Card index of riddles on lexical topicsmaterial on speech development on the topic

Riddles are a great way to have fun and usefully spend time with your family. Along with entertainment, they will help raise the educational level of children 6-7 years old and expand their familiarity with the world around them, and the game form will help keep the child’s attention and make this process entertaining.

Fast passage:

  1. Logic riddles for children with answers
  2. Riddles for children 3 years old
  3. Riddles for children 4 years old
  4. Riddles for children 5 years old
  5. Riddles for children 6 years old
  6. Riddles for children 7 years old
  7. Riddles for children 8 years old
  8. Riddles for children 9 and 10 years old
  9. Riddles about animals for children
  10. Riddles about vegetables and fruits for children
  11. Trick riddles for children
  12. Russian folk riddles with answers
  13. Video: Riddles for children

The most important thing is to choose the right riddle. If you make a wish that is too complex, it will quickly turn from an interesting activity into a boring event for him. When choosing children's riddles, first of all give preference to those to which the child can not only guess the answer, but also pronounce it. It is easier for a child to find answers among the objects around him and what interests him, so always try to ask children's riddles that correspond to the situation.

Logic riddles for children with answers

For the youngest children, keep in mind that their thinking, including logical thinking, has not yet been formed, therefore, all kinds of hints are especially important, be they visual (pictures-tips) or audio. And remember that the game comes first for them!

Answer: letter E

  1. It's all cast in gold and stands on a straw. (Answer - ear)
  2. Baba Yaga, with a pitchfork, feeds the whole world, but she herself always remains hungry. (Answer - plow)
  3. A pig was running, with a golden back and a flaxen tail. She ran into a hole and disappeared somewhere. (The answer is a needle)
  4. What is easy to wear, but difficult to count. Even with the help of strangers. (Answer - hair)
  5. The more I twist and turn, the fatter I get. (Answer - spindle)
  6. She was born in water, but she is afraid of water. As soon as it gets into it, it immediately disappears without a trace. (The answer is salt)
  7. She herself is naked, and her shirt is in her bosom. (Answer - candle)
  8. Balls of balls are rolling around near the barrel. One is huge, the rest are small. (Answer: pig and piglets)
  9. Where does the water stand in both winter and summer? (Answer - well)
  10. The oak-socked ganders fly, they fly and say: “That’s me!” That’s me!” (The answer is threshing with flails)
  11. Two twin brothers live across the street. But no matter how hard they try, they don’t see each other. (Answer - eyes)
  12. The sieve is built on four corners, on one hundred legs, on seven humps. (Answer - peasant hut)
  13. A living survivor sits on a living chair. (Answer: a child on an adult’s lap)
  14. He lives in this world, but as soon as he sees sunlight and breathes in air, he quickly dies. (Answer: fish)
  15. If you cut a forest, the forest will quickly wither and become food, but in a month a young forest will rise in the same place. (Answer - haymaking)
  16. He doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let him into the hut. (The answer is a castle)

The world

Riddles about professions for children

Riddle No. 32

Bread, candy, cucumber, everything will be sold to us...

(Answer: Seller)


Riddle No. 33

So that the city would be beautiful. Both cozy and loved, He sweeps the streets. Cleans up all the trash...

(Answer: Janitor)


Riddle No. 34

He is not an artist or an entertainer, he handles the ball deftly, everyone calls him... And they praise him for his dexterity.

(Answer: Football player)


Riddle No. 35

Maybe at night, maybe during the day He will fight the fire, breaking into the building to the place of the fire. He will extinguish everything skillfully, so that it doesn’t burn anymore!

(Answer: Firefighter)


Riddle No. 36

He lays bricks in a row, builds a kindergarten for the children, not a miner or a driver, builds a house for us...

(Answer: Builder)


See all riddles for children about professions

Riddles about transport for children

Riddle No. 37

I'm heavy, I'm big, You know, how powerful I am! I'm used to carrying loads. Who, tell me, am I?...

(Answer: Truck)


Riddle No. 38

He rushes and shoots, grumbling in a patter. The tram can't keep up with this chatter.

(Answer: Motorcycle)


Riddle No. 39

It has two wheels and a saddle on a frame. There are two pedals below, you spin them with your feet.

(Answer: Bicycle)


Riddle No. 40

There is a house walking along the asphalt, There are a lot of children in it, And there are reins above the roof, He cannot walk without them.

(Answer: Trolleybus)


Riddle No. 41

I will take you underground at any time of the year and in any bad weather. Very quickly at any hour.

(Answer: Metro)


See all riddles for children about transport

Riddles about animals for children

  • Not a rider, but with spurs, not a watchman, but waking up the whole village. (Answer: rooster)
  • In the deserted taiga there is a pot. It is always boiling during the day, and quietly seething at night. (Answer - anthill)
  • Blackens all migratory birds, cleans the arable land of worms. Jump back and forth across the arable land, and the bird’s name is... (Answer - rook)
  • I’m not a tailor, I don’t sew clothes for anyone, but I’ve been walking around with needles all my life. (Answer - hedgehog)
  • The brothers stood on stilts, looking for food along the way. Whether running or walking, they cannot get off their stilts. (Answer - cranes)
  • There is a coalless hut, crazy people live in it. They work day and night. (Answer - beehive)
  • If I knock, my head hurts, but if I don’t knock, I’m hungry. (Answer - woodpecker)
  • It flies and howls, it sits and digs the ground. (Answer - beetle)
  • He helps us with the housework and willingly inhabits his wooden palace. Dark bronze... (Answer - starling)
  • He walks on the ground, doesn’t see the sky, nothing hurts, but everything groans. (Answer: pig)
  • An old woman is weaving canvas in a cramped hut. (Answer: bees)
  • There is an awl in front, a fork in the back, a towel on the bottom. (Answer - swallow)
  • White as snow, puffed up like fur, he walks on shovels. (Answer - goose)
  • It has wings, but it doesn’t fly, there are no legs, but you can’t catch up. (Answer: fish)
  • Who in the forest, without axes, builds a hut without corners? (Answer: ants)
  • A white animal wrote a message in the snow. The redhead read the message and easily found the white animal. (Answer - hare and fox)

What is vocabulary?

Let's first define what vocabulary is, and then move on to riddles (at the bottom of the article)

The concept of vocabulary is defined as the vocabulary of a language. This vocabulary, that is, the dictionary, is used by every person. However, it is divided into active and passive: the first type of dictionary is a set of words that are used in communication, the second is words that a person knows, but either does not use them or uses them extremely rarely. It is interesting that the volume of a person’s active vocabulary is several times smaller than the volume of a passive one.

With normal development of a child, his vocabulary should be as follows:

  • 1-1.5 years – 100 words;
  • 2 years – about 400 words;
  • 3 years – average 1100 words;
  • 4 years – about 1600 words;
  • 5 years – about 2200 words.

From the data presented, you can see that the vocabulary of older preschoolers develops much faster than that of younger preschoolers.

In order for lexical development to be more successful, adults must constantly communicate with the child. However, this communication should not end at the level of “hello, bye,” “how are you,” etc. Parents should introduce the child to the names of objects, animals, phenomena or actions, ask questions, talk with the baby, create situations that will help detect the child’s incorrect use of words. Don't neglect trips to the zoo, theater, circus or nature - this is excellent material for expanding your child's vocabulary.

According to the degree of development of the child’s speech, his vocabulary is systematized and organized, and an understanding gradually comes of how words need to be combined according to meaning and semantics. The formation of vocabulary is usually carried out in the following areas:

  • enrichment of the vocabulary, in which there is an expansion of ideas about the environment and the formation of cognitive activity (memory, perception, thinking, etc.);
  • specifying the meanings of words;
  • analysis of a word as a structural speech unit of language;
  • formation of semantic fields according to various characteristics, lexical systematicity;
  • activation of the dictionary, development of word search skills.

Classes for lexical development in the form of games are considered the most effective. In this way, children remember and assimilate new material better and faster, they develop auditory attention, and establish correct perception and reproduction of speech. The following methods are used in vocabulary classes:

  • examination and examination of objects, their comparison, differentiation, generalization;
  • viewing paintings, discussing the depicted subjects;
  • reading fiction, learning poems;
  • solving riddles;
  • conversation on toys with a description of their characteristics;
  • didactic games, etc.

Today, 4 tasks are identified that pursue the lexical development of children:

  1. Enriching the child’s vocabulary with new words and their assimilation and understanding.
  2. Consolidation and clarification of vocabulary.
  3. Activation of the dictionary.
  4. Eliminating words from children's speech that are not literary (dialects, jargons, colloquial words).

Riddles on lexical topics for preschoolers help to remember new words.

Russian folk riddles with answers

For some who are curious enough, ancient Russian riddles may be interesting. It is quite possible that you won’t be able to guess them right away, but by using logic you will cope with this interesting task.

  1. A piece of bread hangs above the grandmother's hut. (Answer: month)
  2. If you don't break the pot, you won't eat the porridge. (Answer - nut)
  3. White carrots grow in winter and disappear without a trace in spring. (Answer - icicle)
  4. When he comes into the house, you can’t drive him out with a stake, but when the time comes, he leaves on his own. (The answer is a ray of sunshine)
  5. The lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground. (Answer: rain)
  6. The hut was built without hands, without an axe. (Answer: birds nest)
  7. They soaked it, beat it, tore it, twisted it and put it on the table. (Answer - tablecloth)
  8. It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, and warms in the winter. (Answer - tree)
  9. The log lies in the middle of the swamp - it does not rot, does not dry out. Only occasionally does it appear in the white light. (The answer is language)
  10. The fox ran close to the forest, jumped along the tops of the trees, didn’t set foot on the ground - couldn’t catch up, couldn’t see. (The answer is the sun)
  11. The iron nose has grown into the ground, digs, digs, loosens the earth. (Answer - plow)
  12. What you love, you can’t buy, and what you don’t love, you can’t sell. (The answer is youth and old age)
  13. She feeds everyone, both old and young, but she doesn’t ask for food, she just gives everything away. (Answer - earth)
  14. I was at a fire, I was at a circle, I fed a hundred heads, I became old - I began to swaddle, they threw me out the window - and did not suit the dogs. (The answer is a cooking pot)
  15. They drink my blood, they burn my bones, they beat each other with my hands. (Answer - birch)
  16. The mother is fat, the daughter is red, the brave son has gone to heaven. (Answer - stove, fire, smoke)
  17. Grandfather paved the bridge without an ax or a chisel. The bridge turned out to be strong, but it only lasted one winter. (The answer is ice)
  18. A steep-horned bull looks out from the high road. (Answer: month)
  19. The black cow conquered the whole world, drove people into courtyards and huts. White came and raised the whole world. (Answer: night and day)


Children's riddles about vegetables

Children's riddles about vegetables are very easy to guess! Explore these useful riddles together!

Riddle No. 30

She is the queen of all vegetables and is proud of her size. From a distance it looks like a melon, and it also looks like a huge red ball.

(Answer: Pumpkin)


Riddle No. 31

In the world of vegetable fashion, everyone shines with beauty. Purple caftan Wears…

(Answer: Eggplant)


Riddle No. 32

It grew under the ground, became round and burgundy. In the rain, the garden bed got wet and ended up in our borscht...

(Answer: Beetroot)


Riddle No. 33

We took her clothes and added a little salt. The tubs are no longer empty - They will ferment...

(Answer: Cabbage)


Riddle No. 34

She hides from the sun Under a bush in a deep hole, Brown is not a bear, In a hole is not a mouse.

(Answer: Potato)


See all children's riddles about vegetables

Children's riddles about fruits

Even a toddler can guess children's riddles about fruits, but this does not mean that older children are less interested in them! Guess these “delicious” riddles!

Riddle No. 35

The berry is delicious and red. She is hiding in the grass. He tells us: “Don’t be lazy, but bend over for me!”...

(Answer: Strawberry)


Riddle No. 36

A small tree: in the spring - a girl, She will throw on a veil - in white flowers, And when summer comes - she will be dressed in red beads, who is it?

(Answer: Cherry)


Riddle No. 37

It grew in the south and gathered its fruits into a bunch. And in the harsh winter, raisins will come to our home...

(Answer: Grapes)


Riddle No. 38

Black pearls hang on threads, Shine through the green leaves, It’s good when part of the summer has passed, And ripens in the gardens...

(Answer: Currant)


Riddle No. 39

She turned sideways to the garden bed and was filled with red juice. Her sister is strawberry. What kind of berry?

(Answer: Strawberry)


See all children's riddles about fruits

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