Summary of educational activities for speech development “Cockerel and his family” in the nursery group

"Cockerel and his family"


1 Municipal autonomous educational institution “Kindergarten 40. Child Development Center” Summary of a lesson on speech development “Cockerel and his family” First junior group Compiled by teacher S.N. Sheverdyaeva Ruza

2 Goal: to expand children’s vocabulary through folklore works. Objectives: Educational: - learn to distinguish and name a cockerel, hen and chick - form cognitive activity - learn to answer the teacher's questions Developmental: - develop the ability to play together - form cognitive activity, introducing to the national culture - develop motor activity, thinking, imagination Educational: — cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals, love for nature Planned results: knows how to distinguish and name a cockerel, hen, chick and imitate their voices; knows how to answer the teacher’s questions, perform movements in the game in accordance with the text; shows interest in games and fiction. Equipment: a screen with pictures, which consists of four stripes: One side: 1 strip white background 2 strip cockerel 3 strip hen 4 strip chicks Second side: 1 strip image of a river 2 strip house 3 strip yard 4 strip - forest Contents of organized children's activities. 1. Motivation. There is a knock on the door. - Children, someone is knocking on our door. Let's see who came to us? (Yes).

3 The teacher brings in a cockerel (toy). - Who are these guys? (cockerel) - Correct. Now he will tell you about his family. 2. The main part of the lesson. “Cockerel” The screen is installed in the shape of a tetrahedral prism, with the white side facing the children. Educator: Children, who sings “ku-ka-re-ku!”? Does he get up early and doesn't let the kids sleep? Children: Cockerel! Educator: Let's call him: “Cockerel, cockerel!” Come to us!" (pause) It doesn't work! Do you remember the poems about the cockerel? We will tell you, the cockerel will hear and come. Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard, Why do you get up early, Sing loudly, Don’t let the kids sleep? Let's call the cockerel! Cockerel, golden comb, come to us! (an image of a cockerel appears in front of the children, the children look at the picture) Ku-ka-re-ku! Hello kids! The teacher draws the children's attention to the features of the bird: comb, feathers, beak, legs. The nursery rhyme is read again. "Hen". Educator. Who is the cockerel calling? How do you think? Right! Chicken! (a chicken appears in front of the children). Ko-ko-ko! (the screen folds into a triangular prism, the clean side covers the chickens). The screen turns, the chicken disappears. Gone! Let's call her! Ruffed chicken! Come to us. (an image of a chicken appears). Ko-ko-ko! What a chicken! Beak, paws. How does she cackle? Where, whack, whack! Children. Where, whack, whack! Ko-ko-ko!

4 "The Cockerel and the Hen." The screen is opened in the shape of the letter P. In front of the children, an image of a cockerel and a hen appears. The teacher makes a comparison: the cockerel has a comb, a beard and a bushy tail, and the chicken has a small comb and a small tail. Educator: Our chickens through the window: Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! And how Petya the Cockerel sings to us early in the morning: Ku-ka-re-ku! (Children look at the hen and the cockerel.) Educator: The tarot hen walks around the yard, inflates its crest, calls the little children: Co-co-co! Who is the chicken calling? Chick! (the screen folds into a cube, an image of chickens appears in front of the children.) “Chickens.” Educator. Children, look at these chickens! Small, yellow, fluffy! How do they squeak? “Peep-pee-pee!” - the chickens squeak, the mother hen is called. "The Hen and the Chicks." (The screen is folded in the shape of the letter L, in front of the children is an image of a hen and chickens.) Educator. Children are like a hen calling her chicks? (Ko-ko-ko!). How do chickens squeak? (Peep-pee-pee!). The tarot hen walks around the yard, inflates her crest, and amuses the little children: “Ko-ko-ko!”

5 What will the chickens answer her? Pee-pee-pee! P-i-t. What's happened? Why do chickens squeak so loudly? What they want? Drink! “The chicken went for some water.” (The screen is folded in the shape of the letter L; a picture of a chicken walking to the river appears in front of the children). Educator: Little hen, where did you go? - To the river! Little hen, why did you go? -Get some water. Little hen, why do you need some water? -Water the chickens. Little hen, How do chickens ask for water? - Pee-pee-pee. “Chicks and a cockerel” (The screen folds into a triangular prism, and an image of a cockerel appears in front of the children). Educator. The cockerel heard the chickens crying pitifully. He began to call the chicken. (The image of chickens is superimposed on the hen. The screen is in the shape of the letter G. An image of a cockerel appears in front of the children against the backdrop of the forest). Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, You raise your voice Through the dark woods, Through the forest across the river Shout “ku-ka-re-ku!” "The hen, the cockerel and the chicks." Educator. The hen heard the rooster calling her, and came and brought a bucket full of water. The entire exhibition unfolds, in front of the children is an image of a cockerel, hen and chicks.

6 How at our gates the Rooster pecks the grains, the Rooster pecks the grains, calls the hen to him! Ku-ka-re-ku! Give everyone a drink, chicken! "Song about a chicken." The teacher invites the children to sing a song about a chicken: The chicken went out for a walk, To pinch some fresh grass, And behind her the children, Yellow chickens! Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! Don't go far! Row with your paws! Look for the grains! Children walk around the room and perform movements after the teacher. The lesson ends.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of organized educational activities with children of the second junior group on the topic “Cockerel and his family.”

educational field - cognition

(integration of educational areas: “Health” , “Physical Education” , “Safety” ,

“Socialization” , “Music” , “Reading fiction” , “Artistic creativity” )

Municipal preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten No. 16 “Beryozka”

Konstantinova Marina Anatolyevna Educator Highest qualification category Regional competition “Educator of the Year - 2014”

Goal: development of speech, intellectual and communicative spheres of activity of children of primary preschool age.

Software tasks:

  • developing: continue to introduce children to the concept of “Family” using the example of the Cockerel family. Show that family members love each other, mom and dad take care of their children
  • educational: to cultivate a caring, affectionate attitude towards animals, a desire to help them. Cultivate a friendly attitude among preschoolers towards each other
  • educational: expand knowledge about domestic animals, continue to introduce children to folklore works; learn how to “poke” with a cotton swab, carefully lower the stick into a jar of paint; develop the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number, and case.

Preliminary work: reading nursery rhymes about a cockerel, hen, chickens; examining toys and illustrations in individual lessons with children.

Venue: MDOU TsRR No. 10 “Rainbow” . Music hall.

Materials, attributes: toys cockerel, chickens and hen, screen, illustrations of poultry, chicken cap, cotton swabs, yellow paint (gouache), sheets of paper, toy steering wheel, egg (toy), musical chicken toy, car model.

Vocabulary work: formation of onomatopoeic words and onomatopoeic verbs; naming objects ( “what is this?” , “who is this?” ).

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part

Educator: “Hello, guys!

Children: “Hello!”

Educator: “My name is Marina Anatolyevna. I invite you to take a fascinating trip to the poultry yard. We'll go in this beautiful car. We will have a driver (I call him by name, for example, Vanya. Here is a steering wheel for you (I give you a toy steering wheel). I will sing a song, and you sing along, help me, and when the car honks, help too, say, beep - beep - beep . Go!"

“In the car, the driver is sitting in the car. The car, the car goes, hums.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, Here is a field, here is a river, Here is a dense forest.

The children have arrived, the car, stop!”

2. Main part

The teacher and the children are in the hall.

Educator: “We arrived at the poultry yard . (Pictures depicting a duck, goose, and turkey are placed on the stands. The teacher leads the children in turn to each picture.)

Educator: “Children, who is meeting us?

Children: "Duck" .

Educator: “That’s right, guys, it’s a duck. Our duck quack - quack - quack in the morning! Together" .

Children: “Quack-quack-quack!”

Educator: “Children, who is so important?”

Children: "Goose" .

Educator: “That’s right, guys, it’s a goose. Here's our goose cackling by the pond ha-ha-ha! Let's say it all together .

Children: “Ga-ga-ha!”

Teacher: “Who is this?”

Children: "Turkey" .

Educator: “Well done, guys, right. And the turkey in the middle of the yard is ball-ball-ball .

Children: “Ball-bal-ball!”

Educator: “And now, we have come to visit Cockerel and his family. Who is this (pointing to Cockerel)?

Children: "Cockerel" .

Educator: “That's right. How does he scream?

Children: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Educator: “That’s right, children. What a handsome daddy cockerel. And who is this?" (I pick up a chicken toy)

Children: "Chicken" .

Educator: “Yes, this is a mother chicken. How does she scream?

Children: “Ko-ko-ko!”

Educator: “Children, sit down on the banquettes. (children sit down)

Chicken chatter

Walks around the yard

The crest inflates,

Convenes small children:

Educator: “Children, who are the little children of the Hen and the Cockerel?”

Children: "Chickens" .

Educator: “That’s right, guys, chickens. How do they squeak?

Children: “Pi-pi-pi .

Educator: “Well done! Right!"

Chickens appear from behind the screen.

Educator: “Here they are our chickens. Look what they are... "

“Bright, fluffy Yellow lumps - Little children of Our motley quonka,

Like dandelions, in a small basket. The beaks are open, asking for crumbs of bread.”

Teacher: “Guys, look at these chickens?”

Children: “Small, fluffy, yellow . (If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps.)

Educator: “Oh, guys, can you hear the chickens squeaking (I click on the musical toy - a chicken that asks to eat). Why are they squeaking?

Children: .

Educator: “The chicken mother is caring and loves her children very much. She went to look for grains for them (the toy chicken hides behind the screen).

Educator: “Guys, let’s play for now. I will be a mother hen, and you will be my chickens. Repeat the movements after me and sing along to the song .

Children walk around the hall behind the teacher (the teacher has a chicken cap on his head) and perform movements corresponding to the text.

“The chicken went out for a walk, to nibble some fresh grass. And behind her are the boys, yellow chickens. “Ko-ko-ko. Ko-ko-ko! Don't go far! Row with your paws! Look for grains" .

Educator: “Guys, we didn’t find any grains, because it’s autumn outside and the harvest has already been harvested, but let’s draw some grains for our chickens. But before we start drawing, we’ll stretch our fingers and play a game (takes off the chicken’s cap). Finger gymnastics - exercise “Day - Night” . When I say the word "day" , your fingers turn into chickens. Chicken fingers play merrily on the lawn (we move all our fingers in the air, our arms are bent at the elbows), and when I say the word “night” , you clench your fingers tightly into a fist, hide them, because an evil and predatory owl will fly in and will carry away the chicken (toy - owl).” Children play with the teacher.

Educator: “The owl failed to carry away the chicken. Because the chickens are very friendly, they help each other.

Sit down at the table, we will draw grains with cotton swabs. Take a cotton swab in your hand, touch the tip of the swab to your free palm, “peck the grains like chickens, peck-peck-peck, do as I do. Well done.

Now carefully lower the cotton swab into the jar of paint, wet it, and then touch the tip of the stick to a sheet of paper. It turned out to be one grain, then another and another. Don’t forget to put your stick in a jar of paint, otherwise you won’t get any grains, they won’t be visible. (Drawing grains for chickens with cotton swabs). Place sticks that are stained with paint on a paper napkin. It's next to your plate.

3. Final part.

Educator: “Oh, guys, there were a lot of grains, well done, you did your best for our chickens (I’m carrying a basket of chickens around the children). The chickens are very happy, there are a lot of grains, they are tasty, big, enough for everyone.

Educator: “Children, look, but our mother chicken has returned, she is upset .

Teacher: “Chicken, what happened, why are you so sad?”

Chicken teacher: “I didn’t find grains for my children - chickens .

Educator: “Chicken, don’t be sad, the kids fed your chickens, they prepared a lot of grains for them .

Chicken teacher: “Oh, guys, thank you very much for being so kind and caring and feeding the chickens. In gratitude for this, I laid you an egg, not simple, and not golden, but magical. (The teacher opens a large plastic egg, and in it there are sweet grains - candies). Let's say thank you to the chicken .

Children: .

Educator: “We will treat ourselves to grains in a group. Now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, say “Goodbye” to Cockerel and his family, and all the guests .

Children: "Goodbye .

Teacher: “Our car is waiting for us, take your seats, Vanya, you are our driver, hold the steering wheel, let’s go!” (they get into the “car” and drive to the music).

Teacher: “We’ve arrived! Now we’ll go to the group and eat some food .

Planned results: during the play session, children participate in a conversation with the teacher while getting to know poultry in the poultry yard; listen to folklore works with interest; show interest in becoming familiar with the concept of “Family” using the example of the Cockerel family; interact with each other in a joint game; are active in physical activity.


  1. Veraksa N. E., Veraksa A. N. Child development in preschool childhood [text] / N.E. Veraksa, A.N. Veraxa. - M., 2006. - 72 p.
  2. Gubanova N.F. Play activities in kindergarten [text] / N.F. Gubanova. - M., 2008. - 128 p.
  3. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, second junior group / ed. T.V. Kovrigina, M.V. Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova. – Volgograd, 2012. – 247 p.
  4. Mendzheritskaya D.V. To the teacher about children's play [text]: / ed. T. A. Markova. - M., 1982. - 128 p.
  5. Program “From birth to school” / ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – 2012. – 208 p.
  6. Stepanova O. A. Development of a child’s play activity [text] / O. A. Stepanova. - M., 2009. - 128 p.
  7. Where does the Motherland begin / ed. L.A. Kondrykinskaya. – M., 2005. – 192 p.
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Cockerel with family

Fairy tale by Konstantin Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family”

The stories of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky were written for children of preschool and primary school age. Small in volume, with simple but at the same time varied vocabulary that develops children's imaginative thinking and speech. The topic broadens the children's horizons, since it is as close as possible to the lives of children. An entertaining plot makes it easy to assimilate new material read, easily remember it and retell it. The language is melodious, folk, poetic, rich in means of visual expressiveness.

Ushinsky’s fairy tale “The Cockerel with his Family” teaches children kindness and shows how family responsibilities should be distributed.

The head of the family is Cockerel, the family breadwinner and breadwinner. He takes care of his household, finds them delicious food - worms, grains, and hurries to call everyone together so that they can enjoy the good food. The cockerel is caring, but strict; he really does not like quarrels and disturbances and constantly monitors the peace in the family. So he got a tasty grain and immediately hurries to treat his chickens and children. The chickens saw the delicacy and started a fight: they couldn’t divide the grain. But the fair Cockerel immediately reconciles the bullies: one by the cowlick, the other by the tuft. And so that next time it would be discouraging to be greedy and cause discord in the family, he took the grain and ate it himself. And in order to finally leave the last word for himself, he flew up onto the fence and notified everyone about the end of the conflict - “Ku-ka-re-ku!” And everyone calmed down at once and understood how to behave so as not to remain hungry next time.

The story teaches that you shouldn’t be greedy, because it won’t end well. Everyone in a family should be equal, and everyone should get everything equally. The most important thing is peace and order; any problem can be solved if you act fairly and honestly.

Read the text of the fairy tale by the Russian writer Konstantin Ushinsky, The Cockerel with his Family , online, free of charge and without registration, in large print.

A cockerel walks around the yard: there is a red comb on its head and a red beard under its nose. Petya’s nose is a chisel, Petya’s tail is a wheel, there are patterns on his tail, and spurs on his legs. Petya rakes the pile with his paws and calls the hens and chicks together:

- Crested hens! Busy hostesses! Motley-pockmarked, black-white! Gather together with the chickens, with the little children: I have saved you some grain!

The hens and chicks gathered and cackled; They didn’t share the grain, they got into a fight.

Petya the cockerel does not like unrest - now he has reconciled his family: he ate one for the crest, that for the cowlick, he himself ate a grain, flew up onto the fence, flapped his wings, and shouted at the top of his lungs: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”


Educational situation in the middle group “Retelling the story “The Cockerel with the Family” according to K. D. Ushinsky”

Educational situation in the middle group on the topic : “ Retelling the story
Cockerel with his family (according to K. D.
Ushinsky ) .”

Teaching coherent, sequential retelling of text with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams depicting the sequence of events.

Formation of skills of coherent sequential retelling based on graphic diagrams.

Developmental and educational objectives :

1. To develop children’s ability to speak expressively, coherently, and answer questions correctly.

2. Practice word formation .

3. Develop dialogical speech.

4. Develop the ability to stage fables.

6. Formation of actions for targeted perception of the text.

7. Development of planning skills for retelling a text .

8. Formation in children of active visual and auditory control of the correctness of the retelling , the sequence and completeness of the transmission of content .

9. Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary on the topic “Poultry”.

10. Consolidating the skills of grammatically correct formulation of statements.

Cultivating a desire to speak like adults makes it clear for listeners to answer questions.

Demonstration, question, discussion.

Subject picture “poultry yard”. Supporting pictures for retelling , adapted text of the story , handouts for dramatizing the story ( cockerel cap and chicken breasts , easel (or magnetic board, magnets, brush, yellow paint and pen, finger toy chicken, paper chickens according to the number of children.

Examination of illustrations “Poultry”.

Outdoor game: “Hen and chicks.”

Listening to tales of the cockerel .

Reading by K. D. UshinskyCockerel with his family

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