Card file “Round dance games” card file for speech development (senior group)

Progress of the game:

Children standing in a circle go to the right. "Vania"

walks in a circle, children sing:

Vanya walks, Vanya walks

In the middle of the circle, in the middle of the circle.


walks in a circle, choosing
a “buddy”
. The rest of the children are standing.

Vanya is looking, Vanya is looking

For myself, my friend, for myself, my friend.


Having chosen
a “friend”
, he leads him to the center of the circle.

Found Vanya, found Vanya

For myself, my friend, for myself, my friend.

At the end of the song “Vanya”

dance to the clapping of the children.
Another “Vanya”
and the game is repeated

15. "Warmer"


Goal: To teach children to coordinate the words of the poem with the actions.

Card index of round dance games in the middle group

Card index of round dance games in the middle group


Purpose of the game: To train children in the correct coordination of actions and text, to develop an understanding of the different sizes of an object, and to develop speech and motor activity. As on the car’s name day, we baked a loaf: It’s so tall! (children raise their hands as high as possible) Such lowlands! (children lower their hands as low as possible) This is how wide it is! (children scatter as wide as possible) These are the dinners! (children converge towards the center) Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want! I must admit, I love everyone, and Masha most of all. Card No. 2 “Ball” We quickly inflate the ball, (Children disperse, forming a circle.) It becomes big, That’s what it is! (We show with our hands.) Suddenly the ball burst - shhh (Narrow the circle to the center.) The air came out, (hands up.) He became thin and thin. (We show with our hands how big the ball has become.) We will not grieve, (We shake our heads.) We will inflate again. We quickly inflate the ball (they diverge, forming a circle.) It becomes big, that’s what it is! Card No. 3 “Zainka” Zainka, walk around, little gray one, walk around. Walk like this. Walk like this. Little bunny, spin around, little gray one, spin around. Spin around like this. Spin around like this. Bunny, stomp your foot, little gray one, stomp your foot. Stomp your foot like this, stomp your foot like this. Little bunny, dance, little gray one, dance. Dance like this, dance like this. Bunny, bow, little gray one, bow. Bow down like this, bow down like this. movements according to the text Card No. 4 “In an even circle” Children, holding hands, walk rhythmically in a circle, saying: “In an even circle, One after another We walk step by step, Stay still! Together, let's do it like this! "At the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movement shown by the teacher or the child, for example, turn, bend, sit down, etc. Card No. 5 “Big Carousel” Purpose of the game: Teach children to speak at a fast and slow pace, coordinate movements with words poems, respond to a verbal signal. Progress of the game. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game, having first laid out the rope in the form of a ring: “Today we will play the game “Carousel.” Come on, children, stand in a circle near the rope, take it in your right hand and follow each other, it will be a carousel. We will all say the following words together: Barely, barely, barely The carousel is spinning. And then, then, then Everyone runs, runs, runs. Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel. One-two, one-two, The game is over.

“Bubble” Purpose: to teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song, practice coordinating squats with words and pronouncing words - inflate a bubble, sound sh-sh-sh. Inflate the bubble, inflate big Stay like that Don’t burst it flew, flew, flew Yes, it touched a twig shhhh. The bubble burst. Children and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say words until they say “The bubble burst.” Then they lower their hands and sit down, while pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh” “Sunshine and rain”

The children walk in a circle and say: “The sun is looking through the window, Shining into our room. We will clap our hands. We are very happy about the sun. Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically stamp on the spot. Clap-clap-clap-clap! They clap their hands rhythmically. At the signal “it’s raining, hurry home,” the children run to the teacher under an umbrella. The teacher says: “The rain has passed. The sun is shining." The game repeats itself.


Holding hands, the children form a circle, one child in the center. The players go in a circle and say: “We brought gifts for everyone. Whoever wants it will take it - Here is a doll with a bright ribbon, a horse, a top and an airplane.” At the end of the words they stop, and the person standing in the circle names which of the listed gifts he wants to receive. If he names a horse, the children jump, if they name a doll, they dance, if they name a top, they spin. Standing in a circle, chooses a new leader. The game repeats itself.


Goal: teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song. The children stood in a circle, saw the flag, Who should you give it to? Who should you give it to? Who should you give the flag to? Come out, Sasha in the circle, Sasha take the flag Movements: children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle there is a flag. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say the text. The child comes out according to the text, picks up the flag, then waves it and puts it back. Then the game continues.

“Vanya is walking”
to teach how to stand in a circle, sing along to songs, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.
Children standing in a circle go to the right. “Vanya” walks in a circle, the children sing: Vanya walks, Vanya walks in the middle of the circle, in the middle of the circle. “Vanya” walks in a circle, choosing a “buddy” for himself. The rest of the children are standing. Vanya is looking, Vanya is looking for a friend for himself, a friend for himself. “Vanya”, having chosen a “buddy” for himself, leads him to the center of the circle. Found Vanya, found Vanya For myself, my friend, for myself, my friend At the end of the song, “Vanya” and “my friend” dance to the clapping of the children. Another “Vanya” is selected and the game is repeated “Bunny” Purpose:
To teach to move in a circle, clap your hands. Bunny, bunny, why are you sitting here sick, stand up, jump, dance. your legs are good. Movements: Children and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher and children walk in a circle and say sentences, while performing movements according to the text.


Goal: to teach children to hold hands and perform movements according to the text of the game. Cap, cap Thin legs, Red boots We fed you, We gave you something to drink We put you on your feet We made you dance. Children and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher chooses one of the children, he will be the cap. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say sentences according to the text. When the words “we fed you, we gave you water” are said, the circle narrows, then the children disperse back again, forming a large circle, and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle is dancing.

"We are nesting dolls"

Purpose of the game: Learn to perform movements according to the text, show palms, boots. Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle. The teacher and children walk in a circle and say: We are nesting dolls, these are the crumbs. And we, like our palms, are clean. We are nesting dolls, that’s how little we are. And we, like we have new boots. We are nesting dolls, that’s how little we are. And we, like we have new scarves. We are nesting dolls, that’s how little we are. We ran, we all ran along the path.

"The bunny was walking"

Hold hands to form a circle.
Walk in a circle, saying the words: The bunny walked, walked, walked, found a carrot, sat down, ate and moved on. The bunny walked, walked, walked, found the cabbage, sat down, ate and continued on his way. The bunny walked, walked, walked, found a potato, sat down, ate and continued on his way. When you say “sit down,” stop and squat down. “Circle”
We stand in a circle, holding hands.
The presenter offers to repeat the movements after him: First we will go to the right And then we will go to the left And then we will gather in a circle And sit down for a little bit And now we will go back And we will spin around in place And clap our hands. And now everyone is in a circle together. (Repeat the game several times, but at an accelerating pace) “Snowball”
To the tune (“like on thin ice”) A white snowball fell, We gather in a circle (they walk in a circle) We will stomp, we will stomp (they stomp their feet) We will dance merrily, We will keep your hands warm (rubbing your palms) We will clap, we will clap (clap) We will jump more cheerfully (springs) To make it warmer. We'll jump, we'll jump (jump)

"The little white bunny is sitting"

The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears. Like this, like this He moves his ears (they bring their fingers to their head and move them) It’s cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his paws. Like this, like this You need to warm your little paws (clap your hands) It’s cold for the bunny to stand You need to jump around for the bunny Like this, like this You need to jump around for the bunny (they jump on both legs) The wolf scared the bunny! The bunny immediately ran away! (run to their seats)

"Garden round dance"

Children stand in a circle, “carrots”, “onions”, “cabbage”, “driver” are pre-selected.
They also stand in a circle. Children walk in a circle and sing: We have a vegetable garden. There are carrots growing there, such a width, such a height! (2 times) Children stop and open their arms wide, and then raise them up. The “carrot” comes out, dances and at the end of the verse returns to the circle; children, standing still, sing: You, carrot, hurry here. You dance a little And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket (2 times) Children walk in a circle and sing: We have a vegetable garden, where green onions grow This wide, this high (2 times) The “onion” dances in the circle, at the end of the verse he returns to the circle, the children, standing still, sing: You little onion, hurry here, dance a little, And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket (2 times) Children walk in a circle and sing: We have a vegetable garden and cabbage grows there This width, this height (2 times) The “cabbage” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse it returns to the circle, the children sing: You are a cabbage, hurry to us, dance a little, And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket ( 2 times) Children walk in a circle and sing: We have a truck, it is neither small nor large. This width, this height (2 times) The “driver” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse he returns to the circle, the children sing: You, driver, hurry here, you dance a little And then don’t yawn, take away our harvest! “Zainka” Zainka, walk around, little gray one, walk around. Walk like this. Walk like this. Little bunny, spin around, little gray one, spin around. Spin around like this. Spin around like this. Bunny, stomp your foot, little gray one, stomp your foot. Stomp your foot like this, stomp your foot like this. Little bunny, dance, little gray one, dance. Dance like this, dance like this. Bunny, bow, little gray one, bow. Bow down like this, bow down like this. movements according to the text “Geese are flying”
Purpose: auditory perception, attention, reaction speed, interaction skills with adults, with children, creating a good mood. Contents: children sit at the table and place their index fingers on it. The presenter says: “The geese are flying!” - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly. - They're flying! - the children answer and also raise their hands. - The ducks are flying! - They're flying! - The flies are flying! - They're flying! - The sparrows are flying! - They're flying! - The pikes are flying! Carried away, children often answer: “They’re flying!” And they raise their hands up. The presenter lightly slaps hands and says: “Don’t fly!” They don't fly! \

"Sunny bunnies"

Goal: relieve emotional stress, improve mood. Contents: an adult, using a small mirror, releases a sunbeam, reciting a poem: Sunny bunnies are playing on the wall, I will lure them with my finger, Let them run to me. Well, catch it, catch it quickly. Here it is, a bright circle, Here, here, here - to the left, to the left! He ran to the ceiling. Children catch a bunny on the wall. It’s good to point it higher so that the children jump, get it out.

"Merry Musicians"

Children stand in a circle - “musicians”;
“violinist”, “balalaika player”, “drummer” - leave the circle and sit on a chair; in the center of the circle there are 4-5 “hares”. Children take hands and raise them up, through the resulting “gate” a “violinist” (“balalaika player”, “drummer”) enters and sings: I play the violin: Ti-li-li, ti-li-li! "Hares" are dancing. Children walk in a circle, then stop and sing, clapping their hands: The bunnies are dancing on the lawn, Ti-li-li, ti-li-li! At the last words, the “hares” squat down. “Fiddler” goes to his place. Children let a balalaika player into the gate and sing: He started playing the balalaika: Trendy-brain, trendy-brain! "Hares" are dancing. Children walk in a circle, then stop and sing, clapping their hands: Hares are dancing on the lawn, Trendy-bran, trendy-bran! "Balalaika" goes to his place. Children let the “drummer” into the “gate” and sing: And now on the drum: Boom-boom-boom, tra-ta-tam! The “hares”, having heard the last words, imitate fear, the children raise their hands up, pretending to be “bushes” and sing: In fear, the hares ran away Through the bushes, through the bushes! The "hares" are hiding behind the bushes. The "drummer" continues to play. Card No. 23 “Who is good?” Children stand in a circle, sing and clap their hands. “Vanechka” goes to the middle of the circle: Who is good, who is handsome? Vanechka is good, Vanechka is handsome. “Vanechka” rides a horse and waves a whip. He sits on a horse, the horse will have fun. He waves his whip and the horse will dance after him. “Vanechka” follows the children standing in a circle, raising her legs (as if “riding” a horse at a walk). He drives past the garden, the garden is turning green, the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, “Vanechka” returns to the circle, approaches “Olechka.” At the end of the song, they dance together to the clapping of the children. He drives up to the house, gets off his horse, gets off his horse, and meets Olechka. “We went to the meadow.”
Children stand in a circle.
At a distance there is a “bunny”. The children sing and move to the right in a circle, holding hands: We went to the meadow and danced in a round dance. So, in the meadow they danced in a round dance (2 times). Having stopped, the children point to the “bunny”.
Putting their hands under their cheeks they show how the horse sleeps: A bunny dozed off on a hummock in the cold.
This is how the bunny dozed off in the cold (2 times) Children imitate playing the pipes.
"Bunny" is sleeping. They wanted to wake us up by blowing the pipes: Tu-tu, ru-tu-tu, blow the pipes!
(2 times) Children go to the right in a circle, imitating playing the drum:
We woke up the Bunny, beat the drums: Boom-boom, tra-ta-ta, beat the drums!
(2 times) They call the bunny, he jumps into the middle of the circle.
Everyone claps, and the bunny jumps: Bunny, wake up, come on, get up - That’s it, don’t be lazy, come on, get up (2 times) At the end of the game, a new “bunny” is selected.
The game can be played no more than 2-3 times “In a forest clearing”
Children stand in a circle, children standing with them depicting a “hare”, “bear cub”, “frog”.
The “hare” jumps out into the middle of the circle. Children walk in a circle and sing: Early in the morning in a forest clearing The bunny drums loudly, loudly Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta! They imitate playing the drum, and the “hare” returns to the circle. The “bear cub” comes out.
Children walk in a circle and sing: A bear cub came out of the den, He began to stomp, stomp, sleepily, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!
dances, everyone repeats these movements “little frogs” jump out, the children sing:
little frogs do exercises dance, dance merrily in a squatting position!
Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva! everyone dances in a squat, returns to the circle.
Children walk in a circle and sing:

The clearing immediately became empty.
The rain drums loudly, loudly: Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip! They stop and clap their hands, imitating the sound of rain. “Vaska the cat”
Children stand in a circle. A “cat” and 5-6 “mice” are selected. The “mice” go around the circle, and the “cat” goes to the middle of the circle and performs movements according to the lyrics of the song. Children hold hands and walk right and left in a circle, singing: Gray Vaska walks, White fluffy tail. Vaska the cat is walking. He sits down, washes himself, wipes himself with his paw, and sings songs. The house will silently go around, Vaska the cat will hide, waiting for the gray mice... At the end of the song, the children raise their hands, forming a “gate”. The “cat” begins to catch the “mice”, running through the “gate”. The game ends when all the mice are caught. Mice, mice, you're in trouble, don't run anywhere! The cat will catch everyone!

"All the toys are having fun"

Children stand in a circle and, singing along with the teacher, perform the movements that are sung in the song, or make them up to the words “Tanya and Vanya dolls are dancing” and “Matryoshka dolls are going to dance.”
The drums are drumming: Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta! Dolls Tanya and Vanya are dancing - What a beauty! The nesting dolls started dancing. Wider the circle, wider the circle. Together they clapped their hands: Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! The rattles began to jingle, ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding! All the toys are having fun all day, all day! “Come out, girlfriend.”
Children run in a circle, holding hands. “Soloist” is in the center of the circle. As the song begins, the children stop and clap - the “soloist” dances. When the song ends, another “soloist” is chosen: Stand on the path, Clap your hands, Stomp your heels, Dance with us! Invite us to the circle and choose me!

Progress of the game:

The players walk in a circle saying:

"Silence by the pond,

The water doesn't sway

The reeds don't make noise

Go to sleep, kids."

At the end of the words, the children stop, squat and lower their heads. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Anyone who moves leaves the game. The game is repeated until one child remains - the winner.

3. "Cap"


Goal: Teaching children various dance movements. Cultivating friendly relations with each other.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle. One child in the center of the circle. Children walk in a circle saying:

“Vanya - Vanya, you are in the forest

We call you - "Ay"

Vanya close your eyes

Find out who called you."

The children stop. A child in a circle closes his eyes. One of the children calls him by name. The driver guesses.

5. "Dawn - lightning"


Goal: Teaching children the ability to pronounce words clearly. Developing running strength. Cultivating interest in the game.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle and sing:

Birch henbane,

The poppy is green,

Hairy in the summer,

In winter it’s a bit knotty,

Where does she stand?

It's noisy there.

Birch girl

, standing in a circle, during the song, takes away the scarves from everyone playing, raises them above their heads and, when they sing:

Green birch,

Cheerful in spring,

Stands in the middle of a field

The leaves are rustling,

It thunders, it buzzes,

The golden rim rings, -


depicts the rustling of leaves, the movement of branches - she rustles her dress, waves scarves over her head. Under the verdict:

And in the fall the roots of the birch tree dry out,

the leaves are falling!

13. "Circle"


Goal: To teach children to coordinate the words of the poem with the actions.

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