Organization of routine moments in the preparatory group in the first half of the day

Formation of regime moments

The daily routine in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard is formed in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the educational development program. Proper organization of the routine leads to the successful development of the child both mentally and educationally. Moments of routine develop perseverance and attention in children, due to the fact that they are an important part of the pedagogical process as a whole.

Conversations, activities and various games in the preparatory group develop cognitive activity in children; discussions make the child responsive and active, help prove their point of view without being embarrassed.

Regular moments associated with work loads form children’s ability to work and self-care. They show how to properly carry out hygiene procedures, dress, help an adult, and respect his work.

The formation of routine moments during the day is created in a friendly atmosphere of cooperation, taking into account an individual approach to each child.

Daily routine and its importance for preschoolers

3. The organization of the daily routine is carried out taking into account the warm and cold periods of the year


The importance of a child's daily routine

A correct regimen that corresponds to the child’s age-related capabilities improves health, ensures efficiency, successful implementation of various activities, and protects against overwork. In a child accustomed to a strict routine, the need for food, sleep, and rest occurs at certain intervals and is accompanied by rhythmic changes in the activity of all internal organs. The body, as it were, adjusts in advance to the upcoming activity, so it is carried out quite efficiently, without unnecessary waste of nervous energy and does not cause pronounced fatigue. Good performance during the day is ensured by a variety of activities and their alternation. From a physiological point of view, this is explained by the ability of the cerebral cortex to simultaneously work and rest. At each individual moment, not its entire surface is working, but individual areas, namely those that are in charge of this activity (the field of optimal excitability). The remaining areas of the cortex are at rest at this time. All physiological processes in the body, having their own biological rhythm, obey a single daily rhythm - the change of day and night. During the day, the child’s activity and performance are not the same. Their rise is noted from 8 to 12 hours and from 16 to 18 hours, and the period of minimum performance occurs at 14-16 hours. It is no coincidence, therefore, that activities that cause pronounced fatigue in children are planned in the first half of the day, during hours of optimal performance. The duration of periods of wakefulness in preschoolers is limited to 5-6 hours. This implies the need to alternate wakefulness and sleep.


The concept of “daily routine” includes the duration, organization and distribution during the day of all types of activities, rest and meals. A rationally constructed and organized regime is an important factor in ensuring timely and harmonious physical and mental development of children and adolescents, an optimal level of performance, and also prevents the development of fatigue and increases the overall resistance of the body.

In connection with the beginning of early education and its intensification, deviations are noted in the daily routine of preschoolers, forming functional and other health disorders.

The main hygienic principle of constructing a rational daily routine is its strict implementation, the inadmissibility of frequent changes, and the gradual transition to a new regime of education and training.

Meeting children and morning routine moments

Children are accepted into the garden in a group area or indoors during the cold season. At this time, the teacher’s task is to provide a positive charge to the child for the whole day through play or to interest him in carrying out certain actions in the labor sense. Together with the children, they prepare for classes, wipe dust from toys, do independent activities, read literature or other activities planned by the teacher for that day.

The daily routine in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the morning hours, from 7.00 to 10.30, provides children with mental stress to fully absorb the material in class.

The morning routine also includes mandatory morning exercises, which starts at 8.00. Gymnastics in the preparatory group lasts at least 20 minutes and activates the child’s entire muscular system, which has a positive effect on overall well-being. In addition to exercises, the teacher can perform a corrective or acupressure massage and show children the advantages of physical activity.

Target. To form in children ideas about the correct daily routine and the health benefits of following it.

Material. Colored pencils (markers).

Organize a conversation

Tell your children that the human body has one feature that should not be forgotten: it tries to follow its internal schedule and suffers when this order is disrupted.

For example, you were playing with friends in the yard and completely forgot that it was already time for lunch. And suddenly something begins to bother you in your stomach, suck in your stomach, and rumble in your intestines. This is your body giving a signal that it is time to have lunch. He is accustomed to receiving food at a certain time, is already ready for digestion and tells you about this with a feeling of hunger. You realize you're hungry and go home for lunch.

In the evening you are looking at an interesting book with pictures and suddenly you yawn, your eyes begin to stick together. What's the matter? And your body again reminded you of its internal schedule. He says: “It’s time to sleep, you’re tired during the day, you need to rest and gain strength.”

If you interfere with your body’s correct daily routine, if you disturb its internal routine, your body will get angry and quarrel with you. You sit down to dinner, but you have no appetite, everything seems tasteless. You go to bed, but you can’t fall asleep. It's time to get up, but your eyes are stuck together, your arms and legs don't obey, your head leans towards the pillow.

You need to follow the correct daily routine: sleep, eat, walk, play and study at certain times. Then it will be easy for the body to work, and you will feel healthy and vigorous.

Ask questions

Do you know the daily routine in your kindergarten?

When do children have breakfast, walk, play, have lunch, and rest?

What is your daily routine on weekends?

How do you know when you are hungry, thirsty, tired, or time to sleep? When does this happen?

Note to the teacher

It is sometimes difficult for children to talk about how they feel, about their sensations of physical discomfort. Help them. Let every child have their say. This is important for the development of self-awareness and the formation of healthy lifestyle values.

Exercise. Ask your child to look at the pictures and talk about the boys' daily routine. Draw the children's attention to the clock. What time do they show in each situation? Let them answer approximately. What is the time to do at this time? Let the children think and answer which boy is doing the right thing. Who has the right daily routine and who has the wrong one? Ask the children to circle the correct actions with a red pencil (felt-tip pen) and explain their choice.

Take this opportunity and when discussing the correct and incorrect daily routine, explain to your children how much time they can spend watching TV: watching programs, playing electronic games with a console. Why is it harmful for children to look at the screen for a long time, neglecting walks, games, rest and sleep? (Vision may deteriorate and posture may be impaired.)


Ask the children to remember if they know anyone who behaves incorrectly or does not follow a daily routine. They don’t go out on time, watch TV for a long time instead of being outdoors or playing, and go to bed late. Have you had similar cases? Tell us about them and discuss together how best to build a daily routine.


In a kindergarten with a twelve-hour worker, they eat three times. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, time is allocated depending on the age category; on average, preschoolers eat for 15-20 minutes in the older groups and up to 30 minutes in the nursery group.

Before each meal, children undergo hygiene procedures with mandatory washing. At the same time, the teacher conducts conversations about the rational use of water and the rules of conduct in the washroom.

The daily routine in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard provides for preschoolers to master the rules of etiquette. Therefore, dining room attendants are appointed who help the nanny set the table in accordance with the requirements, and after eating, put the dishes in the sink. Preparation for dinner is also carried out with the help of children; such events reinforce the rules of table setting and teach them to have order. Breakfast at the preschool educational institution usually takes place at 8.30, lunch at 12.30 and dinner at 17.30. This time may vary according to the age group of the children.

For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, meal times may vary depending on the child’s character; if the baby cannot cope on his own, then he must be supplemented by a nanny or teacher. Also, the staff of the preschool institution monitors posture, the correct placement of cutlery and neat eating.

Abstract of OOD for the senior group. Daily regime

Summary of organized educational activities “Daily routine”

Abstract of an educational activity for children 5-6 years old on the topic “Day routine”
Author : Natalia Aleksandrovna Frolova, teacher of the MDOU combined type kindergarten No. 42 “Teremok”, Serpukhov. Description of the material : This is a summary of an educational organized activity in which children become familiar with the daily routine and learn to draw logical conclusions. The material is intended for educators and additional education teachers. It will be useful for children of older preschool age. Goal : the importance of the regime in maintaining and promoting health. Objectives : To form an idea of ​​the daily routine, the ability to distinguish behavior that promotes health from behavior that is harmful to health. Convince of the need to follow a daily routine to maintain health. Learn to correlate different parts of the day with your own activities. Preliminary work : Educational games: “Confusion”, “Good - Bad” Didactic games: “Learn sports”, “Regular moments”. Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s grief”, A. Barto “The grimy girl”, G. Shalaeva “Rules of behavior for well-mannered children”, “The Tale of Lost Time”, riddles about health, proverbs and sayings. Role-playing games “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Family”. Equipment : Audio recording, letter, picture diagrams of hand washing, brushing teeth. “Daily routine” in the shape of a round clock with arrows, the game “Place it in order”, package: material for applique, book. Methodological techniques : creating a game situation, didactic game, surprise moment. Progress of OOD The song “Smile” sounds, music by V. Shainsky, words by M. Plyatskovsky. Emotional tuning . - Guys, what are your mood today? ( Good, joyful, fun
e.) Let's hold hands and convey our good mood to each other.
All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other .
-A smile is the key to a good mood. By smiling, we give each other health and joy. What else helps you maintain a good mood? ( children's answers: kind words, good health
.) A letter arrived at our kindergarten. Is it very strange?!
The riddle will help you find the answer! The alarm clock rang.
Time calls everyone: Mom to the workshop, Dad to the factory ... (
watch ) Questions for children : -Why did man invent a watch? -It is this question that we will try to answer together today. Let’s get acquainted with the new rule of maintaining health “Keep a daily routine.” -What is the daily routine? -Let's discuss the question, where should the morning begin? -charging; -water procedures; -roads to kindergarten. Educator : Is everyone’s morning so organized? Reading of L. Voronkova’s poem “Masha the Confused One .” Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha.
In the morning the sun rose and looked in the window. And Masha is sleeping... -Why was Masha late for kindergarten?
-What can you advise her? -How do you feel about your things? -What is a regime? Educator : -The daily routine is the schedule of all the tasks and actions that you need to perform during the day. The human body has one feature that should not be forgotten. He tries to follow his internal schedule and suffers when this order is violated. For example, you were playing in the yard and completely forgot that it was already time for lunch. How do you know when you are hungry, what will you feel? ( Children's answers
.) - It was your body that gave the signal that it was time for lunch.
He is used to receiving food at a certain time. Dynamic pause

Educator : In our routine, in the morning there is exercise, All without exception, let's remember the exercises. Hello, hello, brother Chas Tick-tock, Tick-tock!
(Children shake their hands left and right)
Look at us quickly!
Tick-tock, Tick-tock !
(Turn their hands with their palms towards themselves, wave their palms towards themselves, then swing their hands left and right again) All the guys want to know, Why is the clock knocking
(“Threaten” with the index finger of the right hand) Tick-tock, Tick-tock!
Tick ​​tock, tock !
(Clap their hands rhythmically) Educator : - How do you know that you are tired? ( Children's answers
) - How do you know that you want to sleep?
( Children's answers
) -How do you know what you want to drink?
( Children's answers
) - Guys, why do you think we need a watch?
( in order not to be late, to know what time it is
) - Yes, you are right, we need watches so that we can navigate time, know when to wake up, so as not to be late for kindergarten for morning exercises, in order to know when lunch is coming , walk and sleep time.
So what is a regime? ( children's expected answers are doing things at the same time
-Yes, a routine is when all tasks are completed during the day according to time, for example, like in kindergarten. You have time to eat, study, walk, sleep and go home. Your parents are also familiar with this gardening routine, and the clock shows the time the daily regimen is completed. -Guys, why do you think some children have time to: go for a walk with friends, study in a circle, help around the house, and read a book. And others only have promises and complaints that they didn’t have time, they will do it tomorrow. Why is that? What do you think? ( do not follow the daily routine
Educator : If you do not follow the correct daily regimen, violate the internal routine, the body will get angry and quarrel with you. You sit down at the table to have dinner, but you have no appetite. Everything seems tasteless. You go to bed later than usual and can’t fall asleep. It's time to get up, but your eyes are stuck together, your arms and legs don't obey, your head leans towards the pillow. The conclusion is this : it is necessary to maintain the correct daily routine - sleep, eat, walk outside, play and exercise at a certain time. Then it is easy for the body to work, and you will feel healthy and vigorous. Educator : This secret is the daily routine. The regime helps you to be disciplined, helps you improve your health, and complete your work and tasks well and efficiently. A routine is when all your tasks are distributed clearly over time during the day. Educator : And now I want to know if you follow your daily routine.

Task “Place in order” . The guys go to the board one by one and, in order, lay out pictures depicting children engaged in various activities during the day.
As the game progresses, attention is drawn to the fact that you need to go to bed on time and get up on time, do morning exercises every day, and eat at the same time. You can't watch TV for a long time .
-You agree with me? ( the meaning of all the pictures is explained
) -To be cheerful and healthy, you need to go to bed at the same time.
-Do you know why you need to eat at the same time? -Imagine that you have a little stomach man living inside you. If you feed him at different times, he will be capricious and sick. It will hurt not only him, but also you. Therefore, he must be accustomed to eating at the same time, then you will become friends with him. Now we will meet another friend, but you must guess who he is. I am the cheerful washbasin The head of the washstands And the commander of the washcloths Who is this ... ( Moidodyr
-Are you guys familiar with Moidodyr? Today he sent not only a letter, but also a parcel to the kindergarten address. “Letter to all children on a very important matter” : “Dear, my children! I am writing you a letter. I ask you to wash your hands and face often. It doesn’t matter what kind of water: boiled, spring, from a river or from a well, or just rain. You must wash yourself: morning, evening and afternoon. Before every meal, before bed and after sleep! Rub with a sponge and washcloth, be patient, no problem! Both ink and jam will be washed away by soap and water. Dear ones, my children! I really, really ask you to wash more often, wash more cleanly. I can’t stand dirty people, I won’t give a hand to dirty people. I won’t go to visit them. I wash myself very often. I’d like to come to you, but on one condition. I will give you a task - Pass the test If you solve everything - Wait for me to visit. -What do you think about it? -Can you handle it? -Now, guys, don’t yawn, I’ll start, and you finish. 1. Remember firmly that the regime for people... ( is necessary
2. We are accustomed to order, in vain we don’t lie in bed, in the morning we do ... ( charge
), keep our ... (
3. Strengthen your muscles so that you can exercise... ( physical education
4. Dress, shoes and housing should be as ( clean
) as possible.
always help us .
Well done boys! You answered everything correctly and unanimously. Now raise your hands who does exercises in the morning. Wellness break - Let’s rest a little, then we’ll start discussing further. -Show your favorite exercises. Now let’s see what we have in the package. ( Material for application
Collective application “Daily RoutineChildren are invited to stick on a sheet of paper designed in the form of a clock, paste ready-made forms of fairy-tale characters and animals performing various routine moments
(sleeping, eating, walking , reads, plays, does exercises) to the appropriate place on the clock.
Educator : According to the daily routine, we now have a second breakfast, and for breakfast today we will have “Vitamin” fruit salad. Reflection : -What new did you learn today? -Which of the tasks did you find most interesting? Why? -You all tried very hard today, were active, attentive, and friendly. And here is our guest and friend.

Moidodyr thanks the children for their work in class and gives them a book.

We recommend watching:

Abstract of a thematic conversation in the senior group. Notes of the OOD on application in the senior group. Notes of the OOD in the senior group on drawing. Tree leaves Abstract of OOD in the senior group. Manual labor

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Educational activities

After the morning meal, a block of educational classes begins in the preparatory group. They are held from 9.00 to 10.30 according to the teacher’s records and contain all the necessary information for the child’s mental work.

For older preschoolers, in the first half of the day there are 3 lessons of 20 minutes each with play breaks of up to 15 minutes. At this time, children in the preparatory group learn the basics of logical thinking, mathematics, literature, drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

In preparation for holidays or matinees, poems are memorized or individual parts of the future event are rehearsed. Conversations are held with children, they are told about the traditions of the holiday, its attributes, which allows preschoolers to correctly set guidelines during the actual event.

Preparing for walks in the fresh air

All regime moments in a preschool institution go through a stage of preliminary preparation. From 10.30 to 10.45, before the walk, the guys restore order in the group after the educational block. Toys, materials and aids are put back in their places, and tables are wiped down after creative activities. Next, the children go to the locker room and put on clothes for walking in the fresh air. At the same time, the teacher points out the correct order of dressing and draws the attention of preschoolers to the purpose of this or that item of clothing. Before going out, children are taught to pay attention to their overall appearance and, in case of improper dressing, mistakes are pointed out. The teacher or nanny adjusts and fastens clothes if the child is experiencing difficulties.

Daily routine for children in the preparatory group.

TimeRegime moments
7:00-8:20Morning reception, games, morning exercises, communication, independent activities
8:20-8:45Preparation for breakfast, breakfast
8.45-9.00Free communication games for children
9.00-10.35Organizational educational activities: educational situations
10.35-10.45Cultural and hygienic events. Preparing for a walk.
10.45-12.30Walk (observations, games, independent activities, work, experimentation, communication on interests, returning from a walk).
12.30-12.50Preparing for lunch, lunch
12.50-13.00Tempering activities, relaxation exercises before bedtime
13.00-15.00Getting ready for bed, sleep
15.00-15.15Gradual ascent, air and water procedures, hygiene procedures
15.15-15.35Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea
15.35-16.35Games, leisure activities, clubs, independent activities and communication based on children’s interests and choices.
1635-18.20Preparing for a walk, walk
18.30-18.40Preparing for dinner, dinner
18.40-19.00Going home
Total per day:(GCD) Direct educational activities – 1 hour 30 minutes.
Independent activity (games, preparation for classes, personal hygiene) – 3.5-4 hours
Daytime sleep - 2 hours. Walk - 4-4.5 hours

Appendix No. 2.
Schedule of organizational educational activities

For the 2018-2019 academic year

Day of the weekPreparatory group No. 10Time
MondaySpeech development Artistic creativity (modeling) Music9:00-9:30 9:40-10:10 10:20-10:50
TuesdayCognitive (FEMP) Physical education Artistic creativity (application)9:00-9:30 9:50-10:20 10:25-10:55
WednesdayLiteracy training Familiarization with nature Physical education (outdoors)9:00-9:30 9:40-10:10 11:00-11:30
ThursdayMusic Speech Development Cognitive (FEMP)9:00-9:30 9:40-10:10 10:20-10:50
FridayArtistic creativity (drawing) Physical education Subject and social environment9:00-9:30 10:00-10:30 10:40-11:10

Appendix No. 3

Spatial-subject developmental environment of preschool educational institutions, groups.

I considered the RPPS in kindergarten No. 312 of preparatory group No. 10. Based on article 3.3. The CE standard makes the following requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment: it must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

1. Saturation of the environment

Is fully present and corresponds to the parameters of the presented group.

2. Transformability of space.

It changes when interests and educational situations change, which the teacher assumes in advance.

3. Multifunctionality of materials.

The academic year presented in the group involves a varied use of various components of the subject environment.

4. Variability of the environment

The teacher says that they have a periodic rotation of play activities and cognitive (material related to the English language).

5. Availability of the environment.

I can’t say how accessible and safe the environment is for children with disabilities. But the children of this preparatory group have full access to any game that is in their visual attention. The available materials provided to children are functional and in good condition.

6. Safety of the subject-spatial environment.

The safety of the group is ensured in any part of the room and playground. Children can be in a group safely for their health.

Appendix No. 4

Independent activities of children

From my observations I drew the following conclusions:

· The space provided for children in a group is not enough for vigorous free activity for children. But on walks, children have enough space where most of the day is spent in unaccompanied free play.

· Some free play takes place daily indoors or outdoors, weather permitting.

· Supervision is provided to protect the health and safety of children.

· A number of toys, games and equipment are available for children to use in free play.

· Not a sufficient number of different toys, games and equipment are provided for free play during a walk (a ball, several shovels and other toys for the sandbox)

Appendix No. 5

Walk and its organization

Walks in the preparatory group last 4 hours in the cold season and 5 hours in the summer. Children go for walks 2 times a day: before lunch, until 12.30, and after quiet time, from 17.30 until they go home. The daily routine in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard and educational programs recommend spending time in the fresh air at temperatures up to -15 and wind speed up to 15 m/s; if these data are exceeded, then the children remain in the group.

During walks, the teacher does not stop engaging in educational activities and divides the time spent in the fresh air into the following parts:

  • Observations of the surroundings.
  • Moving games.
  • Work on a group site.
  • Working with children to develop physical abilities.

Also, walks in the preparatory group imply independent play and physical activity; during such moments, children choose independent types of play.

Daily routine in kindergarten

The routine in kindergarten is the same for all children.
Therefore, if at home you are used to sleeping until lunch, not putting your child to bed and eating whenever you want, then before entering a preschool institution you need to bring your home daily routine as close as possible to the routine in kindergarten. This will help the child during the adaptation period. Typically, three-year-olds easily adapt to kindergarten. At this age, they are ready to communicate with their peers and other adults and gain new knowledge. Being raised at home, the child does not receive the necessary social communication. In addition, in kindergarten, classes with the child are conducted according to a special program that corresponds to his age characteristics.

In a group of peers, it is much easier for a child to learn to communicate or gain self-service skills by looking at other children. And in order for your child to endure the adaptation period even easier, you need to accustom him to the regime within 2-3 months. It is very difficult to maintain a rigid daily routine at home. And in kindergarten it is built optimally for a little person and contributes to his physiological and psychological development.

The regime in different kindergartens may differ, but its principle is the same everywhere.

Approximate daily routine in kindergarten

Meals and sleep remain constant in the daily routine. The walk depends on weather conditions and time of year. If the weather is bad, games or activities are held at this time. Some kindergartens also have a second breakfast.

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Requirements for the daily routine in kindergarten according to SanPiN

Children are provided with four meals a day at the group premises. The interval between meals is no more than 4 hours. For more information about diet, diet and menu, see here.

A walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half of the day and after sleep, which is a total of 3 - 4 hours. At temperatures below -15°C and wind speeds of more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced.

Daytime sleep for children from 3 to 7 years old is 2 - 2.5 hours. During nap time, the presence of a teacher in the bedroom is mandatory. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to conduct active and emotional games and activities.

Independent activity of children 3–7 years old should take at least 3–4 hours a day. This includes independent play, preparation for educational activities, and personal hygiene.

All rooms must be ventilated daily. Through ventilation is carried out at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours in the absence of children, 30 minutes before they arrive from a walk or activity. In the presence of children, ventilation is permissible only in the warm season without a draft. When ventilating, the air temperature should not drop by more than 2-4°C.

Bed linen is changed at least once a week.

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Organization of classes

It is mandatory for the harmonious development of the child to include developmental activities in the daily routine according to SanPiN, which subsequently serve as preparation for school.

Also read on our website: Does a child need kindergarten?

Classes in kindergarten are conducted in the main areas:

  • musical;
  • physical training;
  • art;
  • classes to develop fine motor skills;
  • speech development classes;
  • introduction to basic mathematical knowledge.

Activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are held in the first half of the day and alternate with physical education and music classes to avoid overworking the child.

The continuous duration of an educational lesson for a preschooler does not exceed:

  • 10 minutes for children 3 - 4 years old (younger group);
  • 15 minutes for children 4 - 5 years old (middle group);
  • 20 minutes for children 5 - 6 years old (older group);
  • 30 minutes for children 6 - 7 years old (preparatory group).

No more than 3 classes are held per day. Breaks between classes are at least 10 minutes.

Physical development classes

Physical development classes are held at least 3 times a week. Their duration ranges from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the age group. In summer, such activities are recommended to be carried out outdoors.

In addition to physical development classes, other forms of physical activity are also used: morning exercises, physical exercises, outdoor games, and in some kindergartens - exercise classes, swimming, etc.

Morning reception for children

Reception of children should be carried out by educators and (or) medical workers. Identified sick children or children with suspected illness are not accepted. If a child falls ill during the day, he is isolated from healthy children (placed in a medical room) until the parents arrive or are hospitalized, with the parents informed.

Daytime rest and preparation for bed

Quiet hour begins in the preschool after lunch. Usually this time is from 13.00 to 15.00. It is preceded by calm, relaxing activities. All physical activity stops 30-40 minutes before visiting the bedroom. During this time, the child’s nervous system is restored, which gives restful sleep and general rest to the body.

Before going to bed, the bedroom is ventilated until the air temperature drops by 3-4 degrees. Getting ready for bed is accompanied by calm conversations, reading fairy tales, and listening to relaxing music. The teacher monitors the comfort of the child’s position on the bed, adjusts the blanket if necessary, and provides individual strokes to the children. During sleep, the nanny or teacher is constantly in the bedroom to avoid accidents.

Lesson notes on OBP “What is the daily routine?”


Each child has a flower in his hands. The teacher passes the flower with a wish to the child, and he passes it to the next one; the bouquet gradually increases, and a whole bouquet is returned to the teacher - a bouquet of wishes. Wish health, wish goodness to others, and it will definitely come back to you!


Nature has its own mode of life, its own laws of life. Nature maintains a certain order in its life, and this order is called “Seasons”. List them.

Man is a piece of nature, and he must maintain order in his life, must lead a certain, correct way of life. The order in which a person lives is called “daily routine”. It is observed by both adults and children, especially those who want to grow up healthy. Today we will play a game - the journey “Daily Mode”. And what is it?

- That's right, this is a daily and life routine that helps us do everything on time: study, play, walk, and relax. It saves us from fatigue and overload, strengthens our health. Get in the column! Let's go on a train journey.

A steam locomotive has been waiting for us for a long time - Two pipes and a hundred wheels.

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive - he carried the carriages.

Station 1 “ The morning begins - the sun wakes up”

-To wake up in a good mood, you need to go to bed on time. When we wake up in the morning, what do we do?

-Do you know how to wake up correctly?

1. Stretch 2. Place your right leg and stand 3. Smile

-Why do you think I should smile?

Musical game " Stretch"

-What do we do next? That's right, let's wash ourselves. I'll check now, do you know what supplies are needed for morning toilet?

“Find and Show”
- Well done, washed your face! I hear the porridge puffing on the stove.

Breathing exercises “Porridge”

IP: sitting, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Drawing in your stomach and drawing air into your lungs - inhale, lowering your chest (exhaling air) and sticking out your stomach - exhale. When exhaling, pronounce the sound “f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat 3-4 times.

Station 2: “ Healthy eating – great mood”

-We have arrived at the next station and will stay there for a bit and play.

Relay game “ Healthy food”

Station 3: Dienesh blocks d/i " Architects"

-We had breakfast and arrived at the Shkolnaya station. What do you do in class at school? That's right: you draw, count, sculpt, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. You and I are architects, we will build a house according to the plan.

So we played and went for a walk.

Guys, lunch is waiting for us - both compote and vinaigrette!

p/game “ Vegetables and fruits”

Place two pans in two hoops: “Vinaigrette” and “Compote”. Lays out pictures depicting various products.

Station 4 " Quiet hour"

-And now we’ll go to bed, Let’s breathe through our noses.

- Guys, what do you think, do animals sleep? Do they need sleep? For what? Do you know how animals sleep? Is everything the same? Let's look at the photos.

Giraffe Owl Squirrel Horses Birds Puppies

- Well, guys, wake up and toughen up quickly!

-After sleep, we relax and play different games!

p/game " Two Circles"

(To the music, they run scattered through the group. When the music stops, line up in 2 circles)

After school, the children go home, play, and do their homework. Let's remember the familiar letters and write them on the board.

Lacing game

In the evening we go home, have a light dinner before bed.

We take a bath and put on pajamas.

Night covers the earth - the son and daughter fall asleep.

-What do you think, is everyone’s sleep duration the same?

-Some animals, such as marmots and bears, hibernate in order to accumulate more energy for an active life, which they will begin with the arrival of spring. And with the arrival of winter, squirrels sleep more than at other times of the year. Does a person need sleep? For what?

-Remember how you felt when you didn’t sleep well at night? Those people who get a good night's sleep live longer than those who are constantly sleep deprived. During sleep, children's bones also rest, thanks to this, they grow better. It’s not for nothing that they say that children grow up in their sleep.

-Do adults and children sleep at the same time? Who can say how long very little ones ( infants)

children? But in order for the sleep to be complete, you need to follow certain rules.

A dream comes to visit us. He calls you to his bed.

Sleep, baby, it’s sweet, sweet, Everyone sleeps at night, even during the day.

We'll rest a little. We were too tired after half a day,

We need to take a break.


Now please sit down at the tables and draw your best dream. And then you tell everyone about your dream. Our Daily Routine journey has come to an end. I wish you to always be cheerful and healthy. Praises children.

Activities after quiet time

After a gradual rise at 15.00, children undergo hardening procedures, awakening gymnastics, dress independently and put their hair in order. After afternoon tea, which starts at 15.30, children play games with the teacher or engage in independent activities.

This time is suitable for individual work with children who cannot keep up with the program or are lagging behind due to missing one or another lesson.

After a quiet hour, the teacher reads and analyzes literary works, plays theater, and watches animated films or educational programs.

Individual work

The second half of the day, from 15.40 to 17.00, in a preschool institution is aimed at consolidating the material studied in the morning, or repeating previously acquired knowledge. Individual work with children is aimed at improving speech, creative and motor activity.

A music director, speech therapist or teacher conducts individual work according to planning or seeing the child’s general poor performance. The preparatory group at the preschool educational institution, or rather the children attending it, undergo classes with a psychologist who corrects the mental abilities of each child.

Evening walk and children going home

In the evening, after all the necessary routine moments have been completed, the children go for a second walk, usually at 5:30 p.m., and meet their parents. The main task of the teacher is to inform adults about how their child’s day went, about his successes or shortcomings. The children's work completed in the first half is demonstrated, and consultations are given on parents' questions regarding the general behavior of the preschooler, or advice on how to correct mental ability if the child does not understand the material received.

Special attention is paid to observing the rules of good manners. Before leaving home, the child says goodbye to the teacher and the children remaining at the site. The teacher forms a positive attitude towards the preschool institution and prepares the child for the next visit.

In case of bad weather, children carry out work activities within a group room. At this time, care for plants or living areas, washing toys after a working day, and general putting things in order take place.

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