Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: “Professions of people in rural areas.”

Abstract of the GCD on the social world “Profession farmer”

Over the mountains, over the valleys

He wears a fur coat and a caftan. (Sheep)

Main part

— Guys, why do people need pets? What benefit do they bring him? How does a person care for them? ( Children's )

The teacher summarizes the children's answers.

All domestic animals bring benefits to humans: they provide food, skins, wool, work for people, and protect them. And they just bring joy! To understand why animals are needed in the house, we need to remember history. It is very well told in Kipling's fairy tale "The Cat That Walked Alone"

. A dog guards a house, a horse carries a person, a cow gives milk. This list can now be supplemented: pigs - a source of meat, chickens - meat and eggs, goats - wool and milk, sheep - wool and meat, cows - meat and milk. It’s good that horse breeding has now been revived. There are few horses on farms, but the best breeds now have sufficient numbers.

— In order for pets to be useful, they must be cared for. A person washes them, cleans them, cleans up after them, feeds them and prepares food for the winter.

— hay (grass cut in summer and well-dried, grain feed, mineral and vitamin supplements.

— Guys, do you think pets are fed the same in winter and summer?

-In summer, animals graze in the meadow, and in winter they are fed prepared food.

— Guys, do you know the professions of people who take care of pets? (Cattle breeder, milkmaid, calf shepherd, shepherd, poultry farmer, pig farmer, farmer)

That's right, there is also such a profession - farmer.

The profession of a farmer is taught at an agricultural college or institute.

The teacher shows the children a multimedia presentation Profession Farmer .

-Who is a farmer? (a person who owns or leases land and farms on it.)

What knowledge should a farmer have? (A farmer’s life is close to animals. Therefore, he must have the necessary knowledge about the prevention of various diseases, poisoning with pesticides and poisonous plants. Be able to quickly and competently use medicinal products when an animal is in danger of death. Identify sick and suspected animals of disease. Correctly act in case of death of animals .)

— Guys, help the farmer settle his cattle and feed them. Children are divided into 2 teams:

Team 1: board game: “Where do animals live?”

Arrange pictures

-cow - in the barn; - calf - in the calf barn; - horse - in the stable; - pig - in the barn; - rabbit - in the rabbitry; - goat - in the goat's shed; - sheep - in the sheepfold, etc.

Team 2: Board game “Who eats what?”

Children complete tasks according to commands and tell how they completed them.

OOD in the preparatory group for school on the topic: “Profession - farmer”

Brief description of the document:

Methodological development of OOD in a preparatory group for school on the topic: “Profession - farmer” (Integrated: cognitive and manual labor) Purpose: to introduce children to the new profession of farmer. Objectives: To maintain children's interest in professions and their relationships; To form an interest in people of new professions - farmer, livestock breeder, gardener, vegetable grower, grain grower; Foster respect for people's agricultural work. Foster a caring attitude towards the products of agricultural labor. Material: Audio recording “Sounds of Pets”. Presentation “Profession farmer”. A basket containing a can of milk, cheese, an egg, fruits, vegetables, spikelets, and a pie. Layout "Farmstead". Hat and pipe for a shepherdess. Pictures of tools. Progress: Educator: - Good afternoon, guys! Today a curious Hare came to our lesson from the forest. He is very interested in knowing what animals live in humans. Let's introduce the Bunny to them. Children listen to an audio recording with the sound of an animal and guess who they belong to (a dog barks, a cat meows, cows moo, a pig grunts, a horse neighs, a rooster crows, hens cluck, chickens squeak, the sound of a running tractor). Educator: (sums up) - That's right, these are the sounds of the village. Do you know who farmers are? Children express their guesses. The teacher shows the presentation “Profession of a farmer.” Educator: - Who is a farmer? This is a person who owns or leases land and engages in agriculture on it. What knowledge should a farmer have? A farmer's life is close to animals. Therefore, he must have the necessary knowledge about the prevention of various diseases, poisoning by pesticides and poisonous plants. Be able to quickly and competently use medicinal products when an animal is in danger of death; identify sick animals and suspect animals of illness. Proper action in case of animal death. A farmer needs to know a lot about animals and plants, be able to properly grow and care for them. This knowledge can be found in books on agriculture. You can purchase them at special agricultural academies and agricultural colleges. But that’s not all... the main thing you need to work on the land is to love the land and everything that grows on it. Not everyone can become a farmer! This is very hard everyday work, without holidays or weekends. The curious Hare looked into the basket and “pulled out” milk, cheese, and eggs from it. Educator: - Children, Bunny asks who gives us these products? (children's answers) - That's right, these are domestic animals and birds. Those people who work on farms with domestic animals - what is the name of their profession? Children: - Livestock breeders. The teacher brings to the attention of the children the model “Farmstead”. Educator: - Livestock breeders raise animals on the farm. Do you know which animals exactly? Name them. (children's answers). — What kind of birds are raised on farms? (children's answers). — Thanks to animals and birds on farms, livestock farmers produce a large amount of food and raw materials. I suggest you play the game “What will... give us?” Didactic game “What will... give us?” Educator: - What will the cow give us? Children: - Milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, butter, meat, skin. Educator: - What will the pig give us? Children: - Meat, lard, skin. Educator: - What will the goat give us? Children: - Milk, cheese, meat, wool. Educator: - What will the sheep give us? Children: - Meat, wool, skin. Educator: - What will the rabbit give us? Children: - Fur, meat, fluff. Educator: - What will the horse give us? Children: - Meat, kumiss, skin. You can ride a horse. Carry cargo. Educator: - What will chickens, geese, ducks give us? Children: - Egg, meat, feather, fluff. Educator: - Now let’s play the outdoor game “The Herd and the Shepherdess.” The outdoor game “The Herd and the Shepherdess” is played. Teacher, imitating playing the pipe: - Who plays the pipe, invites everyone to the meadow? Go out on tiptoes, find the shepherdess (Children walk scattered on tiptoes, hands on the belt) Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, The shepherd lost his pipe, And I found the pipe, I gave the shepherdess away. Whoever takes the pipe will say who he is shepherding. Children “walk on the lawn” - walking first on their toes, then on their heels, raising their knees high, and galloping. Then the teacher shows a picture with part of the image of a domestic animal (a horse's mane, a pig's snout, a cat's whiskers, a cow's horns, etc.). Children guess the animal and depict it using pantomime. Educator: - Guys, Bunny brought us something else. The bunny “takes out” fruits and berries from the basket. Educator: - Children, a person picks fruits and berries from trees, works in gardens. What is the name of this profession? (children's answers) - That's right, gardeners. What are they doing? (children's answers) Educator: (summarizes) - Gardeners grow various fruit trees, making sure that they are not damaged by various insects and animals. They plant seedlings of fruit trees, trim excess branches, treat tree trunks against pests, fertilize the soil, and water. What kind of food do we get from gardeners? Children: - Fruits, berries, then compotes are made from fruits and berries, juices and jam are made. Educator: - I offer you the game “What juice?” - Cherry juice is called... - cherry. - Apple juice is called... - apple juice. - Pear juice is called... - pear juice. - Plum juice is called... - plum. - Sea buckthorn juice is called... - sea buckthorn. Educator: - Guys, Bunny is asking: what is the name of the profession of people who work in gardens and grow vegetables? Children: - Vegetable growers. The bunny “takes out” vegetables from the basket. Educator: - How do vegetable growers work, what do they do? Children: - Plant seedlings, take care of them, loosen the soil and fertilize them in time, remove weeds, tie up bushes, and water them. Educator: - What food products do we get from vegetable growers? Children: - Vegetables, canned food, juices. Educator: - Children, look, I have pictures on the board. What is depicted on them, how can we call them in one word? Children: - Tools. Educator: - The bunny invites you to choose among them those that people use in the garden. Children complete the task. Educator: - The bunny is happy, you have completed the task again. And in his basket I found these more spikelets. What kind of spikelets are these? How many of you know? Children's answers. Educator: - That's right, these are ears of wheat and rye, they grow in the field. Work is underway in the fields to harvest grain crops. What is the name of the profession of people who work in the fields? Children: - Grain growers, farmers. Educator: - How do people work in the field? (Children's answers) Educator: (summarizes) - Farmers cultivate the fields where they grow corn, wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat. And every time we have breakfast, lunch, dinner, we eat foods that farmers grew. What are these products? Children: - Cereals, bread. Physical education lesson Teacher: - Both me and Bunny really liked it. Guys, let's remember what professions we talked about today? Children: - Farmer, livestock breeder, gardener, vegetable grower, grain grower, tiller. Educator: - In conclusion, I offer you one more game. Word game. Clap your hands when you hear a word or phrase that suits the profession of farmer. Vocabulary: fire, cold, textbook, milk, dress, haircut, natural disaster, scissors, watering can, fire truck, harvest, hat, book, coat, grain, new house, shoes, excavator, fur, boots, Russian language, vegetables, bad tooth, board and chalk, kumiss, sore throat, scales, helmet, broth, ambulance, bread, airplane, military uniform, feather, submarine, sewing machine, field, rye, bricks, garden, ship. Educator: - This is the result of the farmer’s painstaking work. People say: “A person has two mothers - his own mother and his native land, which feeds, and puts on shoes, and clothes.” There is still a pie in the basket for you. The bunny invites you for tea with grandma's pie.

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