Where does the Motherland begin - patriotic education in the family

Patriotic education consists of instilling in a child love for his native land and the country as a whole. Thanks to patriotism, the Great Patriotic War was won, when the power of the German army was broken by the sense of civic duty of the Soviet people.

Today they talk a lot about the economy, the need to develop the country, and are engaged in production and construction. For some reason, patriotism fades into the background; it is erased by admiration for Western values. The democracy that came to us to replace the Soviet regime teaches tolerance to all views and worldviews. But we must not lose the values ​​of our society, because patriotism is associated with them.

Give your child a piece of paper and ask them to write the word "Middle Name" . If the word is written with a capital letter, then your child at school received the first concept of patriotism and love for the Motherland. If the first letter is a small letter, then you need to pay attention to family patriotic education and instilling patriotism from an early age.

The majority of adults received a dose of patriotism. Those who found the Soviet Union do not need to be told what the title of pioneer or Komsomol member meant to them. For men, the army made a huge contribution to patriotic education. Now there is no single and official ideology, as there was in the Soviet Union. Therefore, in a large flow of very diverse information, it is difficult for children to understand that they need to love their Motherland and their land.

As long as we remain patriots of our land and masters in our country, other states will take us into account. To do this, we must love our country, our land and its riches. The family plays a huge role in the education of patriotism - children copy the behavior of their parents and subconsciously become attached to their point of view.

Raising patriotism in the family

Start raising your child as a patriot with a normal microclimate in your family nest. You cannot quarrel with your significant other, lead an immoral lifestyle, drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. Parents themselves must love their Motherland, then no effort on their part will be required to raise their children. Educational lessons will take place naturally and naturally, and children will be imbued with love for the Fatherland without much work for themselves.

Current issues of patriotic education

The feeling of love for the Motherland begins with love for the family and the formation of a sense of responsibility for each of its members. In case of trouble, everyone should rush to the aid of one and save him as long as it is necessary and there is an opportunity. Likewise, one person should fight without hesitation for the well-being of his entire family.


You need to tell your children more often about the life of your family; there are probably outstanding personalities in your family. Take a family album and tell your children about their grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters. Try to tell the truth, but focus on their positive achievements.

Walking around the neighborhood with parents helps strengthen patriotism. A boy can be taught to make a fire, and a girl can weave wreaths from meadow flowers. Such a pastime will be remembered for a lifetime. Even if fate in the future takes your children to distant lands, they will still reverently remember these walks in their native land.


You need to love your homeland not just for show, but with your soul and heart . The price of such love is worthless when, after loud patriotic speeches, the head of the family, as if “accidentally,” throws out the wrapper in the middle of the street.

Report “The role of the family in raising a patriot of the Motherland”

Good evening, dear parents!

We are people who have different educations, different characters, outlooks on life, different destinies, but there is one thing that unites us - our children, girls and boys, who can either become worthy citizens of our country or not.

Therefore, we will devote our conversation today to difficult questions: where does love for the Motherland begin; is it necessary to instill patriotic feelings in children; how to do it, etc.

The topic of our conversation is
“The role of the family in raising a patriot of the Motherland.”
Why did we start talking about this today? I think it will not be a big secret for you, our society has changed a lot in recent decades. These changes, first of all, affected moral values ​​and attitudes towards the events of our history. Today, the history of the country is being rewritten, myths about former heroes are being debunked. Children have distorted ideas about patriotism, kindness, and generosity. People's attitude towards their homeland has also changed. If earlier we constantly heard and sang the anthems of our country, now they talk about it mostly negatively. In the modern world, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones. You and I are witnesses to how spiritual, moral and social values ​​are being lost, respect for history is being lost, and one’s roots are being forgotten. And a tree cannot grow, bloom and bear fruit without roots. And therefore, our task is to grow this tree into a full-fledged tree......

While raising your children, I think many of you have repeatedly asked yourself the following questions:

How to teach children to take care and love what you have, your home, your family, your family, your family history? How to instill in them the ability to be human not in words, but in deeds? How can we teach them to show respect for the work of their ancestors, who preserved this world and this country for them? How to teach them to be worthy of their memory?

The process of instilling moral and patriotic qualities in a child is very complex and multifaceted, in which not only teachers, but also parents and our society should become participants.

Patriotic education

is a purposeful process aimed at educating a patriot, a citizen of his country. What should a patriot be like nowadays? Most people believe that patriotism is a feeling of love for one’s Motherland, the ability to take courageous and heroic actions, and responsibility for one’s contribution to the development of one’s country and society.

When a little person begins to become aware of the world around him, already at this moment it is important to form in him a sense of belonging to the family, to school, to society. This feeling is formed only if the adult wants, and most importantly knows how to see and show the “little citizen” all the events, rules, norms that connect the child with the society in which he lives. How easily a child develops a sense of pride in his homeland when you read with him works about the exploits of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War!

The education of patriotism should begin and be strengthened in the family.

The family is a fertile environment for nurturing patriotic consciousness, feelings and beliefs in children. Parents must understand that if they cannot instill in a child a reverent attitude towards his homeland, his people, culture, history, then the child’s respectful and reverent attitude towards his parents and loved ones, given to us by nature, will also not be formed. The ability to see a piece of yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and actions in everything around you is the beginning of patriotic education.

From love for the Motherland, respect for women, love and reverence for mothers, preservation of family ties, respect for the traditions of our ancestors, kindness and mercy, memory of our heroic past - a great feeling of patriotism is formed.

Therefore, today we will try to develop common principles in resolving issues related to the education of real citizens of our country, i.e. in raising our children.

But first, I would like to discuss with you, dear parents, several questions about the role and methods of patriotic education in the family.

Questions for discussion
(distributed to parents before the meeting):
1) Do you want your child to be a staunch patriot of his country, his region, his village, or does it matter to you?

2) How does your family work to instill patriotism in a child?

3) Do you know your family's ancestry? If so, how do you transfer this knowledge?

4) Do your family keep relics of your grandparents and great-grandparents? Do children know about them?

5) How do you celebrate Victory Day with your children?

6) Do you and your children read books about great people, heroes of our country?

7) Do you think it is important to prepare boys for military service?

There are various forms and methods of patriotic education in the family, pay attention to the presentation slide.

8) Tell us about one of the forms of patriotic education in your family, which you consider the most successful?

(Parents discuss the topic of the meeting, share their experiences


As you can see, in our school there are families who have good positive experience in raising patriots of their country, their family. It is unlikely that the parents in these families set themselves the task: “Today I will raise a patriot.”

Before a child begins to perceive himself as a citizen, he needs help in realizing his own “I”, his family, his roots - what is close, familiar, understandable.

The family occupies a leading place in the system of patriotic education. In the family, as the original unit of society, the process of educating the individual, the formation and development of patriotism begins, which subsequently continues in educational institutions.

The formation of patriotism can be divided into several stages:

First stage

formation of patriotism
the formation of related feelings towards one’s family: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, close and distant relatives.

Second stage

patriotism is through nurturing love for the Small Motherland - the student body, local traditions and history. Without a feeling of a Small Motherland, there is no great patriotism.

Third stage

formation of patriotism - nurturing love for the Fatherland, people, its history, culture, traditions.

It's no secret that skills are developed not only and not so much at school, but in the family. Love for the homeland begins in the family. If a child in his parents’ home is surrounded by love and responds to it himself, if he knows the history of his family, remembers the selfless struggle that many people (including his immediate relatives) waged so that our country would live in a world without wars, then we can say that his knowledge is combined with respect and love for the homeland and people living in his beloved country.

If a child has a prosperous parental home, then from an early age he realizes the security of his existence. Once born, this feeling develops and strengthens as knowledge about the homeland, its formation, growth, its nature grows, because you can truly love only what you know well. And as soon as the child discovers the world, he begins to consider it as his own. It doesn't really matter that the scenery is picturesque or that the town or village is full of tourist attractions. It is much more important that your son or daughter perceives his environment as an inheritance received from his ancestors.

What a child will be like depends largely on how patriotic the mother and father are. Relationships in the family influence relationships in society and form the basis of a person’s civil behavior. The child sees how relationships are built between parents and the older generation - grandparents. He involuntarily accepts these attitudes. Disrespect for older people on the part of parents will have a detrimental effect on the formation of his moral values ​​and will certainly affect his attitude towards his Fatherland.

“The best way to instill in children love for the Fatherland is for their fathers to have this love,” wrote the French philosopher Charles Montesquieu.

Patriotic feelings need to be cultivated from an early age. The catchphrase says: “It all starts with childhood.” From infancy, the child hears his native speech. Mother's songs, fairy tales that excite and captivate a child, make him cry and laugh, show him that people consider hard work, friendship, and mutual assistance to be the most important wealth. Listening to fairy tales, the child begins to love what his people love, and condemn what the people condemn.

It is in the family that parents convey to the child their perception of life: their love for nature, for folk songs, for folk traditions, for people who make life better and more interesting. For many years, children remember their walks with their parents to the nearest forest, field, lake, full of vivid impressions and experiences. These walks ignite in the child’s soul the first spark of great love for his native nature.

Family holiday evenings, a procession with parents, grandparents through an elegant square to a festive fireworks display, a rally, a parade - all this evokes in children those special, bright feelings that are imprinted for life.

Children pay great attention to concrete manifestations of parents’ patriotic feelings in everyday life.

For example: a father, coming home from work, enthusiastically talks about his work at work and his successes.

Or: a mother, leafing through a family album, tells her children about family members, about grandparents who fought for their native land, have awards for their work, and recalls stories from the life of the family.

If a family values ​​art, shows children masterpieces of folk art, and respects the art of all peoples of our country - all this instills in children a sense of patriotism.

It is very important to convince children that love for the homeland is manifested not only when shells explode. It manifests itself in a person’s constant desire to make life better - to study well at school, to work well, to help someone who needs our help. Supporting a good cause and speaking out against evil and violence is also patriotism.

It also happens that parents themselves extinguish noble feelings in their children, not allowing them to help when necessary, or forcing them to remain silent when it is necessary to speak out against evil.

Sometimes parents, in the presence of their children, talk about the shortcomings of the social system of our country in such a tone that the child’s whole life will begin to seem black.

Such parents themselves cut off the branch on which they sit. After all, they plant in the child’s soul the thought that they can sell their homeland for money, and abandon their mother because she has become old and sick, and that she does not have the means to support her son or daughter the way they want.

Various vices arise from the shortcomings of family upbringing. Young people grow up with nothing sacred: no family, no homeland.

To prevent our children from becoming like this, families and schools need to unite and carry out targeted patriotic work. Instill in children a love for their homeland, a desire to work for its good, and to glorify the place where you live.

It is in the family and school that the foundation of patriotism is laid, a feeling of love for one’s hometown or village, for humanity as a whole, is born.

From parents and teachers, children learn about good and bad people, duty and justice, courage and bravery.

The power of the example of parents in the formation of a true patriot of the Motherland is very great.

Patriotic consciousness, feelings and actions are conveyed by them in the process of everyday communication with children, by their own example. The main thing is that the words of adults do not diverge from the deeds.

I want to offer you some tips on patriotic education of children:

1. Respect everything that was created by the work of our ancestors! Tell your children about the great events in the history of our people!

2. Introduce children to their homeland, their immediate and distant surroundings, and then to the whole country, to the successes and achievements of the people!

3. Don't miss our national holidays! Explain their meaning to children!

4. Help children love their native language and speak it correctly.

5. Instill in your child a sense of pride for their country and people.

6. Teach your child to sacredly honor the historical past of the family, people, and country!

The French writer A. Exupery has a wonderful fairy tale “The Little Prince”. It contains great wisdom, there are golden rules that can be used in any situation. This is what you try to teach your children:

On one of the planets the Little Prince asked:

-Where are the people?

- There is none of them. They fly, they have no roots.

We must raise children so that they are not Ivans who do not remember their kinship.

We should not forget that a good person, a real person, a patriot, begins with the desire to help other people, his country. Moral activity begins with caring for others. A person must have a need for good deeds. Then the consciousness of duty to oneself will grow into responsibility to all living on Earth.

Patriot, who is he?

1. Everyone who loves the place where he was born and raised.

2. The one who loves and does not forget his mother, his home

3. Who proudly realizes that there is no country on Earth better than ours.

4. Someone who not only loves, but also protects nature.

5. Knows state symbols

6. Knows the history of his country, is proud of his ancestors.

7. Ready to defend the Fatherland

Patriots are not born, they are made

The most important acquisition of a person during childhood and apprenticeship is self-confidence, faith in what he knows and can do, self-esteem. These qualities must be formed in the process of patriotic education through various means and methods. The heroic struggle and exploits of the best sons of the Fatherland should become the basis of patriotic education. When talking about heroic individuals, we try to emphasize their moral principles and the motives for their actions, as this can touch the soul of a child.

Children should also be explained that in today’s life there are examples of serving society - selfless doctors, rescuers, outstanding scientists, people organizing charitable assistance to those in need, socially active citizens.

It is necessary to constantly repeat to the children that patriotic feelings and ideas only morally elevate a person when they are built on respect for people.

Patriotism can be viewed in different ways. We do not think about whether we commit patriotic acts or not, but we must remember that love for our family, for our homeland, are key in raising a good person and citizen.

This is due, firstly

, in that it represents a kind of socio-psychological micro-collective, which is based on the closest, trusting relationships between parents and children.


, in a family environment, the living embodiment of patriotic feelings for a child is his parents - mother and father. Children associate with them the concepts of their home, their native places, their region, its nature, their Motherland. It is no coincidence, as teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky noted, that the words Motherland, Fatherland are half-brothers of the words give birth, father.


, in a family environment, the process of intra-family communication between the older and younger generations does not stop for a minute. This communication contributes not only to the simple exchange of information, but also to the transfer of rich spiritual experience to children and grandchildren, the formation of feelings, beliefs, and behavior.

Everything that a real family is famous for - moral forms of behavior, love for the fatherland, a sacred attitude towards its cultural and spiritual values, civic feelings - all this should be passed on to the children as an inheritance.

At the end of our conversation, I would like to wish you all that your children grow up to be worthy people and become a reliable support not only for you, the parents, but also for their future families.

Be happy in your families! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Thank you for your attention.

Memo for parents

  • If you want to raise your child to be a worthy person and citizen, do not speak ill of the country in which you live.
  • Tell your child about the trials that befell your ancestors, from which they emerged with honor.
  • Introduce your child to the memorable and historical places of your homeland.
  • Even if you really don’t want to go with your child to a museum or exhibition on a weekend, remember that the sooner and more regularly you do this while your child is small, the more likely it is that he will visit cultural institutions in adolescence and in youth.
  • Remember that the more you express dissatisfaction with every day you live, the more pessimism and dissatisfaction with life your child will express.
  • When you communicate with your child, try not only to evaluate his educational and psychological problems, but also the positive aspects of his life (who helps and supports him, who he would like to make friends with and why, what interesting moments happened during and after lessons).
  • Support your child’s desire to show himself on the positive side, never say to him such words and expressions as “Keep your head down!”, “Sit quietly!”, “Don’t show initiative, it is punishable!” etc.
  • Watch with him programs and movies that tell about people who have glorified the country in which you live, and positively evaluate their contribution to society.
  • Do not cultivate indifference in your child, it will turn against you.
  • Discover in your child the ability to show positive emotions as early as possible; they will become your hope in old age.


The role of school in family patriotic education

Knowledge of the history of one's native land and country is usually given at the school desk. The Great Patriotic War is a difficult page in the history of our country, but it showed us that the united efforts of everyone and contribution to the common cause are the key to success. Hermann Goering admitted that Nazi Germany lost the war because it did not know the mentality of the Russian people. In terms of tactics and economics, all calculations were correct and aimed at victory, but in the ideological and patriotic component, it was almost impossible to defeat the Russian people.

Sports-patriotic approach to education

In addition to studying and knowing your history, the following school activities to develop patriotism will make a positive contribution to the development of patriotic feelings:

  • Labor lessons - here boys and girls are taught to create material values ​​with their own hands.
  • Physical education – children need to be taught to take care of their health. After all, only a healthy person will be able to take care of the development of his country and stand up for its defense if necessary.
  • Literature - reading classics and contemporaries will tell children about the life of the Motherland in different eras.

Patriotic school education must necessarily overlap with family education. Regularly ask your children what they learned in class, participate in homework, and communicate with teachers. School is a second family, so don’t leave your child’s education to chance. Teachers have qualifications and experience working with children in the field of patriotic education, but they cannot completely replace the family.

What is patriotism?

Patriotism refers to both the homeland for a specific person in general, and a feeling of devotion to one’s fatherland, love for the Motherland, the desire to serve its interests, and protect it from enemies.

Patriotic education can be given a dozen definitions, but we will focus on the one that, it seems to us, best reflects the essence of this process. So, patriotic education is the systematic activity of government bodies and organizations to develop in citizens a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their homeland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the country.

But if everything is clear with adults: someone received a portion of patriotism in the army, someone professionally studied history and military affairs - many factors could influence an adult, then how can you tell a child that loving Russia is good. And is it necessary to do this?

Recent statistics show that the younger generation has little sense of patriotism these days: surveys in schools and sections among children of different ages show that young people are not particularly interested in their homeland, its fate, or history. And the feeling of love for her practically disappeared from the radar.

Motivation of schoolchildren to study

How to instill in your child a love for school? Read our article!

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Of course, with the destruction of Soviet ideology, a more or less democratic structure replaced the regime in which a person was a cog in a single mechanism working for the benefit of his native country. The main thing today is the individual’s personality with its diversity, and the sense of duty to the homeland is decreasing due to constant armed conflicts, globalization, and the possibility of communicating with any person anywhere in the world. It `s naturally. However, there is something in this that should be feared: many of today's teenagers or children of primary school age do not have any feelings for their homeland. Don't you see the catch in this?

But the state sees. That is why, in our country, since 2001, methods of patriotic education have been introduced into the education system, which are aimed at creating a positive image of the homeland and capable of instilling love for a big, big country from a very early age.

“I believe that children should not so much be “drilled into” (sorry, I couldn’t find another word) patriotism and love for the homeland, but rather show it by example. This applies to attitudes towards veterans, the elderly, and children. This is even how we treat trash on the street and people who litter. After all, love for the motherland and patriotism are not only beautiful poems and achievements.”

Happy mother Evgenia Patyukova

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