“Home Alone” synopsis of the educational activity based on the example OOPDO “Childhood”

Entertainment for preschool children “Home Alone”

Tasks. Systematize children's knowledge about behavior at home, teach them to anticipate danger, avoid it and act in accordance with an emergency situation. Develop self-confidence in your actions.

The situation in the hall. Toys, sharp and cutting objects are scattered on the floor.

Leading. Children, today we are going to visit the girl Masha.

Mashenka, why is it that you have everything scattered everywhere in such a mess that we don’t even know where to sit.

Masha. Please come in and sit wherever you want.

Leading. Guys, what can happen if we step on a knife or sit on a needle?

The children answer.

Guys, do you help your mothers clean the apartment at home? (children's answers)

So let's help Mashenka clean up.

Children put things in order and sit on chairs.

I will now tell you a story about myself that happened to me in childhood. When I was a little girl, playing with toys, my friends invited me to go out for a walk and I left, leaving scattered toys on the floor. I had one wonderful machine. When I returned home I saw that the car was broken, I ran to it, tripped over a doll lying in my way, fell, hit myself and cried loudly. My mother came running, took pity on me, smeared ointment on my bruised hand and said: “I always tell you: after playing, put the toys away after you. After that, I always clean up, and not only toys, but also other objects that are out of place.

Masha. Thank you guys, now I know what danger scattered things and objects are fraught with.

Leading. Guys, let’s also tell Masha what is dangerous in the house (the children take turns naming objects that are dangerous for the child).

Masha: Thank you guys, now let’s play a game with you (a game is being played).

Masha. Oh-oh, my head hurts, let me take some medicine (he goes to the medicine cabinet, takes out the medicine and wants to drink it).

Leading. Stop! Guys, is it possible to take medicine without knowing what it is for? (children's answers) Yes, guys, you are right: you cannot take medicine without the permission of adults. And if you suddenly get sick, what phone number should you call? (children's answers) Guys, let's name some other items that could be dangerous for you? (children list electrical appliances) Is electricity dangerous for humans? (children's answers)

Masha. Now I’ll iron my dress, go to the store, buy some sweets, and you and I will drink tea. He turns on the light, the iron, starts ironing, suddenly looks at his watch in horror: “Oh, the store will close now!”, grabs his bag and runs away.

The presenter looks to see if the children notice what Masha can do (asks the children what Masha forgot to do).

The smell of smoke from an iron bucket.

Leading. Oh, fire!!! You need to extinguish it properly. There is a bucket of water and a blanket, what needs to be extinguished with water, and what needs to be covered with a blanket? (children act)

The presenter asks the children: What if there was a fire, what phone number should they call? (children answer)

Suddenly the doorbell rings. Voice: “Open the door, I brought a telegram”

Leading. Do you think it is possible to open the door? (children's answers)

Masha enters, the children begin to tell her how she almost started a fire by not turning off the iron. Masha thanks the children and treats them to sweets.

Children leave the hall and go into groups.

Author: Olesya Olegovna Adusheva, physical education instructor at MBDOU No. 127, Irkutsk, Russia

The article is published in the author's edition

Lesson notes for the senior group “Home Alone”

Topic: “Home Alone” Lesson notes for the senior group. (Slide No. 1)

Prepared by: teacher Tunik Larisa Mikhailovna

(Slide No. 2)

  • To form and generalize knowledge and skills for safe behavior of children at home.

Educational objectives:

  • teach children the rules for staying safe at home if the child is left alone at home;
  • introduce the rules for handling household appliances, sharp objects, and medications; 
  • teach children to use their knowledge in various life situations;
  • To consolidate ideas about the rules of communication with fire and electrical appliances, about the rules of behavior in extreme or dangerous situations;
  • teach them to apply personal experience in game situations.

Developmental tasks:

  • Develop independence in making the right decisions and responsibility for their behavior in children of senior preschool age;
  • develop children's attention, perception, associative thinking;
  • consolidate children's ideas about life safety rules.

Educational tasks:

  • instill in children the ability to follow safety rules

Methods and techniques:

visual - showing a letter from the rescuer, books, pictures, household appliances;

verbal - questions, riddles, clarifications, reading excerpts from fairy tales, encouragement;

practical - reading a letter from a rescuer, answering questions, looking at a series of pictures, a reminder with telephone numbers as a gift for children.

gaming - receiving a letter from a fairy-tale hero, didactic games “Find dangerous objects”, “Is this correct?”; “Dangerous - not dangerous”;

Vocabulary work:

vocabulary enrichment

- electrical appliances, emergency services

Preliminary work

: reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations, didactic games “Find dangerous objects”, “Dangerous - not dangerous”, “Is this correct?”

Individual work:

activate inactive children to increase self-esteem.


chairs for children, located in a semicircle opposite a magnetic board (flannelograph), magnets, an envelope and a letter from the rescuer, pictures - a guide for didactic games, pictures - gifts for each child.

Progress of the lesson


Hello guys and dear guests!
You know, guys, I come to work today, and here the postman Pechkin is waiting for me as a surprise and hands me a letter, and it is addressed to you. Want to know what's in the letter? (Slide No. 3)
Children's answers.

The teacher reads the letter.

Hello. My name is Boris Borisovich. I work as a lifeguard. Due to the nature of my work, I have to witness various unpleasant situations that you guys find yourself in. And today I would like you to talk about how you need to behave at home so as not to get into trouble, and what to do if something emergency happens that you have not encountered before


This is an unusual letter we received. I wonder why you think the rescuer wants to talk about this?

Children's answers.


I realized that this is because you are already becoming adults and it happens that your parents urgently need to go somewhere and you are left alone.

Children's answers.


Listen to one story: “A girl lived in the same house, her name was Arina.
For some reason, she quite often ends up in different stories. One day her grandmother went to the grocery store and left her granddaughter alone at home. (playing out: A girl plays with a doll)
Arina: - Oh, Lyubochka, look at what an ugly dress you have. How are you going to visit? Well, don't be upset, I'll decorate it now. (The girl takes out a box with needles, lace, braid, pins...)

- First you need to iron the rag and ribbons (he goes to iron and leaves the iron plugged in). Now I will cut the ribbons and make beautiful bows. Oh, I scattered the needles, okay, I’ll collect them later. What beautiful beads, but where are the scissors? (He cuts a piece of ribbon and wants to sew it on.) Now I’ll take a needle (it hurts my finger).

- Ay-yay, yay, how painful it is!!! Nasty needles, you're making me bleed. That’s it, Lyubochka, you won’t go to visit and you won’t have a beautiful dress.”


Guys, who do you think is to blame for this situation?

Children's answers.


Well done, I suggest playing a game called “Find dangerous objects”

Didactic game
“Find dangerous objects” (Slide No. 4 - 7)

help children remember objects that are dangerous to life and health; help you draw your own conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of them.


Yes, you are so great, you know everything. But Nastya also knows a poem, let’s listen.

It's unpleasant to sit on the button. You might hurt your butt. Keep the house in order: Forks, scissors, knives, And needles and pins, put them in their place!


Listen to the story further. The doorbell rings.
And Arina shouted: “Oh, grandma is back!” (Runs to open the door)

Guys, tell me you can open the door to a stranger, no matter how he imagines himself, even a police officer.

— How to behave when you approach your apartment, and the door is ajar or the lock is broken, and you see or hear that there are strangers in the apartment?


Yes, that’s right, and Yegor will tell us a poem about it.

Don't let your uncle into the house if your uncle is a stranger! And don’t open it to your aunt if mom is at work. After all, a criminal, he is cunning, will pretend to be a fitter. Or he will even say that the postman has come to you. So that you don't get robbed, Don't get grabbed, don't steal, Don't trust strangers, Close the door tight!


Well done, I suggest playing a game called
“Dangerous - not dangerous.”
Didactic game “ Dangerous - not dangerous.”

(Slide No. 8 - 11)


teach children to distinguish dangerous life situations from non-dangerous ones, to be able to foresee the result of a possible development of the situation; consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.


Well done guys, you already know a lot. Let's listen to what happened to Arina next. Suddenly the phone rings. Arina picks up the phone: “Hello!”

Voice on the phone: What's your name, baby?..

(Auntie asked a lot of different questions: about dolls, cartoons, about parents)

- You know, I’m your grandmother’s friend. She and I studied together. I’ll come to you now, oh, but I forgot your address.

Arina: I remember! Truda street building 1 apartment 10.

Voice: Just don’t call your mom at work, let it be a surprise!

Arina: This is some grandmother’s friend, she wants to come to me.

Teacher addressing all children

: Guys, this lady was most likely a cunning criminal. Having entered the apartment, she could have tied up the child, and then collected all the valuables and run away. It turns out that not only a doorbell, but also a telephone call can be dangerous.


When you are home alone, you should not enter into a telephone conversation with a person you don’t know, say that your parents are at work and tell them your home address.

You need to silently, without answering any questions, hang up. And most importantly, you should immediately inform your parents or neighbors you know about any call from a stranger.


invites children to play the game
“Is this right?”
Didactic game “Is this correct?”

(Slide No. 12 - 14)


teach children to distinguish the right situations, to be able to foresee the result of a possible development of the situation; consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior at home.

(Children complete the task)


: You see, guys, sometimes our assistants can be dangerous.

Guys, remember! Your phone can be your assistant in a difficult situation, you just need to use it correctly. If you are alone at home, you can always ask difficult questions to mom, dad, grandpa, and grandma on the phone. By dialing a certain number, you can always call for help from the police, ambulance, firefighters, neighbors, friends. Remember that they can help you if you accurately tell your address, telephone number, and what your name is. In order not to forget phone numbers, adults came up with notebooks. Rescuer Boris Borisovich has prepared these reminders for you so that you do not forget important phone numbers (takes out a reminder). (Slide No. 15)

Then you can carry this reminder with you as a notebook or put it near your phone so that it is always at hand. I hope you remember how to behave in these difficult situations. What to do to avoid them. Thanks to all.


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