Consultation for parents “What fairy tales should I read to my child at bedtime?”

Therapeutic bedtime stories will help put your child to sleep quickly. These fairy tales help you relax, relieve tension, rest after psychological work, feel your body “here and now,” and get a charge of vigor and well-being. Parents can also use them. For example, for short-term rest for children after intense school work or for reading before bed. Some of the proposed meditative tales have built-in multi-level metaphors, appealing to different channels of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). These are positive suggestions that have a psychotherapeutic effect on the listener. To enhance this effect, the environment in the room should be comfortable, and the reader’s voice should be soft and calm. Dim the lighting and encourage your child to sit in a chair or couch where he can relax comfortably. Pleasant music for relaxation (for example, with sounds of nature) will help you immerse yourself in a fairy tale.


On the edge of the village lived a widow with three sons. The two sons are already grown-up boys, tall, stately, nice, and handsome. And the third - teenager Yura - small, thin, like a reed. It was winter. Deep snow fell, the north wind blew, and the frost crackled. The mother says, as if to herself, but so that the children can hear: “It’s cold, children.” But there is no firewood... Who should go for firewood?

The eldest sons are silent, their heads bent, they look at the ground and are hacking away at the stove. “I’ll go get firewood, mom,” said the youngest son. – Aren’t you afraid of frost? - the mother asks and glances at her older sons. “No, I’m not afraid,” the son answers and gets dressed. “Well, go, Yura,” said the mother, tightly belted him and kissed her son. Yura went. And immediately it became so quiet in the house, as if every living thing in the world was listening and thinking: what will happen? And the wind in the yard died down. The two eldest sons raised their heads, looked at their mother and said: “We will also go into the forest, mother.” “Go, sons,” the mother whispered and cried with joy.

V. Sukhomlinsky

What a delicious soup

In one multi-colored city there lived a small, or rather, already quite large boy. He was more than four, but less than seven years old, and his name was very simple. How is still a secret. This boy was very good - cheerful, inquisitive, smart, and of course, always obeyed his mother. For example, now, when his mother told him: “Son, eat the soup!” He shook his head and turned away from the spoon. How? He always obeyed his mother! But sometimes he obeyed “the other way around.” The soup was so ordinary, but I wanted something unusual - sweets, cookies, a sausage sandwich. But my mother stubbornly brought the spoon with the soup to her mouth. - Let's go for mom, for dad! Open your mouth! You're already a big boy, eat some soup! The boy stubbornly shook his head and clenched his teeth more and more tightly so that not a drop of soup would get into his mouth. - Dad will come home from work and eat soup! Everyone should eat soup! And if you don’t eat it, I’ll actually give it to the neighbor boy. Then mom decided to use a trick. - Look, a hippopotamus is flying outside the window! The boy opened his mouth in surprise and turned to the window. True, he had never seen hippos, but suddenly he was really flying there. Mom brought the spoon with soup to her mouth faster than lightning, but the boy, not seeing the hippopotamus, managed to close his mouth in front of the spoon. And success was very close! Then mom got a call from work, and she went out into the hallway. The boy saw that the cat came into the kitchen and began to eat his food with appetite. On the street, pigeons were pecking at bread crumbs, and the girl was biting off a fragrant loaf, for which she was sent to the store. In fact, he really wanted to eat and he looked into the plate. The potatoes and carrots were cut into even cubes, the noodles were thin and well-cooked, and there wasn’t a single black peppercorn in the plate, which the boy couldn’t stand. He sighed and picked up the spoon. It was actually very tasty! The soup just melted in your mouth and was just right. And here is a crust of white bread to go with it. Mom returned three minutes later, with a sigh she picked up the spoon again, but there was no more soup in the plate. -Where is the soup? - she was surprised. “I don’t know, the neighbor’s boy probably ate it,” the boy winked at her. So what was the boy's name? And his name was (insert your child’s name). And in general, a fairy tale can be about a girl. Just replace a few words.

How the Hedgehog and the Little Bear wiped the stars. Sergey Kozlov

For a whole month now, the Hedgehog has been climbing the pine tree every night and rubbing the stars.

“If I don’t wipe the stars every evening,” he thought, “they will definitely fade.”

And in the morning he went out onto the porch, broke out a fresh broom to first knock off the dust from the stars, and washed the rag. He had only one rag, and so every morning he washed it and hung it on a pine tree to dry.

Having finished with the preparations. The hedgehog had dinner and went to bed. He woke up when dew had already fallen. After dinner, he took a rag in one paw, a broom in the other, and slowly, from branch to branch, climbed to the very top of the pine tree.

The most important thing began here. First, the stars had to be tapped with a broom, and so carefully so as not to accidentally be knocked out of the sky.

Then put the broom in your left paw, and take the cloth in your right paw and wipe it

stars to shine. The work was painstaking and took all night.

"How else? - Hedgehog grumbled, talking to himself on the top of a pine tree. “If Little Bear doesn’t wipe the stars, if I don’t wipe the stars, then who will wipe the stars?”

At that time, the little bear was also sitting on the top of a pine tree above his house, rubbing the stars and thinking:

“It’s amazing how the Hedgehog came up with such a happy thought! After all, if the Hedgehog had not come up with the idea of ​​cleaning the stars, no one would have seen them for a long time. Look, how dusty!..” - And he blew on the star and rubbed it with a rag...

The little bear tried very hard, but he didn’t always succeed, like the Hedgehog. And if a star fell from the sky, everyone in the forest knew that it was the Little Bear who accidentally pushed it.


Once upon a time there lived a boy, Sasha Luzhaikin. Sasha was a good boy, but greedy. He never shared treats with his friends and didn’t let them play with his toys. “Here’s another idea - to give someone a treat!” – Sasha was angry to himself. – And why is this necessary? They treat each other, smile and laugh at the same time. What kind of joy? It’s much nicer: you took it yourself and ate it yourself. You'll get more for yourself. But then one day something incredible happened. Mom and dad went to a concert. Grandmother sat down in a chair and began to knit, but quickly dozed off. And at this time it began to rain heavily. And suddenly Sasha saw some small strange creature outside the window, getting wet from the rain. Sasha's curiosity awoke and he opened the window. The creature ended up in the boy's room. - Who are you? – asked Sasha. - I am Veselinka, and who are you? - And I'm Sasha. - Do you have a friend? – the guest asked. “No,” said Sasha. “Everyone says that I’m greedy, and that’s why I don’t have a friend.” “You’re not greedy at all,” said Veselinka. “Such a nice boy can’t be greedy.” I know that the greedy are the wolf and the fox. They will never share their prey with anyone. Sasha thought about it. He was interested in Veselinka. She was bright and cheerful. She could become a good friend. In the evening, Sasha put a handful of sweets in his trouser pocket. He decided to treat the guys tomorrow. It’s not his time to be greedy!

The treat was accepted with joy. The children thanked Sasha, and only one boy, Dima Kopeikin, asked:

- What happened to you? Why did you suddenly become so generous? - First of all, I made a friend. And secondly, I'm tired of being greedy. Dima said: “We want to meet your new friend.” In the evening, a noisy company ended up visiting Sasha. Everyone liked Veselinka, because she had a kind, cheerful disposition. - She will teach you a lot of good things! - the guys exclaimed. – Because she looks at the world from a kind, sunny side!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

How did Sasha's greed manifest itself? Did Sasha have a friend? How did Vasilinka end up in Sasha’s house? For what reason did the guys come to Sasha’s house? Draw how you see Veselinka. What proverbs fit the fairy tale? Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain. Greed is the beginning of all vices. The main meaning of the fairy tale is that next to a good, cheerful person, another person becomes better. Next to a cheerful person you feel like the sun. And as for greed... How to prevent a child from becoming greedy? From early childhood, accustom him to reasonable generosity, organize everything so that he has the opportunity to share with someone.

How to listen to a fairy tale with your baby

Listening to an audio recording of a work of art requires a serious concentration of attention from the child. This is an excellent training for mental processes - memory, thinking, attention, perception. Meanwhile, this is much more difficult for him than just reading with his mother and looking at pictures.

Therefore, before listening to a fairy tale online, it is recommended to prepare your child for listening, and then discuss with him what he heard:

  • Briefly tell your child in advance what the fairy tale will be about, show illustrations by different authors for it.
  • After listening, ask questions about the plot, ask to retell certain episodes.

This will allow you to determine whether the child understands the meaning of the audio fairy tale, or whether it is worth choosing simpler works for him.

Before bedtime, children are recommended to read quiet, calm fairy tales with a well-known plot.


It was New Year's Eve. The tree had been decorated for a long time and now sparkled cheerfully with lights, as if winking. Masha and Vitya played next to her and dreamed out loud about what Grandfather Frost would give them. They really expected that he would give them exactly what they wanted: Masha - a doll, Vitya - a car, well, not a real one, of course, but one that could be used to carry toys and sand in the summer at the dacha. Masha asked Vitya: “What do you think, maybe Santa Claus has already put gifts under the Christmas tree for us, but we haven’t noticed? What is he going to wait for tonight? Vitya shrugged his shoulders, saying, I don’t know. Then they decided to look under the tree, suddenly, however, a doll and a car were already waiting for them. They tried so hard, pushing apart the branches of the Christmas tree, that they did not notice how the toy fell to the floor and broke. Dad was in the next room and didn't hear anything. “Well, what should we do now? – Vitya asked. “It was your idea to climb under the tree, and you will be responsible for the broken toy.” “Well, no, they broke it together, we will answer together, and you, as the eldest, will generally get it from your parents,” his sister stuck her tongue out at him. “Let’s throw away the toy as if nothing had happened,” Vitya suggested. His sister supported his idea. They carefully collected all the pieces and threw them in the trash.

A true friend

It was spring. The sun was shining very brightly, the snow had almost melted. And Misha was really looking forward to summer. In June he turned twelve years old, and his parents promised to give him a new bicycle for his birthday, which he had long dreamed of. He already had one, but Misha, as he himself liked to say, “grew out of it a long time ago.” He did well in school, and his mom and dad, and sometimes his grandparents, would give him money as praise for his excellent behavior or good grades. Misha did not spend this money, he saved it. He had a big piggy bank where he put all the money that was given to him. Since the beginning of the school year, he had accumulated a significant amount, and the boy wanted to offer his parents this money so that they could buy him a bicycle before his birthday, he really wanted to ride. Misha had a best friend. His name was Pashka. They sat with him at the same desk and were, as the teachers said, “in the water.” Pashka was the headman in their class. For the May holidays, their class teacher, Natalya Grigorievna, suggested that the whole class go to the circus, and entrusted the head boy with collecting the money for tickets. Pasha was a diligent boy: he not only wrote down who gave money for tickets, but also carefully put all the money in a bag, and then hid it in his backpack so as not to lose it.

And so, when there was nothing left before the holidays, Pashka lost this package. He remembered very well how he put it in his backpack, and then ran with the boys to play football at the school stadium, and the backpack remained in the locker room. He shook out the entire contents of his backpack onto the floor and went through every piece of paper in every notebook, hoping to see a bag of money there, but there was no sign of any bag. - They probably stole it! - said Pashka. “No, most likely you just dropped it somewhere,” Misha suggested. - I’ll get a kick out of both the guys and the class! Well, what to do now? Maybe we’ll put out an advertisement, like, well, a package of money is lost... After all, what a sum...

- Who will believe you, if they found him, then they probably took him for themselves. Misha thought for a minute, then loudly slapped himself on the forehead: “How could I not have guessed it right away!” “Wait for me here, I’ll be there soon,” he shouted to Pashka already at the door. Half an hour later, Misha returned with his piggy bank, poured its contents onto the bench: “How much do you need?” Pasha counted out the required amount and returned the rest to Misha. “Mish, you know...I always knew that you were a true friend...I have nothing more to say,” Pashka gave Misha a smile. “What did you save for?” - he added. “It doesn’t matter anymore,” the friend answered with slight sadness. In the evening, my mother noticed that the piggy bank was almost empty. She called Misha into the room. — I couldn’t resist, I spent it, right? - Spent it. - And for what? - Yes, you see, mom, Pashka, as our headman, was supposed to collect money for the circus, he collected it, and then lost it, so I gave it to him. - Are you sure you lost it? - Exactly! Pashka would never deceive me, I know that for sure. - Well, okay, I gave it, so I gave it. In general, you know, Mish, you acted like a true friend. “That’s what Pashka said.” - Well, that means it is so! The next morning Misha woke up from some strange sound. He opened his eyes and saw his dad leaning on the handlebars of his shiny new bicycle and ringing the bell. - Dad, did you buy me a bike?! But my birthday is still more than a month away. And I didn’t deserve it, I took the money and gave it away. - Just deserved it! Why wait until summer, the snow has almost melted. Run to Pashka and call him to ride quickly.

On a long winter evening. Sergey Kozlov

Oh, what snowdrifts did the blizzard make? All the stumps, all the hummocks were covered with snow. The pines creaked dully, swayed by the wind, and only the hard worker, the woodpecker, was hammering and hammering somewhere above, as if he wanted to break through the low clouds and see the sun...

The hedgehog was sitting at home by the stove and was no longer looking forward to spring coming.

“If only,” thought the Hedgehog, “the streams would gurgle, the birds would sing and the first ants would run along the paths!.. Then I would go out into the clearing, shout to the whole forest, and the Squirrel would come running to me, and I would say to her: “Hello , Squirrel? Has spring come? How was your winter? And Belka would fluff hers

tail, waved it in different directions and answered: “Hello, Hedgehog! Are you healthy? And we would run throughout the forest and examine every stump, every tree, and then we would begin to trample last year’s paths... “You trample on the ground,” Squirrel would say, “and I will trample on top!” And I would jump through the trees...

Then we would see Little Bear.

"And it's you!" - Little Bear would shout and begin to help me trample the paths...

And then we would call Donkey. Because without it it is impossible to build a big path.

The Donkey would run first, followed by the Bear Cub, and then me... “Clunk-clack-clack,” the Donkey would clatter his hooves, “top-clop-clop,” the Bear Cub would stomp, and I wouldn’t be able to keep up with them and would just roll. “You're ruining the path! - Donkey would shout. “You picked it all up with your needles!”

- "No problem! - Little Bear would smile. “I’ll run after the Hedgehog and trample down the ground.” “No, no,” said the Donkey, “it’s better if the Hedgehog loosens the gardens!”

And I would roll on the ground and loosen the vegetable gardens, and the Donkey and the Little Bear would carry water... “Now loosen mine!” - Chipmunk would ask. “And mine!” - the Forest Mouse would say... And I would ride all over the forest and benefit everyone.


Lisa really enjoyed studying in 1st grade. She liked her classmates and teacher. Still, she had one reason why she was reluctant to go to school. This reason was her desk neighbor Kolya Solntsev. Every time Lisa came home from school, she found a whole mountain of candy wrappers in her briefcase. She knew for sure that Kolya was putting candy wrappers in her backpack, because she once caught him doing this. Lisa reprimanded him, but he just laughed, and the next day she again found candy wrappers in her backpack. Lisa shared her troubles with her mother. Mom smiled, hugged her daughter, and whispered something in her ear.

Convenient search

This page contains more than 500 audio fairy tales for children and older children. Taking care of the comfort of users, we have created a hint system that allows you to easily find any fairy tale on the site.

Without opening the record itself, you can familiarize yourself with its following characteristics:

  • Position of the audio tale in the overall rating.
  • Age category for which it is intended.
  • Illustration for the plot.
  • Duration.
  • Short description.

Thanks to our convenient service, you can listen to our audio tales for free online from anywhere in the world. Your favorite characters will always come to your aid when you need to console, entertain your baby or calm him down before bed.

Grandfather and boy

Today Misha's second lesson is Russian. This is his favorite subject at school. Therefore, he is already sitting at his desk, without waiting for the call. During the lesson, we were asked to write an essay on the topic: “What do I want to become when I grow up?” Misha thought quite a bit; just yesterday in a bookstore he saw a book about astronauts. Now it was his dream to fly into space. He wrote the essay the fastest and received an “A”. He flew home as if on wings. “Why are you so cheerful?” - Mom asked. “I got an A for my essay! Mom, I decided to become an astronaut!” “What kind of astronaut are you if you are constantly sick? No, don’t even dream!” - Mom snapped sternly. Misha had tears in his eyes, but he didn’t answer; he was used to trusting his mother’s authority. Then he approached his dad: “Dad, do you think I can become an astronaut?” “Mish, go ask your mom, I’m working, I don’t have time. And in general, to become an astronaut, you need to study well, but you’re bad at math,” Dad didn’t add optimism. He was always busy, and Misha didn’t even really count on the fact that his dad would help him decide on his future profession.

Having nothing better to do, Misha went out into the yard. Grandfather was sitting on the bench. He lived in the next entrance. Misha often saw him on the street, always said hello, but never talked to him. Misha sat down on a bench next to his grandfather and began to draw something in the sand with a stick. "What are you drawing?" — the old man asked. “Yes, nothing…” the boy sighed sadly. "Why are you sad?" - the grandfather did not let up. “Yes, today at school they wrote an essay about what I would like to be when I grow up, I wrote that I want to fly into space, but my mother is against it, but I think you still have to fight for your dream, try, study well, don’t be lazy , toughen up, and then I will definitely become an astronaut. What do you think, grandfather, what will I be when I become as big as dad?” – Misha asked his grandfather. "I think you'll be Human!" - Grandfather said, getting up. “Strange,” thought Misha. “Am I not a man?”

Evening tale 1: how the little bunny found new friends

In one wonderful country, in a small house on the edge of a forest, there lived a Little Hare. He grew up as a smart and kind boy, and always pleased his mom and dad with his successes and cheerful disposition. The little hare loved to run and jump on the grass, jump and have fun.

Only one thing upset Mother Hare - when it was time to sleep, Little Hare cried, struggled and did not want to go to bed at all. He would also snatch a pillow, throw it on the floor along with the blanket, and drag it around the house. Because of this, his pillow was always a little dusty - his mother simply did not have time to wash the pillowcases in time.

And one day the Little Bunny returned home from a walk, ate and was about to grab a pillow, but... it was nowhere to be found! No pillow, no blanket! Just a lonely and empty crib.

- Where is my pillow? And a blanket? – the Little Bunny asked his mother in fear.

But mom didn’t know either. She only told her son to go look for them.

The little bunny sighed and left the house. There was no one in the yard. The little hare ran and screamed, trying to find a pillow and blanket, but they did not respond. And then the little hare ran to the mushroom meadow - what if they ran there?

But there was only Hedgehog in the clearing. “Hello,” greeted the Bunny. -Have you seen the pillow and blanket? “No,” Hedgehog shrugged. – But if I see it, I’ll tell you! - Thank you! – the Little Bunny smiled at him and ran on.

He rushed as hard as he could, and then he ran up to the very blue sea.

“What if they are at the bottom?” - thought the Little Hare, and dived into the sea. But there was no pillow or blanket at the bottom. Just in case, the Little Hare even asked the fish if she had seen it. The fish silently shook its head. The little hare thanked her and promised to come visit.

Upset, the Little Hare swam ashore. He had already looked almost everywhere he could. But the pillow and blanket were missing. The bunny slowly walked towards the forest. And suddenly I saw the Mouse.

- Hello! - Greeted the Little Bunny. -Have you seen the pillow and blanket? - I saw it! – the Mouse squeaked in response. - They were sliding down the slide on the playground. - Exactly! - Little Bunny slapped himself on the forehead and ran to the site. - Thank you, Mouse! - Come visit for tea! - she answered. - Necessarily! – The little hare was already rushing towards the slides.

There, cold and tired, our lost things – a blanket and a pillow – huddled together. The little bunny began to hug them:

- My dear ones, are you cold? Let's go home quickly! I will never hurt you again!

And they all ran home joyfully and cheerfully. The little hare gladly went to sleep on his pillow and covered himself with a blanket. And the next morning there was a holiday, and new friends came to visit the Bunny - the Hedgehog and the Mouse. And together they visited Rybka in the sea.


Yurik woke up in the morning. I looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day. And the boy wanted to do something good himself. So he sits and thinks: “What if my little sister was drowning, and I would save her!” And my little sister was right there: “Walk with me, Yura!” - Go away, don’t bother me thinking! My little sister was offended and walked away. And Yura thinks: “If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!” And the nanny is right there: “Put away the dishes, Yurochka.” - Clean it yourself - I have no time! The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again: “If only Trezorka fell into the well, and I would pull him out!” And Trezorka is right there. His tail wags: “Give me a drink, Yura!” - Go away! Don't bother thinking! Trezorka closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes. And Yura went to his mother: “What could I do that’s so good?” Mom stroked Yura’s head: “Go for a walk with your little sister, help the nanny put away the dishes, give Trezor some water.”

Tannin achievements

Every evening, dad took a notebook and pencil and sat down with Tanya and grandmother. - Well, what are your achievements? - he asked. Dad explained to Tanya that achievements are all the good and useful things a person has done in a day. Dad carefully wrote down Tanya's achievements in a notebook. One day he asked, holding a pencil at the ready as usual: “Well, what are your achievements?” “Tanya was washing the dishes and broke a cup,” said the grandmother. “Hm…” said the father. - Dad! - Tanya begged. - The cup was bad, it fell on its own! There is no need to write about it in our achievements! Just write: Tanya washed the dishes! - Fine! - Dad laughed. - Let's punish this cup so that next time, when washing dishes, the other one will be more careful!

Yes, there is such a medicine!

Baba Mani’s hut is a former bathhouse, the only building in the village that survived the war, with a vegetable garden the size of a volleyball court, and there are only one birch tree, and even that disabled World War II one, like stumps, raised a dry fork to the sky, chopped off by a shell . But the bird people love and adore Baba Manina’s estate. Loud bully sparrows thrive on it from morning to night, white-sided magpies swing on the birch as easily as on a swing, crows and pigeons celebrate their weddings. Whose first song in the spring is the beautiful starling? At Baba Mani's. On the disabled birch tree, to which she attached a simple, hastily knocked together birdhouse on the day when she and her fellow countrymen emerged from the partisan forests. The neighbors were amazed by this. They have starling houses - mansions carved on poles. And with all the comforts: here you have a little entrance with clever doors, here you have a shelf and a birch branch - sit wherever you want and sing your songs. But starlings do not rush into these towers. In the spring, all day long they fight for Manina’s ruined women, and only after the final division does some loser take up residence in the towers. “Baba Manya,” the neighbors asked, “tell us your bird word with which you lure the starlings to you.” - What is my bird word? I don't know any bird words. Sometimes, out of boredom, you go out and talk to them. That's all my bird's word. That spring, Grandma Manya decided to renovate her birdhouse a little, and what the hell, the birdhouses would get angry and fly away to the neighbors. Every creature of God loves to take care of itself. On a warm sunny day, she left the house, trod a path in the snow to the disabled birch tree, then brought a ladder and placed it against the tree trunk. Grandma Manya was old and decrepit. She somehow climbed up the first three crossbars, and then, feeling dizzy, she fell into the snow. For some time she lay unconscious in the snow, and then the sparrows flocked to the birch tree and let everyone shout in a crowd: “Get up, get up, Baba Manya!” Otherwise you'll catch a cold. Baba Manya stood up. She got up, made it home with difficulty, and fell ill: she developed bilateral pneumonia. Grandma Manya did not get out of bed for more than a month, and the doctors had no doubt: the old woman would die. There is no medicine in the world that can raise an old person from the dead. Yes, there is such a medicine! Starlings brought it to Baba Mana. One day, early in the morning, Grandma Manya came to her senses - and what was it? Who knocks on all the windows of her wretched shack? She lifted her old head from the pillow - and, my God: squawks! Her favorites. They knock, beat on the frames with their yellow beaks, beat on the glass with their blued wings: “Get up, get up, Baba Manya!” We brought you health. Baba Manya dropped her head on the pillow out of powerlessness and cried: “No, no, I can’t, guys.” I won’t be able to get up and meet you again. - Yes, how can you not meet me! Who said you don't have the strength? Baba Manya made an incredible effort and stood up. She could not die without looking at her beloved bird one last time. Grasping the walls and the doorposts with her hands, she crawled out into the warm sun, leaned on a light little batotok, white with age, like herself, and stood there for a long time with her eyes closed, listening with pleasure to the spring song of the starlings. From that day on, Baba Manya began to recover.

Didn't do anything

After lessons, Andrei and Nikita remained on duty in the classroom. Having finished cleaning, they said goodbye to teacher Kristina Vitalievna and ran out of the classroom. It was unusually quiet in the corridor - all the children had gone home. Only the cleaning lady, Katerina Vasilievna, was washing the floor. The guys, trying not to slip, quietly walked towards the stairs. A girl from a parallel class was walking up the steps towards them. She was carrying a whole stack of books in her hands, and did not see the bucket of water that stood near the mathematics classroom. Having tripped over a bucket, she could not resist and fell. Books scattered on the wet floor. - Oh, what a disaster! — the cleaning lady clasped her hands. - Baby, are you hurt?

“No,” the girl answered, wiping her tears, “but it’s a pity for the books - they’re all wet...” “The main thing is that you’re safe!” - Katerina Vasilievna smiled. - Let's dry the books! All this time the guys stood on the landing, watching what was happening from afar, and giggling. The cleaning lady noticed them and shamed them: “Oh, you!” - What about us?! We didn't do anything! — the boys answered in unison, shrugging their shoulders. - That’s exactly what it is: NOTHING!!! - Katerina Vasilievna answered them with a sad sigh.

What we are pleased to offer you

Our website contains audio recordings intended for children and school-age children. Here you will find audio fairy tales that you can listen to before bed. They will be the perfect end to a long day.

The following categories of audio tales are offered to the attention of young listeners:

  • works of domestic writers;
  • fairy tales by foreign authors;
  • records of oral folk art.

The choice of fairy tale largely depends on the age of the child. Good short tales by Vladimir Suteev with skillfully executed illustrations, as well as works by Gennady Tsyferov, Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak, and Korney Chukovsky are good for the little ones.

For senior preschool age, audio fairy tales for children based on the works of Mikhail Plyatskovsky, Hans Christian Andersen, Sergei Kozlov, as well as folk tales are perfect.

Children over 6 years old will be interested in the fairy tales of Gianni Rodari, Astrid Lindgren, and the masterpieces of Alexander Pushkin.

Real knights

Sashka and Maksimka have been best friends since childhood. They lived in neighboring houses and went to school together. And even in the same class. One day, friends were returning from school, and on the way they were talking about who the knights were. Sashka, gesturing with his hands, enthusiastically talked about knightly tournaments and armor. Maksimka, dreamily scratching behind his ear, said: “Eh!” Those were the times! And now? There is no place to even show knightly qualities: courage, courage! Save whom?! Should we take the cats out of the trees? - Oh, at least cats! — Sashka nodded, agreeing. So, talking enthusiastically, they reached the playground. Continuing to think about what feats could be accomplished in our time, they sat down on a bench. Suddenly, they saw classmate Katya. Both Maximka and Sashka liked Katya very much. She was polite, modest and a good student. Katya had long hair, which was always neatly braided. Out of nowhere, their classmate, poor student Petka, ran up to Katya. He pulled the girl's braid hard. Katya cried. It is clear that she was hurt and offended. Sashka jumped up from the bench and chased after Petka. And Maksimka ran up to Katya and handed her a clean handkerchief so that she could wipe away her tears. “Thank you,” the girl smiled and took the handkerchief. - Don't be afraid of anyone! Sasha and I will always protect you from now on! - Maksimka said seriously. - Thank you! - Katya nodded. -You are real knights! Maksimka squinted his eyes cheerfully and smiled.

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