Thematic planning "Theater Week" in the 2nd junior groupmaterial (junior group) on the topic

Theater day in the 2nd junior group.

Goal and tasks:

To cultivate interest and love for Russian folk tales, to develop emotional responsiveness, to encourage an emotional response to events occurring in works of art, to provide basic information about the theater.

The beginning of the action takes place in a group.


Going to the theater is a real holiday. Have you ever been to the theater? Amazing! To get to a performance or a fairy tale, you need to purchase tickets. But today there is no need to buy tickets, since our beloved friend, Petrushka, gave them to us today, sent them by mail, he works in the theater, entertains children, and he wants us to be at his performance today. Each spectator needs a personal ticket. And now I will give a ticket to everyone who wants to go to the theater. (hands out tickets to children)

Children go to the music room, the usher tears off the ticket stubs.

Parsley runs in.


. Hello boys and girls. I'm glad to see you, and are you glad to see me? Today March 27th is theater day. You know, theaters are different. In the opera house, the actors sing and dance at the ballet. But today I invited you to the puppet theater, because this is the most favorite theater for children all over the world. Who do you think are the actors in this theater? That's right, dolls. In a puppet theater, dolls talk, laugh, and cry. Do you know how to behave in the theater? Amazing! And if you like the fairy tale, what should you do at the end of the performance? Right, clap your hands? And if you didn’t like it, then you don’t have to stomp your feet and scream. You can just quietly leave during the break so as not to disturb other spectators. But today, I think you will like my fairy tale. The fairy tale is called “How Friends Followed the Sun.”

Music is playing.
The sun woke up at dawn behind a cloud. Let the sun's rays out for a walk! 1,2,3,4,5 – the rays began to play! (the sun is dancing)


Everyone loved the sun and every morning they rejoiced at it and said hello to it! And a cockerel - a golden comb and a cat and a dog. But one day a strong wind blew in and woke up a big dark cloud. A cloud flew in - I saw a cheerful bright sun - and covered it. It became cold, dark, boring. Now the day has passed, the second, the third - the sun does not appear. Guys, let's call him! Let's say - Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window. Your children are crying and jumping on the pebbles!

All children:

Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window. Your children are crying and jumping on the pebbles!

(the sun doesn't come out)


The birds, the animals, and the flowers are bored without the sun. And everything was quiet in grandma’s yard too!

Grandma comes out:

Where did that sun go? I was chilled and cold. The tooth does not touch the tooth. We need to return him to heaven as soon as possible! But where can you find him? And who will dare to look for the sun? Who knows where it lives?

A pig appears on the screen.


Oink oink oink. I am cheerful guys and funny, I will help. Oink, oink!


Do you really know where it lives, the sun?


Oink, oink, oink...I don’t know, but ask whoever you meet along the way! Oink oink oink…


Grandma feels sorry for the pig, but there is nothing to do. She packed him for the trip and gave him a bag and a purse. She put some bread in the bag and a jug of water in her purse.


Have a nice trip, walk carefully, avoid all the potholes and take care of yourself! And most of all, beware of the wolf! Bon Voyage!

(Grandma leaves, and the pig goes to cheerful music)


The little pig went to look for the sun. Walks through the forests, runs through the fields. Suddenly they see a vegetable garden, and in the garden there is a hare sitting behind a head of cabbage.


Hare, hare! Don't you know where the sun lives? Grandma is frozen! The sun will rise and bring warmth! I'm looking for the sun!


Oh, oh, oh, I'm afraid, I'm shaking all over with fear! It’s dark and scary, I can’t see anything, I can’t hear anyone. Look, there’s a magpie sitting on the fence - maybe it knows where the sun is?!


But the magpie didn’t wait, she flew up and started chattering. Let's quickly tell her a nursery rhyme about a magpie.

All children:

Magpie, magpie - where it was - far away. She cooked porridge and fed the children. She jumped on the threshold and called the children. She gave to this, she gave to this, but she didn’t give to this!


And I won’t give you anything! (addresses the piglets) they keep walking around and bothering the cooking of the porridge! I'm confused!


Magpie, help us find the sun, tell us where it’s hidden!


I fly high, I see very far, I know everything in the forest, in the field and in the garden, but I haven’t seen where the sun is! I’ll take you to the wolf. Maybe he knows?


Oh oh oh! No the wolf! It's so useless! I'm afraid of him!

A wolf appears on the screen.


Who, who remembered me here, and here I am! I'm wolf! Teeth - click! Oh, (sniffs) who does this smell like here? Are they really piglets? It’s you that I need. Now I will grab you and swallow you!

The piglet squealed in fear.


Guys, clap your hands. The wolf will get scared of them and run away!


Okay, okay... I actually ran past... to visit the fox!

He begins to walk across the screen. A fox appears.


Be careful, why is that wolf - are you so disheveled?


Oh, Lisa! I was scared of the song where three little pigs doused me with boiling water! Ugh!


Come on, Gray...this is a different fairy tale. Now I'm going to confuse this little pig. He won’t understand anything until he immediately lands in my bag!


No...I’d rather run away, I’ll run away with my own feet! Woohoo! (runs away)


The wolf ran away, and the fox began to praise the piglets, and praise them!

Fox (ingratiatingly):

My plump little pig, are you depressed or have you lost something?


But the pig was gullible and they believed the insidious Fox.


Do you know, dear Fox, where the sun lives? Grandma is frozen! The sun will rise and bring warmth! I'm looking for the sun!

Lisa (laughing):

Yes, of course, I know, who doesn’t know that! Over there, behind that mountain, behind that little forest. We'll be there by nightfall!


The little pig believed the Fox and went with her. They are walking, tired. And the fox takes them further and further, and even the birds are no longer heard in the forest! One magpie flies after them in the distance.


I want to eat! I'm thirsty!


Now, now, here is the swamp, you can drink! And I will eat! (laughs aside)


Oh, help, save me, I'm stuck, I'm lost!


Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble, help - everyone here!

A Bear appears on the screen.


Who woke up the bear, who asked for help?


I wasn’t expecting a bear, I didn’t call you at all!


I called it Misha!


I hear, I hear, I hear, I hear! Now I’ll drive the fox away and save you!

Runs after the fox across the screen.


The fox got scared and ran away to distant lands!


Thank you Misha the bear!


What are you little pig doing in the forest?


And I’m looking for the sun, it hasn’t been there for three days. Grandma is frozen! The sun will rise and bring warmth! I'm looking for the sun!


Let's go, I know where the sun is!

They walk and sing.

It’s fun to walk together through the open spaces, through the open spaces, through the open spaces, and of course, it’s better to sing along with the choir, better with the choir, better with the choir!


So they came to the top of the highest mountain, and there a cloud caught on the top and lay there - lying there!


Cloud, where is the sun?


Ahhh...I wrapped him up...let him rest and sleep. Otherwise it’s tired, everything shines and shines, warms and warms. And there is no one to feel sorry for him!


It's cold, dark and scary without the sun for the kids, animals, flowers and birds!


OK! So be it! Just shout louder: “Little sunshine, look out and shine!”

Everyone is screaming.


Guys, let's help us call the sun to our friends more friendly and louder!

All the children shout:

“Bucket sun, look out, shine it!”

The sun, yawning, appears from behind a cloud


Who is screaming, who is disturbing my sleep?


It’s me who came, dear sun! Wake up, it's morning already!


Oh, can I look out now? For three days the cloud hid me, now I can’t even shine!


Sunny, the guys and I will help you now! Guys, let's say together: “Water, water, wash my face. So that the dawns sparkle. So that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites.

Children repeat.


So I woke up!




The sun came out into the sky, clean, clear, and golden! And everywhere it became light and warm!


Thank you, little bell sun, and thank you all, guys, for helping the little pig find his way to the sun with your nursery rhymes!


This is the end of the fairy tale, but whoever doesn’t believe it should check to see if it’s good without the sun?

There is cheerful music and characters dancing on the screen.

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