Summary of the FCCM lesson in the senior group “Animals of hot countries.”

Polar bear

The polar bear is a wandering animal. This tramp's fur coat is warm; the frost does not touch it. Thick fur does not get wet in water. He doesn’t care about frost, blizzard, wind, or icy water.

A polar bear walks and wanders on the ice and snow; catches prey - a fish or a walrus, eats his fill and immediately falls asleep, right there on the ice.

And when he gets enough sleep, he wanders off again. He looks out, sniffs out someone to catch, something to fill his belly with again. He dives deftly, runs quickly, and swims easily. Such a person will not remain hungry for long; he will get food for himself.


The branches in the forest crack, the trees sway and shake. This is a huge beast - a rhinoceros - bursting straight through the tropical thicket. He doesn’t care about thorns and thorns, hard branches and stumps. His skin is thick and strong, like armor: a spear will bounce off it, an arrow will break. Only a rifle bullet can pierce such skin.

The rhinoceros has a large horn on its nose, and its eyes are small and blind. He can't see well with them. He doesn’t really understand anything, but immediately rushes to butt heads.

A hot-tempered beast and suspicious.


This is a large red orangutan monkey. In Malay, orangutan means forest person. The Malays tell a fairy tale about the orangutan. It was as if he had previously been a man and lived, like all people, in the village. Then he didn’t want to work and went into the forest to live in the trees. He grew all red hair and became a monkey.


A crocodile lies in warm water in the very sun, warming itself. He closed his toothy mouth and did not move his combed tail. It’s like it’s just a rotten snag lying in the water, and not a living animal.

A crocodile lies in the water near the shore, waiting for prey. When a zebra or antelope comes to the river to drink water, he will hit the animal with his strong tail, knock him off his feet, grab him with his toothy mouth and drag him into the water, to the bottom.


The whale is the largest animal in the world. He lives in the sea, swims in the water like a fish.

A whale will swim into the cold seas, where there is only ice and snow, and it will also swim to the south, where it is hot all year round, chasing schools of fish. Where the fish go, there he goes.

A whale will capture a whole school of fish along with water in its mouth, release the water, but the fish will remain in its mouth - it will get stuck in the whalebone. Just don't think that this is really a mustache. There are these plates in the whale's mouth, like a lattice, and these lattice is called whalebone.


These are absolutely amazing birds - they are not like others. They fly in water, not through the air. They dive and flap their short wings so hard, they fly so fast under water that they catch up with the fish. And penguins also walk in a special way, in their own way: in columns. From a distance it seems that this man is walking in a black jacket and white vest.

One day a ship sailed into unknown cold lands. The sailors wanted to land on the shore - and suddenly they saw: a whole army lined up on the ice! We swam closer. And the army suddenly, as if on command, plunged headfirst into the water! It was only then that the sailors realized that these were not people, but birds.

a lion

Watch out, zebras are striped horses! Beware, fast antelopes! Beware, steep-horned wild buffalos!

The lion is out hunting!

It was as if thunder thundered and rolled through the bushes and thickets. This is a lion's roar, a lion's roar. And all the animals hid.

The lion is the strongest, the most terrible of all. His mane is thick, his claws are sharp, and his teeth are strong.

Who will he catch this night?


In the North there is snow and ice, and the summer is short and short. You can’t make hay there, you can’t feed a cow or a horse in winter. Only reindeer can live there. He shovels the snow with his hooves and takes out a lichen - moss.

Whose milk do people drink in the North? Deer. What does he drive? On a deer.

Whose meat does he eat? Deer.

A person cannot live without deer in those places.


A branch in the forest did not crunch, a leaf did not move - a huge wild elephant silently emerged from the dense thickets of the jungle.

The elephant stands like a towering gray mountain: legs like logs, ears like two sails, long tusks, crooked and strong. The elephant stretched out its trunk, tore a bush out of the ground, put it whole in its mouth and began to chew.

Such a strong man is not afraid of anyone, no one is afraid of him.


The walrus is fat and heavy. Like a huge leather bag of fat.

Two huge white fangs protrude from his bristly mustache. Instead of legs, the walrus has flippers. He uses them, like oars, to rake water.

It will dive deep under the water and graze on the bottom of the sea, like a cow in a meadow. He chews algae, looks for shells, and when he has eaten enough, he swims up, leans on the edge of the ice floe or on the shore with his fangs, pulls himself up and crawls out of the water. He lies down on the stones and rests.

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