Text of the book “Physical education in kindergarten. System of work in the middle group"

Text of the book “Physical education in kindergarten. System of work in the middle group"

Lyudmila Ivanovna Penzulaeva

Physical education in kindergarten. System of work in the middle group

Dear Colleagues!

This manual was published as part of an educational and methodological set for the approximate basic general education program of preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”. The program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” is a revised version in accordance with Federal State Requirements (FGT, Order N2 655 of November 23, 2009) of the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

Until the release of the complete educational and methodological set for the program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”, teachers can use in their work the manuals published for the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

Penzulaeva Lyudmila Ivanovna –
candidate of pedagogical sciences, author of scientific articles and teaching aids on the physical education of children.

This manual presents a system of working with children 4–5 years old in physical education.

According to the current SanPiN, direct educational activities on the physical development of children 4–5 years old are organized at least 3 times a week. Its duration is 20 minutes.

In the warm season, under favorable meteorological conditions, educational activities on physical development are organized in the open air.

Further in the manual, for convenience of presentation, instead of the term “direct educational activity,” we will often use the term “occupation,” which is familiar to teachers. However, the term “class” should not mislead teachers: it does not imply lesson-type classes. The teacher’s task is not to turn a physical education lesson into a lesson, but to use forms of work with children appropriate to their age, indicated in the approximate basic general education program for preschool education “From birth to school,” ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

According to the principle of integration, the physical development of children is carried out not only in the process of specific physical education and sports games, exercises and activities, but also in the organization of all types of children's activities through physical education, didactic games with elements of movement, outdoor games with elements of speech development, mathematics, design and etc.

The teacher should purposefully organize the educational process so that children are required to have optimal motor activity in all types of children's activities (not just answering a question, but answering and clapping, answering and passing the ball, etc.). This approach not only stimulates physical development, but also contributes to a more successful solution of other educational tasks.

In the process of educational activities on physical development, attention should be paid to the simultaneous solution of problems in other educational areas:

– developing safe behavior skills in outdoor and sports games, when using sports equipment (“Safety”);

– creation in the process of educational activities on physical development of pedagogical situations and situations of moral choice, development of moral qualities, encouraging manifestations of courage, resourcefulness, mutual assistance, endurance, etc., encouraging children to self-esteem and evaluation of the actions and behavior of peers (“Socialization”);

– involving children in arranging and cleaning physical education equipment and equipment (“Labor”);

– activation of children’s thinking (through independent choice of games, equipment, counting balls, etc.), organization of special exercises for orientation in space, outdoor games and exercises that consolidate knowledge about the environment (imitation of animal movements, adult labor);

– encouraging children to pronounce actions and name exercises, encouraging speech activity in the process of motor activity, discussing the benefits of hardening and physical education (“Communication”);

– organization of games and exercises based on the texts of poems, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes; plot-based physical education classes on the themes of read fairy tales and nursery rhymes (“Reading Fiction”);

– attracting the attention of preschoolers to the aesthetic side of the appearance of children and the teacher, the design of the room; using elementary physical education aids made by children (flags, pictures, throwing targets) in physical education classes, drawing chalk markings for outdoor games (“Artistic Creativity”);

– organization of rhythmic gymnastics, games and exercises accompanied by music, singing; holding sports games and competitions with musical accompaniment; development of artistic abilities in outdoor games of an imitation nature (“Music”).

Physical education of preschoolers is a unified system of educational and health activities in the daily routine, including daily morning exercises, educational activities on physical development, outdoor games and entertainment indoors and outdoors under the direct supervision of the teacher.

Sample notes are built according to a generally accepted structure and include training in basic types of movements, sets of general developmental exercises with various subjects and outdoor games. All physical education classes are conducted in a playful and entertaining manner. At the end of each month, material is presented for repetition and consolidation of what has been learned, which the teacher can change or supplement at his own discretion.

An important place in working with children 4–5 years old is occupied by outdoor games, play exercises and tasks. In games, children not only develop and strengthen their physical qualities, but also develop responsibility for themselves and other children (mutual assistance, support, moral principles of behavior in a team). The main thing is that activities and games indoors and on the kindergarten playground bring children pleasure and joy, increase confidence in their abilities, and develop independence.

Features of development of children 4–5 years old

At the age of 4–5 years, children undergo further changes and improvements in the structures and functions of body systems. The pace of physical development remains the same as in the previous year of the child’s life.

The increase in height per year is 5–7 cm, body weight – 1.5–2 kg. The (average) height of four-year-old boys is 100.3 cm, and the average height of five-year-old boys is 107.5 cm. The (average) height of four-year-old girls is 99.7 cm, five-year-old girls is 106.1 cm. The average body weight of boys and girls is equal at four years, 15.9 kg and 15.4 kg, and at five years, 17.8 kg and 17.5 kg, respectively.

With normal physical activity, growth increases, and with physical inactivity, a child may be overweight, but not tall enough for his age.

When assessing the physical development of children, not only absolute indicators are taken into account, but also their proportional relationship: weight - height, head volume - chest volume, etc. With age, naturally, these indicators change. Thus, the volume of the chest increases more rapidly than the volume of the head.

Musculoskeletal system.

The skeleton of a preschooler is flexible, since the ossification process is not yet complete. Due to the peculiarities of the development and structure of the skeleton, it is not recommended that children 4–5 years old be offered strength exercises during physical education classes and free activities. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the correct postures taken by children.

It is advisable to place materials for playing with objects so that children not only take comfortable positions, but also change them more often.

Prolonged maintenance of a static posture can cause muscle strain and ultimately lead to poor posture. Therefore, in classes related to maintaining a certain posture, various forms of physical education breaks are used.

During the process of growth and development, different muscle groups develop unevenly. Thus, the mass of the lower extremities in relation to body weight increases more intensively than the mass of the upper extremities.

A characteristic of functional muscle maturation is muscle endurance. It is believed that its increase is greatest in children of middle preschool age. This occurs due to an increase in the diameter of muscle fibers and an increase in their number. Muscle strength increases. The strength of the right hand over the period from 4 to 5 years increases in the following limits: for boys - from 5.9 to 10 kg, for girls - from 4.8 to 8.3 kg.

When organizing the motor activity of children, the teacher must provide each child with the opportunity to actively participate in games of any kind. The plots of games for walks are selected so that the children use the entire area of ​​the hall or area.

It is necessary to dose the motor load of children when performing different types of exercises. For example, skiing should not exceed 15–20 minutes, with a rest break. While resting (2-3 minutes), children can stand on their skis and look at the snow-covered trees. On a good summer day, you can take your children for a walk of no more than 2 km, provided that you provide a short rest every 20 minutes. along the way and in the middle of the excursion - a halt in a dry, shady place for up to half an hour.

During morning exercises and physical education classes, the correct dosage of physical exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back, neck, arms, legs is important - no more than 5-6 repetitions.

Muscles develop in a certain sequence: first large muscle groups, then small ones. Therefore, the load should be dosed, in particular for small muscle groups, for example, when performing work assignments: for example, when harvesting dry leaves, the weight of the load on the stretcher should not exceed 2.5 kg. At the same time, if possible, children should develop the muscles of the forearm and hand: during physical education classes, use exercises with balls, cubes, and flags; in everyday life, teach children to use a fork, fasten small buttons (but there should not be many of them); In games, offer small cubes, skittles, and a simple construction set.

Respiratory system.

If in children 2–3 years old the abdominal type of breathing predominated, then by the age of 5 it begins to be replaced by chest breathing. This is due to changes in chest volume. The vital capacity of the lungs increases slightly (on average to 900-1000 cm3), and in boys it is greater than in girls.

At the same time, the structure of the lung tissue is not yet complete. The nasal and pulmonary passages in children are relatively narrow, which makes it difficult for air to enter the lungs. Therefore, neither the mobility of the chest, which increases by the age of 4–5, nor the more frequent breathing movements than in an adult in uncomfortable conditions can provide the child’s full need for oxygen. Children who are indoors during the day become irritable, tearful, have a decreased appetite, and have trouble sleeping. All this is the result of oxygen starvation, so it is important that sleep, games and activities are carried out outdoors during the warm season.

Taking into account the relatively large need of the child's body for oxygen and the increased excitability of the respiratory center, it is necessary to select such gymnastic exercises during which children could breathe easily, without delay.

The cardiovascular system.

The heart rate per minute varies in a 4-5 year old child from 87 to 112, and the respiratory rate from 19 to 29.

Regulation of cardiac activity by the age of five has not yet been fully formed. At this age, the rhythm of heart contractions is easily disrupted, so during physical activity the heart muscle quickly tires. Signs of fatigue are expressed in redness or paleness of the face, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, poor coordination of movements and can be observed in children during physical education classes. It is important to prevent the children from getting tired, to reduce the load in a timely manner and to change the nature of the activity. When switching to a calmer activity, the rhythm of the heart muscle is restored.

Higher nervous activity.

The central nervous system is the main regulator of the mechanisms of physiological and mental processes.

Nervous processes - excitation and inhibition - in a child, as in an adult, are characterized by three main properties: strength, balance and mobility. By the age of 4–5 years, the strength of the nervous processes in a child increases. Especially characteristic for children of this age is the improvement of interanalyzer connections and mechanisms of interaction of signaling systems. It is difficult for kids to accompany play actions with words or to perceive the instructions and explanations of the teacher in the process of performing gymnastic exercises, drawing, designing and even dressing.

The incomplete structure of the central nervous system explains the greater sensitivity of preschoolers to noise. If the background noise in a group is 45–50 decibels, permanent hearing loss and fatigue may occur. In preschool institutions, it is necessary to teach children to use toys correctly, move chairs carefully, and speak quietly.

In the fifth year of life, especially towards the end of the year, a mechanism for matching words with their corresponding stimuli of the first signaling system develops. Independence of actions and conclusions increases. However, the child’s nervous processes are still far from perfect. The process of excitation predominates. Thus, when habitual living conditions are violated or fatigue occurs, this manifests itself in violent emotional reactions and non-compliance with the rules of behavior.

At the same time, it is by the age of five that the effectiveness of pedagogical influence aimed at concentrating nervous processes increases. Therefore, in classes and in everyday life, exercises should be offered that improve the child’s reactions to any signal: stop in time, change the direction or pace of movement, etc.

Methodological recommendations for working with children 4–5 years old

In the middle group of kindergarten, physical education classes are held 3 times a week in the morning; The duration of the lesson is 20–25 minutes. The room in which children study must be prepared in accordance with hygienic requirements (wet cleaning, ventilation), and the necessary equipment must be selected in advance. Every third lesson during the week is held outdoors, on the playground.

In the gym, children wear physical training uniform (T-shirt, shorts, socks, sneakers or low-top sneakers). Children do not specifically change clothes for activities on the site, but during activities, clothing should be lightened. In winter, it is advisable for children to wear jackets, leggings, and knitted hats. Clothing during walking classes must comply with hygienic standards and requirements.

Physical education classes in the middle group are conducted according to a generally accepted structure, consisting of introductory, main and final parts, each of which, having specific tasks, is subordinated to a single goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of various motor skills and abilities.

Introductory part

(3–4 minutes) prepares the child’s body for the upcoming more intense load. Exercises are used in walking, running, various simple tasks with objects, exercises that strengthen the muscles of the legs and feet, forming correct posture.

When carrying out exercises in walking and running, it is necessary to observe their appropriate alternation, without getting carried away with walking exercises. Walking for a long time tires children and adversely affects their posture. The duration of running for children 4–5 years old in classes varies. At the beginning of the year, running is carried out 2-3 times for 20-25 seconds. in alternation with walking, by the middle of the year the duration of running can be increased to 30–35 seconds.

Main part

(12–15 minutes) is aimed at solving the main objectives of the lesson - teaching children new exercises, repeating and consolidating previously covered material, mastering vital motor skills and abilities, developing physical qualities: agility, strength, speed, endurance, etc.

The content of the main part of the lesson includes general developmental exercises, exercises in basic types of movements and outdoor games.

General developmental exercises with objects (flags, cubes, skittles, braids, sticks, etc.) and without objects are carried out in a certain sequence: for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back muscles and oblique abdominal muscles (bending, turning) and legs. In the average group, 5-6 exercises are proposed, 5-6 repetitions 5 to 6 times.

When conducting general developmental exercises, various types of formation are used: in a circle, around objects pre-arranged in a checkerboard pattern; scattered; in two or three columns.

The teacher checks the correct starting position in each exercise of a general developmental nature so that the physical load is distributed evenly across all muscle groups.

The starting positions are different: standing with your feet at the width of your feet, shoulders, sitting with your feet apart, in a kneeling position, lying on your back and stomach, etc. You should pay attention to the sequential transition from one starting position to another.

In this part of the lesson, basic movements are taught: jumping, balance, throwing and climbing. In one lesson, as a rule, two, sometimes three main types of movements are offered, not counting the exercises used in outdoor play.

Final part

(3–4 minutes) should provide the child with a gradual transition to a relatively calm state, especially after active play.

Outdoor games

When learning basic movements in the introductory and main parts of physical education classes, children master certain motor skills and abilities, which are then consolidated and improved in outdoor games and in everyday life. The same game is repeated in several classes 2-3 times in a row and several times throughout the year.

It is advisable to select outdoor games for physical education in accordance with the alternation of basic movements. For example, if children are taught balance and practice jumping, then a game using balls may be offered; if children are taught to jump and practice throwing, then a game can be played with elements of climbing, etc. This sequence of outdoor games helps to consolidate and improve the motor skills that children learned in the previous lesson.

To conduct outdoor games, it is advisable to think through the organization of the game in advance, prepare the necessary equipment (arcs, hoops, stands, cords, etc.), small attributes (kitten hats, mice, ribbons, etc.).

Main types of movements

The functional capabilities of the body of a 4–5 year old child, the improvement of visual, auditory and tactile perception create real prerequisites not only for mastering basic movements in a generalized form, but also for developing the ability to identify elements of movements (direction, speed, amplitude), perceive and analyze the sequence of movements performed actions. Therefore, in physical education classes, you can already achieve a certain technique (quality) of movements from the child, in accordance with his capabilities; improve them on the basis of previously formed skills and abilities, develop such vital qualities as speed, strength, agility.

Physical qualities must be developed harmoniously, based on compliance with the basic pedagogical principles: accessibility, gradualism, systematicity, etc. All physical qualities (quickness, agility, speed, etc.) are to a certain extent interconnected and are improved by teaching children any type of movement - jumping, balance , throwing, climbing.

We should not forget about the specific focus of the exercises, determined by the uniqueness of each type of movement. Thus, jumping, characterized by short-term but strong muscle tension, develops speed and the ability to concentrate one’s efforts. The specificity of balance exercises is a rapid change in body positions in space, an unusual posture, a decrease or increase in the area of ​​support when performing exercises, etc.

Walking exercises

In the fifth year of life, especially towards the end of the year, all structural elements of walking improve significantly: a certain rhythm begins to be established, the length of the step increases, which, in combination with rhythm, leads to an acceleration of the pace. Overall coordination of movements improves. Most children develop coordinated movements of their arms and legs.

However, children's walking has certain disadvantages. There is parallel setting of the feet and shuffling of the feet, hand movements are not always energetic; the shoulders are lowered, the body is not straightened, the pace of movement is uneven. Poorly oriented in space, children experience difficulties when changing the direction of movement at a signal from the teacher, and do not maintain the required distance when walking and running, forming and changing lanes.

For children of the fifth year of life, the program offers various exercises.

Walking randomly.

In the process of performing this exercise, independence of action and the ability to navigate in space develop. The teacher invites the children to walk around the entire hall (area), while he moves from one place in the hall to another; otherwise, the children crowd around the teacher and the goal of the exercise is not achieved. Later, when repeating the random walk, the children already cope with the task independently, using, if not all the space in the room, then most of it.

Walking while finding your place in the column

forms the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, navigate in space, be attentive and focused in order to remember one’s place in the column.

It is still difficult for children to navigate correctly and find their place in the column, especially at the beginning of the year. Therefore, the game “In places!” with formation in a line at the teacher’s signal, it facilitates the understanding and assimilation of this exercise.

The teacher invites the children standing in a line to look and remember who is standing next to whom. This is followed by random walking around the entire hall (site). On command: “Get to your places!” - Each child must find his place in the line. After the children have mastered this task, you can begin to develop their ability to find their place in the column in motion.

Walking while stepping over objects

(cords, cubes, bars, etc.) develops the eye, coordination of movements, teaches you not to shuffle your feet. Objects for stepping are laid out in accordance with the length of the child’s step (35–40 cm).

Walking in circles

develops orientation in space, accustoms to performing joint actions and observing the shape of a circle. At the beginning of the year, it is still difficult for children in the middle group to maintain the correct shape of the circle, so when teaching, you can use landmarks - cubes, cords, etc. Children walk in one direction, then turn in a circle and continue walking.

Walking while changing direction

carried out in two versions. The first option is to follow the child leading the column;

then, at the teacher’s command, all children stop, turn around and continue walking behind the child standing at the end of the column. The teacher can give the child leading the column, standing at the end, some objects - handkerchiefs or cubes of different colors. (“First, you will follow Tanya - she has a red cube, and then follow Kolya - he has a blue cube.”) In the future, this task is performed without stopping, and the children perform the turn while walking.

The second option is to walk “snake” between various objects (skittles, cubes, medicine balls, etc.). For children 4–5 years old, this exercise requires some effort. They need to maintain a certain distance from each other - not to run ahead and not to lag behind, and most importantly, not to touch the placed objects.

Walking while changing the direction of movement develops orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, and prepares each child to understand the task at hand.

Walking in a column one by one

with the designation of turns at the corners of the hall (area) - this is a new exercise for children in the middle group, which causes certain difficulties. The children are not yet required to make clear turns when marking corners (this task is set in the older group), but they are introduced to walking around the perimeter of the hall. To understand the task, landmarks are placed in the corners of the hall, which the children go around.

Walking in pairs

is already familiar to children, but in a gym setting this is a rather difficult task, since you need to follow a certain direction, walk next to your partner, not lagging behind him or getting ahead of him.

Walking with a change of leader.

When walking in a column one at a time, the group is usually led by a child who has the skill of leading. During the exercise, the teacher changes the leader several times, and during the repetitions, any child can play the role of leader.

Walking alternating with running

Requires concentration and attention from children. The teacher offers them different versions of this exercise, which are then widely used in game exercises and outdoor games.

Physical development of children of middle preschool age

Yana Kuchetarova

Physical development of children of middle preschool age

Physical development is very important in our lives, both for young children and adults ! Let's talk a little about physical development !

«Physical development»

is aimed at achieving the goals of developing
children interest in physical education , harmonious physical development through solving the following tasks:
1) development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination)


2) accumulation and enrichment of children’s (mastery of basic movements)


3) formation in pupils of the need for physical activity and physical improvement .

In all forms of organizing motor activity, it is necessary not only to form children’s motor skills and abilities, but also to cultivate purposefulness, independence, initiative, and develop the ability to maintain friendly relationships with peers.

In the fifth year of life, the child’s movements become more confident and coordinated. Attention becomes more and more stable, visual, auditory and tactile perception improves, and targeted memorization develops Children are already able to distinguish between different types of movements and identify their elements. They develop an interest in the results of the movement and the need to perform it in accordance with the model. All this allows you to begin learning the technique of performing basic movements and developing their quality. The knowledge gained in classes about the importance of physical exercise for the human body helps to cultivate the need to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. Teachers need to continue the work begun in the younger group to improve the health of children . To do this, it is necessary to carry out daily: walks in the air in accordance with the daily routine, a set of hardening procedures; morning exercises lasting 6–8 minutes.

The main form of systematic teaching of physical exercises to children is physical education classes, which consist of three parts: introductory, main and final. In each of them, a certain level of development of the child’s integrative qualities is achieved. The duration of the entire lesson is 20–25 minutes.

In the middle group, three physical education classes are held per week, one of them is for a walk. The duration of each part increases compared to the previous year due to the complexity of the exercises, the development of movement techniques and the increase in execution time.

By the end of the fifth year, children can:

1) walk and run, observing the correct technique of movements;

2) climb the gymnastic wall, without missing the slats, climbing from one flight to another; crawl in different ways: leaning on the hands, knees and toes, on the feet and palms; on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms;

3) take the correct starting position when jumping from a place, land softly, and long jump from a place to a distance of at least 70 cm;

4) catch the ball with your hands from a distance of up to 1.5 m; take the correct starting position when throwing, throw objects in different ways with the right and left hand; hit the ball on the ground (floor)

at least five times in a row;

5) perform exercises for static and dynamic balance;

6) line up in a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, in a line;

7) glide independently along ice paths (length 5 m)


8) ski at a sliding step for a distance of up to 500 m, perform a turn by stepping, climb a hill;

9) ride a two-wheeled bicycle, make turns right and left;

10) navigate in space, find the left and right sides;

11) perform simulation exercises, demonstrating beauty, expressiveness, grace, and plasticity of movements.

Let's summarize: mastering and improving skills in basic types of movements, outdoor games and sports exercises should be provided for in all forms of work organized by the teacher: in physical education classes, on a morning walk, during individual work on an evening walk.

Motor mode model for all age groups

Health care – to ensure the protection of the life and promotion of the child’s health. Contribute to the improvement of all functions of the child’s body.

Educational – to form the foundations of physical culture. To form in children initial ideas about healthy lifestyle.

Educational – to cultivate interest in various types of motor activities. To promote the development of positive volitional qualities in the child.

Motor mode model for all age groupsJunior groupsMiddle groupsSenior groupsPreparatory groups
Morning exercisesDaily 5-6 min.Daily 6-8 min.Daily 8-10 min.Daily 10-12 min.
Physical education minutes2-3 min.2-3 min.2-3 min.2-3 min.
Music classes2 times a week 15 min.2 times a week 20 min.2 times a week 25 min.2 times a week 30 min.
Physical education classes (2 indoors, 1 outdoors)3 times a week 15 min.3 times a week 20 min.3 times a week 25 min.3 times a week 30 min.
Outdoor games: - plot games; - plotless; - fun games; - competitions; - relay races. Every day at least two games for 5-7 minutes.Every day at least two games for 7-8 minutes.Every day at least two games for 8-10 minutes.Every day at least two games for 10-12 minutes.
Health activities: - awakening gymnastics - breathing exercisesDaily 5 min.Daily 6 min.Daily 7 min.Daily 8 min.
Physical exercises and game tasks: - articulation gymnastics; — finger gymnastics; - visual gymnastics. Daily, combining exercises of your choice for 3-5 minutes.Daily, combining exercises of your choice for 6-8 minutes.Daily, combining exercises of your choice for 8-10 minutes.Daily, combining exercises of your choice for 10-15 minutes.
Physical educationOnce a month up to 15 min.Once a month up to 20 min.Once a month up to 30 min.Once a month up to 40 min
Sports festival2 times a year up to 30 min.2 times a year up to 45 min.2 times a year up to 1 hour2 times a year up to 1 hour
Independent motor activity of children during the dayDaily. The nature and duration depend on the individual characteristics and needs of the children. Conducted under the guidance of a teacher.

Motor mode of the younger group

Kind of activityDuration
Morning exercisesDaily in a group (in the warm season - on site), 5 min
Motor warm-upsEvery day during 10 min. break between classes
Physical education minutesDaily during static exercises, 2-3 min.
Outdoor games and exercise while walkingDaily 15-20 min.
Individual work on movement development2 times a week for a walk of 5-10 minutes.
Exercising after a napDaily 5-6 min.
Physical education classes2 times a week for 15 min.
Sports walk3 times a week for 10 -15 minutes
Physical educationOnce a quarter, 20-25 min
Independent motor activityEvery day, under the guidance of a teacher, indoors and on a walk, the duration depends on the individual characteristics of the children

Motor mode of the middle group

Kind of activityDuration
Morning exercisesDaily in a group (in the warm season - on site), 5-6 minutes
Motor warm-upsEvery day during a 10-minute break between classes
Physical education minutesDaily during static exercises, 2-3 min.
Outdoor games and exercise while walkingDaily 15-20 min.
Individual work on movement development2 times a week for a walk of 5-10 minutes.
Exercising after a napDaily 5-6 min.
Physical education classes2 times a week for 20-25 minutes.
Sports walk3 times a week for 15-20 minutes
Physical educationOnce a quarter, 20-25 min
Sports holiday2 times a year, 45 min.
Independent motor activityEvery day, under the guidance of a teacher, indoors and on a walk, the duration depends on the individual characteristics of the children

Motor mode of the senior group

Kind of activityDuration
Morning exercisesDaily in a group (in the warm season - on the site), 6-7 min.
Motor warm-upsEvery day during a 10-minute break between classes
Physical education minutesDaily during static exercises, 2-3 min.
Outdoor games and exercise while walkingDaily 20-25 min.
Individual work on movement development2 times a week for a 15-minute walk.
Exercising after a napDaily 5-6 min.
Physical education classes2 times a week for 30 minutes.
Sports walk3 times a week for 15-20 minutes.
Physical educationOnce a month, 30 min
Sports holiday2 times a year, 1 hour
Independent motor activityEvery day, under the guidance of a teacher, indoors and on a walk, the duration depends on the individual characteristics of the children

Motor mode of the preparatory group

Kind of activityDuration
Morning exercisesDaily in a group (in the warm season - on site), 6-7 minutes
Motor warm-upsEvery day during a 10-minute break between classes
Physical education minutesDaily during static exercises, 2-3 min.
Outdoor games and exercise while walkingDaily 20-25 min.
Individual work on movement development2 times a week for a 15-minute walk.
Exercising after a napDaily 5-6 min.
Physical education classes2 times a week for 35 minutes.
Sports walk3 times a week for 20-25 minutes
Physical educationOnce a month, 35-40 min.
Sports holiday2 times a year, 1 hour
Independent motor activityEvery day, under the guidance of a teacher, indoors and on a walk, the duration depends on the individual characteristics of the children

Physical activity of children during the day

The tiger arches his back - deeply, deeply! (bend your back back)

The squirrels are sitting on a branch there, we will jump like squirrels! (jumping on two legs)

They closed the zoo, closed the doors, and the guys, like mice, sat quietly, quietly.

Breathing exercises

A study of the work experience of many preschool teachers shows that breathing exercises are among the most popular types of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. It is a system of breathing exercises that are part of a complex of correctional work to strengthen the general health of the child.

Using breathing exercises helps:

improve the functioning of internal organs;

activate cerebral circulation, increase oxygen saturation of the body;

train the breathing apparatus;

prevent respiratory diseases;

increase the body's defense mechanisms;

restore peace of mind, calm down;

develop speech breathing.

During breathing exercises, the following rules must be observed. It is recommended to carry it out in a well-ventilated room and before eating. Such exercises should be daily and last 3-6 minutes. To perform breathing exercises, you do not need any special clothing, but you need to make sure that it does not restrict the child’s movements.

During the exercises, you need to pay special attention to the nature of your inhalations and exhalations. Children should be taught to inhale through the nose (inhalations should be short and light) and exhale through the mouth (exhalation should be long). Breathing exercises also include breath-holding exercises. It is important that children do not tense their body muscles or move their shoulders when performing exercises to develop speech breathing.

For example:

Exercise "Steam Locomotive".

Chug, chug locomotive,

He took me far

For the forests, for the seas,

Where miracles happen.

(children squat down and hum - take a deep breath and exhale “Too-too-too”)

Exercise "Lumberjack".

The woodcutter came to us

And he chopped our wood!

(Hands clasped above your head, inhale through your nose, as you exhale, sharply lower your arms, exhale through your mouth, say “Wow!”)

Finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics is a type of health-saving technology that is used not only to develop fine motor skills of the hands (which is important for preparing a child for drawing, modeling and writing), but also to solve problems with speech development in children. In addition, such gymnastics promotes the development of:

tactile sensations;

coordination of movements of fingers and hands;

creative abilities of preschool children.

During classes or during the day, at regular moments, finger games or finger massage are included. In Eastern medicine, there is a belief that massaging the thumb increases brain activity, the index finger has a positive effect on the stomach, the middle finger on the intestines, the ring finger on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger on the heart.

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