Comprehensive thematic planning “Winter-winter” in an early age group

Comprehensive thematic planning “Winter-winter” in an early age group

for the period from December 6 to December 10, 2022
Topic of the week:
“The sorceress winter is coming”

Expand children's basic understanding of winter (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing). To promote the assimilation of the general concept - winter. Introduce some behavioral features of wild, domestic animals and birds in winter. Expand your understanding of winter natural phenomena (it has become cold, it is snowing, ice, slippery, you can fall).

Final event: “R

entertainment “The winter sorceress is coming.” Date: 12/10/21

date Mode Type of children's activity

(integration of educational areas)

Joint activities of the teacher and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas (educational and independent activities of children in restricted moments) Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)
Monday 6 December Morning Communicative

(OO Cognitive Development, OO Speech Development)

1.Game situation

““Owl - Owl” came to visit us - to create a cheerful mood in children from interacting with a toy, to develop children’s spoken language, activity, and the ability to get involved in the game.

Place an Owl toy in the play corner

(NGO Social and Communicative Development)


(NGO Physical Development)

2. Didactic game “Owl - round little head.”

Invite children to examine and describe the owl (head, eyes, beak, wings, legs with large claws). Looking at the illustration “Owl on a tree.”

Illustration "Owl on a tree"
Morning exercises
with flags - develop coordination of movements, raise emotional and muscle tone.
Labor 4.

Continue to teach children to wash themselves, dry their hands with their own towel, and hang it up on their own.


(Direct educational activities)

1.OO "Cognitive Development" (FCCM) Topic: “At the feeder”


Give children a basic understanding of bird feeders. Develop a kind attitude towards birds and a desire to take care of them.

Presentation “Wintering Birds”
2.OO "Physical Development" (Physical Education) Target:

develop the ability to maintain a stable body position. Improve gracefulness and expressiveness of movements.

Zan. No. 27, page 42
Walk Cognitive and research



1. Observation

for the weather. Determine what the weather is like (frosty, snowing, windy) - develop children’s powers of observation and speech.

2.Didactic game

“What doesn’t happen in winter?” — teach children to listen carefully to the teacher’s questions and answer them.

3. Outdoor game

Owl - owl
Introduce the children to the rules of the game, choose a driver - an “owl”. Teach children to run without bumping into each other.

Environment items.

Calendar planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the first junior group for the first week of May

Valentina Zaitseva

Calendar planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the first junior group for the first week of May

Theme of the month: “Nature and beauty around us”

Date: 05/04/2016 Wednesday

Morning Reception, examination of children. Morning exercise complex No. 16 “Spring”

Communication “Who is treating us?” - continue to introduce the doctor’s profession, cultivate love and respect for the work of adults.

Looking at the pictures “Safety Lessons” - to give children initial knowledge about methods of self-preservation, to form the concepts of “dangerous” and “safe”.

Low mobility games “Carousels”, “On a Level Path” - to cultivate the desire to participate in a group game.

KGN. Teach children to eat carefully, not to be distracted, and not to disturb other children. With Darina, Arina didactic exercise “Whose mother? Whose baby? .

Goal: to teach children to correctly name domestic animals and their babies; guess the animal by riddle.

Integration of educational situations and activities

Music (as planned by the music director)

FEMP Game situation Topic: “We are sailing on a boat”

Program tasks: developing the ability to distinguish between the number of objects (many - one, using plural and singular nouns in speech.

Developing in children the ability to follow an adult in a certain direction.

walk 1 Observation of a cat - learn to name parts of the animal’s body, involve in observing pets, develop speech and thinking, and cultivate a caring attitude towards the cat.

The outdoor game “Cat and Mice” is to teach you to run in different directions when given a signal.

The plot game “We are drivers” helps to display familiar everyday situations, teach them to play together, and help them unite for joint games.

Outdoor games “Sunshine and Rain”, “Cat and Mice” - teach how to act on a signal.

Individual work with Nastya, Kirill “Catch and throw” - develop the ability to throw and catch the ball.

KGN. Teach children to master the hand washing algorithm, soap their hands themselves, wash under the tap, and wipe dry with a towel.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along health paths.

Constructively - model activity “Gates low and high” Purpose: to teach children to build gates. Learn to tell what parts each part is made of, naming the parts of the building set. Learn to understand words and expressions. Learn to answer questions.

Educational game “Guess the figure by touch” - development of memory, thinking, tactile sensations. Game situation

“Ladder for chickens” with Arseny, Christina - the ability to build simple buildings.

walk 2 Walk around the territory of the kindergarten.

Game “Who Hears What?”

Goal: development of the direction of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, orientation in space.

Ball games. Fun games “Catch your ball”, “Toss and catch” - create a joyful mood.

Teach children to say goodbye when going home.

Interaction with parents and social partners Day of Good Deeds. "Sports equipment"

Date: 05/05/2016 Thursday

Morning Reception, examination of children. Morning exercise complex No. 16 “Spring”

The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”. During dramatization games, teach children to repeat simple phrases. Help dramatize passages from familiar fairy tales.

Sedentary games “Baba sowed peas”, “Bubble”, “On a level path”. Reading the nursery rhyme “Cucumber, cucumber”

Goal: to encourage children to recite nursery rhymes.

With Nastya and Seryozha, a game on onomatopoeia “Who is screaming?” - to promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing, auditory attention.

Integration of educational situations and activities

Speech development Repetition of material

Program objectives: using various techniques, help children remember fairy tales read in previous classes, encouraging initiative and expression.

Physical education Topic: “Teddy Bear”

Program tasks: walk high, raising your legs, practice crawling on a gymnastic bench, repeat throwing a bag of sand with one hand, develop balance and eye.

walk 1 At the transport site. Modeling the situation “We are pedestrians” - give children the initial rules of behavior on the road, introduce them to the zebra crossing, and show how to walk along it.

The game “Cars on the Road” - the formation of gaming skills, initial skills of role-playing behavior. Individually with Dima M., Seryozha B. - “Bunnies on the lawn” - practice jumping on two legs in place, moving forward. Independent play activities with external material under the supervision of a teacher. Outdoor games “From bump to bump.” Goal: to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward.

"Birds in their nests." Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other.

KGN. Teach children to use cutlery correctly and eat carefully.

Second half of the day Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along health paths.

IOS Modeling Topic: “Spring grass” Goal: continue to learn how to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a whole piece, roll them into sticks, carefully place them on a board, distinguish the color green, develop the ability to work collectively.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok". Goal: to help children remember the fairy tale better, to create a desire to reproduce dialogues between fairy-tale characters. Didactic exercise “What am I doing?”

Goal: to activate verbs that have opposite meanings in children’s speech. With Darina, Eva “Handkerchiefs for dolls” -

teach the correct techniques for painting without going beyond the outline; consolidate the ability to identify colors, name them, develop the desire to draw.

walk 2 Imitative game “In the poultry yard”.

Games with external material under the supervision of a teacher. Teach children not to throw toys away and to handle play materials with care.

Outdoor games “Cat and Mice”, “Birds and Cat” - contribute to the development of children’s ability to play games, during which basic movements are improved (running in different directions).

Interaction with parents and social partners Involving parents in the “Immortal Regiment” campaign

Date: 05/06/2016 Friday


Reception and examination of children. Morning exercise complex No. 16 “Spring”. Breathing game “Breeze”

Goal: development of speech breathing, as well as strengthening the child’s concept of primary colors. Observation: caring for plants in a corner of nature - involve children in watering the plants.

Imitation games "The cat sneaks".

Goal: training the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the muscles of the trunk and limbs. “Who eats what?” - clarify children’s ideas about which animal eats what (a mouse gnaws a rind of cheese, a dog gnaws a bone, etc.); activate the verbs lap, gnaw, eat in children’s speech; practice pronouncing sounds clearly and small phrases

Didactic game “Vegetable Store” - teach to distinguish vegetables and name them correctly. Finger gymnastics “Magpie – white-sided”. With Kirill, Arina - game “Laying out, shifting, collecting”

- development of the ability to form groups of homogeneous objects, distinguish their number and designate them with appropriate words: one - many, many - one, many - many.

Integration of educational situations and activities Music (as planned by the music director)

Drawing with paints. Topic: “Festive fireworks.”

Program tasks: learn to depict fireworks by drawing short thin strokes with a brush, consolidate the ability to hold a brush correctly; develop figurative perception of music, teach to recognize festive fireworks in music.

walk 1 Cloud watching: what kind of clouds are they: big or small? what colour? what do they look like? – develop speech, thinking, imagination.

The outdoor game “Hares and the Wolf” - practice jumping with moving forward, the game “Bunnies are dancing on the lawn” - coordinate movements with words.

Didactic game “Pick a ribbon for the dolls” - learn to determine the length of the ribbon: long, short.

Individual work with Dima and Roma in physical training. Game exercise “Jump up to the ball.”

Work. Collecting toys after a walk is to involve them in joint work.

Reading a fairy tale in verse by K. I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”. Teach children to emotionally perceive a poetic work, to be aware of the theme and content.

Second half of the day Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along health paths.

Goal: to evoke an emotional response to the performance seen, sympathy for the character. Cultivate responsiveness.

Complex entertainment. Fun "Musical toys". Goal: to develop auditory attention and sense of rhythm. Cultivate a desire to play music.

Sedentary games “Bubble”, “Carousel” - strengthen the ability to pronounce text, coordinate words and movements. With Arina and Nastya, the situation “Treats for children and animals” - Form an idea of ​​the objective world “Products”: candies, carrots, honey; develop visual-spatial orientation.

walk 2 Observing flowers in a flowerbed - to cultivate an interest in observing objects of living nature, the ability to see the beautiful things around. Reading the poem “Dandelion” by E. Blaginina

Game – fun with dandelions “Blow the Balloon”

Outdoor game “Run to me” - practice running in a straight line.

Game exercise “Step over.” Goal: to train Fedor and Rita in stepping over an object.

Interaction with parents and social partners Exhibition “Immortal Regiment”

Long-term planning. May.

I week.
Topic: "CITY."

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the world around them. Know the house where you live, your neighbors, friends, adults and children. Reinforce the concepts: house, yard, street, neighbors. Cultivate love for your home, street, city.

Educational areas Subject Target Methods and techniques Materials Literature
Social-communicative (cognitive development) The house we live in. Expand children's understanding of the world around them. Know the house where you live, your neighbors, friends, adults and children. Reinforce the concepts: house, yard, street, neighbors. Cultivate love for your home, street, city. Verbal (the word of the teacher,

conversation, reasoning), visual (showing, looking at illustrations, paintings, multimedia), practical (game activities).

Cards depicting a nest, hollow, den, hole... Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age, p. 299
Artistic and aesthetic development: modeling/

Application (overlay)

We are building, building a new house.

A house has grown, a huge house

continue to develop aesthetic perception; cultivate love for your city; learn to choose the color of paper in

in accordance with the color of objects in evening lighting

research; learn how to create appliques at home based on an idea.

Verbal (discussion, explanation); visual (observation, examination); practical (game-situation). Black, dark blue or purple background, paper size

personal shades,

Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age, p. 305
Speech development Our town connected speech:

teach children to coherently answer the teacher’s questions. Encourage children to become active during the conversation. In proposal

in a married situation, to strengthen children’s ability to apply the acquired knowledge in life;


expand children's vocabulary.

Words (conversation),

insolent (show)

pract. (a game).

Cards with pictures of houses. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age, p. 302
Artistic and aesthetic development: drawing It flashed before us

Bright, festive fireworks.

Encourage children to reflect on their experiences

from observations; cultivate interest in the environment, to

hometown. Learn to depict fireworks lights.

Verbal (discussion, explanation), visual (observation, examination, showing), practical (drawing). Children's drawings depicting an evening city, red

ki, brushes, panorama of the evening city on dark blue paper -

sample (drawings and panorama are made in the upper part of the folded

half sheet of paper).

Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age, p. 305
Reading fiction + communication My house

N. Gol

Introduce children to a new work. Cultivate interest in memorizing the poem. Verbal (teacher's word, conversation, reading, discussion, theatrical performance);

- visual (examination, showing a fairy tale); - practical (game activity, game - imitation)

Illustrations. Collection No. 1

I I week.

Goal: to strengthen children’s skills in washing, knowledge of toilet objects and their purpose. Develop observation, curiosity, and learn the properties of water. To instill in children cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, neat, and to treat their body with respect.

Educational areas Subject Target Methods and techniques Materials Literature
Social-communicative (cognitive development) Washing every day To develop children's knowledge about the Victory Day holiday. To give knowledge that a long time ago, 70 years ago, there was the Great Patriotic War and the people defeated the enemy. Verbal: artistic expression, questions for children, teacher’s story.

Visual: pictures of soap, towels.

Practical: game.

Pictures depicting soap, towels. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age, p. 305
Artistic and aesthetic development: modeling/

Application (overlay)

Be careful with water

Close the tap properly!

Teach children to save tap water, not to pour water without

needs and close the tap tightly; teach how to create

applique image of a towel, decorate it.

Verbal (discussion, explanation); visual (observation, examination); practical


Paper of different colors, a “towel” in the form of a rectangular

nicks, a round prohibitory sign with a picture of a crane.

Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age, p. 362
Speech development Water, water... Teach children to emotionally perceive poetic pro-

work, awareness of the topic, content. Arouse desire

remember and expressively reproduce quatrains;

sound culture of speech:

reinforce the pronunciation of sounds

[h'], [w], [s].

Words (conversation),

insolent (show)

pract. (a game).

Moidodyr. Pictures of soap, towels Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age, p. 357
Artistic and aesthetic development: drawing The rain fell barefoot on the ground... Evoke an emotional response in children; rhythm of strokes

learn to pass raindrops; learn to lay out and on-

glue ready-made forms; introduce various natural

other phenomena (rain).

Verbal (discussion, explanation), visual (observation, examination, showing), practical (drawing). A large sheet of paper with a picture of the sky, a pencil

blue shawls, napkins, oilcloths, silhouettes of people, animals, the sun, dogs

nya “If you are kind” in the recording.

Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age, p. 361
Reading fiction + communication) Excerpt from K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Continue to introduce children to objects in their immediate environment:

— Activate children’s vocabulary with the names of washing supplies;

— Develop perception, attention, communication skills during the game;

— Cultivate interest in everyday processes.

Verbal (riddle, teacher's word, reading, discussion); visual (examination of toilet items, examination, display); practical (didactic game “Bathing a doll”, improvisation game). Hygiene items, doll. — K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”

— Zatulina G.Ya. Speech development of preschoolers, p. 93.

III week.
Topic: "Insects"

Goal: Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around us. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about spring changes in nature, insects, and primary colors. Activate children's vocabulary on the topics “Spring”, “Insects”. Cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.

Educational areas Subject Target Methods and techniques Materials Literature
Social-communicative (cognitive development) Insects on our site. Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around us. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about spring changes in nature, insects, and primary colors. Activate children's vocabulary on the topics “Spring”, “Insects”. Cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things. Verbal: artistic expression, questions for children, teacher’s story.

Visual: pictures with drawings of insects. Practical: observation, improvisation game.

Pictures with drawings of insects. Recording sounds of wildlife. Walking activities with preschool children. S. N. Teplyuk, p. 35 (e), 101
Artistic and aesthetic development: modeling/


Caterpillar Continue teaching children to roll small balls from plasticine using circular movements between their palms. Verbal (discussion, explanation); visual (observation, examination); practical

(a game).

Plasticine, twigs or matches, cardboard stand, planks. Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old. D. N. Koldina, p. 26
Speech development Our familiar insects - consolidate children's knowledge about insects.

- develop attention, logical thinking, articulation and intonation expressiveness of speech;

- cultivate neatness and respect for all living things.

Words (conversation),

insolent (show)

pract. (a game).

flannelograph, pictures with signs of spring, stump, insect models, grass, flowers, beehive, mink, Gyenish blocks. Collection No. 1
Artistic and aesthetic development: drawing Butterflies in the meadow. Strengthen the ability to fill a finished silhouette with a pattern by rhythmically drawing a pattern; acquaintance with a new way of drawing - monotype; developing the ability to perform rhythmic movements to music, distinguishing the nature of the music. Verbal (discussion, explanation); visual (observation, examination); practical


Butterflies cut out of paper, a finished sample with a simple pattern, gouache of primary colors, brushes, jars of water, a musical fragment from Burenina’s collection “Top-clap, kids” O. G. Zhukova Planning and notes for art activities for young children. Page 71
Reading fiction + communication) "Fly, Moth" Encourage children to imitate the images of the heroes of the plots in vocal-motor improvisation, introduce them to a new fairy tale and play it out in improvisation. Verbal (teacher's word, story, reading, conversation), visual (showing, examining), practical (improvisation game). Caps of moths and flowers, pictures. Development of gaming activities, junior group. N.F. Gubanova, page 103

IV week.
Topic: “Plant world”

Goal: Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around us. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about spring changes in nature, insects, and primary colors. Activate children's vocabulary on the topics “Spring”, “Insects”. Cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.

Educational areas Subject Target Methods and techniques Materials Literature
Social-communicative (cognitive development) Dandelions bloom here and here, here and here. Introduce children to flowers. teach the structure of a flower, consolidate concepts, high, low. Develop a desire to respond emotionally to the beauty of the surrounding nature. Verbal: artistic expression, questions for children, teacher’s story.

Visual: pictures with drawings of flowers. Practical: observation, improvisation game.

Masha doll, dandelions. Walking activities with preschool children. S. N. Teplyuk, p. 108

Introduction to nature in kindergarten.

O.A. Solomennikova, pp. 33, 47, 48

Artistic and aesthetic development: modeling/



Lilacs in a basket. Arouse children's interest in the objects recognized in the image, the joy of meeting something beautiful, the desire to admire the picture, examine it carefully, teach them to make flowers using the cutting method, lay them out and stick them in a certain part of the sheet, and cultivate a love of nature. Verbal (discussion, explanation); visual (observation, examination); practical


Volumetric applique – cutting method.

Large sheet with a drawn basket, multi-colored paper Development and education of children of primary preschool age. Volchkova V.N.

Stepanova N.V.

2001, p.382

Speech development Wonderful flowers connected speech:

teach children to write a short story based on

questions from the teacher according to the reference scheme. Teach correctly

name flowers, compare them by size, color;

sound culture of speech:

consolidate the pronunciation of sounds [w], [z], [zh], [u].

Words (conversation),

insolent (show)

pract. (a game).

Pictures of flowers. Development and education of children of primary preschool age. Volchkova V.N.

Stepanova N.V.

2001, p.379

Artistic and aesthetic development: drawing Dandelion, dandelion! The stem is as thin as a finger .Draw using the poking method, strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse the brush well, and cultivate aesthetic taste. Verbal (riddles, reading of L. Nekrasova’s poem “Above Moscow”, discussion, explanation), visual (observation, examination, display), practical (theatricalization, experimentation). Easel, flannelgraph, figures, white and green paint, brushes, glass of water, napkins, blue paper. Visual activity and artistic work. O. V. Pavlova, p.65
Reading fiction + communication Our site in spring Introduce children to the names of plants on the site, activate children's vocabulary. Develop attention, memory, observation, cultivate interest in objects of living nature. Verbal (teacher's word, story, reading, conversation), visual (showing, examining), practical (game). Inspection of the site. Speech development in preschoolers. First junior group. G. Ya Zatulina, page 143
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