Pedagogical council "Kindergarten and family: aspects of interaction"

Task 1 “If you ask, I will answer”

Each team defines the word “collaboration” and each team writes their definition of the word on the board.

  • Not only the teacher’s openness and willingness to work with families, but also his ability to organize joint creativity;
  • Involving parents in bright, interesting, promising joint activities;
  • General approaches, discussion and search for options for future activities;
  • Psychological equality of educators and parents;
  • Respectful attitude towards differences in opinions and approaches in solving problems of joint activities;
  • Discussion of each participant’s opinion on the results of joint activities.

Task 2 “You for me, I for you”

During the discussion, teams fill out tables

Each team takes out a question for discussion and after discussion as a team, writes the answer on the board.

Questions for discussion:

Teachers' conclusions:

1.Family functions.

Educators must come to the conclusion that they are common.

Both the family and the kindergarten create conditions for the comprehensive development of the child.

They give the child primary socialization.

They create an atmosphere of love, warmth, conditions for the emotional and mental maturation of the child.

2.Functions of kindergarten.

3. The role of the teacher.

I teach, I develop.

4.The role of the parent.

The sponsor asks the teacher to teach, educate directly or indirectly.

5.Why do parents send their child to kindergarten?

The family does not have the means and material and living conditions for education.

Parents have to work and have no one to leave the child with.

Parents lack pedagogical knowledge.

The family does not have a healthy psychological climate.

The family cannot provide the child with full communication with peers and adults.

The senior teacher sums up the results:

  1. Regarding questions 1 and 2: why are the functions the same, but there is no mutual understanding?
  2. Regarding questions 3 and 4: the parent is the customer, the teacher, if it’s not offensive, is the service staff. The child is between the demands of the teacher and the demands of the parent.
  3. The child was sent to kindergarten, we, teachers, take on the upbringing and education.
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