Self-analysismaterial on physical education (senior group)

Gymnastics after sleep in kindergarten: theory and practice

08/31/20179.3kSleep plays a vital role in a child’s daily routine.

How the baby wakes up depends on his mood, state of health and how he will spend the rest of the day.

In kindergarten, organizing a proper awakening is more difficult than for parents at home, because it is necessary for 15, 20, or even 30 people to throw off the shackles of Morpheus almost simultaneously, and to do it correctly.

Solving such a problem is not easy, but with knowledge of some methodological nuances it is quite possible. Contents Gymnastics after sleep is a set of exercises that provide a smooth transition from calmness to wakefulness. The goals of such exercises are:

  1. fostering the habit of stretching the body after waking up.
  2. improved mood;
  3. strengthening the respiratory system;
  4. increase in muscle tone;
  5. prevention of colds;
  6. preventing the development of problems with posture, flat feet;

How each child wakes up determines not only his mood, but also the emotional atmosphere of the entire group. To achieve the goals, every day the teacher selects exercises to solve problems such as:

  1. improving the functioning of the body’s main systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, as well as stabilizing the body’s protective functions);
  2. creating a positive
  3. toning the nervous system (that is, preventing irritability and anxiety that may arise after waking up);

The children were organized, active, interested in playing, so there were no educational moments. Familiarization with the list of physical education equipment and equipment in accordance with the requirements of the age group. The kindergarten has one gym measuring 63m^2.

The gym is equipped with sports complexes and sports equipment: gymnastic walls, mats, balance beams, gymnastic balls, hoops, rope, jump ropes, skittles, arches, ribbons, baskets, etc. All necessary equipment is located and stored in the gym. The gym is decorated with the symbols of the Olympic Games, and pictures of various sports are hung on the walls.

The equipment of the hall meets aesthetic and hygienic requirements.

There is a dry pool in the hall. The group room also has a physical education corner in which there is a physical education complex with stairs, rings, balls, pins, mats, and soft pillows.

— Observation and analysis of morning exercises in the middle group.

Gymnastics were carried out in the middle group in the morning.

Attention: Treadmill and stopwatch to test endurance and speed.

The study was carried out in the first half of the day, in the gym, the children's clothes were lightweight, the teacher and the children were in sportswear.

The physical education worker provided a calm environment, avoided negative emotions in children, maintained an individual approach, and took into account the age characteristics of the children. The level of motor qualities is assessed in digital indicators.

-Observing children being shown physical exercises and rhythmic movements to music.




2 Children's health is the wealth of the nation; This thesis will not lose relevance at all times, and today it is not only relevant, it is the most important, given the environmental situation. Forming a healthy generation is one of the main strategic objectives of the country’s development. Preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundation of a child’s physical and mental health. During this period, there is intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. The steady trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children that has emerged in recent years, an increase in the number of children with mental and speech development disorders, dictates the need to search for mechanisms to change this situation. Preserving and strengthening the health of preschoolers is one of the pressing problems of our time; the center of work on the full physical development and strengthening of the health of children should be the kindergarten, where the child spends most of his active time. This explains the choice of this topic: “Modern approaches to physical education and recreational work in preschool educational institutions.” She set herself the goal: creating favorable conditions for the full development of children’s motor activity, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society. She highlighted the main task: improving physical education and health activities in the preschool system. I organized my work at the preschool educational institution in the following areas: Creating conditions for physical development and reducing the incidence of children; Comprehensive solution of physical education and health problems in contact with a medical professional; Raising a healthy child through the joint efforts of kindergarten and family. Working on this topic, I studied psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, developed a long-term plan for physical education and health work (Appendix 1), which included organizational activities with the teaching staff, with children and parents. Our kindergarten is actively involved in the introduction and use of effective health-saving technologies. One of the priority areas of the institution is physical education and health work. I began my work by analyzing the health status of children. Having studied all the data over the past two years, I saw that there was a sharp deterioration in the health of preschoolers. A decrease in physical activity and an increase in mental load in preschool institutions also negatively affect physical development.

3 Therefore, I began to search for new means and methods of increasing the effectiveness of physical education and health work in preschool institutions, creating optimal conditions for the comprehensive harmonious development of the child’s personality. I attach particular importance to the construction of a developing object-motor environment to strengthen the child’s health, coordinate his comprehensive physical and mental development, realize potential mental and motor abilities and stimulate cognitive creative activity. For the full physical development of children, the realization of the need for movement, all conditions have been created in our kindergarten: - there is a music and sports hall with a variety of physical education equipment (bright balls, hoops, skittles, jump ropes, etc.), where educational activities are carried out directly physical education, morning exercises, sports festivals and much more that helps children not only master basic movements, but also throw out the charge of accumulated energy; — to stimulate physical activity in the groups there were health paths, but as a result of the review competition I organized during the school year, they became more diverse, more colorful, brighter; — during the school year, I organized and held a review competition for the design of a physical education corner, during which each age group received a corner with non-standard physical education and gaming equipment, which helps satisfy children’s need for movement and consolidate the habit of a healthy lifestyle (Appendix 2) ; -there is a medical worker’s office with an isolation ward; -quartz lamps in group rooms; -sensory room; -speech therapist's office; -sports ground (Appendix 3). So, the conditions created in the preschool educational institution make it possible to ensure the physical activity of children and the organization of health-improving work. The effectiveness of physical education and health work in a preschool institution largely depends on the interaction of teachers with a nurse, music director, and psychologist. Particular attention in the preschool educational institution is paid to a balanced diet. Third courses are fortified all year round. Anthropometric measurements are systematically carried out. Many preventive measures to prevent diseases in the autumn-winter period are carried out by the kindergarten nurse: maintaining cleanliness, quartzing groups, disinfection during an ARVI outbreak, airing bedrooms before bedtime and airing groups. Since the school year, the speech therapist and music director have been using logorhythmics in their work. Logorhythmic

4 classes are aimed at developing all components of speech, auditory functions, motor sphere, manual and articulatory motor skills. The system of health-improving work carried out in our kindergarten includes health-saving technologies: morning exercises, breathing exercises, after-sleep exercises, finger exercises, articulation exercises, eye exercises, kinesiological exercises, physical exercises, dynamic pauses, physical education classes, outdoor activities, sports, folk games , sports activities, holidays and entertainment, health days. All these forms of physical education and health activities are carried out daily in all age groups and allow children to be physically active throughout the day and rationally distribute the intellectual and physical load of children. To provide methodological support, increase the level of professionalism in matters of preserving and strengthening the health of children, I create all the necessary conditions for preschool teachers: A School for Young Teachers has been organized in kindergarten, where theoretical and practical assistance is provided to beginning teachers. The meetings are held in the form of theoretical (seminar, debate, round table) and practical classes (master class, workshop, etc.), where health issues are discussed. Experienced teachers give presentations on “Finger games in the development of speech in preschool children,” etc. I developed and conducted a thematic teaching council - a business game on the topic: “Motor activity is a means of full development of children,” the purpose of which was to repeat the physical education methodology and analyze motor activity children, outline the prospects and measures to improve physical education (Appendix 4); During the school year, I conducted consultations for educators on the topics: “Regular moments”, “Methods of conducting outdoor games”, “Physical and recreational work in a preschool institution”, “The role of organizing walks in the winter for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children” (Appendix 5), etc. Particular attention is paid to the health of pupils during the summer health campaign. The main means of healing are natural factors: sun, air, water. Therefore, I organized a competition “The best section of a preschool educational institution”, during which a “health path” appeared in the sections (Appendix 6); As the head of the creative group on health conservation for two years, in February 2012, she organized and held a competition for the best wall newspaper about a healthy lifestyle (Appendix 7); From year to year, a health week was held in kindergarten, dedicated to physical education and health work, the introduction of health-saving technologies into the pedagogical process, which resulted in the release of a wall newspaper and the publication of an article in the newspaper “Dialog-TV”

5 16 of the year “Health Week”. With this methodological development, I received a diploma of participation in the All-Russian Internet Competition of Pedagogical Creativity (Appendix 8); Working with children of different age groups from five to seven years old, during the school year I implemented an information and creative project “The ABC of Health”, aimed at developing in children a conscious attitude towards their health, the need for a healthy lifestyle, during which I developed educational notes activities, educational conversations, excursions, holiday scenarios, didactic material was selected and compiled: - card index of finger games, physical exercises, outdoor games, poems, riddles, nursery rhymes, proverbs and sayings about health; — visual aids and didactic games were produced; - a photo album on health conservation and a card index of didactic games about a healthy lifestyle were prepared (Appendix 9). Physical education holidays, entertainment and leisure are an effective form of active recreation for children. For two years now I have been celebrating World Health Day under the motto “A healthy body, a healthy mind” (Appendix 10). In December 2011, the children of our group took part in the regional sports and health festival “Sun 2011”, where they took 3rd place among preschool educational institutions (Appendix 11). In July 2013, I became the winner of the regional creative competition “Youth Opportunities are Unlimited” on the territory of the Administration of the Nechaevsky Village Council, where I presented my project “The Path of Health in Kindergarten”, the article “Model of Our Future” was published in the Toguchinskaya newspaper 35 of the year (Appendix 12 ). I am sure that not a single, even the best physical education program can give full results if it is not decided together with the family. In my practice, I use group and individual forms of work with parents - these are consultations, conversations, questionnaires, parent meetings, etc. I prepare travel folders, memos, booklets on the topics: “Golden rules of nutrition”, “What foods contain vitamins” , “How to walk for health benefits”, “Sports and children”, “Physical education of a child”, etc. (Appendix 13) “Open Days” is one of the forms of working with parents. During the school year, I developed a plan for an open day on the topic: “Motor activity is a means of the full development of children,” where morning exercises, physical education classes, after-bed exercises, and outdoor games were demonstrated to parents. I prepared a report with a multimedia presentation on the topic: “Physical and recreational work in preschool educational institutions.” This material was submitted for publication at the All-Russian Internet Competition of Pedagogical Creativity (Appendix 8). Parents became active

6 participants of the winter sports festival “Visiting Zimushka-winter”, held by me. For two years I have been organizing and conducting family sports events “Fun Starts”, selecting sports equipment in order to introduce parents to a healthy lifestyle. One of the holiday scenarios was published on the website MAAAM.RU (Appendix 14). Thus, the work I organize introduces parents and children to a healthy lifestyle, develops physical qualities and skills and contributes to the self-realization of everyone and the mutual enrichment of everyone. Only together can we raise children healthy, physically and intellectually developed, independent and humane. As a result of targeted work to preserve and strengthen the health of children, I analyzed the incidence of diseases over the years. Based on the results over the past three years, I saw that the dynamics of morbidity among children aged 3-7 years in kindergarten has decreased over the last year, as evidenced by a comparative analysis (Appendix 15). Thus, we can conclude that it is physical culture and health work that largely has a beneficial effect on optimizing the life of a child in a preschool educational institution. It is very important not to miss the opportunities that early childhood provides in developing in children a protective and responsible attitude towards their health and is a decisive stage in forming the foundation of the child’s physical and mental health. The competent organization of the objective motor environment and a systematic approach to the organization of physical education and health activities helped us reduce the incidence of illness in children, and also contributed to an increase in the motor activity of each child and his comprehensive psychophysical development. The results convince us of the correctness and effectiveness of the chosen measures in improving physical education and health activities.

Self-analysis of a physical education subject lesson in the middle group “Journey to the land of gnomes”

Marina Surkova

Self-analysis of a physical education subject lesson in the middle group “Journey to the land of gnomes”

Self-analysis of the subject physical education lesson in the middle group “Journey to the land of gnomes.”

In the middle group, a story-based physical education lesson with elements of health technologies was held. The topic was chosen for ongoing organized activities with children of this age due to the fact that it shows the quality of the level of physical fitness of children.

Purpose of the lesson: Formation of correct posture and coordination of movements. Improving physical development skills: balance, walking, running, crawling.


1. Exercise children in walking in different ways.

2. Exercise children in running at different paces.

3. Exercise children in performing hops and jumps with an added step.

4. Form correct posture in children with the help of game tasks.

5. Exercise children in maintaining balance when stepping over gymnastic sticks raised to a height.

6. Strengthen the skills of crawling in a circle and “snake” and on a gymnastic bench.

7. Exercise children in proper breathing through the nose and pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh” while exhaling through the mouth.

8. Continue doing exercises aimed at preventing flat feet.

9. Strengthen the knowledge and skills of the sedentary game “Train”

10. Create joy in children from performing movements.

The structure of the lesson includes introductory, main and final parts. When planning the lesson, the age and psychological characteristics of the children were taken into account. The lesson time is distributed rationally, meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, there is musical accompaniment and the necessary physical education equipment in good condition, safety precautions are observed, commands are given to children clearly and briefly, general and motor density is taken into account.

According to the psychological and pedagogical conditions: the appearance of the children and the physical education instructor corresponds to the norm, a democratic style of communication is chosen, methods of motivating children are used, their concentration is achieved with the help of the developing plot of the lesson, equipment that is well known to the children is used.

Contents: The lesson is of a reinforcing nature; The movements used in the lesson are well known to the children.

The lesson has a plot, it uses elements of health-saving technologies (walking along the “health” path and breathing exercises)

musical accompaniment is used. Various types of walking, running, and crawling alternate.

Physical activity is appropriate for the age group. The children were interested in the activity. Accompanying the children throughout the entire period of organized activity, she paid attention to the technique of performing movements and managed to provide assistance to those who had difficulty performing them. The students’ skills and abilities were implemented at all stages of the lesson. The set goal has been achieved, the tasks have been solved.

Self-analysis of OOD on physical development in the second junior group

Self-analysis of educational activities in physical education in the second junior group, conducted by teacher Shperling N.S. in the second junior group.

Number of students in the group according to the list: 13.

Attendance at the lesson: 8.

Date: 05/16/2018

Goal: To optimize the motor activity of students, to develop the speech of students through physical education.



-Practice walking, running after each other, stopping at the teacher’s signal.

-Reinforce exercises in balance and jumping on two legs.

- Learn to act together, following the instructions of an adult and the rules in an outdoor game;

— learn to relax and restore breathing after physical activity;

— encourage children’s speech activity;


- develop interest in physical education;

- continue to enrich the motor and cognitive interest of children through outdoor play;

- to help strengthen the musculoskeletal system of children;

-develop the ability to play games.

-Develop children's speech.


- foster a general culture of behavior and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

The program content of the lesson corresponds to the age and development of children of the second junior group of the preschool education program “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy. The goals and objectives of the lesson correspond to the content and are formulated taking into account educational areas. The sanitary and hygienic conditions for organizing the lesson meet the requirements of SanPin: the room was ventilated in advance, the lighting was sufficient, the entire space of the gym was used, traumatic materials were not used during the lesson, safety precautions were observed, and the general motor density of the lesson was taken into account. The children were dressed in lightweight sportswear and comfortable shoes. The lesson consisted of three parts: introductory, main and final. The total duration of the lesson is 15 – 20 minutes. OOD corresponded to the interests, temperament, level of preparation and development of children. The organization of children was adequate to teaching, developmental and educational tasks. The level of activity of the children during the lesson was quite high. Throughout the lesson, the children's interest in the proposed activity was maintained. The change in activities was in accordance with a pre-planned plan. It was possible to maintain the pace of educational activities; the children were not overloaded or overtired. She verbally encouraged the children for performing the movements correctly. Verbal assessment of children's activities was used at all stages of the lesson.

In the water part, walking with a stop at the teacher’s signal (“sparrows”, “frogs”) and running with jumps (“horses”) were used. During running and walking, attention was paid to posture and breathing restoration.

General developmental exercises were performed with an object - rings, taking into account the dosage of exercises for younger children. The exercises were explained in an accessible manner; the children did not have any difficulties in performing the exercises. The amount of exercise is appropriate for the given age. The pace and synchronicity of the exercises were maintained. After performing general developmental exercises, breathing exercises “Drawing a ball with air” were performed.

Then the children clearly moved from general developmental exercises to basic movements. The children performed an exercise to maintain balance, practicing jumping on two legs while moving forward. Due to the small number of children, the main types of movements were performed in a continuous manner (walking on a gymnastic bench, jumping on two legs over gymnastic sticks). The main types of movements were performed as explained by the teacher, and a child was brought in to demonstrate the exercise. When performing movements, I monitored the execution of the exercises and insured the children. The children completed the proposed tasks.

The lesson used the outdoor game “Mice in the Pantry”. The children listened carefully to the teacher’s words, and then pronounced the words themselves in the game, which contributed to the development of children’s speech and attention. The driver was chosen according to the counting. During the game, I reminded the children about the rules of the game and safe behavior. To normalize breathing, a sedentary game “Where is the little mouse hiding?” was played. The children were calmed down, breathing returned to normal.

At the end of the lesson, I summed up the results with the children. Based on the results of the lesson, we can say that the goal was achieved and the tasks were completed.

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