“Autumn has come to visit us” Entertainment for children of the younger group.

The main components of the autumn holiday for children

  • Positive attitude.
    Without a good mood, you can’t have a fun holiday! We are sure that you are full of enthusiasm if you read our article.
  • Festive atmosphere.
    Of course, it would be nice to create the appropriate atmosphere. Fill your apartment with autumn colors: decorate the curtains with felt leaves or make a garland out of them with your baby, print out autumn pictures on a color printer (or buy) and hang them around the apartment, place baskets with real fruits and vegetables on the table. In general, imagine and create!
  • Funny company.
    Invite your child's friends to visit. It's more fun to play together! You can even make invitations with your baby.
  • Autumn costume. What autumn holiday for children would be complete without the hero of the occasion, i.e. autumn? It is not necessary to buy a suit or painstakingly sew it. An autumn outfit can be simple, the main thing is that it is recognizable. Make a cape from yellow or orange satin fabric and decorate it with felt leaves. A strip of cardboard, stapled and decorated with paper leaves, will make a crown (wreath).
  • Felt leaves
    (store-bought or homemade). Leaves are the main attribute of autumn! Making them couldn't be easier! Simply print and cut out templates of different leaves, trace on different colored (red, yellow, orange) felt and cut out. Such leaves will not tear and will serve you for many years.
  • Prizes for guests. You can prepare little treats for children in the form of sweets or small toys.
  • "Autumn" treats. If the dishes correspond to the theme of the holiday, it will turn out very symbolic! And don't forget to offer your guests fruits and vegetables!

“Autumn has come to visit us, autumn has brought a holiday”

So, autumn has dressed up, guests have been invited, the table is set... All that remains is to prepare the props.

  • soft or rubber animals: fox, hedgehog, squirrel, bear;
  • any real gifts of autumn: acorns, nuts, chestnuts (you can use cardboard ones), toy mushrooms;
  • felt multi-colored leaves with holes + laces;
  • puddles cut out of blue cardboard;
  • a cloud and a sun, cut out of cardboard and painted;
  • umbrella;
  • a box, pouch, scarf, bag or something similar to hide objects in;
  • bowls to put items and sort them.

Our script also assumes the presence of a presenter, but you can shorten the plot at your discretion, remove some lines and leave the main games.



Who is it that comes here and brings us gifts?
Everyone knows her, of course! This is golden autumn! Dress in colored leaves - Red, yellow, gold. Hello autumn, hello autumn! Come visit soon! (we wave our hands) Autumn:
Hello, guys!
I'm glad to come to you! I came for a reason - I brought gifts. 2. Outdoor games 1) song “I walk with leaves” Presenter:
What a big basket autumn has!!!!
What does it contain? Autumn:
I brought you some leaves - They are all very beautiful! Take them in your hands quickly! And dance to the song! (dance to the song “I walk with leaves”)

*Additionally, the leaves can also be tossed, and then picked up and sorted by color.

Song-game “Cloud-sun”


Let's play with autumn!


I will be glad to play with you, dear guys.
I didn’t come to you alone - I took a cloud with me: Rainy, blue, very, very strong! Presenter:
Oh, look, the sun is still shining on us!
Let's play with the cloud and the sun (the sun comes out and the kids dance, and then the cloud covers the sun, it starts to rain and the kids hide under an umbrella). *
you can find our “sunshine and rain” on our Instagram account - ostroumkaland

Song-game “Rain, rain, drip-drip”


Cloud, cloud, wait, Cloud, cloud, don’t rain! Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip. Don't keep dripping like that for too long. Stop watering the soil. It's time for us to go for a walk (children tap their palms with their fingers and say “drip-drip”)

Song "Rain on the Path"

Music and lyrics by E. Makshantseva
(children first step over cardboard puddles, then jump over them and run in a circle)


I knew that the Kids would make friends with the puddles! If you have boots on your feet, your feet will not get wet. All the guys are good! We rode with all our hearts. I will be happy to give a Fairy Tale to the kids as a reward.

Interactive autumn tale

Autumn has arrived: deciduous, golden, rainy and fruitful. And autumn came to the forest with a full basket of gifts. The animals are really looking forward to autumn, they want to quickly make provisions for the winter! (the animals come in one by one). Animals:

Hello, autumn!
Hello, autumn! It’s good that you came, We, Autumn, will ask you, What did you bring as a gift? Autumn:
I brought you vegetables for salads and cabbage soup!
Sweet fruits, like honey, For jam, for compote! You help the animals, put them in baskets (children put fruits and vegetables in baskets) Presenter:
Well done, guys!
Oh, and autumn has brought something else. Look what a beautiful box she has. What's in the box? Autumn, autumn, show me! Knock-Knock! Open up, little box! Wow! What is this? Mushrooms! Let's scatter them around the forest edge (we do the same with cones/nuts)! That's how many gifts autumn has brought! The animals come
and the children help them collect the gifts of autumn (we collect mushrooms for the hedgehog, and pine cones or nuts for the squirrel).
* If older children take part in the game, you can use more animals and objects (apples for a bear, carrots for a bunny) We helped the animals make supplies for the winter! Now they are not afraid of winter! And at this time someone was sitting under a bush and getting angry. Who is this? It's a fox
She wanted all the gifts of autumn to be hers alone. And the fox decided to do a dirty trick. She confused the nuts with stones so that the squirrel would not find her supplies. We need to help the squirrel! A squirrel comes
, looks for acorns, cries, asks for help (children separate nuts and stones from each other).
The squirrel rejoices, thanks, and leaves. Oh, what good guys, they put things in order! The squirrel is happy! Guys, the cunning fox has snuck up on us again. Look, she's hiding them! We need to quickly find all the mushrooms! The fox takes turns hiding the mushrooms (puts them in different places: on a chair, under a handkerchief/under leaves, in a pouch/bag/box, behind a cardboard bush, etc.) A hedgehog comes
and asks for help.
The children's task is to find all the hidden mushrooms.
The hedgehog thanks the children and is happy!
Well done, guys, you helped the animals find their supplies.
Let’s scold the hooligan fox: “Ay-ay-ay, little fox, why did you hide the supplies, that’s not allowed. Autumn is generous! There will be enough supplies for everyone! And you too!" Don't be angry, little fox, make friends with the animals! The fox asks for forgiveness and says: “I won’t do this again.” The children treat her with apples. Presenter:
Let's make a gift for autumn - beads from autumn leaves (children make lacing from autumn leaves).
Oh, what a beauty! I have become even more beautiful! Oh, thanks kids! You are all very good! We had a lot of fun and showed off our dexterity! (says goodbye)

After a series of exciting games, it's time to go to the table, relax and enjoy healthy autumn desserts! The autumn holiday for children is an opportunity to consolidate numerous knowledge in a fun playful way! Organizing it is not at all difficult, but there will be so much joy, positive emotions, and laughter! Go for it! We are sure you will succeed!

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