Planning a plot-role-playing game for preschoolers of different ages using the example of the game “Firemen”.

Role-playing game "Fire Station"

Parfenova Arevalus Aramovna ,
MADOU kindergarten No. 133 of the city of Tyumen

Role-playing game "Fire Station"

Goal: to develop in children a holistic understanding of fire safety.


This game is intended for children aged 4-7 years


- a fire shield (each element of which can be used separately, the elements are attached with an elastic band), laptop, overalls, radiotelephone, emblems, fire truck, made with your own hands from waste material.

Preliminary work:

Talking with children about the work of a firefighter, watching firefighter-themed cartoons with children.

It is also recommended to conduct introductory conversations with children in advance about primary fire extinguishing means, how to call the fire department, and reinforce with children the knowledge of their home address, telephone number of the fire service, etc.

Then the teacher organizes various games, quizzes, and riddles to reinforce the topic of the activities of firefighters.

Game description:

After the preliminary work described above, you can start the game.

The teacher asks questions:

-Children, who are firefighters?

-Why does a fire occur?

-What services are called in case of fire?

-How do we learn about the exploits of firefighters?

-I invite you to the game firefighters. To play it we need to assign roles. Let's distribute the roles. (Children assign roles: fire brigade (firemen, fire department dispatcher), residents of a burning house, neighbors)

When assigning roles, children receive instructions, responsibilities and costumes.

This game allows you to develop knowledge on the Basics of Child Safety; coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, observe role interactions and relationships in the game, analyze and predict role actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game. The attributes for the game are safe, accessible, and allow children to become familiar with the profession of a firefighter in a playful way.

video of the game organization


Role-playing game "Fire Brigade"

Burkova Anna Vyacheslavovna

Role-playing game "Fire Brigade"

Goal: Formation of a holistic understanding of fire safety and the work of firefighters .

— To consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior during a fire , to consolidate the algorithm of actions in an emergency in a playful way.

— Enrich children’s knowledge about the work of people of different professions, take on the role of a fireman , doctor, salesman, bus driver.

- Learn to use professional tools presented in the form of toys, as well as be able to find replacements for them with substitute items.

-Develop children's imagination, interactive speech, strengthen the ability to call the rescue service and give their home address.

- contribute to the establishment of a friendly atmosphere.

Equipment: fire truck made of fabric, fire equipment (fire extinguishers, helmets, suits, walkie-talkie, fire model, telephone, magazine for the dispatcher; organize play corners “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Home”, assemble an ambulance from chairs and a bus.

Summary of the role-playing game “Ministry of Emergency Situations to the Rescue” in the senior group. Educator: Saenko T.N.


1 Summary of the role-playing game “Ministry of Emergency Situations to the Rescue” in the senior group. Educator: Saenko T.N. Objectives: to develop creative imagination, the ability to develop a game together, to coordinate one’s own game plan with the plans of peers; encourage children to organize their own play in their own way, independently select and create items missing for play; continue to develop the ability to negotiate, plan and discuss the actions of all players; cultivate goodwill and willingness to help a peer; the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of fellow players and resolve disputes fairly. Equipment: audio recording with the sounds of an explosion, engine hum, ambulance siren, screensaver on the interactive board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, large soft game modules, attributes for the plots “Driver”, “Shop”, “Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “Hospital”, walkie-talkie, toy cell phones telephones, dispatcher log. Preliminary work: conversations with children on the topics “The work of firefighters”, “TV show “Emergency”, “How the doctors treated me”, how to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations by phone, “Ambulance”, “Why there can be an explosion”, video excursions to the fire department part, presentation “Rescue Service”; role-playing games “Family”, “Shop”, “Driver”, “Hospital”; didactic games “professions of adults”, “Who needs what for work”; playing out game situations “What would you do.” Organization of the game environment: Plot of the game: Arousing interest in the topic of the game: Educator: - Guys, today I watched a program on TV about how emergency workers helped adults and children who found themselves in a difficult situation after a house explosion. — How many of you know what the Ministry of Emergency Situations is? (rescue service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, What is the Ministry of Emergency Situations? These are people in uniform, This is strength, spirit and honor! This is our pride!) - That’s right, people of different professions work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, including rescuers. — What do you guys think, what qualities should a rescuer have? (rescuer - brave, courageous, courageous, strong, hardy, dexterous, decisive, smart)

2 - That’s right, the rescuers are disciplined and organized, they work harmoniously. — Did you want to become rescuers in the future? Let's play the game “Ministry of Emergency Situations to the Rescue” with you. Do you agree? — Tell me, what emergency situations do you know? (flood, plane crash, road accident, fire, explosion in a house) - What situation will we choose for the game today? (explosion in the house) - Okay. What professions - roles do we need in the game? (firefighters put out the flames; rescuers clear the rubble, pull out the victims; doctors and a nurse provide assistance and take the victims to the hospital in an ambulance). —Who will the rescuers save? (injured residents of the house) - Who in the game will report the explosion? (let’s wake up mom to do some shopping in the store and let her know) - So we need a store salesperson? — What number should I call? (112) - Who takes the emergency call? (rescue dispatchers) - What do you need to tell the dispatcher? (name what happened, place, who called). To start the game we need to assign roles. Who, who wants to be? Children agree on who they want to be. Everyone think about what he needs for his role and prepare what he needs for the game. Progress of the game: The dispatcher asks for the commander of the rescue squad and the team of doctors on duty - Commander of the rescue squad, answer the dispatcher: Are you at headquarters? The rescue commander reports. — A team of doctors on duty at headquarters? (doctor reports) - Attention. Readiness. Rescuers and doctors say in unison: We are a rescue squad! We live in the Novoaleksandrovsky district, We are fighting a fire! We are a rescue squad, made up of resourceful guys. Everyone is brave, kind, and skillful. Few words, but a lot of action. We want the Ministry of Emergency Situations to help everywhere in trouble. In the store, the seller lays out the goods and sells the goods to the buyer. One girl buys candy. Mom and child buy fruit. — Hello, please give me a kilogram of grapes. Seller: - Take it, 7 rubles from you. Mom: take it, thank you.

3 An explosion is heard and the house falls. Mom: We need to call urgently! The seller is in a panic: - Where, what number? Mom: to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, let me do it myself - Hello, hello, is this the rescue service? Urgent trouble, explosion in the house. Lenina Street, 20. Alexandra Valyukhova called. Dispatcher: calm down, the rescue squad is leaving, go to a safe place yourself. - Attention! An emergency message was received about a house collapse on the street. Lenina, 20. Rescue team, on-call team of doctors. Rescuers take the necessary attributes and go to the scene of the incident. The commander of the rescue squad is on the spot. — We quickly get out of the car, the firefighters put out the fire. Firefighters report that the fire has been extinguished. “We’re starting to clear out the rubble, be careful with people there, we’re working quickly, but carefully.” -There's a man! You are alive? How are you feeling? Victim: Alive, my hand was crushed, save my daughter somewhere! MSCh: calm down, we’ll save your daughter, everything will be fine. Doctor: examined, gave instructions. We give an anesthetic injection, apply a splint and take you to the hospital. Rescuers find the doll daughter, provide assistance, perform artificial respiration, and take her to the hospital. Rescue squad commander. - Everyone is saved, we are returning to base. Rescuers return to headquarters. Correspondent: I, a correspondent for the Znamya Truda newspaper, am collecting material about the incident. (turns to the dispatcher) - What is the reason for the collapse of the house? (preliminary version of a domestic gas explosion, investigators are working) Contacts the doctor in the emergency department How do the victims feel? (The rescued woman and child are doing well and are undergoing treatment.) We thank the rescuers for their courage and heroism. Educator: - Do you think the game was a success? (children's answers) They acted friendly and professionally, all the victims were sent to the hospital by ambulance. Treatment is being carried out in the hospital. Like real rescuers, you sorted out the rubble. Nastya skillfully performed artificial respiration and saved her life. I express my gratitude to all rescue services, they worked well and harmoniously. Well done. Tomorrow we can play out a different situation.



Progress of the game.

The teacher asks the children if they want to play firefighters ?

Children always readily respond to this proposal. To distribute roles, I use a flower with attributes drawn or roles written on the back of the petals.

So, the roles are chosen, the children put on costumes, disperse according to the chosen role and begin to play .

A family prepares dinner, another washes and irons clothes. The store sells groceries and various goods, a patient comes to the hospital for an appointment, and the bus driver takes people on business. And the fire brigade and dispatcher are waiting for a call. And so! In one house, the owner went to the store and left the iron on. Smoke, fire! Neighbors call firefighters ! The dispatcher accepts the call.

Firefighters rush to put out the fire!

They managed to put out the fire, the residents were evacuated, and an ambulance was called for the victims.

If there is a desire, the children continue the game and change roles. At the end of the game we discuss what caused the fire ; Were the firefighters and the address dictated? Who liked the profession in which he played ? What did you like or dislike about the game?

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