Presentation on the topic “Trees in autumn” presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic

Project work “Trees in autumn” (presentation)

I, Adgamova Guzel Rafisovna, teacher of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Shemordan kindergarten No. 2 “Teremok” of the Sabinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.” I want to introduce you today to a project on the theme “Trees in Autumn” for preschool children aged 6-7 years. Duration of the project: 2 weeks (28.09-09.10). Project participants are children from the preparatory group, parents, and teachers. Type of project: educational - creative. Why did I choose this particular project? First of all, I really love autumn.

A rain of mischievous leaves swirled above me. How good he is! Where else can you find something like this - Without end and without beginning? I began to dance under it, We danced like friends, Rain of leaves and me.

It's a great time. When there is a riot of colors around: the trees are golden, yellow, red, brown, and there are also green ones. Leaves rustle underfoot. The most important condition when choosing a topic is the interest of children, which provides motivation to learn. Children love autumn, the beauty of autumn. Nature is the eternal source of children's intelligence. Secondly, my project is educational and creative, i.e. gives the child the opportunity to learn and develop creative abilities.

Relevance of the project

In the educational process, we expand and strengthen our connection with nature, develop interaction and respect for nature. We provide children with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge. We involve parents in joint activities.

Based on the children’s problems studied, I set the goal of the project.

The goal of the project: to generalize and systematize children’s ideas about the changes that occur in the life of trees in the fall.



-developing the ability to admire the beauty of autumn nature.

- desire to show care.


- development in children of cognitive abilities to autumn changes in the life of trees,

- develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, ability to analyze, compare, generalize.


— study the interaction of trees with the outside world;

- form basic ideas about the life of trees;

- reflect knowledge gained experimentally in various types of activities (visual, mental, gaming).

The Trees in Autumn project has three stages.

Stage 1 - preparatory. I formulated the goal of the project. Developed a plan for moving towards the goal (discussion with teachers and parents). I drew up a plan - a diagram of the project. I included various types of children's activities in the project plan in accordance with federal state requirements. Prepared a presentation of the project and notes on educational activities based on the integration of educational areas. Organized excursions with the children: to the autumn park; in the kindergarten area.

Stage 2 – the main one. Organized direct educational activities on the topics: “Trees in autumn”, “Composing a story about trees in autumn based on impressions during walks and excursions”, “Examining reproductions, photographs, illustrations: I. Shishkin “Autumn”, I. Levitan “Golden Autumn” ", I. Brodsky "Fallen Leaves", V. Polenov "Golden Autumn"; Reading fiction and memorizing poems about autumn: “Oak and Hazel Tree” by L.N. Tolstoy, “On Forest Paths” by E. Trutnev, “Autumn on the Doorstep” by N. Sladkov, “Autumn” by A. Pushkin, “Four Desires” by K. Ushinsky; “Introduction to the profession of a janitor”; “Let’s make up autumn leaves”, an excursion into autumn nature.

Stage 3 – final. The most interesting stage.

She organized an exhibition of joint works by children and adults, “The Beauty of Trees in Autumn.”

Organized joint activities with children : work on cleaning leaves on the site, an excursion into autumn nature, collecting leaves for a herbarium and crafts on a walk, learning outdoor games “We are autumn leaves”, “One, two, three - to the birch (poplar, aspen and etc.) run. Compiling a story about trees in autumn based on impressions during walks and excursions

artistic and productive activities (drawing, applique, sculpting

  • Examination of reproductions, photographs, illustrations: I. Shishkin “Autumn”, I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, I. Brodsky “Fallen Leaves”

    Organized independent activities for children:

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    didactic games: “Whose leaf?”, “Find the leaf,” “Find the tree by the seeds.”

    task: choose the tree you like best, find out what it is called: find out whether such trees grow in our garden. Look at it and answer. What parts does a tree have? Why does a tree need leaves, roots, trunk, bark? What grows next to it? Why ? During drawing classes, offer to draw it. Go out to the area, look at the trees. Stroke the bark, press your cheek to it. What is it like - warm, cold, rough, smooth, wet, dry? Hug your tree and try to pull it out of the ground. It turns out ? Why not ? What keeps a tree in the ground? Are the roots visible? What are they?

    Cooperation with parents:

    - a competition of joint works, when organizing a competition of joint works with parents, it was discovered that many children with their parents and at home designed very interesting herbariums, collages, paintings,

    - writing riddles about trees in the fall and publishing a book - little ones.

    Expected Result:

    — learned to observe the nature of their native land, admire its beauty,

    — fixed the names of the trees, their structure, and external features.

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