How to use the website of educators nsportal

It is never easy to do work with quality and with soul. Especially if it concerns the education and upbringing of children. Anyone, even the most talented teacher, needs like-minded people who can encourage each other and help with valuable advice. To solve such problems, professional communities are created, one of which was the nsportal ru project.

Social network of educators ns portal (“Our Network”) is a resource for professional communication of teachers working at all levels of the educational process (from kindergarten to university). The project provides the participant with the opportunity to create their own mini-site, exchange useful information, ideas, methodological developments with colleagues, learn the latest news, relax and laugh at funny situations that often happen in the lives of teachers. More than three hundred thousand participants have already joined the network , posting almost two million educational materials! In addition, the best works are duplicated in the “” group on VKontakte.

Registration on a social network

If an account in “Our Network” has not yet been created, then you must go through the procedure of registering a new user. It is simple and does not require much time.

  1. First, the user chooses a login . It is best if it includes the full name and surname of the participant. This combination is unique (i.e. the chance of matching another person’s login is small) and simplifies the search for the desired network member.
  2. Next, fill in the field with the email address to which notifications about project events will be sent.
  3. Then you need confirmthat you are not a robot and enter the answer to the question in the appropriate field. There is a small nuance here - the answer must be entered in words, not in numbers (otherwise the system will consider it incorrect).

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After completing the above steps, a letter will be sent to the specified address with a link to complete registration. After clicking on it, the user finds himself on his profile page.

Here the user specifies a password and configures the function of sending notifications by email. There is also an opportunity to upload a photo , greet colleagues, etc.

The profile also displays information about the user’s current activity – alerts, messages, number of friends, etc.

There is an opportunity to create your own blog , thanks to which the author can share thoughts and ideas with fellow professionals, rather than with a diverse audience of the Internet.

Algorithm for registration and creation of an Internet page on the NS PORTAL website

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Algorithm for creating an Internet page

It is recommended to work in the browser: Chrome:

In the search bar we type: “Social network of educators” or “nsportal” NSPORTAL

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich 4

A message will be sent to your email address: User credentials Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov on the website Social Network of Education Workers Thank you for registering on the Social Network of Education Workers. To complete registration, log into the site by clicking on the link below or copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser: On the page that opens, you can come up with a password for yourself. — Website team Social network of educators

Hello! I am very glad to welcome you to my website. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required. After filling in all fields, click “Save”

After the message “Changes saved” appears, your website is considered registered. Next, go to the “Data for mini-site” field.

Fields marked with a red asterisk are required. After filling in all fields, click “Save”

In order to make changes or additions to your page, you need to enter the “Edit” section. An editing window will appear. Don't forget to save after making changes.

After filling out all the fields you will receive a page approximately like this.

You can post your material on the page in two ways: Click on one of the lines in the portfolio (depending on the type of work) Select the appropriate line in the navigator You can perform these actions only from your personal page

Fill in the fields and save

If you need to make changes to the added material, click “edit”. Be sure to save after editing

  • all materials
  • Articles
  • Scientific works
  • Video lessons
  • Presentations
  • Notes
  • Tests
  • Work programs
  • Other methodological materials
  • Lagutkina Olga AleksandrovnaWrite 4822 09/29/2016

Material number: DB-221758

  • Computer science
  • Presentations

Add original materials and receive prizes from Infourok

Weekly prize fund 100,000 RUR

    29.09.2016 503
    29.09.2016 3414
    29.09.2016 2199
    29.09.2016 939
    29.09.2016 858
    29.09.2016 1515
    29.09.2016 187

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Responsibility for resolving any controversial issues regarding the materials themselves and their contents is taken by the users who posted the material on the site. However, the site’s editors are ready to provide all possible support in resolving any issues related to the work and content of the site. If you notice that materials are being used illegally on this site, please notify the site administration using the feedback form.

All materials posted on the site were created by the authors of the site or posted by users of the site and are presented on the site for informational purposes only. Copyrights for materials belong to their legal authors. Partial or complete copying of site materials without written permission from the site administration is prohibited! Editorial opinion may be different from those of the authors.

How to create a mini-site

A popular function of Our Network is the creation of personal pages (mini-sites). The mini-site accumulates the author’s contact information, his areas of interest and achievements, useful links, teaching materials, as well as links to groups and publications on the network. To create your own mini-resource, select the “My mini-site” button in the menu on the left side, and then fill in the profile fields .

For the convenience of the user of the national portal, there is a menu on the left side of the page. It allows the participant to fill out and edit his website, communicate in groups and forums, view the news feed, etc.

Material library

The library of the network of educators is quite voluminous and contains:

  1. educational materials for all disciplines;
  2. recommendations for working with parents;
  3. scenarios for holidays (including sports);
  4. developments in the management of educational institutions;

For ease of searching for materials, the library is structured by educational level :

  • preschool (“Kindergarten”);
  • school (with a separate subsection for primary school);
  • secondary (primary and secondary vocational education);
  • higher education (HEI).

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After moving to the section of interest, the user is presented with a form for searching and sorting works.

For kindergarten, the INES portal for educators provides the ability to search by the name of the material, type of activity and age group. School developments can be filtered by name, subject, type and class. Materials for vocational education can be searched by name, field of study and type, and for higher education - in the sections “Science” and “Type of material”.

Social website of teaching staff

  • home
  • Teachers
  • Library
  • Personal Area
  • Help

Register and create your personal website !

What is it for

We provide the opportunity to create a teacher’s personal website, publish a portfolio, post educational materials and publications in the media, and organize distance learning.

The service is designed specifically for the needs of educators and takes into account all the requirements for certification of teachers.

A teacher’s personal page may contain: personal information, contacts, information about the education received, information about work experience and professional achievements, files with own developments and educational materials.

What are you getting

Get to know the opportunities that users of the Pedagogical Resource service receive.

A personal page on the Internet, accessible to visitors from anywhere in the world in a service registered as a media outlet.

All users automatically receive a document indicating that the teacher has a personal website on the Internet. See sample certificate.

Free opportunities for website owners: publishing materials in the media, presenting generalized experience, posting educational materials.


Personal pages of teachers created on the Pedagogical Resource website comply with methodological recommendations for the creation and development of websites and (or) pages of websites of teaching staff on the Internet, which are approved and recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

basic information

The teacher can provide complete information about himself: name, place of residence, qualification category, academic degree, academic title, general and teaching experience, place of work, address of the institution, telephone number, position held, disciplines taught, information about additional workload.


Publication of various methods of communication: telephone, email, Skype, Telegram, Instagram, links to profiles on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook) and a personal channel on YouTube.


Receiving messages through the feedback form, which is available to all site visitors. Settings allow you to turn feedback on and off on the teacher’s page at any time.

Guest book

A tool for interacting with site visitors. Publication of reviews of the teacher’s work by students or their parents (legal representatives).


Information about professional education, direction of training and (or) specialty of the teacher. Possibility of indicating information about professional retraining and advanced training.


Information about work experience allows you to talk about your professional experience, indicating the period of work in the organization in your position.


Publication of the results of professional activities, results of students mastering educational programs, diplomas and certificates for participation in competitions and olympiads, etc.

Photo gallery

A means of demonstrating the professional skills of the teacher, the educational process and organized events.

Documents and publications

Publication of documents, educational materials, generalization of experience and scientific developments in the media (Mass Media Registration Certificate EL No FS 77-64146).

Educational materials

Publication of educational content for students: lectures, educational literature, lessons, homework and other documents.

Video materials

Placing links to video materials posted on third-party services: YouTube, Vimeo, Yandex Disk, Cloud, etc. Uploading video files to the portal is not possible.

Students' works

An interface for sending homework and other work directly on the teacher’s page in the “For Students” section.

How it all happens

Get to know the opportunities that users of the Pedagogical Resource service receive.


Registration of a new user on the site.


Filling the site with personal data.


Payment for website creation online or in cash.

Search the site and audio recordings

In addition to the listed functions of the enes portal resource, other opportunities . For example, the “Site Search” button, thanks to which the search is carried out in all sections of the library.

“Audio recordings” are highlighted as a separate menu item. Having entered the section, to search for the necessary materials, the user can use a filter containing the fields: “Title”, “Section” and “Abstract”.

Thus, the social network of educators provides interested and creative teachers with new opportunities for professional communication, searching for necessary information and sharing experiences, and therefore helps make the educational process interesting and modern.

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