Mars to Jupiter. There is still half of the holidays ahead and such interesting planets as Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. By September 1, when school starts, I will have a lot of impressions, delight and knowledge about our solar system.

Author: Alexandra Ya.


Part 1

One day the girl saw something special. She saw that the moon had been stolen. Suddenly a Fairy appeared and said that the Moon had been stolen by an evil magician. The fairy asked the girl: “Do you want to fly with me to the place where the moon was.” The girl happily agreed. And they flew high, high to the clouds to look for the moon.

Part 2

They arrived at their destination. The girl said: “Oh, how wonderful it is here, I would like to stay here.” The fairy replied: “It is impossible to live here, since there is little oxygen and there is no mother.” “How can I be without my mother, without my mother,” said the girl. Then an evil wizard appeared. The girl and the Fairy rushed to catch up with him. Having caught up with the wizard, they asked to return the moon. The wizard had nowhere to run; he decided to return the moon to its place. The wizard asked for forgiveness for his bad behavior. The fairy returned the girl home. After these adventures, the girl returned to her cozy bed and slept sweetly until the morning.


The sky above the cosmodrome was clear. Through the window of the rocket ready for launch, the mouse Tuk-Tuk clearly saw the moon. 3...2...1... the rocket began to shake. Tuk-Tuk took one last look at the ground. He wanted to fly away to the head of cheese. The take-off went well, the mouse took a direct course to the Moon. During the flight, he wondered what he would do with a huge piece of cheese. The closer the capsule got to the moon, the larger the cheese head became. The piece became less and less like cheese. The mouse wondered, is this cheese? Having flown around, he realized that he could not bite off a single piece. Because the moon is not cheese. Then Tuk-Tuk changed course back to earth. Returning to earth, he told all his mouse friends how much he wanted to eat cheese.

Author Valery Ronshin

Fairy tales about astronauts
Fairy tale about cosmonaut Yegor and the magic lake

Once upon a time there was an astronaut, he lived, he lived, he lived, and suddenly - BAM! — He turned 100 years old. Or rather, it wasn’t “bang”, of course, but everything went gradually. At first he was very young, and everyone called him Yegorushka, then he gained a little more years, and from Yegorushka he turned into Yegorka; Soon he gained more years, and from Yegorka he became Yegor; and after a certain number of years passed, everyone began to respectfully call Yegor Timofeevich... That’s it. It seems that a person has a whole carriage of time, but in reality it is a small cart. One hundred years is just thirty-six thousand days.

In general, during all the time of his space travels Yegor Timofeevich never found a perfect planet; there was some kind of flaw everywhere - not on the ground, then underground, not on the water, then under the water, not in the sky, but in the clouds...

“There are probably no planets in the Universe with ideal conditions for living,” Yegor Timofeevich concluded sadly. “Because the ideal is like a horizon to which you go and go and never reach it.”

And, having made such a sad conclusion, Yegor Timofeevich also went, but not to the horizon, but to retire. Yes, it was about time he was a hundred years old, after all. How long can you roam around space?

And then Yegor Timofeevich came to retire. Lay down. And fell asleep. And he has a dream. What: he finally found a perfect planet in space, on which everything is perfectly arranged. The air there is hard to breathe; nature - to look, not to see enough; weather - you can't get enough of walking... And there are no ferocious and voracious predators for you - but only fluffy and affectionate little animals, similar to earthly kittens, frolicking on green lawns and flower meadows, and above these beautiful meadows and lawns the same beautiful small birds flutter and sing .

Yegor Timofeevich landed his spaceship near a forest lake. The water in the lake is as clean as a tear, every pebble at the bottom is visible, and everywhere schools of beautiful and harmless fish are frolicking. Yegor Timofeevich threw off his heavy spacesuit and - WHAM! - in water. Eh!.

Yegor Timofeevich couldn’t believe his eyes! He raised his hand and the reflection raised his hand, he raised his leg and the reflection raised his leg. It was then that Yegor Timofeevich realized that the lake was miraculous; magical - to put it simply.

“Well, wow, applications,” twenty-year-old Yegor was surprised in his dream and... woke up.

And again he was not twenty-year-old Yegor, but hundred-year-old Yegor Timofeevich.

And from that day on, a dream-idea settled in his soul - to find this ideal planet and swim in this magical lake. For some reason, the hundred-year-old Yegor Timofeevich was one hundred percent sure that he had not had a simple dream, but a prophetic one. And that there really is such a planet in the Universe. He even clearly remembered how in a dream he flew towards her on his spaceship - at first everything was straight and straight, then to the right, then to the left...

And centenarian Yegor Timofeevich had a son-boss - the general director of the Space Flight Directorate. Abbreviated as UKP.

So the hundred-year-old Yegor Timofeevich says to him:

- Son, give me a ship to fly into space for the last time.

And his son, the director of the UKP, answers him:

“If I give you a ship, Dad, then they’ll give me a hat for launching a hundred-year-old cosmonaut into space.”

“Then I’ll rejuvenate there and return back as a twenty-year-old cosmonaut,” says Yegor Timofeevich and tells his son his prophetic dream.

The son thoughtfully scratched his bald spot, then scratched his gray beard - because he, frankly speaking, was not a boy - he was already in his eighties.

- Wait a minute, dad. If you find this perfect planet with a magical lake, then I too can rejuvenate?

“Of course, son,” Yegor Timofeevich answers.


A fairy tale about space

The girl Katya sat in her room and looked at the night sky before going to bed. She smiled and thought: “How great it would be to see the moon and stars closer, at least through a telescope!”

Suddenly the girl noticed a lonely star in the sky, around which there was not a single star point.

“Poor thing, she must be very lonely there,” thought Katya. - If I could help her with something...

As soon as she thought about it, someone knocked on her window. The girl opened it and saw a lunar path in front of her.

- Go out into the yard, I’ll be waiting for you there! - said Luna.

Katya quickly got dressed and ran out into the street. In front of her was the lunar path again. The girl boldly walked along it high into the sky. Katya reached the very stars, but she could not find the lonely one.

Suddenly, on the other side of the galaxy, she saw a small glow. The moon helped her get to the shining source.

- Wow, how bright! - Katya gasped.

Before her eyes appeared that same lonely star of amazing beauty and size! And there were many other stars around her.

“And you’re not alone at all,” said the girl.

— Did you think from Earth that I was lonely? - Zvezda was surprised.

- Yeah, that's why I wanted to help you.

- Thank you, honey. It's just that my light is so bright that it outshines the other stars that are near me. So you didn’t see anyone around me.

- So you don't need help? - Katya clarified.

“No, but since you’re here, I could give you a tour of space,” suggested the Star.

“Then walk all the time in my light and don’t be afraid of anything.”

Katya listened to the Star and went to study space. Most of all, she was impressed by the other planets, which were not at all similar to her native Earth. Having seen enough of space, the girl returned home. Now every evening before going to bed she looked at the sky and remembered the star, which in fact was not lonely.

When one of Katya’s friends showed her a lonely star, the girl told everyone the amazing story of her space travel:

- And this star is not alone. It's just very bright, and its light outshines other stars that are next to it.

Alexander Tkachenko “Tsiolkovsky. The path to the stars"

For primary school age

The book tells in a fascinating and accessible way about who the brilliant scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was. His life turns out to be full of adventures, interesting incidents and amazing discoveries. It was Tsiolkovsky who scientifically proved the importance of the rocket for flights into outer space. Tsiolkovsky's fate was not easy. He went through a difficult path from a self-taught scientist to a world-famous inventor. Writer Alexander Tkachenko talks about all this vividly and entertainingly.

Excerpt from a book:

“You can make the simplest jet engine yourself from an ordinary balloon. Try to inflate it, but do not tie the tail, but let it out of your hands. The ball will immediately begin to rush in different directions until all the air is released from it, pushing it forward. This is jet motion - the same as in a rocket. Only the rocket is pushed forward not by air, but by a stream of hot gas. And it flies not haphazardly, but according to a strictly calculated course.

This is the kind of rocket Tsiolkovsky proposed to send into space. True, in his time the technical capabilities for this did not yet exist. Cars were just learning to drive, ships were just learning to sail, and planes were just learning to fly. But Tsiolkovsky believed that someday people would create such engines with the help of which they would be able to escape beyond the Earth. As we now see, he was right.”

Questions for a fairy tale about space for the development of a child’s emotional intelligence:

  1. What emotions did Katya experience when she saw a lonely star in the sky?
  2. Why did the girl want to see space?
  3. How did Katya react when she saw that the star was not alone?
  4. What did the girl like most about space?
  5. What would you say to the star if you were in space?

Yulia Lavrenchenko

Mother of a daughter and son. Creator of unique therapeutic tales. I write fairy tales to order. I create with love and for the joy of children!



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The first chapter of the online book OGNESVETOPISK


The third chapter of the online book OGNESVETOPYT

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Yakov Perelman "Entertaining Astronomy"

The book by the Russian scientist Yakov Perelman introduces readers to various issues of astronomy and scientific discoveries. The author unfolds before the reader a picture of the world space and the phenomena occurring in it. Most of the book is structured in the form of questions and answers (Why doesn’t the Moon fall on the Sun? Are stars visible during the day? When are we closer to the Sun: at noon or in the evening? etc.).

For children from 12 to 18 years old and for anyone interested in astronomy, including teachers.

Excerpt from a book:

“The reader will probably ask the question: if the telescope does not magnify the stars, then why is it used to observe them? A telescope is powerless to increase the apparent size of stars, but it increases their brightness, and therefore multiplies the number of stars accessible to vision (...). The telescope reveals to us double, triple and even more complex stars where the naked eye sees a single star. Star clusters, which for the naked eye merge beyond the distance into a hazy speck, and in most cases are completely invisible, scatter in the telescope field into many thousands of individual stars.”

Efrem Levitan "Fairytale Universe"

For primary school age

This colorful book is intended for inquisitive children who are interested in astronomy and cosmonautics. The famous Russian teacher and author of a large number of books about space for children, Efrem Pavlovich Levitan, answers the most popular and difficult questions. The main characters of the “Fairytale Universe” - the children of Alka and Sveta - find themselves in an extraordinary world that their dad talks about. In this magical universe, the gnomes Knopkin and Nedouchkin help the children penetrate into the secrets of space.

Excerpt from a book:

The children did not understand what the hunter had to do with some pheasant.

The children understood everything and were very happy. And Sveta found a book about animals and birds and calmed down only when she found a pheasant in this book...

Yuri Gagarin "I See the Earth"

This is a documentary story by pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin about the preparation and conduct of the world's first flight of a spacecraft with a person on board. In these memoirs, Gagarin simply and clearly talks about his life, work, the structure of the spacecraft, his sensations and feelings during the flight.

For children from 10 years old

Excerpt from a book:

“The rocket engines were turned on at 9:07 am. Overloads immediately began to increase. I was literally pushed into the chair. As soon as Vostok broke through the dense layers of the atmosphere, I saw the Earth. The ship flew over a wide Siberian river (...). He looked first at the sky, then at the Earth. Mountain ranges and large lakes were clearly visible. Even the fields were visible. The most beautiful sight was the horizon - a stripe painted with all the colors of the rainbow, dividing the Earth in the light of the sun's rays from the black sky."

Genrikh Sapgir “Star Carousel”

For preschool and primary school age

This small book is a collection of poems by the poet Genrikh Veniaminovich Sapgir, dedicated to various constellations. In the preface to “Star Carousel,” the author wrote: “And in this book you will also find poems about children who dream of flying into space. Maybe it's you or your friends. After all, it is given to you to be the first to pave routes to distant planets.” “Star Carousel” is great for children’s first acquaintance with the theme of space and a star map.

One of the poems in the collection:

In the sky - Ursa, Dogs and Taurus, In the sky - Libra, Bootes and Sagittarius, Pisces, Dolphins, Cancer and Dragon. How many constellations - So many names. Whoever manages to find them on the map will not go astray in flight.

On the screensaver there is a fragment of a photo of Tom Simpson


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