Summary of a literacy lesson topic: Sound and letter “L”

Phonetic stories by T.A. Tkachenko. We teach you to pronounce the sound L correctly. The manual presents 15 stories and fairy tales, modified or compiled by a famous Moscow speech therapist-practitioner in order to automate the correct pronunciation for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. All texts are equipped with special phonetic symbols, as well as color plot pictures that provide a visual basis for correcting sound pronunciation, developing lexical and grammatical concepts and coherent speech of children.

Unusual peg

Pavel planted a small apple tree in the garden. The trunk of the apple tree was thin - just like that, it would break. Pavel made a stake and stuck it in the ground near the apple tree. Pavel connected the weak trunk of the apple tree and the peg with a bandage. I tied up the apple tree and calmed down. All that was left was to wait for the green leaves.

Every day Pavel went to the apple tree and watered it. I watched the branches carefully. But there were still no green leaves!

One day Pavel saw from the window that his apple tree had finally turned green. When Pavel came closer, it turned out that it was on the peg, and not on the apple tree, that several green leaves appeared! “That’s a peg!” - Pavel thought.

Sound correction [l] at home

Speech disorders occur for various reasons. In the case where the child does not speak only one or two sounds, parents can try to correct the defect themselves.

Classes with a speech therapist will help correct any speech problems

How to teach a child to say the letter L hard

With dyslalia, children have problems only with sound pronunciation. Violations arise due to structural features of the articulatory apparatus or insufficient muscle preparation.

For the sound [l], the upper rise of the tip of the tongue is important. This is difficult to do with a short hyoid frenulum. Therefore, it must first be trimmed by a dentist. Only surgery will solve this problem.

It’s easy to check the ligament: you need to ask the child to touch the upper teeth with the tip of his tongue. Sonoras ([l], [r] and their soft pairs) appear by the age of five and until that time there is nothing to worry about. At three years old, the child’s articulatory apparatus is still developing.

Important! There is no need to rush and demand that children pronounce all sounds from an early age. Otherwise, you can provoke the development of a defect.

At home, you can try to correct the incorrect pronunciation of the sound [l] yourself. This is only allowed in the case of dyslalia. Sometimes this problem can be confused with dysarthria, which requires work with a speech therapist.

With dysarthria, the mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus is impaired. A similar problem is expressed in hypertonicity or hypotonicity. Often the tongue of such a child is bunched up in the mouth or is too relaxed. It will be difficult for your baby to perform fine movements and switch from one position to another.

Correcting incorrect pronunciation may take up to one year. You need to work with your child every day - this will speed up the process. It is necessary to follow the sequence of stages and not rush.

Sound production

The mechanical method is often used in speech therapy. It requires a special probe in the form of a wire frame or a spatula. The child opens his mouth wide, pronounces “YYYYYY” in a drawn-out manner, and at this time the adult lifts his tongue with an instrument.

It is easier to teach a child to pronounce a sound from the interdental position. To do this, the preschooler is asked to bite the tip of the tongue and pronounce the sound [s] (YYYYYYY), and then gradually remove the tongue behind the upper teeth.

You can pronounce [l] in the interdental position immediately with syllables. Gradually we are moving away from this situation. Automation begins only with direct syllables: LA, LO, LY, LE.

Important! You cannot rush to move on to words, otherwise defective pronunciation will become entrenched.

Lesson on speech development in the preparatory group

Sound Automation

After the correct pronunciation has been worked out in forward and backward syllables, they move on to words. To facilitate perception, visual material is used in the form of pictures and special games. For example, a child is asked to show objects with the sound [l].

Syllables can be pronounced using a probe

It is difficult to teach a preschooler to exercise self-control. Therefore, you need to constantly work with him. It is enough to devote less than half an hour to work and the effect will not be long in coming.

Parents should understand that there is no method that will give quick results. Only constant training will help you consolidate correct pronunciation.

Songs and rhymes

To facilitate the automation process, different lexical material is used. Pure sayings and poetic forms are easier to remember and the child likes to reproduce them.

You can talk to a preschooler about different topics. This will make it easier for him to get used to the correct pronunciation.

Example of poems for sound automation [l]
The main condition for effective classes is the interest of the student. Therefore, everything is carried out in a playful way. The more varied the material, the better for the baby.

Tongue Twisters

The most difficult thing is to introduce sound into independent speech. To facilitate the process, tongue twisters using the sound [L] are used. They contain words that allow you to practice sound pronunciation in different positions.

For example, “There are pins at the Christmas tree”, “Will in the field”, “I went to Luka’s tray, Luka bought onions from the tray”, etc. Gradually, the child is asked to pronounce each tongue twister faster. Much attention is paid to correct pronunciation.

Articulation exercises

Learning to pronounce a sound correctly begins with articulatory gymnastics. Speech therapy exercises for quickly setting sound [l]:

  • The wide tongue lies behind the lower teeth, the child pronounces “YYYYYYYY” in a drawn-out manner.
  • Lick your upper lip with the tip of your tongue.
  • Click your tongue.
  • Open your mouth wide and run your tongue along the inside of your teeth.
  • Run the tip of your tongue across the roof of your mouth.

The complex is performed every day. In order for a child to learn to pronounce a sound correctly, he must do all the exercises correctly. In this case, it is important to monitor the immobility of the jaw.

Articulation gymnastics is performed strictly in front of a mirror

After all the movements are easy to perform, move on to the next stage - producing a solid sound [l]. To do this, different techniques are used. It is impossible to say in advance which one will suit a particular child.

Good Zlata

Zlata was sitting on a bench and eating a bun with sausage. A stray dog ​​approached Zlata. She looked at the sausage, then at Zlata and whined quietly. It was clear from the dog's eyes that she had not eaten for a long time.

Zlata broke off half of the bun and gave it to the hungry dog. She ate everything instantly. Then the dog reached out to Zlata and began to affectionately lick her palms.

Errors when trying to pronounce a sound

When setting the phoneme, some children make mistakes that nullify the effectiveness of the lessons. Most often, errors are caused by incorrect position of the speech organs, but this problem is not difficult to deal with.

Training may not produce results because:

  • the tongue is too deep in the mouth, so it is pronounced “Y” (not “bow”, but “yuk”);
  • lips are placed incorrectly, causing the sound to be distorted;
  • when pronouncing, you take a breath (with the buccal pronunciation you hear “F”, with the nasal pronunciation you hear “N”);
  • there is a replacement with the already used “R” (not “bun”, but “burka”).

Strange Tangle

Klavdia Ivanovna was sitting on a bench and knitting. Her white cat was chasing pigeons.

Klavdia Ivanovna knitted and knitted and fell asleep. A ball of thread fell out of her palms and fell onto the sand.

The cat noticed the ball and began to roll it. Forgetting about the pigeons, the cat pushed and pushed the ball with its paws. The cat was having so much fun!.. At first the ball became very small, and then it was gone completely. The white cat searched for his ball for a long time.

Automation of sound L

The formed pronunciation needs to be consolidated and pronounced constantly. If a preschooler does not know how to read, then pronunciation is reinforced by repeating it to the parents.

First, syllables are pronounced in which the consonant comes before the vowel: la, lo, le, li. Then, where the vowel comes first: ol, al, ate, il. After which they move on to pronouncing words where the consonant is at the beginning, middle and end, where the phoneme is softened and combined with other consonants.

Next, they practice the pronunciation of phrases and phrases where each word or most words contain syllables:

  • straight lines - la, lu, lo, le, ly;
  • reverse - al, ol, st, yl, ate, yul, yal, il;
  • with joined consonants - cla, sla, bla, vla, pla, shla, gla, fla (similarly with the vowels “u”, “o” and “y”).

Making the sound L hard takes a lot of time. Usually you have to repeat the same words and phrases with children for several days.

When the phoneme in words and phrases has been worked out well, you can move on to rhymes, pure and tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, and riddles.

You can find a variety of speech therapy material on the Internet and bookstores. Texts must be spoken slowly and clearly, without distorting the sounds. If the pronunciation is incorrect, the sentence is repeated again.

If at the initial stage of reinforcement classes the patient repeats syllables, words, phrases after the speech therapist, then he must then independently remember and pronounce words and sentences. And the specialist only gives tasks:

  • list the names of animals that include the phoneme being worked on;
  • names of plants;
  • names of food products;
  • names of household items.

If the pronunciation of a hard phoneme is difficult, then you can start reinforcement lessons with soft syllables:

  • straight lines - la, lyu, le, li;
  • reverse - yal, yul, al, ol, spruce, ul, yl;
  • with connected consonants - pli, ple, plu, plya (similarly with the consonants “s”, “f”, “k”, “g”).

Next, the soft phoneme, like the hard one, is fixed in words, phrases, and sentences. Pure twisters and tongue twisters, poems and riddles are used. Parents can compose pure sayings themselves together with their children.

How little Zlata became big

Little Ella really wanted to become big. She did everything for this! She put on my mother's high-heeled shoes. She curled her hair. She put beads around her neck. She even let her lips down with lipstick. But everyone in the house still called Ella baby.

One day Ella herself washed all the dishes in the kitchen and swept the floor. And then I made an omelette! And then suddenly dad said to mom: “Our Ella has become very big!”

Apparently, it’s not heels and lipstick that make people big!

Making the sound L by imitation

Parents themselves, standing in front of a mirror, can show their children correct articulation. When pronouncing a consonant:

  • the lips are in a smiling position, the mouth is slightly open, the upper and lower teeth do not touch;
  • the end of the tongue is directed upward, pressed against the back surface of the gums above the upper incisors;
  • the air is exhaled from both sides of the tongue and rushes into the cheeks.

Children should follow their parents' steps while looking in the mirror. However, this method of training is not suitable for young children who are not yet capable of imitation. In this case, other methods of setting the sound L are used.

striped stick

Vladik walked with Polkan and constantly threw a stick at him. Polkan did not want to carry a stick. Then Vladik himself began to run after the stick. He knelt down, picked up a stick from the ground with his teeth and carried it to Polkan. Yes, studying was hard!

Once Vladik threw the stick especially far. Polkan was not seen for a long time. Finally, Vladik noticed that Polkan was carrying a stick in his teeth. The owner smiled contentedly. When Polkan came closer, Vlad saw in his mouth... a striped police baton!

Articulation exercises

For any form of lambdacism, before the main set of corrective classes, it is necessary to take a course of articulatory gymnastics that improves the mobility of the speech organs. Each exercise is performed for 5 seconds, training takes place daily, 2 times a day.

  1. "Hammock". Place the end of the tongue against the upper incisors and bend down. Hold in this position while counting down the seconds.
  2. "Yummy". Relax your tongue so that it becomes wide. Lick your upper lip up and down. The lower jaw should not move.
  3. "Turkey". Perform the same movements as in the previous case, only faster. At the same time pronounce “bl-bl-bl-bl”.
  4. "The horse is galloping." Relax your tongue, making it wide. Click it on the palate near the upper incisors. Do not move your lower jaw.
  5. "Swing". Smile widely with your mouth slightly open. Alternately rest the end of the tongue on the upper and lower incisors.
  6. "Fungus". Press your tongue against the palate so that the lingual frenulum is stretched.

You need to train for at least 2 weeks. After training, you can begin the exercises prescribed by the speech therapist to establish the sound L.

Elk and woodpecker

The elk stood under the tree and looked at the Woodpecker. The woodpecker grabbed the trunk of the tree with its tenacious paws and deftly sat on its tail. He hollowed out the trunk and pecked out larvae and beetles from it.

“How are you, Woodpecker?” - exclaimed Elk standing under the tree. “Things are bad! - Woodpecker answered. - Jackdaw let me down. She promised not to occupy my hollow, but she did. She raised chicks in it. I was left without a home!

Elk, without thinking twice, said to Woodpecker: “Listen, gore Jackdaw.” And he started laughing. The Woodpecker understood the elk's cruel joke. After thinking, Woodpecker replied: “Not a bad idea! Just you, dear Elk, climb up my tree - together we’ll fly to Jackdaw!”

Speech therapy production of the sound L

The following techniques for producing the consonant sound L are used:

  • articulation training;
  • development of speech breathing;
  • pronunciation automation.

Each technique listed must be included in all home activities. Moreover, it must be taken into account that children under 4 years old should not train for longer than 20 minutes, children 4–6 years old should not train for longer than 25 minutes.

Classes are conducted in stages. Before starting speech development classes, you need to practice breathing for a few minutes:

  • take a short second breath;
  • then slowly exit calmly for about 5 seconds.

To train your breathing, you can do the following exercises:

  • play with a pinwheel;
  • “stop the horse” - relax your lips as you inhale, then exhale the air so that you get a “prrrr”;
  • “inflate a balloon” - lie on the floor, put your hand on your stomach to feel how your stomach inflates when you inhale and deflates when you exhale;
  • guess fruits and flowers with your eyes closed, deeply inhaling their smells;
  • blow a feather into an improvised gate, exhaling air through pursed lips.

Also, you may be interested in learning how to pronounce the sound R at home.

Fun party

The last day of the year has arrived. Lyudmila was waiting for guests for dinner. How many things does a young housewife need to do?

First, she ran to the store, then washed all the dishes. Lyudmila installed a Christmas tree in the corner of the room and hung light bulbs on it.

“Just to make it in time for dinner!” - flashed through her head. Lyudmila baked a turkey in the oven, made several salads, and then put sweets and apples in a vase. All that remained was to put on a new dress.

The tired housewife lay down on the sofa for a minute... Lyudmila did not hear the calls.

When the New Year arrived, she slept soundly!

Mechanical method of installation

In speech therapy, the production of the sound L by a mechanical method is practiced. The following actions apply:

  • the preschooler bends over, stretches his head forward, strains the neck-shoulder girdle, and in this body position tries to draw out a consonant;
  • the speech therapist places the index fingers on the patient’s neck, places the ring fingers with light pressure in the area of ​​the corners of the jaws, while the patient tries to pronounce the phoneme;
  • with labial-dental pronunciation, the preschooler needs to move his lips forward and hold them in this position as air escapes;
  • with nasal pronunciation, the speech therapist should teach the patient to push the tongue towards the teeth so that the air exits along the sides of the speech organ through the corners of the lips;
  • the mechanical version of the training involves the use of probe No. 4 (the sound L is set using speech therapy massage with probes, by fixing the position of the tongue, in which the air comes out in lateral jets).

Blue scarf

Mila bought a blue scarf. It was smooth, silky, with tassels - a sight to behold! —

Mila wanted to wear a headscarf to school. When Mila took the scarf from the shelf, it turned out to be wrinkled. Mila began to iron the scarf. But then, as luck would have it, the phone rang in the kitchen. Mila ran out of the room and left the iron on the scarf...

When Mila entered the room, she realized that her blue scarf was gone!

Lambdacism and paralambdacism - what is it?

This term implies the incorrect pronunciation of hard and soft L. Moreover, this includes not only the distorted sound, but also the absence of a phoneme in the spoken words. Lambdacism happens:

  • bilabial - the vowel “u” is heard (not “horse”, but “washed”);
  • nasal - the root of the tongue touches the soft palate, the air flow goes into the nose, resulting in the sound “ng” (not “puddle”, but “nguzha”);
  • interdental - the end of the tongue ends up in the space between the teeth;
  • with a lack of pronunciation (not “leika”, but “eyka”).

There is also paralambdacism, when the correct pronunciation is replaced by an incorrect one. Usually replaced by:

  • “G” (“floor” - “pog”);
  • “B” (“ski” - “survive”);
  • “Yo” (“boat” - “food”);
  • “D” (“shovel” - “dopata”);
  • “L” (“how are you” - “how are you sharing”).

Bad thing

A small kitten was sitting on the steps at the entrance. Near him, with his head down, stood a large dog - a Dalmatian. The dog barked angrily at the kitten.

Not far away, on a bench, sat Vlad, the dog’s owner. He looked at his dog and smiled. The little kitten cowered and squeaked.

An elderly woman came out of the entrance. She picked up the kitten and commanded the dog: “Ugh! It is forbidden! Go away!" Then the woman came up to Vlad and said: “I found myself some fun! And aren’t you ashamed?” Vlad replied: “What? I did not do anything!" “That’s what’s bad!” - the woman remarked.

It's a pity!

It was summer. Volodya’s mother left home on business. She left her son some money and told him to go to the store. Volodya had to buy two packages of milk, two packs of butter and a package of sour cream.

Volodya took his bag and went to the store. He bought butter, sour cream and milk. When Volodya entered the entrance, the boys he knew called out to him: “Volodya, come out, let’s play football!”

Volodya flew into the kitchen, threw his bag on the floor and immediately ran out into the street. After half an hour in a warm place, without a refrigerator, the milk turned sour, the butter began to flow, and the sour cream became liquid and tasteless.

What a pity!

Summary of a literacy lesson topic: Sound and letter “L”

Department of Education of the Yemanzhelinsky Municipal District Administration of MKU DO "DDT "Scarlet Sail"

Yemanzhelinsky municipal district of Chelyabinsk region

Summary of a literacy lesson topic: Sound and letter “L”

Additional education teacher

Ivleva Z.V.

Literacy lesson notes

Sound and letter "L"


· Introduce children to the letter “L”, teach them to read syllables, find the letter “L” in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end,)

· Repeat previously learned letters

· Develop attention, memory, logical thinking

· To develop the ability of continuous, conscious reading

Progress of the lesson


1. Psychological attitude - Guys, let's repeat the rules of our lesson: “We all speak beautifully, boldly and slowly. We say it clearly, we are not in a hurry” (said in unison)

2. Repetition of the material covered: children are given cards with the task: listen to the words and write in circles only the vowels of these words: onion, juice, cheese, poppy seed.

What sounds are these? (vowels)


What color are they indicated by? (red)

Repetition of the letter “T” learned in the last lesson. Didactic game “Catch the sound in your palms” - Tolya, whale, Tanya, hippopotamus, soup, bow, T-shirt, plane, tank, Kolya, kitchen.


3. Reading a fairy tale. We have a new letter visiting us. I will read you a fairy tale, and you can guess which letter we will meet today (a fairy tale about the letter L is attached)

What letter did we meet?

Look how I pronounce it (tongue presses against upper teeth) And now you try to pronounce it.

Can we sing it? (No).

So what sound is this? (consonant)

What color will we paint it with? (blue).

What does this letter look like?

What does it consist of?

Write the letter "L" in the air.

— Make the letter “L” from sticks.

4. Poem about the letter "L"

This letter loves to swim in the waves here and there.

It looks like a staircase, and like the roof of a house too.

The arrowheads also have the letter “L”.

5. Riddles (the answers contain the letter “L”)

Gold coins (leaves) fall from a branch

-I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me.

I warm the rivers, “Swim,” I invite you.

And you all love me for this. I - (summer)

-Guess what kind of bird it is, a small dark one.

White on the belly, tail spread into two tails.

She flies faster than anyone else, and there are plenty of midges on the go.

If it flies towards us, it means spring has begun (swallow)

6. Reading syllables. Game "Port"

The boat was sailing along the river, it was carrying the letter “L”.

She swam up to pier “A”, the children read – LA Swim up to pier “U”, read it together – LU Swim up to pier “Y”, read it quietly – LY Swim up to pier “I”, read it loudly – ​​LA

7. Physical exercise Letter L, legs apart, as if dancing - hands on hips. Bent to the left, right, it turned out great.

1 – 2 – head higher, 3 – 4 – legs wider, 5 – 6 – sit quietly.

8. Pure statements. In order to speak clearly and clearly, you need to prepare your breathing and voice. LO - LO - LO - it’s warm outside LU - LO - LU - the chair is in the corner. UL - UL - UL - our chair broke. OL - OL - OL - we bought salt.

9. Didactic game “Locate the place of the sound” At the beginning - lamp, boat, puddle, skis, fox, bow, lion In the middle - hammer, squirrel, shelf, peacock, orange, coat, chickens At the end - table, chair, floor, pencil case, woodpecker, dump truck

10. Exercise in reading the syllables LA - AL, - LO - OL, - LU - UL, - LI - IL, - LY - YL

11. Letter in copybook


What letter did you learn about in class?

What letter is this?

What color is it indicated by?


In front of you lie two suns with different moods (joyful and sad). If everything was clear and interesting to you during the lesson, then raise the sun with a smile, and if it’s not interesting, then raise the sad sun. Let's see what suns you raised?

A tale about the letter "L"

Letter L

“I don’t want to sleep, I won’t go to bed ,” the girl was capricious.

Mom frowned threateningly, but the letter L quietly whispered the magic word “ Love ” into her ear.

“I love you, my baby,” tenderly and hugged her daughter. Mom kissed her, and the girl calmly fell asleep.

love and affection more than anything in the world ,” thought the letter L.

She flew everywhere and gently whispered: “ I love, I love, I love ,” so that no one would forget to say this magic word.

Say the magic word “love” to everyone you love.

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