Lesson summary “Spring has come” lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) on the topic

Abstract of GCD on the topic: Spring. Senior group

Abstract of a comprehensive educational activity for children of the senior group “Spring Drops”
Author: Kul Ekaterina Yuryevna, teacher of the GBDOU d/s No. 35, St. Petersburg. Description of work: I offer you a summary of a comprehensive direct educational activity for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Spring drops”.
This material is intended for older children and educators. This summary of an educational lesson is aimed at summarizing children’s knowledge about spring and its signs. Summary of a comprehensive educational activity for children of the senior group “Spring drops”

Educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”, “Reading fiction”.
Goal: To clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring. Objectives: - Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of spring, expand children’s knowledge about spring, enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic; - Repeat with the children the names of spring flowers (lily of the valley, snowdrop, tulip, daffodil, dandelion, coltsfoot); — Develop attentiveness and observation, fine and gross motor skills, communication skills; — Exercise the ability to work collectively in non-traditional techniques using appliqué; - Give children positive impressions of the activities performed. Materials and equipment: — Wall newspaper “Spring”; — Illustrations of spring flowers (lily of the valley, snowdrop, tulip, dandelion, daffodil, coltsfoot); -Cut pictures of spring flowers; -Cubes “Fold the pattern” by Nikitin; -Green and yellow paper napkins, glue, brushes, napkins for each child, whatman paper. Preliminary work: - observations in nature;
- reading poems about spring; - looking at paintings and illustrations about spring; - learning proverbs about spring; - solving riddles. GCD move:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, the teacher reads the poem: “Spring.” Spring is coming towards us with quick steps, And the snowdrifts are melting under its feet. Black thawed patches are visible in the fields. You can see very warm feet in spring. (I. Tokmakova) Educator: Guys, what is this poem about? (about spring). Educator: That's right, about spring. - Guys! Who remembers which months on the calendar are reserved for SPRING? (March, April, May) - What month is it now? Children: April. Educator: What poems about spring do you know? Children recite poems about spring. Swallow The Swallow has flown away to distant lands... Come back, Swallow! It's April. Come back, Swallow! Just not alone: ​​May Spring come with you, Swallow! (Boris Zakhoder) Spring has come The forests are rustling, the earth is blooming, The stream is singing and ringing: “Spring has come, spring has come - In clothes made of rays!” Children's hearts rejoice, Striving into the expanse of meadows: “Spring has come, spring has come In a garland of flowers!” (Maria Pozharova) Spring Two starlings flew, sat on a birch tree, sat down and sang, - How they flew, how they hurried From the overseas shores To their dear, dear native land To the little white birch tree! (Ivan Muraveiko) Spring The evil blizzard has died down. The night became shorter than the day. A warm wind blows from the south, the drops fall, ringing. The sun, heating the earth, drives the ice off our hill. The snow woman melts and tears flow in streams. If the snow is melting everywhere, The day is getting longer, If everything is green and the stream is ringing in the fields, If the sun is shining brighter, If the birds are unable to sleep, If the wind has become warmer, It means spring has come to us. (Ekaterina Karganova) The game “Signs of Spring” is played using a ball with sand. Educator: Guys, what other signs of spring do you know? — the sun shines brightly and warms; — in the sun the snow begins to melt, drops; — the first thawed patches appeared on earth; - the days are longer and the nights are shorter; — spring streams began to flow; - we changed winter clothes to spring ones; - all nature wakes up from winter sleep; - buds swell on trees and bushes; -birds fly from warm countries. Educator: Well done! The game “Name it kindly” is played using a medium ball - a hedgehog. Goal: Improving grammatical structure (formation of nouns with diminutive - affectionate suffixes). The sun is the sun; Leaf – leaf; Puddle - puddle; Icicle - icicle; Tree - a tree; Drop - drop; Cloud - cloud; A stream is a stream. Educator: Guys, look carefully at the picture (points to the wall newspaper “Spring”). Now I will tell you riddles, you will guess them, and you will find them here.

The flower is yellow-golden, fluffy like a chicken. Our sissy withers immediately from the frost... (mimosa) Just outside the window The frost let in, The icicles began to flow like beads of tears. Well, and you, my friend, now answer - What’s ringing under my window? (drops) The starling's housewarming party. He rejoices endlessly. So that a mockingbird could live with us - We made it... (Birdhouse) In a blue shirt, Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Stream) Here on a branch is someone’s house, There are no doors in it, no windows, But it’s warm for the chicks to live there, That’s the name of the house... (Nest) There’s crackling and thunder on the river, This means an ice breaker, There’s ice on the river This means ...(Ice drift) The carrot is white, It grew all winter. The sun warmed up - He ate all the carrots (Icicle) He has a carrot nose, He loves frost very much, He doesn’t freeze in cold weather. And spring comes and melts. (Snowman) He was the first to get out of the mud on the thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, Even though he is small (Snowdrop) She comes with affection, And with her fairy tale. He waves a magic wand, a snowdrop blooms in the forest (Spring) Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Children, who knows the proverbs about spring? Children name proverbs: Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard. Winter scares spring, but it itself melts. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies. Work hard in the spring - you will be well-fed in winter. February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is heavy with rain. Fertilize the land more, the harvest will be higher. Educator: Let's play and show how spring is coming to us!

Outdoor game "Spring". Sunshine, sunshine, Children walk in a circle, holding hands. Golden bottom. Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out. A stream ran in the garden, They ran in a circle. A hundred rooks have arrived and are “flying” in a circle. And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, Slowly squatting. And the flowers are growing. Stretch on tiptoes, arms up. Educator: Guys, look! And here the flowers have grown. (Children approach the “Spring Flowers” ​​stand) Educator: What flowers grow here? Children take turns pointing and naming flowers. Educator: Well done, you know all the flowers. We divide into two subgroups. Didactic game “Collect a flower”. First subgroup. The teacher gives the children an envelope containing cut-out pictures of flowers. Then the teacher asks which flower they got. Second subgroup. Flowers are assembled according to the pattern from cubes “Assemble a pattern” (tulip, coltsfoot). Educator: What a great fellow you are, now let’s switch tasks. Educator: Guys, now we will show you how flowers grow. Finger gymnastics “Spring Flower” A tall flower has grown in a clearing. Show a flower with your hands. On a spring morning I opened the petals. Spread your fingers. Beauty and nutrition to all petals Movement of fingers together and apart. Together they grow roots underground. Palms down, back facing each other, fingers spread. Educator: Guys, you guessed riddles about spring signs, showed how spring progresses, how flowers grow, remembered the names of spring flowers, collected pictures, and now let’s draw together the “Coltsfoot Clearing.”

Children perform the collective work “Coltsfoot Glade” using an unconventional technique. Each person cuts out one flower from yellow napkins and a leaf from green napkins. Pastes whatman paper onto the “clearing.” Surprise moment. The teacher asks the children what they did today, what they liked most and offers a treat.

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Integrated lesson in the middle group “Spring is Red” with author’s riddles and fairy tales
Educational areas:
Cognition, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.
Goal: to clarify the characteristic signs of spring, to identify the simplest cause and effect relationships. Objectives: enrich vocabulary. teach to perceive the beauty of nature, notice spring changes in nature. consolidate the ability to perceive the image of spring in poetry, drawings, and create a flower from various materials. enrich children's speech with nouns, adjectives, develop visual perception, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills, develop aesthetic perception of the beauty of nature. promote children's interest in nature. to cultivate in children feelings of love and respect for nature Equipment: Pictures-slides (sun, stream, icicles, thawed patches, snowdrops, snowman, snow, starling).
Spring landscape. Plasticine, zucchini seeds. The course of the educational activity itself:
Educator: Let's look out the window together, We have been waiting for such beauty for a long time: And the sky, and the sun and even drops, Tits on a branch are ringing trill! Everything is filled with joy, light, hello to the beautiful Spring!

Guys, today we will talk about spring. It is also called red. And why? Because she's beautiful. Listen to the riddles, if you guess correctly, you will see a picture with the answer on the screen. 1. Without its warmth, spring will not come to us? (Sun)

2. It grows down above me, hanging above our head. As soon as the sun gets hot, she will cry and flow away. (Icicle)

3. We sculpted it in winter. And spring came, they forgot, Where he stood, smiled, Only his nose remained? (Snowman) 4. In winter he lay white, in spring he turned dark, Where did he go, who ate him? (Snow)

5 He runs, rings, sings, calling to play with himself. Give him a boat and try to catch up! (Stream)

6. A flower, it grew out of a snowdrift, It will show the way to Spring. (Snowdrop)

7. He arrived, our singer. Singing bird. (Starling) Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. In these answers, what did we learn about? Yes, about the signs of spring. The most important helper of spring is the sun. The sun wants to play with you. And now gymnastics for the eyes “Sunny Bunny”. My sunny little bunny (stretch your palms forward) Jump on your palm My sunny little bunny (put the index finger of your other hand on your palm) Small as a baby Jump on your nose, on your shoulder Oh, how hot it got! Jump on the forehead and again Let's jump on the shoulder (follow the movements of the finger with your eyes) So we closed our eyes (with our palms) And the sun plays: Cheeks with warm rays Gently warms (open your eyes wide). Educator: Now, let's go to a forest clearing and see what's happening there. Fairy tale “In a clearing in spring.”
A magpie in a clearing chirped: “Guard, spring is gone!”

The bunny was the first to jump up: “What happened, who screamed!”

The hare looks at the magpie: “What happened, white-sided?” “But there is no spring, no, no, no, no, no, nowhere!” The bunny decided to calm the magpie: “Come on, I’ll show you spring, white-sided one. Look, here's a bear's den! The bear slept in it for a long winter. The stream had already woken him up and left the Den - he was very wet. Spring sent that stream to the bear. I found out that he loves to sleep.

The hedgehog also left his hole, walks through the forest, looking for food. Little foxes play with a fox in a clearing.

The snow and ice on the river are melting and melting, the rook flies with the rook, and they begin to build a nest.

A snowdrop has opened in a thawed patch - Hello spring and sunshine. Well, white-sided, is it spring or not? The magpie calmed down: “Well, thank you, gray for you!” You were also white in winter. I see winter is over! Streke-ke, Hurray! Hooray!" Educator: Guys, you liked the trip to the spring meadow. For a long time spring walked in secret From the winds and cold And today it splashes straight through the puddles Drives the warm snow With hubbub and ringing To line the meadows with green velvet Soon! Soon! Be warm This news will be the first The willow drums on the glass with its gray paw.

Spring is a wonderful time of the year. People are waiting for spring and welcoming it.
Let's make the bravest spring flower “Snowdrop” from pumpkin seeds and plasticine. Children sculpt stems and leaves from plasticine, and flowers from zucchini seeds. Educator: Guys, tell me what did you learn about spring? Summarizing.

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