Lesson summary "Wild animals" lesson plan (senior group) on the topic

Journey into the animal world – wild animals

​Approximate plan - summary of GCD for cognitive and research activities

Topic: “Journey to the animal world - wild animals

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”


"Cognitive Development"

  • Enrich children's understanding of animals.
  • Note the characteristic features of representatives of wild animals.
  • Clarify that each animal needs housing, food, warmth, etc.
  • To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness.

"Speech development"

  • Learn to understand the speech of adults without visual accompaniment;
  • To develop children’s ability, following the teacher’s verbal instructions, to find objects (pictures of animals) by name;
  • Enrich your vocabulary with nouns denoting the names of wild animals;
  • Promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing, auditory attention.
  • Learn to listen to short stories without visual accompaniment.

"Social and communicative development"

  • cultivate a love for animals.
  • Introduce the basic rules of safe behavior in nature (do not approach unfamiliar animals, do not pet them, do not tease them).

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"Physical development

  • To develop in children a desire to play together with the teacher in outdoor games with simple content and simple movements
  • To promote the development of children's ability to play games, during which basic movements are improved (walking, running, jumping).

Type of activity: gaming, communicative, educational and research, musical and artistic.

Materials and equipment:

  • toys – hare, squirrel, bear;
  • treats for animals - cabbage, carrots, pine cones, candy;
  • colored beads from ice floes;
  • large wooden beads of different colors;
  • cord with a hard tip for stringing beads;
  • picture of a hare in a gray fur coat.

Methodical techniques:

  • conversation;
  • a game;
  • looking at illustrations of wild animals
Children's activitiesForms and methods of organizing joint activities (methodology)
Motorgame exercises
GamingGame situations,
Cognitive and researchExamination, orientation in space
CommunicativeConversations, questions, riddles

Logic of educational activities

of the teacher
Pupils' activitiesExpected results
(The teacher asks riddles about a fox, a wolf, a bear, a hare, a squirrel).Children solve riddlesknows how to guess an animal from a verbal description,
recognizes it in nature. In pictures, in toys of wild animals.
- Guys, who knows how to call everyone in one word? (Animals).
All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and a body covered with hair.

-Where do these animals live? (In the forest).

– These animals live in the forest, far from humans. They are called "wild animals". (Choral repeats).

Children answer questionsShows interest in the natural world around him.
Answers the simplest questions.
The teacher at the stand attaches trees to the forest and invites the children to place the animals in the forest, repeating that these are “wild animals.”Children look at animals).looks at the pictures with interest, can, at the request of an adult, tell about what is shown in the pictures, answers questions,
- Guys, look, are the animals similar to each other in any way?
- Guys, look, think and tell me how you guessed where the hare is? (The ears are long).

- How did you guess that it was a fox? (The tail is fluffy).

- How did you guess that it was a bear? (He's big and clumsy).

– That’s right, animals are similar to each other, but each has characteristic differences: a moose has antlers, a hedgehog has spines, a squirrel has tufts on its ears.

- Let's arrange the animals by size. Biggest ones first

animals, then smaller ones and the smallest ones.

(Children put the animals in order: bear - wolf - fox -
hare - squirrel)
takes part in a conversation about wild animals,
– Guys, do you have a house where you live with mom and dad? (Eat).
– Do you think wild animals in the forest have homes where they

live? (Various answers).

- Every animal has its own home in the forest, only these houses are all different, where it is convenient for each: (a bear - in a den, a fox - in a hole, a hedgehog - in a hole, a squirrel - in a hollow, etc.)

Children answer questionsShows interest in the natural world around him.
Answers the simplest questions
Physical education lesson
“Teddy Bear...”
Children doing physical exercisesHas age-appropriate movements
– Now imagine that you are not children at all, but different animals.
Think about who wants to be which animal

The teacher tries to guess

who is portraying whom?

(Children enter the character. They imitate the habits of different animals.)Knows how to imitate animals.
The teacher praises the children for accurately copying movements.
– Now imagine that you are just children again, you went into a dense forest and met a bear there.

Game "Bear the Bear in the Forest."

Children playing a gameShows active participation in outdoor play.

Teacher Lipina Svetlana Evgenievna, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 SP kindergarten No. 27 “Firefly” g.o. Chapaevsk Samara region

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