Lesson notes for the senior group “Mom’s Helpers.”
Extracurricular activity for March 8 and Mother’s Day “Look into your mother’s eyes” in primary
Entertainment for kids
Recommendations for parents “What to do with a child aged 2–3 years: games for indoors and outdoors”
A children's birthday is a wonderful occasion to feel like a wizard and give
“Cabbage Evenings” methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Purpose of the holiday: To continue to acquaint children with folk customs, develop creative activity and
GCD construct. Didactic game “Fruits and vegetables”
Didactic game "Vegetables and Fruits" The purpose of the didactic game "Vegetables, Fruits" is to form an idea of
Beautiful, funny New Year's poems for children 4-5 years old
Short, funny, sweet and very beautiful New Year's poems for kids about the good Santa Claus,
Card index of theatrical games and exercises in the middle group
Presentation Presenter. How beautiful everything is all around, there is a house in a clearing. Flowers are already growing around,
Entertainment in the preparatory group “Our Friendly Family”
Children parents joint competitions: for mothers and children at school What did you do there?
Games and fun for Maslenitsa: celebrating the Russian folk holiday
Maslenitsa games in the fresh air The ancient Slavs believed that if you were bored, spend the entire Maslenitsa
Hello, Father Pokrov! In the kindergarten at Staritsa station the holiday was celebrated in an interesting and bright way
Lesson notes on the topic “The Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary” Elena Makhrova Lesson notes on the topic “The Intercession
Summary of festive leisure activities dedicated to Russian Independence Day using ICT “Russia, we are your children”
Independence Day in kindergarten This luxurious assortment dish with organic vegetables and cheese decorated
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