Plan of educational and research activities in the preparatory group

Plan of educational and research activities in the preparatory group

Inna Mordik

Plan of educational and research activities in the preparatory group


Lesson No. 1: “Our Helpers”

Experience: “Listen with all your ears”

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the organs of hearing - the ear (catches and distinguishes sounds, words, etc.)

To introduce the structure of the human and animal ear, to clarify that everyone’s ears are different, to teach, through experiments, to distinguish between the strength, pitch, and timbre of sounds.
To consolidate knowledge about the rules of ear care, to draw up collective recommendations for the prevention of hearing loss. Material: Diagram of the human ear, pictures of animals (elephant, hare, wolf, d/i “Identify by sound”

, a guitar, paper sheets for each child, jars with different items (paper clips, wooden sticks, foam rubber, sand, an audio recording with the sounds of a forest, river, birds, etc.

Literature: Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 55

Lesson No. 2: “Introduction to the properties of air”

Goal: To continue familiarizing children with the properties of air and the role of humans, plants, and animals in life. To give knowledge about inanimate nature and that air is a condition of life for all creatures on earth. Experimentally consolidate children's knowledge about air. Cultivate interest in the life around you and curiosity.

Material: Inflatable rubber toys, a basin of water, pictures: a diver under water, air bubbles above him; calm sea; sea ​​during a storm.

Goal: To discover that air is lighter than water, to identify how air displaces water; reveal that warm air is lighter than cold air and rises; Find that the air is compressed; Detect atmospheric pressure.

Material: Two thermometers, dishes with hot water. 2) A curved cocktail tube, transparent plastic glasses, a container of water. 3) Pipettes, syringe, colored water. 4) Two sheets of paper

Literature: Dybina O. V. The unknown next to. 43

Lesson No. 3: “Can a plant breathe?”

Goal: to identify the plant’s need for air and respiration. Understand how the respiration process occurs in plants.

Material: Transparent container with water, a leaf on a long petiole or stem, a cocktail tube, a magnifying glass.

Experiments: Do roots need air? Do plants have respiratory organs?

Literature: Dybina O. V. “The unknown is nearby”

With. 28

Lesson No. 4: “Why do the leaves fall in the fall?”

Goal: Identify the plant’s need for water. Establish the dependence of plant growth and development on the supply of moisture to plant roots.

Material: Sponges, wooden blocks, containers of water, fallen leaves.

Experience: Up to the leaves, How to see the movement of water through the roots?

Literature: Dybina O. V. “The unknown is nearby”

With. 33-34


Lesson No. 1: “Water in nature and in everyday life”


Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about the location of water in nature and everyday life according to one of the properties of fluidity. To consolidate knowledge of the properties of water: transparency, fluidity, ability to dissolve. Develop the ability to determine the temperature of water (cold, hot, warm)

to the touch.
Continue to develop cognitive interest , observation, and mental activity .
Materials: A glass of milk, a kettle with cold water, a kettle with hot water, 2 basins, glasses, glasses and spoons according to the number of children, boxes of salt and sugar, butter.

Experience: “Water is a helper”

Literature: Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby. – M, 2005, p. 41-42.

Lesson No. 2: “Water and temperature”

Goal: To learn to determine the temperature of air and water experimentally.

Reinforce your knowledge about temperature.

To develop children's observation skills, their ability to analyze, compare, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.

Material: Temperature

, cold, hot water, ice cubes. 3 liter jar of water,

Literature: Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 22 lesson 2

Lesson No. 3: “Water is a solvent”

Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about the importance of water in human life. Strengthen the properties of water - water is a solvent. Explain why water sometimes needs to be purified and provide a basic understanding of the filtration process. Develop skills in laboratory experiments using diagrams - consolidate the ability to work with transparent glassware, observing safety rules with unfamiliar solutions.

Material: Transparent cylindrical vessels of different sections (narrow, wide, shaped vessels, glass funnels and glass rods, filtered paper, magnifying glass, sugar, salt, calendula or chamomile tincture, mint infusion, vegetable oil.

Literature: Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. – M., 2005, p. 41-42.

Lesson No. 4: “The Journey of a Droplet”

Goal: to introduce children to the water cycle in nature, explain the cause of precipitation in the form of rain and snow, and expand their understanding of the importance of water for human life.

Material: el. teapot, cold glass, illustrations on the theme “water”

“Water cycle in nature”
, globe.

Experience: “Where does water come from?”

Literature: Tugushesheva G. P. “Experimental activity

pp. 70-73


Lesson No. 1: “Magnet – magician”

Goal: To introduce children to magnets . Identify its properties, interactions of a magnet with different materials and substances.

Material: Magnet, sensor, small pieces of paper, plastic, fabric, glass of water, container of sand, paper clips, small wires,

Experiments: “Magnetic forces”

“We are magicians”
“They are attracted - they are not attracted”
Literature: Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. – M., 2005, p. 48-49.,

Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 42 lesson 1

Lesson No. 2: “The force of gravity”

Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the existence of an invisible force - the force of gravity, which attracts objects and any bodies to the Earth.

Material: sensor, globe, unbreakable objects of different weights: sheets of paper, cones, parts from the designer (plastic, wooden, metal, balls.

Experience: “Why everything falls to the ground”

Dybina O. V.
“The unknown is nearby”
, p. 51

Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 42 lesson 2

Lesson No. 3 “What do we know about sound”

Purpose: To provide primary knowledge about sound as a physical phenomenon; introduce children to the organ of hearing; introduce the concepts of “sound”

“sound wave”
“high and low, loud and quiet sounds”

Literature: Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 57 lesson 1

Lesson No. 4: “What do we know about time”

Purpose: To give the concept of “time”

, explain the change of day and night, the change of seasons;
talk about the measurement of time, types of clocks (from antiquity to the present day)
Reinforce the concept of “saving time”

Material: globe, tellurium, candle, vessel with water, model of a sundial, different types of clocks, pictures depicting the seasons, diagram “Measuring time by deeds”
(Tugusheva, p. 80)

Literature: electronic presentation “Children about time”


N. V. Nishcheva “Experimental activities in preschool educational institutions

Topic “We are researchers”
p. 244


Lesson No. 1: “Acquaintance with stones. What kind of stones are there?

Goal: To develop interest in stones, the ability to examine them and name their properties (strong, hard, uneven or smooth, heavy, shiny, beautiful)

. To give an idea that stones come from rivers and seas, that many stones are very hard and durable, which is why they are widely used in the construction of buildings, bridges, and roads. Learn to classify stones according to different characteristics. Maintain interest in experimental work. Development of tactile sensations, the ability to draw conclusions, defend one’s point of view.

Material: Sets of river and sea stones. Vessel with water, magnifying glass. Napkins for each child.

Literature: O. A. Zykova “Experimenting with living and inanimate nature.”

With. 47.

Lesson No. 2: “Living stones”

Purpose: To introduce stones , the origin of which is connected with living organisms, with ancient fossils.

Material: Chalk, limestone, pearls, coal, various shells, corals. Drawings of ferns, horsetails, ancient forest, magnifying glass, thick glass, amber.

Literature: Ryzhova N. Sand, stone, clay. //Preschool education, 2003, No. 10.

Experience: “What is in the soil?”

Dybina O. V. Unknown near. 38

Lesson No. 3: “How do mountains appear?”

Goal: Show the diversity of inanimate objects. Introduce children to the reason for the formation of mountains: the movement of the earth's crust, the volcanic origin of mountains. Teach children to draw conclusions and observe safety precautions when conducting experiments.

Materials: illustration of a volcano, model of a volcano, soda, vinegar, dry paint, pipette.

Literature: O. A. Zykova “Experimenting with living and inanimate nature.”

With. 50.

Lesson No. 4: “In the Desert”

Goal: To introduce children to the sandy desert, the features of the living and inanimate nature of the desert. Introduce children to the properties of sand. Develop the ability to draw conclusions, analyze, compare, classify.

Materials: Large test tubes, water in a measuring cup, Illustration of the desert and its inhabitants, hair dryer and dry sand.

Literature: O. A. Zykova “Experimenting with living and inanimate nature.”

With. 56, 60.


Lesson No. 1: “If winter has come, it brings a lot of snow”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about winter as a season. Form an idea of ​​the aggregate states of water (ice, liquid, steam)

. Compare the properties of water, ice, snow, identify the features of their interaction. Give the concept of changes in the state of aggregation of a substance depending on heat.

Material: containers with snow, water, ice; plasticine, candle, jar for extinguishing candles, metal plate.

Experiments: “What properties”

“Solid - Liquid”
Literature: Dybina O. V. “The unknown is nearby”

pp. 42, 54.

Lesson No. 2: “Fire – friend or foe”

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the life of ancient man, about man’s discovery of fire. How fire has reached our days, how it helps people. Form the idea that during combustion the composition of the air changes (there is less oxygen, that oxygen is needed for combustion. Introduce fire extinguishing methods. During combustion, ash, ash, carbon monoxide are formed. Compliance with safety rules when conducting experiments.

Materials: Stones, candle, jar, bottle with the bottom cut off, matches, lighter.

Experiments: 1. How did primitive people make fire?

2. Man subjugated fire.

3. How to put out a fire? Candle in the tank.

Literature: N. E. Veraksa “ Cognitive and research activities of preschool children ” p. 70.

Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. – M., 2005, p. 145.

Lesson No. 3: “Who sees what”

Goal: Through experimentation, establish how humans and some animals see, trace the dependence of the visual characteristics of animals on their habitat and lifestyle.

Material: eye patch, transparent jar of water containing small items; mirror, photographs of animals.

Experiment: 1. Do both eyes see the same?

2. How the hare and the bird see.

3.Which eyes see better: big or small?

4. How does a mole see?

Literature: A. I. Ivanova “Naturally - scientific experiments in preschool educational institutions”

Lesson No. 42, p. 169.


Lesson No. 1: “How to see and hear electricity”

Goal: To introduce children to electricity as a special form of energy. To develop cognitive activity in the process of becoming familiar with the phenomena of electricity and its history. Introduce the concept of “electric current”

. Explain the nature of lightning. Form the basics of safety when interacting with electricity.

Materials: Balloon, scissors, napkins, ruler, combs, plasticine, large metal clip, woolen cloth, transparent plastic napkin, mirror, water, antistatic. Experiments: “Miracle hairstyle”

“Magic Balls”
Literature: Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. – M., 2005, p. 98 - 100.

Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 33 lesson 1

Lesson No. 2: “Why is the flashlight on?”

Purpose: To clarify children’s ideas about the importance of electricity for people; introduce the battery - the keeper of electricity - and the way to use a lemon as a battery.

Material: Light sensor, flashlight, batteries, battery pack, light bulb on a stand, 6-8 lemons.

Literature: Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 33 lesson 1

Lesson No. 3: “Electrical appliances”

Goal: To develop the child’s ability to handle basic electrical appliances. Form an idea of ​​materials that conduct electricity (metals, water)

and insulators - materials that do not conduct electricity at all
(wood, glass, etc.)
Introduce the structure of some electrical appliances (hair dryer, table lamp)
. Improve the experience of safe use of electrical appliances (do not touch exposed wires, insert metal objects with electrical wires into the socket, you can only interact with dry hands). Develop curiosity.

Material: Wood, glass, rubber, plastic, metal objects, water, electrical appliances. Battery, battery pack with three batteries, dynamo.

Literature: Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 34 lesson 2

Lesson No. 4: “The light is around us

Goal: To introduce children to the properties of light. To form elementary ideas about what “light”

. Learn to compare the illumination of different objects.

Develop curiosity and attention.

Material: Light sensor, flashlight, batteries, battery pack, light bulb on stand.

Literature: Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 26 lesson 1


Lesson No. 1: “Primroses. How do plants grow?

Purpose: To generalize ideas about the growth and development of plants, to establish a connection between plant growth and their needs in various environmental conditions; teach to be attentive and caring towards plants.

Experience: “What’s inside?”

“Up to the leaves”
Purpose: to establish why the stem can conduct water to the leaves.

Materials: carrot stem, parsley, wooden blocks, magnifying glass, container with water, cut tree branches.

Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. - With. 34.

Lesson #2: “Where do plants like to live?”

Goal: to deepen the understanding of plants, their existence in different ecosystems - in the desert, oceans, mountains, tundra, to facilitate the establishment of cause and effect relationships based on an understanding of the dependence of life on environmental conditions.

Materials: pots with plants, funnels, glass rods, transparent container, water, cotton wool, magnifying glass.

Experience: “Where plants get water faster”

“Is there enough light?”
Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. - With. 38.

Lesson No. 3: “What do birds sing about in spring?”

Goal: to clarify and expand ideas about migratory birds, about their life in the spring, to consider the structure of a bird’s feather. Establish a connection between the structure and lifestyle of birds in the ecosystem.

Material: chicken feathers, goose feathers, magnifying glass, zipper, candle, hair, tweezers; email presentation.

Experiment: “How are birds’ feathers tripled?”

“Water off a duck’s back”
Literature: Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. - With. 40

Lesson No. 4: “Who builds a nest?”

Goal: to develop interest in the life of birds, expand ideas about the habitat of birds, expand knowledge about the types of nests and their placement, determine the connection between the structure and lifestyle of birds in the ecosystem. Establish a relationship between the nature of nutrition and some features of the appearance of birds.

Material: a dense lump of earth or clay, dummies of beaks made of different materials, containers with water, small light pebbles, tree bark, grains, crumbs.

Straws, twigs, lumps of clay, sugar syrup.

Experience: “Who has what beaks”

“Without hands, without an ax, a hut was built”
Literature: Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. - With. 32, 40


Lesson No. 1: “Sun, Earth and other planets

Goal: To give children an initial understanding of the structure of the Solar System and that the Earth is a unique planet . Develop curiosity. Based on experiments, give an idea of ​​the coldness of the planets . The farther the planets are from the Sun , the colder they are and the closer they are, the hotter they are.

Material: Table lamp, balls, diagram of the solar system.

Literature: N.V. Nishcheva “Experimental activities in preschool educational institutions

page 208

Grizik T.I. Exploring the world . – M., 2001, p. 136.

Lesson No. 2: “This mysterious space”

Goal: To introduce children to the symbolism of constellations. Arouse interest in outer space. Expand your understanding of the astronaut profession. Activate your vocabulary: space, astronaut, space weightlessness.

Material: Photographs of space, the solar system, Yu. Gagarin, spaceships.

Experience: "Dark Space"

“In orbit”
Material: flashlight, table, ruler; bucket, ball, rope.

Literature: Grizik T.I. Exploring the world . – M., 2001, p. 112.

Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiences for preschoolers. - With. 55-56

Lesson No. 3: “Man-made world”

Goal: to teach children to distinguish between natural objects and objects made by human hands, to introduce them to the properties of paper, glass, fabric, plastic, and metal.

Material: objects made of various materials, el. presentation.

Experience: "Relatives of Glass"

"World of Things"

Literature: Grizik T.I. Exploring the world . - With.

Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiences for preschoolers. - With. 59.

Lesson No. 4: “Who are insects”

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of insects, the main features that distinguish them from animals of other classes; develop children's knowledge in the process of observing animals.

Material: Curious Eye

, mini laboratory.

Literature: O. A. Zykova “Experimenting with living and inanimate nature.”

With. 71.


Lesson No. 1: “Light and color”

Activity: “Where do rainbows come from?”


Goal: To develop children's analytical abilities. Introduce them to solar energy and the features of its manifestation. Cultivate an interest in understanding the patterns that exist in inanimate nature.

Material: Spray bottle, flashlight, sheet of white paper, crystal glass, triangular prism.

Literature: Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. – M., 2005, p. 150.

Lesson No. 2: “Strength”

Goal: To introduce children to the concept of strength. Learn to measure and compare force using a device. To promote children's interest in research and experimentation.

Material: Pressure sensor, rubber bulb, plastic plate, piston, balloons.

Literature: Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 52 lesson 1

Lesson No. 3: “Sound”

Purpose: To introduce children to the organ of hearing. To provide primary knowledge about sound as a physical phenomenon. Explain to children the dangers of loud sounds. To promote children's interest in research and experimentation.

Materials: Sound sensor, xylophone, whistles, flute, card with a diagram of the structure of the hearing organs.

Literature: Shutyaeva E. A. Naurasha in the country of Naurandia p. 57 lesson 1

Development of cognitive interests in children in the preparatory group

“Development of cognitive interests in the preparatory group”

Soon your children will become schoolchildren. What will school life bring them? Will it be successful, joyful, or will it be overshadowed by failures and disappointments? This largely depends on how we prepare a child for school, and how much we can develop in him those qualities that determine the effectiveness of learning.

When preparing a child for school, nurturing his internal need for knowledge is of great importance. The desire to learn new things, to find out the incomprehensible about the qualities, properties of objects, phenomena, reality, the desire to delve into their essence, to find the connections and relationships between them characterize developing cognitive interest. Cognitive interest is the desire for knowledge, which is combined with the joy of knowledge and encourages a person to learn as much new as possible, to find out what is unclear about the qualities, properties of objects, phenomena of reality, in the desire to penetrate into the essence, to find the connections and relationships between them (T.A .Kulikova). Cognitive interests along the path of their development are characterized by cognitive activity, selective focus, the desire to independently solve problematic issues, cognitive tasks, and establish cause-and-effect relationships. They include intellectual activity combined with an emotional attitude and volitional effort. Under the influence of active mental activity, the child is capable of longer and more stable concentration of attention, and shows independence in solving a mental or practical problem.

The condition for the emergence of cognitive interest is the establishment of a connection between existing experience and newly acquired knowledge. A preschooler more easily remembers and reproduces material that is interesting to him, so when organizing children’s activities, it is necessary to take into account their interests. The development of cognitive interests and activity, individual independence are interdependent processes. Cognitive interest generates activity; in turn, increased activity strengthens and deepens cognitive interest. The property of activity as a personality trait develops in activities of various types (play, cognitive, work). Cognitive activity, acquiring the features of an intellectual and emotional response to solving various learning problems, creates in the child a desire to listen more sensitively and take a closer look at what is happening around him, to look for interesting questions in everyday life. For the development of activity and independence as personal qualities, it is important for the child to act as a subject of activity. If the child’s activity is always only performative, imitative, the child’s incentives for activity will always come only from an adult, and his own activity will not be based on the internal environment, interest in its development will experience fluctuations of a situational order, and in the absence of incentives from the outside, it will fade away altogether . Therefore, in order to develop cognitive interest in the history of the objective world, activity of a searching, creative nature is necessary, where the child acts as a subject of activity.

Creative processes in the development of cognitive interests activate imagination, fantasy, anticipation, insight and the creation of new images. Moreover, under the influence of cognitive interest, not only these processes are activated, but also all cognitive activity that underlies search research activity.

In kindergarten, the types of joint educational activities between teachers and children are varied in topic and content, and all opportunities are used to organize them in a playful, entertaining environment. Conditions have been created for experimental research activities, which stimulates the development of the prerequisites for logical thinking and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

In the group, didactic and educational games are played with children that contribute to the development of their combinatorial abilities, concepts of analysis and synthesis. The cognitive interest of a preschooler is reflected in his games, drawings and other types of creative activities. The attitude of surrounding adults to the manifestations of creativity and independence of preschool children is very important. Often, parents, without realizing it, focus on the material security of their children, without attaching much importance to what conditions have been created for their development. Sometimes, with the best intentions, parents try to do everything instead of

child, and not
with him, thereby blocking the path to the development of independence and creativity.

The child's inquisitive thoughts and interests are manifested in his questions. Children's questions must be treated carefully and carefully, answered in such a way as to support and deepen the curiosity and cognitive interests of children (see the appendix - a memo on the topic “How to answer children's questions”).



“How to answer children's questions?”

  • Treat your child's questions with respect and don't brush them off. Listen carefully to the child’s question, try to understand what interested the child in the subject or phenomenon that he is asking about.
  • Give answers that are brief and understandable to a preschooler, while avoiding complex words and bookish figures of speech.
  • Encourage your child’s independent thinking by answering his question with a counter question: “What do you think?”
  • In response to your child’s question, try to involve him in observing the surrounding reality, read him a book, together find the answer in the encyclopedia, and look at illustrative material.
  • When answering a child’s question, influence his feelings, cultivate sensitivity, humanity, and tact to the world around him.
  • If the answers to your child’s questions require the communication of complex knowledge that is inaccessible to the understanding of a preschooler, do not be afraid to tell him: “You are still small and will not be able to understand a lot. You will study at school, you will learn a lot, you will be able to answer your own question.”
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