Sports entertainment: Autumn came to visit us (senior and preparatory group). Robustova Anna Sergeevna

Sports entertainment in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten “Visiting Autumn”

Sports entertainment in the senior and preparatory group “Visiting Autumn”


1. Create an environment of emotional well-being.
2. Improve the skills and abilities acquired in joint physical education activities between the teacher and children. 3. Consolidate knowledge about the seasons and signs of autumn. 4. Foster in children a sense of collectivism and the ability to empathize. Equipment:
leaflets according to the number of children; two baskets; mushrooms according to the number of children; six landmarks; cones; two scarves; "puddles"; jump rope; dummies of “fruits and vegetables”; two small hoops, one large.

Leisure progress.
Children enter the hall to the recording of the song “Autumn has come” and line up. Presenter:
Autumn is outside the window again, The rain is falling like peas, The leaves are falling, rustling, How good autumn is!
Guys, what is autumn rich in? Let's go on an unusual journey now and visit Autumn. Let's go into the yard. (Walking on toes, heels, normal). The autumn wind blew. (Run) . What wonderful air in autumn! (Calm walking with breathing restored). Presenter:
After rain in the forest it is difficult to walk along the path, but we are not used to retreating!
Obstacle course.
Jumping over “puddles”, walking along a cord with a side step.
Here we are. What a beauty!

ORU "In the forest in autumn"

1. Clouds are floating across the sky.

IP: legs together, arms down.
1 - rise on your toes, arms to the sides. 2 – I.P. 3 – rise on your toes, arms up. 4 – I.P. Instructions: Maintain correct posture. 2. The owl inspects its domain.
I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1 - turn right. 2 – I.P. 3 – turn left. 4 – I.P. 3. Trees sway in the wind.
I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms above.
1 - tilts to the right. 2 – I.P. 3 – tilt to the left. 4 – I.P. 4. The wind sways the last leaves.
IP: sitting, legs to the sides, arms in front.
1-2-3 - forward bends. 4 – I.P. Instructions: Perform bending movements at a calm pace. 5. Various mushrooms were hidden under the fallen leaves.
I.P.: stand with your feet together, hands on your belt.
1 - half squat, hands to shoulders. 2 – squat, hands “house”. 3 – half squat, hands to shoulders. 4 – I.P. 6. Drops of rain.
I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt.
1-4 - jumping on two legs. Instructions: Perform jumps on your toes.

And now, after we’ve looked around the forest, it’s time to get down to business.
In the forest, in the little forest, mushrooms have grown! Guys, what mushrooms do you know?

Relay race “Collect mushrooms in a basket.”

Children line up in two columns, one at a time, behind the starting lines marked with hoops on the floor. One wicker basket is placed opposite each of the starting lines. There are 3 landmarks between the starting lines. The distance between landmarks is 1m. Under each of the landmarks, 2-4 “mushrooms” are placed on the floor. At the command of the presenter, “One, two, three, collect the mushrooms in the basket!” “The first players of each team begin to move in a “snake” between the “Christmas trees”, take one mushroom from under one of the trees along the way, run to the basket, put the mushroom in it, run back to their team, and pass the baton to the next player.


What kind of crops do people harvest in their gardens and vegetable gardens?
Relay race “Sort vegetables and fruits.”
Children line up in two columns, one at a time, behind the starting lines marked with hoops on the floor. A basket is placed next to each team. Opposite the teams, a hoop is placed into which 2 sets of didactic toys “Vegetables” and “Fruits” are mixed up. One team will collect vegetables, the other - fruits. After the words of the presenter: Guys, don’t yawn, collect the harvest! players begin to collect “vegetables” and “fruits” and put them in baskets.


The animals are stocking up on mushrooms and nuts, so the squirrel is busy, let's help her.
Attraction “Collect cones for the squirrels.”
Two children are randomly selected.
Children are given small wicker baskets in their hands, and their eyes are blindfolded with opaque scarves. At the command of the presenter “One, two, three, collect the cones!” “The players begin to collect spruce and pine cones scattered on the floor of the hall into baskets. On the command “Stop, game! "The children stop collecting cones. The host and Autumn count the cones collected by the players. Host:
Close your eyes and imagine that we are in the forest. Look how many leaves there are around. Let's take a leaf and play with the leaves.

Outdoor game “We are leaves.”

We are leaves, we are leaves, (Standing, raise your hands up) We are autumn leaves. (Swinging the body to the sides) We were sitting on a branch. (Squat down) The wind blew - we flew. We flew, we flew. (Running in different directions) And then we got tired of flying. The breeze stopped blowing - We all sat down in a circle - (Sit down) The wind suddenly blew again, And quickly blew away the leaves. (Running, slowly spinning in place) All the leaves flew and sat quietly on the ground. (Sit down)


Guys, what autumn months do you know? What signs of autumn can you name?

Outdoor game “Autumn Rain”.

A drop once, a drop two, A drop slowly at first, And then, then, then, All running, running, running. We opened our umbrellas and sheltered ourselves from the rain. Children walk slowly in a circle, speed up the pace, run in a circle, look around, raise their hands up like an umbrella.


Today we visited the forest and helped the forest inhabitants! Well done! And autumn left you little cards with wishes as a gift! Now it's time to return to the group.

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