How to explain safety rules based on fairy tales: 7 dangerous situations

Rules of conduct for children

Despite the fact that the child remains within his native walls and does not intend to leave, he must know his full name, the names of his closest relatives, and address. Parents can write down phone numbers and exchange numbers on stickers and attach them to clothes, bags, toys, bicycles, and personal items.

What you need to teach your baby - rules

The main “NO” when left at home alone

What to teach your baby

  • The child must know or be able to find emergency numbers.
  • If an unforeseen situation arises, inform parents, relatives, and neighbors about the problem.
  • The child must confidently use communication devices and be able to charge them.
  • You need to convince your children to answer the phone, even if mom and dad call every half hour.
  • A child should not open the door without being told to do so. Parents and other loved ones must open and close the door independently when leaving home.
  • It is necessary to explain to the child that it is forbidden to leave the house in the absence of parents; the ideal option is to install an internal lock. In this case, the child will not be able to leave the house without your permission.

No one should open the door!

Firefly and cloud elephants

Nikita and her mother lived in the country in the summer. One day my mother went to her neighbor’s house to buy milk.

“Just be careful,” she says to Nikita, “don’t be mischievous, don’t play with matches... The boy is left alone.” There is no television in the village hut. I was tired of the toys that I had brought from the city; Nikita even abandoned his beloved Elephant, a garden watering can, in the yard.

“Why,” the boy thinks, “did my mother forbid playing with matches?” He took the boxes from the table. He shook it, brought it to his ear... And suddenly, instead of the rustle of matches, I heard a thin voice creaking:

- Come on, let me out now!

- Who is speaking? - Nikita was surprised.

“Open it, you’ll see,” they answered from the box. The boy pushed the lid slightly, and immediately a tiny red-haired man in a red jacket jumped out onto the table.

- Now feed me! - the redhead demanded.

Nikita put out potatoes, cucumbers, sour cream. The strange guest laughed raspily:

- No, I don’t eat that. Hand me the paper!

The boy brought an old newspaper. The little man grabbed her and - whoop, whoop! — ate to the last shred.

- Oh, I’ve become more strong! - the red-haired man exclaimed. Indeed, he grew up, and his red hair began to move... Suddenly he jumped, crumpled the tablecloth, pulled the curtains off the window - and put it all into his mouth. He grinned maliciously and began to chew on the corner of the table.

The hut was filled with heat and acrid smoke. Nikita began to choke and crawled on all fours towards the door. And the red-haired man danced on the table, scattering burning sparks in all directions. There would be trouble if it were not for the garden watering can. The elephant noticed the smoke and immediately realized that the red Ognevik was in charge of the hut. And even though he was previously a simple garden watering can, the Elephant stood up on four legs, scooped up water from the barrel and stomped to put out the fire. Is it possible for such a kid to cope with a fire alone? The fireman only laughed at him.

Then the Elephant stood in the middle of the yard, raised his trunk-spout to the sky and began to call his brothers - the cloud elephants. Large elephant clouds flew in, gathered into a huge cloud and filled the burning hut with rain. All that was left of the evil Ognevik was nothing.

Nikita looked around - black and black in the hut. Now mom will come and see...

- Nikita! Nikita! Why are you crying in your sleep? Wake up, try fresh milk... What is this in your hands? I told you, don’t play with matches!

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