Planning educational work in the preparatory group on the topic: “Theater Week.”

Materials for organizing a thematic week

When introducing children to the theater, they will need decorations and toys available directly at the preschool educational institution.
Each kindergarten has a small theater corner, where children begin their acquaintance with the world of art. During the theater week the following materials are used:

  • rag dolls, table theater;
  • flannelograph, on which small works are staged in order to develop expressive speech;
  • cardboard decorations;
  • books for reading fairy tales and assigning roles;
  • costumes;
  • baby books, toys;
  • decoration materials: cardboard, paper, glue, scissors;
  • ready-made suits.

Work on theatrical activities in a preschool institution is carried out according to a specific scheme approved by the Federal State Educational Standard. Children first become spectators of the play themselves, express their opinions about the production, and then begin to prepare their performance.

Decorations for the production

To better recreate the atmosphere of the holiday and the theater, the teacher plays various games with the children: “guess the name of the hero”, “portray your favorite fairy tale hero”, “remember and tell”.

Theater week in kindergarten

Theater is one of the brightest, most colorful and accessible spheres of art for a preschooler. It develops imagination and fantasy, promotes the creative development of children, helps to relax, develops communication skills, increases self-esteem, develops speech, the emotional sphere and simply brings bright, unforgettable variety to everyday life, enriching the child’s inner world.

On March 27, the whole world celebrated the great art, whose name is THEATER. From March 28 to April 1, our kindergarten “lived” with the theater; the traditional “Theater Week” was held for preschoolers.

Children and teachers of younger groups (building No. 1) presented to the audience the fairy tales “Ryaba the Hen” (group No. 1), “Snow Maiden and the Fox” (group No. 2), “Kolobok” (group No. 10), “Teremok” (group No. 11). Children and teachers of the middle groups were shown “Kolobok in a New Way” (group No. 12) and V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” (group No. 9).

Children of preparatory groups led by Shpilman N.A. presented the musical performance “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”.

Young artists from building No. 2 also demonstrated their artistic abilities in front of their peers and children from other groups, presenting dramatizations of “Fly-Tsokotukha” and “Teremok” (middle groups), “Little Red Riding Hood” and “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse” (senior groups), “ Flint" and the puppet show "Kolobok" (preparatory groups).

When showing performances, a variety of scenery, costumes, screens, life-size and theatrical puppets were used. The children happily transformed into heroes of their favorite fairy tales, accompanying their performances with poetry, music and dance. For many of them, this was their first public performance.

The preschool audience warmly received the young talents and actively participated in the quiz based on the fairy tales. They rewarded the young artists with thunderous applause and called for an encore.

During the breaks between performances, the audience was delighted by the guys from the vocal ensemble “Sunny Bunnies” (building No. 2) with their performances.

Theatrical performances took place for several days. At the end of the “Theater Week” for children, the Tyumen Children’s Theater Theater performed the play “Reverse Laughter”, dedicated to the celebration of April 1 - April Fool's Day.

The entire “Theater Week” was accompanied by smiles and good mood, creating a cheerful emotional mood in the groups.

Everyone enjoyed seeing beautiful art!

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