Lesson for children of the second junior group “The Cockerel Came to Visit”

Physical education lesson “playing with a cockerel”.

Summary of continuous educational activities

“In the poultry yard” (second junior group)

Program content: Continue to introduce children to poultry and their young. To form children's ideas about the characteristic distinctive features of domestic birds (they live with humans, humans take care of them - feeds them, looks after them).

Develop the desire and ability to highlight the features of the appearance, structure of poultry and their habitat. To form cognitive activity and a caring attitude towards all living things. Continue to learn to imitate the sounds made by birds (ko-ko-ko, crowing, ha-ha, quack-quack).

Continue work on developing the articulatory apparatus. Develop the ability to speak loudly enough.

Vocabulary work: chickens, ducklings.

Materials and equipment: multimedia installation, laptop, multimedia presentation “Poultry,” a toy cockerel, a basket, a red flag, an audio file of the song “Bukashka the Steam Locomotive.”

Progress: A hostess in a suit (teacher) enters the group, with a basket in her hands, and a cockerel in the basket.

V-l: Hello, guys. I came to you from the village. I have a large farm there, and I am the mistress of it. I didn’t come to you alone, but with my Petya the cockerel (I take out the toy cockerel from the basket).

Vs: What kind of cockerel is my Petya? (children’s answers; if the children are silent, then they answer, encouraging them to repeat).

V-l: Yes, I have a beautiful one: Petya, Petya, the cockerel. Golden comb, butter head, silk beard!

V-l: He is my main assistant in the poultry yard. Do you know how a cockerel crows? (children's answer)

V-l: Cockerel wants to meet you. He has a red flag like his comb. The cockerel invites you to stand in a circle and whoever has the flag in his hands will say his name. (The cockerel starts with himself: my name is... and passes the flag to the child).

Game "My name is".

V-l: So we met. Guys, the rooster and I want to invite you to visit us and show us our farm: what other birds live in our poultry yard.

V-l: Do you agree to go with us? And you and I will go on a train. Now the train is waiting for us (the locomotive is built from chairs). Come in, make yourself comfortable. We're leaving. (to the soundtrack “Bukashka the Steam Locomotive”.

Vs: We have arrived. Come into our yard and sit on the benches.

Presentation "In the Poultry Yard".

Slide No. 1 (showing birds on slides after children’s answers)

V-l: The cockerel has a whole family. Do you want to watch and get to know her?

He clucks and clucks, calls the children, gathers everyone under his wing. Who is this? (children’s answers - if the children are silent, then they answer, encouraging them to repeat “chicken.” Show the chicken on the slide)

Vs: That's right, chicken. How does the chicken scream? (ind. children's answers).

V-l: And who shouts “quack-quack-quack, I’m looking for a worm.” And can swim? (children's answers - duck show).

Vs: How does she quack? (children's individual responses).

V-l: Children, who has red paws, who walks in the meadow and shouts ha-ha-ha? (children's answers - showing a goose).

Vs: That's right, goose. What are his paws like? How does he scream? (children's individual responses).

V-l: Who has a tail with patterns, boots with spurs: I wake everyone up, even if I don’t wind the clock! (children's answers - showing a rooster).

Vl: So we got acquainted with our farm. Can you tell by their voice who lives with me?

Listen carefully to the voices of my birds and try to guess who is screaming?

Slide No. 2

Game "Recognize by voice."

(The voices of birds sound in order: rooster, duck, goose and hen).

V-l: Did you find out who shouted it? (children's answers, after the children's answers a picture of a bird appears). Tell me (child’s name) how the cockerel crowed.

— Do you want to listen to other birds?

(If children confuse the voices of a duck and a goose, then v-l speaks). A picture of a duck appears. Tell (child's name) how the duck screams. Etc.

V-l: The cockerel was so happy that you recognized all the birds by their voices. And he wanted to play with you. (v-l offers to play with the cockerel).

V-l: Come out to me, everyone. I will be your mother - a chicken, you are my chickens, and the rooster will chase you and drive you into the chicken coop. Let's go for a walk, chickens.

Physical education

Vs: The hen and her chicks are walking through the puddles. They raise their paws higher and sing a song (they follow the chicken in a circle)

Co-co-co, co-co-co, we go far. Co-co-co, co-co-co, we go far. (we stand still, wave our hands).

They walked in the clearing and pecked at sweet grains. And no matter where you go, you won’t find sweeter grains. (sit down and tap our fingers on the floor).

Co-co-co, co-co-co, we go far. Co-co-co, co-co-co, we go far. (we stand still, wave our hands).

For the cockerel: And I am a strict cockerel, a golden comb! I’ll start catching up with you and driving you into the chicken coop! (the cockerel drives the children onto the benches).

V-l: The cockerel drove all the chickens home, no one stayed. But chickens aren't the only ones who love to play. And other birds decided to play with you. They all hid somewhere. Try to find them. Look carefully and search.

Game "Who's Hiding?"

Slide No. 3

V-l: Who hid behind the fence (ind. answers). - display of a rooster). That's right, the cockerel is a red comb.

Slide No. 4

Vs: Who hid behind the tree? (children's answer - showing a goose).

Slide No. 5

Vs: Who hid behind the bucket? (children's answer is showing a duck).

Slide No. 6

V-l: Who hid behind the house? (children's answer - showing the chicken).

V-l: You guessed it, they found everyone. And while we were playing with the birds, their little children went for a walk and got lost. Let's help mothers find their children. Look carefully who has whose children – sons and daughters.

V-l: Whose children can swim and quack? What are the names of baby ducks? (ind. answers). Who is the crested hen's babies? And how do they squeak? (ind. answers)

Game "Who has who?"

Slide No. 7

(after the children’s answers, the chicks and ducklings gather near their mothers).

V-l: Mothers and children are happy, you guys helped them. My birds enjoyed playing with you and the rooster had fun with you.

V-l: Guys, tell me who you played with today? (with birds...) What birds live in my yard? (children's answers).

Vs: Did you like it with the cockerel? And now it’s time to return to kindergarten, the train is waiting for you. Goodbye. (they return to the soundtrack of “Locomotive Bukashka”)

Physical exercises

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