Circle on environmental education of children in the preparatory group

Circle on environmental education of children in the preparatory group


on environmental education of preschool children

"Rowanka" in the preparatory group

Head: Vasilenko E.V.


Work schedule

The club operates during the academic year (September – May inclusive), once a week – Tuesday/Friday at 16.00

. The circle plan is designed for a year. The number of children attending the Ryabinka circle is 10 children. Children's age: from 6 to 7 years.

Explanatory note

“The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature, with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty.
Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child’s mind” V. Sukhomlinsky.
The Ryabinka circle has an environmental focus, which is determined by its particular relevance

environmental education in modern conditions. With the beginning of the third millennium, the environmental problems that arose earlier not only did not disappear, but continued to deepen. In the 21st century, their solution takes on the character of a factor in the survival of mankind.

Since environmental problems have come to the fore in recent years, it is necessary to deepen children’s knowledge in this area. Introducing children to environmental culture must begin from childhood, since at this age it is easiest to introduce children to nature, teach them to love and protect nature. Children learn to observe changes occurring in nature and draw conclusions. By studying in a circle, children enrich their knowledge base with new knowledge about natural phenomena. This instills in them curiosity, a caring attitude towards nature, and a desire to know more. When studying the topics provided by the circle, imaginative and concrete thinking develops; visual and auditory memory; speech, attention, perception.

The content of the circle was based on the partial program of S.N. Nikolaeva “Young Ecologist” and the program of additional environmental education for children of senior preschool age E.Yu. Borzova “Ecological Basket”, which involves the formation in children of a consciously correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround them and with which they become acquainted in preschool childhood and the formation of an ecological culture in preschoolers through their familiarization with the value foundations of their relationship to nature.

primary goal

The work of the circle is to form in children elements of environmental consciousness, the ability to understand and love the world around them and nature.

The work of the Ryabinka circle is designed to solve the following problems


1. Development in children of the subjective experience of emotional and sensory generalization with nature and the sociocultural environment, ideas and elementary concepts about the surrounding world, interconnections and relationships in it, as the basis for the development of environmental consciousness and ecological culture of the individual.

2. Fostering an emotional and value-based attitude towards the natural environment.

3. Development of experience in practical and creative activities in the implementation and consolidation of knowledge and emotional and sensory impressions obtained through interaction with the natural environment, as well as in the reproduction and preservation of the natural environment, development of a sense of discoverer.


, used to implement the work of the circle:

  • Visual methods:

— excursions, targeted walks;

— observations;

- showing fairy tales (by teacher, children);

- examination of book illustrations and reproductions;

— conducting didactic games;

  • Verbal methods:

- reading literary works;

- conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing the stories of the teacher.

  • Game methods:

- conducting a variety of games (sedentary, role-playing, didactic, dramatization games, etc.);

- asking riddles;

— holding quizzes, competitions, themed evenings.

  • Practical methods

— organization of children’s productive activities;

— design of a herbarium of plants, collections of seeds, fruits;

- production of fairy tales, excerpts from literary works;

- making visual aids with children.

When building the system of work of the environmental circle, we paid special attention to the following main directions


  • The educational and entertainment direction aims to introduce children to the components of living and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining way.
  • The practical direction is the study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, associated with practical matters (environmental actions, work in the garden, feeding birds, planting flower beds, etc.).
  • The research direction is carried out within the framework of productive activities, excursions, observations, and experiments.

Expected Result

interactions with children:

  1. Must know and follow the basic rules of behavior in nature (a way to safely interact with plants and animals)
  2. Showing interest and kindness towards natural phenomena and objects;
  3. Helping each other, caring, friendly attitude towards nature, showing creativity.

Long-term work plan for the Ryabinka circle

2015 – 2016 academic year

Subject Tasks Content
"Flowers in the autumn plot" To consolidate children's knowledge about autumn garden flowers: differences in appearance, stages of seed ripening. Clarify children's ideas about gardening in the fall. Activate children's vocabulary with words meaning the names of garden flowers. Making riddles, d/game “Guess by the description”, observation.
"Autumn Harvest" Strengthen children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Clarify children's knowledge about caring for vegetables. Cultivate hard work. Activate children's vocabulary with words denoting vegetables and labor actions. Reading poems “Hello, autumn!” E. Blaginina, observation, conversation “What grows in the garden?”
"Autumn in white mists" Clarify children's knowledge about such a natural phenomenon as fog. Develop cognitive activity. Activate children's vocabulary: fog, damp, damp, thick cover. Conversation “What is this fog?”, reading poetry, asking riddles, observation.
“Now a birch tree, now a mountain ash” Continue to familiarize children with the characteristic features of trees and seasonal changes. Cultivate a love for nature. Reading poems: “Birch Tree”, “Rowan Tree”, d/game “Describe the Tree”, asking riddles, observation
"Six-legged and eight-legged" Continue to form children’s ideas about insects and spiders, about the features of their life in the fall, develop children’s abilities to model signs and concepts Consideration of the “Insects” scheme; working with cards - tasks; inventing; Reading K. Chukovsky's “Fly-Tsokotukha”; story
“Features of insect movement” Expand children's understanding of the methods of movement of insects, develop cognitive interest in the life of living small creatures, and cultivate curiosity Conversation; working with cards, watching the video material “Microcosmos”
“Deceptive coloring. Protection" To give children an idea of ​​coloring as a way of protection from enemies, to demonstrate the dependence of coloring on the insect’s habitat, to develop cognitive interest in nature Riddles, looking at the poster “Who hid where?”; Conversation “Why do insects have such colors?”, D/game “Help the insect hide”
“Where and how do insects winter?” Introduce children to the metamorphosis of insects. Show, using the example of insects, that by winter nature only freezes, only to be reborn in the spring. To form an interest and kind attitude towards these living beings Listening to “Sounds of Insects”; Conversation; making a collage “Where do insects winter?”
"Flying Flower" To interest children in learning the secrets of the life of butterflies, to help children enjoy the external beauty of these insects Conversation “Who are butterflies?”; looking at illustrations about butterflies, story, game “Butterflies in the Meadow”, applique “Butterfly”
“Who lives four lives?” Expand children's understanding of the life of butterflies, introduce them to the stages of butterfly development. Mystery; Demonstration of illustrations of the stages of butterfly development; reading the story “A butterfly has wings”; d/game “Confusion”
"Amazing facts from the life of insects" Expand and deepen children’s understanding of the life of insects, introduce them to record-breaking insects; develop sympathy for these animals. Conversation; reviewing the encyclopedia; Story; D/game “Continue the phrase”
Quiz “Six-legged babies” Summarize children's knowledge about insects, spiders and other small animals; develop speech, attention, reaction speed; educate children's environmental culture Abstract
“The ancestors of modern animals are dinosaurs” Introduce children to the history of the appearance and disappearance of dinosaurs; expand your horizons; develop thinking, speech, curiosity Conversation “Ancient Planet”, d/pause “Dinosaurs”, story; n/a Game "Prehistoric Earth"
"Life under a microscope" Expand children's ideas about forms of life, develop the need for a healthy lifestyle, and cultivate a caring attitude towards themselves and others Story; examining objects and skin under a magnifying glass; conversation, experience, d/game “Good-bad”
“Where does mold come from?” Expand children's understanding of the smallest living organisms - mold fungi, develop children's cognitive interest in living organisms Examining moldy food products, the “Moldy Bread” experiment, examining mold through a magnifying glass, a teacher’s story.
“What are mammals?” Generalize and expand children's understanding of mammals as living beings; teach to distinguish between the concepts of “mammals”, “beasts”, “animals”, develop children’s ability to model Conversation “Signs of mammals”, d/game “Help the animals find their home”, d/game “Relocation”, game “Mysterious Guest”
"Exotic animals" To clarify and deepen children’s knowledge about exotic animals, develop interest in them, and cultivate a kind and sensitive attitude towards animals Game “Journey to Africa”, conversation, sketch “Menagerie”, story about nature reserves
"Marine Mammals" To form an idea of ​​​​marine mammals, the characteristics of movement, nutrition, breathing, to expand children's horizons Research activities, Reading the story “Dolphins”, watching a video, Conversation “Who are walruses and seals?”, story
"Inhabitants of the Living Corner" Expand children's ideas about the life of the inhabitants of a living corner, the features of caring for them, develop cognitive interest, and cultivate curiosity. Conversation, observation, looking at illustrations.
"About cats and dogs" Introduce children to the variety of breeds of cats and dogs. Reveal their meaning for a person; cultivate curiosity. Conversation, looking at illustrations, children telling about their pets, drawing a favorite pet
"Homeless animals" Show the damage stray cats and dogs cause; instill in children a caring attitude towards pets. Riddles, looking at illustrations, conversation “The Sparrow is our Frequent Guest”, teacher’s story, reading “The Great Tit”
"Teeth, Noses, Ears" Concretize children's ideas about ways to adapt the life of animals on Earth, develop children's abilities, thinking, imagination, speech, cognitive interest in nature Conversation “Why do animals need noses, teeth, ears?”, looking at illustrations, game “Fox and Mice”, game “Who’s Hiding?”
“What kind of paws are there? Animal tracks" Expand children’s understanding of the structure of paws and methods of movement of animals, consolidate ideas about the structure of animal bodies, teach children to “read” animal tracks Conversation, comparison of animal paws, game “What kind of animal?”, “Who walked in the snow?”
"Masters of escaping from enemies" Concretize children's ideas about ways to protect animals from enemies; develop environmental literacy. Conversation “How are we alike?”, d/game “Who is afraid of whom?”, game “Who escapes from enemies how?”
“What grows where? Who lives where?" Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about plants and animals of various habitats, show the adaptability of organisms to living conditions D/games “Plant the plants”, “Animals got lost”, words/game “Riddle, and we will guess”
"Black Gold" To introduce children to the mineral resource – oil, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and its riches Teacher's story, research activity, conversation about the harm caused to nature.
"Tundra and Man" Summarize children's knowledge about the tundra, its flora and fauna, indigenous peoples, and cultivate a caring attitude towards the nature of their native land Game “Chain”, “What’s extra?”, conversation “What are you like, Yamal?”, looking at illustrations
"The planet is sick" Clarify and expand children’s understanding of air, its composition, wind, talk about the main causes of air pollution, and develop logical thinking. Story about air, experiment “Properties of Air”, conversation.
“Where does the water in the tap come from?” To generalize children’s ideas about water as a source of life, expand their ideas about the importance of water supply, and cultivate a caring attitude towards the nature of their native land Conversation “Where does the water in the tap come from?”, story, experience in water purification
“What is ecology?” Arouse children's interest in solving environmental issues. Introduce the concepts of “environment”, “ecology” Looking at photographs “Environmental anxiety”, conversation, reading a story, drawing “A Gift to Planet Earth”
“Planet Earth is our cosmic home” Introduce children to a globe - a model of the globe - and a map, give basic ideas about the human home and home - nature, and cultivate a caring attitude towards the Earth - your home. teacher's story, Conversation, game - simulation "Living Planet"
“Let’s save the wonderful world of plants and animals” To consolidate children's knowledge about the world of plants and animals, to cultivate in children a caring attitude towards the plant and animal world, and emotional responsiveness. Conversation, d/game “What trees grow in the forest?”, game “What? For what?”, reading K. Balmont’s poem “For Mushrooms”
"Sun on the grass" To clarify children’s knowledge of a flower, the ability to find it by leaves, the shape of the inflorescence, to develop children’s interest in working with paint. Continue to arouse children's interest in fresh flowers. Reading poetry, finger gymnastics, productive activities
"Who needs water?" To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about water, its properties, role in human life and living organisms, to provide an understanding of the main causes of water pollution and its consequences. Conversation on issues, examination of illustrations “Everyone needs water”, experience, writing a story. Drawing environmental signs
"Blooming trees" To help familiarize children with the peculiarities of the spring state of fruit trees, to develop the ability to establish the simplest connections: changing conditions in the environment, to cultivate interest in plants, respect and care. conversation about apple trees, cherries, lilacs.

d/game “Which tree is the flower from, game - imitation “Collect nectar”

“What are clouds, rain, thunderstorm?” Give the concept of water evaporation, cloud formation, and electrical discharges in an accessible form. Introduce children to the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm. Observation,

looking at illustrations,


Quiz “Be a friend of nature” Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about nature and man’s place in it, develop attention, thinking, speech, cultivate curiosity, and respect for nature. Abstract


  1. Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist: Program for environmental education of preschool children / S.N. Nikolaeva – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2002. – 128 p.
  2. Environmental education of preschool children: A manual for preschool education specialists / Compiled by Nikolaeva S.N. - M.: LLC "- 1998. - 320 p.
  3. Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education in kindergarten: Working with children of middle and senior groups of kindergarten: A book for kindergarten teachers / S.N. Nikolaev.- M.: Education - 1999. - 207 p.
  4. Zubkova N.M. A cart and a small cart of miracles: - M; Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009. - 79 p.
  5. Organization of children's activities during a walk. Senior group/aut.-comp. T. G. Kobzeva, I. A. Kholodova, G. S. Aleksandrova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. – 330 p.
  6. Borzova E.Yu. Ecological basket. Program of additional environmental education for preschool children: - Salekhard: GOU DPO "YANOIPKRO", 2010. - 136 p.

“Long-term planning for cognitive and research activities”

« Long-term planning for cognitive and research activities"

The work provides long-term planning in the preparatory group for the year. The educational area is the natural world. The work is planned on the basis of methodological manuals by Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition”, Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!”

MBDOU "Kindergarten compensatory type No. 82"



(Preparatory group)

Educational area World of nature.
September 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Environmental education

Conversation about summer.

Goal: To deepen and generalize children’s ideas about summer and its typical features. To consolidate an understanding of the life activity of plants and animals, children’s games in summer, and the work and rest of adults. Learn to establish the simplest connections between environmental conditions and the state of living objects, express your thoughts in coherent speech Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 130

Environmental education

“What kinds of insects are there?”

Goal: To systematize children’s ideas about the diversity of insects, to teach how to form groups on different grounds: To consolidate knowledge about the general characteristics of insects, to learn to establish connections between the features of the external structure and the method of movement, between the appearance and the method of protection from enemies, between the methods of movement and the habitat. Cultivate an interest in insects and a caring attitude towards them. Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 133

Environmental education

"Planet Earth is in danger"

Purpose: To give children the idea that planet Earth is a huge ball. Most of the globe is covered with water - oceans and seas. In addition to water, there are continents - solid land - land where people live. Planet Earth is now in danger: in many places the water, soil, and air have become dirty. Everyone finds it difficult to breathe, people and animals get sick. To save our planet, we must love nature from childhood, study it, and communicate with it correctly. Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 135

Environmental education

“What is nature? Living and inanimate nature"

Goal: To teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial ones created by man, objects of living nature from objects of inanimate nature. To form in the child an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between man and nature (man is part of nature). Introduce the main natural components and their connections.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 139

October 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
“Medicinal plants – means of healing the body”

Develop cognitive activity, form an understanding of medicinal plants, the rules of their collection, storage and use. Develop research activities.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 143

"Excursion to the autumn forest"

To form in children an idea of ​​how plants prepare for autumn, to give knowledge about fruits and seeds. Find out about the living conditions of plants in autumn. Introduce adults to work in the park.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition” p.154

"Reservoirs of Russia"

Differentiate children's ideas about a body of water and its inhabitants. Develop environmental thinking in the process of research activities.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 145

“Why don’t polar bears live in the forest?”

Introduce children to the polar bear and its way of life.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 149

November 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Environmental education

"Houseplants. Green Helpers"

Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about indoor plants; about the benefits they bring to us; consolidate knowledge about the structure of plants, their care, and pests of indoor plants.

Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!” p.240

Environmental education

"Conversation about autumn"

Goal: To summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn. Learn to establish connections between the length of the day, air temperature and the condition of plants, the availability of food for animals and their adaptation to winter. Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and animals.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 163

Environmental education

"The Kingdom of the Snow Queen"

To form children’s ideas about the climatic conditions of the Far North and the tundra; teach to establish connections between changes in living and inanimate nature; consolidate the idea of ​​​​the adaptation of plants and animals to the conditions of the northern climate; develop the mental operation of comparison.

Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology! Page 205

Environmental education

“What is beating there in your chest?”

To provide basic knowledge about the most important human organ – the heart; that it is the support of our body. Cultivate curiosity and respect for your body .

Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!” (p.214)

December 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
. Conversation about the forest

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about the forest, to consolidate children’s knowledge about trees and their various parts (roots, trunk, crown, etc.). Learn to distinguish oak from pine.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 167

Environmental education "

Oak and pine"

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​the interconnections of living organisms. Tell that the life of some of them is connected with oak, the life of others with pine. Draw children's attention to the fact that each of the trees is associated with different organisms: plants, animals (and different birds, insects, animals), mushrooms. Talk about the possible consequences of cutting down individual trees and forests as a whole. Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition". Cognition page 171

Environmental education

"The wolf and the fox are forest predators"

Purpose: To clarify children’s ideas about the lifestyle of foxes and wolves in winter. To form an idea of ​​the adaptability of predators to obtaining food: sensitive ears, keen eyesight, good sense of smell, endurance. To train children in the ability to compare and describe animals.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 172

Environmental education

Conversation “Who is the boss in the forest?”


Give children an idea of ​​a forester - a person who takes care of the forest. Help children develop the skills to behave wisely in the forest.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 180

January 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Environmental education

“Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy!”

Introduce children to fire as a phenomenon of inanimate nature; show the need for fire as a condition of life on Earth; show the inconsistency of this phenomenon (brings life and death); introduce the history of human use of fire; activate your vocabulary.

Voronkevich.O.A. “Welcome to ecology!” (p.208)

Environmental education
"Comparison of wild and domestic animals"

Clarify with your children the signs of pets. Show that they are different from wild ones. Exercise children's mental abilities.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 185

Environmental education

"I am human"

Based on research activities, develop the idea that man is a part of nature, and at the same time a thinking being; improve children's speech, develop imagination, creative imagination, communicative communication.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition” p.183

February 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Environmental education

“Feed the birds in winter...”

Summarize children's knowledge gained from bird watching; establish connections between the shape of the beak and the nutrition of birds; note the relationships between birds during wintering; make us want to help our winged friends during the winter lack of food.

Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!” (p.200)

Environmental education "

A story about ecological pyramids"

Goal: To form in children an idea of ​​the relationship between the inhabitants of the forest - plants and animals, their food dependence on each other Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 190

Environmental education


Bactrian camel of the desert" To deepen children's understanding of the diversity of living creatures that inhabit our planet, introduce them to a desert inhabitant - the camel, and tell how it has adapted to living conditions. Develop children's cognitive activity and creative imagination.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 192

Environmental education

“How a squirrel, a hare and a moose spend the winter in the forest”

To form in children an idea of ​​the life of animals in the forest, their adaptation to the winter period.

Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition" page 195

March 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Environmental education

Conversation “Forest as an ecological system” Purpose: to introduce trees, shrubs, herbs; expand vocabulary; develop memory and attention. Source: Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!” , pp. 9-11

Environmental education

Conversation “The Secret Pages of the Forest...” Purpose: to talk about signs in the forest, about methods of orientation. Didactic game “Compass” Source: Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!” ,With. 28-30

Environmental education

Project “Ecocity”. Goal: to concretize children’s knowledge about environmental factors for life in nature and in the city; to develop imagination and creativity; cultivate the ability to predict the consequences of their actions, the desire to live in a clean city. Source: Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!” ,With. 38-43

Environmental education

Project “Ecocity”. Goal: to concretize children’s knowledge about environmental factors for life in nature and in the city; develop imagination and creativity; cultivate the ability to predict the consequences of their actions, the desire to live in a clean city. Source: O.A. Voronkevich “Welcome to ecology!” ,With. 38-43

April 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Environmental education

Mini-project “The Earth is our common home.” Goal: to instill a sense of responsibility, respect for nature; to cultivate a sense of unity and harmony with nature. Source: Adji A.V., “Notes of integrated classes”, p. 202-205

Environmental education

Mini-project “The Earth is our common home.” Goal: to instill a sense of responsibility, respect for nature; to cultivate a sense of unity and harmony with nature. Source: Adzhi A.V., “Notes of integrated classes”, p. 202-205

Environmental education

Experiment-observation “Chestnut branch”

Goal: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to teach how to receive aesthetic pleasure from communicating with nature.

Environmental education

Experiment-observation “Chestnut branch”

Goal: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to teach how to receive aesthetic pleasure from communicating with nature.

May 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Environmental education

Project “Ecocity” (continued) “What kind of city do people need?” Goal: to summarize children’s ideas about what kind of city people need. Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!” p.42.

Environmental education

Project “Ecocity” (continued) “How to make the air in the city clean and fresh?” Goal: to summarize children’s ideas about what kind of city people need. Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!” p.44

Environmental education

"Live nature. Evolution. Diversity of living organisms" Source: O.V. Dybina “The unknown is nearby Experiences and experiments for preschool children” Moscow, 2011, p. 135

Environmental education "

Inanimate nature. Water and air" Source: O.V. Dybina “The unknown is nearby Experiences and experiments for preschool children” Moscow, 2011, p. 143


1. Bondarenko T.M. “Practical material. Cognition",

2. Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology!”

3. Dybina O.V. “The unknown is nearby Experiences and experiments for preschoolers” Moscow, 2011.

4. Adzhi A.V., “Notes of integrated classes.”

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Why do we need didactic games on ecology in preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions?

Didactic games on ecology in the preparatory group occupy a special place. In younger groups, children are just beginning to explore the world, but middle-aged or older children form their own ideas about the world around them. Therefore, environmental education of preschool children is the starting point and basis of his own vision.

Discussion of environmental problems in kindergarten

From this moment on, all the child’s knowledge will be conscious and become part of his personality. Therefore, it is easiest to instill a caring attitude towards nature in a playful way.

For your information! While playing, the baby feels better, rejoices, and experiences deeper emotions. However, group activities develop cohesion and make learning more fun.

At the request of the Federal State Educational Standard, classes are carried out throughout the year. They should not be interrupted. After a course of didactic games in kindergarten, the child should know the rules of attitude towards nature.

Children playing in a preschool

Ecological games in the preparatory group: card index with goals

Educators can either come up with activities on their own or take ready-made options from teaching aids and other sources. On the topic of environmental studies, the preparatory group has an extensive card index of didactic games on ecology.

Guessing vegetables with your eyes closed


Goal: to teach the child to tactilely distinguish objects.

Drawing lesson on the theme “Beautiful Bird” in middle groups

Procedure: the teacher uses toy fruits and vegetables for classes. Maybe real ones. The kids stand in a circle and, one by one, are given dummies. Eyes must be closed. The child must guess what is in his hands. If necessary, you can add clues, for example, “his color is red.”

“Who eats what?”

Goal: to develop the child’s knowledge about nature, to teach him to distinguish predators from herbivores.

Procedure: the guys are divided into groups. Each person receives two types of cards depicting animals and their food. Kids should fold the cards in such a way that it is clear who eats what. As a competitive element, one of the conditions can be declared speed of execution.


Goal: to form an idea of ​​the phenomena that accompany different seasons.

Procedure: the teacher names different phenomena, and the children must guess which seasons it refers to.

Examples of questions:

  • melting snow (spring);
  • snow falls and falls (winter);
  • leaves turn yellow (autumn);
  • people swim in the river (summer).

"Who moves how"

Goal: gaining knowledge about the animal world.

Procedure: the teacher names an animal for each child.

For your information! Children must reproduce how this or that animal moves.

"Properties of Living"

Goal: to teach children to distinguish different properties and find objects based on a single characteristic, parallels in different objects, and also tell them that different objects can have the same characteristics and properties.

Progress: the main props are cards. They can contain any environmental elements. The teacher gives the task to find objects with the same properties or colors. For example, when asked for “vegetable,” children must select all of the vegetable cards. When you request “red”, select all the cards that contain elements of the desired shade.


Goal: combine intellectual development with physical development. This is a great interpretation of a warm-up. The exercise teaches you to evaluate actions related to nature.

Progress: preschoolers should get up if the action causes harm to the world around them, and sit down if it does the opposite.

Examples of questions:

  • a man breaks branches;
  • a girl whitewashes a birch tree;
  • a boy waters a tree;
  • people left garbage on the river bank;
  • The guys are treating a sick chick.

Thematic week “Professions” in the middle group

"Guess it"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to solve subject riddles, study the animal world, and develop attentiveness.

Progress of the game: the presenter expressively reads the riddle. The children's task is to find the correct answer among the pictures on the table.

At the end of the game, think of a controversial action and ask the guys to express their opinions. At the end, be sure to explain which option is correct.

"Guess what I'm talking about"

Purpose of the game: development of thinking, ability to analyze and isolate information.

Progress of the game: the teacher voices the qualities of an object. You need to select so many properties so that it is clear what we are talking about. There are dummies or pictures on the table. Children must find among them the object that the teacher spoke about.

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