So independent and big: what can a 5-year-old child do?

  • Tags:
  • Recommendations from experts
  • 3-7 years
  • child's talents

At five years old, a child enters a special period of his life - senior preschool age. Psychologists call it basic, since during this period 90 percent of an adult’s personality traits are formed. He is already moving away from authority and full acceptance of the adult’s opinion; active processes of self-identification, which began at three years, continue. The baby develops his own opinion and his own view of the world. During this period, it is important for adults to find an approach to the child in order to maintain an emotional connection with him and help him take the first steps towards growing up.


  • Age characteristics at 5-6 years old Differences between girls and boys
  • What should a five-year-old child know and be able to do?
  • Orientation in space
  • Speech development
  • Intelligence and attention
  • Physical development
  • Motor skills
  • Features of speech
  • Cognitive development
  • Emotions and social skills
  • Psychology of a five-year-old or how to raise a happy preschooler
  • Developmental Level Test for 5 Year Olds
  • Daily regime
  • Warning signs for parents
  • How to help your child develop: ideas and tips
  • Age characteristics at 5-6 years old

    By the age of 5-6, the child has probably completely forgotten about his infancy and is constantly striving to learn something new.

    Children at the age of 5 become more dexterous, their coordination improves, and the period of funny childhood clumsiness passes forever. Muscles are actively growing, vision becomes like that of an adult.

    The main features of children at 5 years old:

    • they run and jump well;
    • deftly use cutlery and can cut food on their own, for example, make a sandwich;
    • define themselves as a person;
    • clearly express their gender identity. There are stereotypes about toys only for a certain gender. Boys, for example, defiantly avoid the doll section in the store;
    • dress/undress themselves, know how to handle buttons and zippers, and can also tie shoelaces. However, if you bought your child only shoes with Velcro from infancy, then the skill of tying shoelaces will appear later.

    Differences between girls and boys

    During this period, differences between boys and girls become noticeable. First of all, this can be seen in physical activity. As a rule, boys need more movement, while girls are calmer and more diligent.

    At this age, boys and girls begin to speak and think differently. You are more likely to encounter richer grammatical structures when communicating with a girl than with a young man. In general, girls' vocabulary is about a year ahead of boys' vocabulary . Also, for young ladies, non-verbal coloring of speech is more important: tone and facial expression. Therefore, boys often find it more difficult to express their feelings and emotions. Their unexpressed grievances are transformed into aggressive behavior and fights with peers.

    The most important thing that parents can do for a child at this age is to teach them to express their feelings. Now this is much more important than numerous circles and sections.

    Cognitive development also differs between the two sexes. In addition to the fact that girls are more diligent, it is also easier for them to solve several problems at the same time. For boys, to achieve results, it is better to concentrate on one thing.

    As for both sexes, 5 years is the age of amazing questions. And often the requests of the little “why” can make you blush or even drive you into a dead end. So, a daughter or son, being in a public place, may very loudly ask why their aunt has a big belly or why their uncle has dark skin.

    Try to think through your answers to some questions, especially those related to sex education, in advance. Follow the rule: you should answer the question posed clearly and without details .

    Features of development of children 5–6 years old

    Yulia Andryukova

    Features of development of children 5–6 years old

    Features of development of children 5-6 years old.

    The age of 5-6 years is the senior preschool age; it is a very important age in the development of the child’s cognitive sphere, intellectual and personal. It can be called the basic age, when many personal qualities are formed in the child, the image of “I” is formed. An important indicator of this age is the child’s evaluative attitude towards himself and others. Children can be critical of some of their shortcomings, can give personal characteristics to their peers, and notice the relationship between adults or an adult and a child.

    The leading need at this age is the need for communication and creative activity. Children's communication is expressed in free dialogue with peers and adults, expressing their feelings and intentions through speech and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions)

    Creative activity manifests itself in all types of activities; it is necessary to create conditions for the development of creative potential in children . The leading activity is play. In play activities, children can already assign roles and structure their behavior by adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech. From the age of 5, a child begins to adequately evaluate the results of his participation in competitive games. Satisfaction with the result begins to bring joy to the child, promotes emotional well-being and maintains a positive attitude towards oneself. The leading function is imagination; children’s imagination rapidly develops . Imagination is the most important mental function, which underlies the success of all types of human creative activity. Children need to be taught the ability to plan upcoming activities, use imagination to develop an internal plan of action, and exercise external control through speech.
    At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that a child at this age remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life. In cognitive activity, the perception of color, shape and size continues to improve. Children name not only primary colors, but also their shades, and know their shapes. At this age, the child is interested in everything related to the world around him and expanding his horizons. The best way to get scientific information is to read a children's encyclopedia, which clearly, scientifically, in accessible language describes to the child any information about the world around him. The child will gain an understanding of space, the ancient world, the human body, animals and plants, countries, inventions and much more.

    This is the period of highest opportunities for the development of all cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. For the development of all these processes, the game material becomes more complex, it becomes logical, intellectual, when the child has to think and reason. develops logical thinking well . The important point here is folding according to a pattern - a pattern, starting with simple patterns. Cubes, various puzzles, mosaics must be laid out according to the picture, focusing on color, shape, size. In logic games, the child must see the sequence, trace the logical pattern and justify it.

    Logic games also reveal the personal aspect of the preschooler. Having correctly solved the exercise, the child rejoices, feels self-confidence and the desire to win. There are children who give up, do not believe in themselves, and the task of parents is to develop in the child the desire to win. It is important that the child must know that “I can”

    . It is necessary to instill an interest in thinking and reasoning, finding solutions, and teach them to experience pleasure from the efforts made and the results obtained. It is important that children succeed.


    The stability of attention grows, to distribute and switch develops That is, the child is able to follow complex instructions, consciously moving from one type of activity to another, while retaining the instructions and the purpose of the activity. Consequently, a very important formation arises in the child as voluntary attention. The attention span at 5 years old is on average 5-6 objects, by 6 years old it is 6-7.

    • complete the task without distraction for 10-12 minutes, there is a transition from involuntary to voluntary attention;

    • find 5-6 differences between objects, complete tasks according to the proposed model, find pairs of identical objects - this is concentration of attention;


    By the age of 5-6 years, the formation of voluntary memory begins. That is, the child is capable of independently (and not mechanically)

    using figurative-visual memory
    (without looking at the object)
    remember 6-8 objects, and also 6-8 objects by ear.

    • remember 6-8 pictures within 1-2 minutes;

    • recite several poems by heart;

    • retell the read work close to the text;


    During this period development , imaginative thinking improves. Children can solve problems not only visually, but also mentally. to schematize and understand the cyclical nature of change develops

    • determine the sequence of events;

    • fold the cut picture into 9 parts;

    • find and explain inconsistencies in drawings;

    • find and explain differences between objects and phenomena;

    • find an extra one among the 4 proposed items and explain your choice.


    • Counting within 10, familiarization with numbers.

    • Correctly uses cardinal and ordinal numbers (within 10, answers the questions: “How much?”

    “Which one?”
    • Equalizes unequal groups of objects in two ways .

    • Compares objects (by length, width, height, thickness)

    ; verifies accuracy by specific application or application.

    • Expresses the location of an object in relation to itself and other objects.

    • Knows some characteristic features of familiar geometric shapes.

    • Names morning, afternoon, evening, night; has an idea of ​​the changing parts of the day.

    • Names the current day of the week.

    • Counts examples within 5 (three over one is four)



    • Has a fairly rich vocabulary.

    • Can participate in conversation and express his opinion.

    • Composes a sample story based on a plot picture, based on a set of pictures; consistently, without significant omissions, retells short literary works.

    • Determines the place of a sound in a word. Learning to read must begin with the formation of a phonemic analysis of the word.


    • Distinguishes and names types of transport, objects that facilitate human work in everyday life.

    • Classifies objects, determines the materials from which they are made.

    • Knows the name of his hometown, country, its capital, home address.

    • Knows about human interaction with nature at different times of the year.

    • Knows about the importance of the sun, air, water for humans, animals, plants.

    • Treats nature with care.


    • Knows poems, counting rhymes, riddles.

    • Names the genre of the work.

    • Dramatizes short fairy tales, reads poems based on roles.

    • Names your favorite children's author, favorite fairy tales and stories.

    In visual activities, a 5-6 year old child can freely depict objects of round, oval, rectangular shape; usually the drawings are schematic images of various objects; children love to draw and sculpt. Children successfully cope with cutting out rectangular and round objects; the ability to cut along a contour is one of the indicators of readiness for school.

    In the development of the emotional sphere, it is necessary to form a positive emotional attitude towards oneself and one’s name, towards members of one’s family, towards friends, teach children to empathize , help whenever possible, and take care of the younger ones. The child can voluntarily control his behavior, as well as the processes of attention and memory, and emotional reactions.


    This is the period of flourishing of children's imagination, which is most clearly manifested in the game where the child is engrossed. This development of imagination allows children to compose fairly detailed and consistent stories. But a child acquires such abilities only under the condition of constant activation of these processes: conversations on a given topic, composing his own fairy tales.


    Distinguish between "lies"

    , defensive fantasy and just a game of imagination.

    • Support the child's desire for positive self-expression, allowing his talents and abilities to develop , but without emphasizing or exploiting them. Try to provide the child with opportunities for a wide variety of creativity.

    • Be attentive to the child’s wishes, but also be able to set boundaries where his desires are harmful to himself or violate the boundaries of the people around him. It is important to remember that you should not set a boundary that you are not able to defend and maintain.

    • Provide the child with the opportunity to communicate with peers, helping your child only in case of emotional difficulties, discussing the current difficult situation and together considering options for getting out of it.

    • Ensure communication with loved ones, organizing vacations for the whole family, discussing joint plans with the child.

    • Gradually reduce control and guardianship, allowing the child to set himself a wide variety of tasks and solve them. It is important to rejoice at the child’s independent successes and support him in case of problems, jointly examining the reasons for failure.

    • Remember that at this age (and always)

    your child will be more willing to respond to a request for help than to an opportunity and obligation.
    Realize that by turning to him as an assistant, you develop “adult”
    position in him.
    By making him subordinate and obligated to fulfill your demands, you develop his “infantile-childish”

    • If possible, do not be afraid and do not shy away from “inconvenient”

    , but very important issues for the child. Answer clearly and as simply as possible only those questions that he asks, without expanding or complicating it. Be able to explain to him the specifics of gender differences in his language, in accordance with his age, and in case of difficulties, stock up on children's literature on this topic.

    • Answer questions about death as honestly as possible in accordance with your, including religious, ideas. Remember that the lack of information on this topic gives rise to fantasies in the child, which can be more alarming and scary than reality.

    • Help the child (regardless of gender)

    cope with fears without judging them or telling them to

    . Listen carefully to the child and sympathize with him, sharing his worries and anxieties. Support him in the process of experiencing fear, be there whenever possible when a fearful child needs it, but also gradually provide him with the opportunity to cope with something less scary on his own. In case of obsessive fears, seek help from psychologists.

    Recommended games for a 5-6 year old child.

    Board games for several players (labyrinths, quests, etc.)

    It is mandatory to read literature with a detailed examination of characters and their qualities, situations - cause and effect from the point of view of moral standards. Perhaps you can come up with your own ending to stories, compose a fairy tale on a given topic. You can also introduce educational literature into your reading circle: children's encyclopedias.

    We continue to develop fine motor skills :

    •Constructors: “Lego”

    with small parts, wooden, metal

    • Working with scissors (appliqués, coloring (preferably with pencils)

    Any form of role-playing games: dolls and cars, houses and farms, etc.

    You can play professions familiar to the child and find out who does what.

    Outdoor games continue to develop coordination , spatial orientation and gross motor skills.

    Computer games no more than 10-15 minutes a day.

    What should a five-year-old child know and be able to do?

    All children develop differently, but there are generally accepted standards that a child must meet at the age of 5 years. Check your grown-up child against the list compiled by the Federal State Educational Standard and try to eliminate gaps, if any. So, a 5-year-old child should:


    1. Understand the meanings of “many” and “few”, compare different parts of a set, determine equality and inequality.
    2. Count from 0 to 5 and back.
    3. Answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?”.
    4. Compare objects by size (length, height, width) and thickness (by overlapping).
    5. Know the name of the basic geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle) and name their elements (angles, sides). Have ideas about a ball and a cube. Be able to correlate the shape of objects with these geometric figures.

    Orientation in space

    1. Know and understand the main directions of movement.
    2. Know spatial relationships: far and near.
    3. Know the times of day and their sequence.
    4. Be able to explain the meaning of the words: “yesterday”, “today” and “tomorrow”.

    Speech development

    1. The child’s vocabulary should contain about 1 thousand words, and phrases should consist of 6-8 words.
    2. Even strangers, not just parents, should understand children’s speech.
    3. The child must know how the human body differs from an animal: correctly name the parts of the body (hands - paws, hair - fur).
    4. Use the plural correctly.
    5. Guess the object based on its description and give it a description (apple: round, red, sweet).
    6. Know classes/groups of objects and combine them (for example, a chair and a sofa are furniture).
    7. Choose antonyms for words.
    8. Be able to tell how his day went.
    9. Know some proverbs and understand their meaning.
    10. Make up a story using pictures.

    Intelligence and attention

    1. Find 5-6 differences between two pictures.
    2. Repeat a pattern or movement.
    3. Putting together a puzzle without adult help.
    4. Build according to the model from the designer.
    5. Be able to see incorrectly depicted objects in a picture and explain what is wrong and why.

    A 5-year-old child strives for independence. He no longer identifies himself as “me + mom/dad,” but feels like a full-fledged person. In addition, now he can do many things more deftly: he can wash himself and brush his teeth, make himself a sandwich and get dressed for a walk.

    Development of children 4-5 years old

    Features of mental development of a child aged 4-5 years

    At this age, the child's attention span increases. The child has access to concentrated activity for 15-20 minutes. He is able to retain a simple condition in memory when performing any action.

    The child's imagination continues to develop. Its features such as originality and arbitrariness are formed. Children can independently come up with a short fairy tale on a given topic.

    The child masters social norms of behavior. The content of communication between a child and an adult changes. It goes beyond the specific situation in which the child finds himself. The cognitive motive becomes the leading one.

    Children develop a need for respect from an adult; their praise turns out to be extremely important for them. This leads to their increased sensitivity to comments.

    Role interactions appear in the play activities of middle preschool children. They indicate that preschoolers begin to separate themselves from the accepted role. During the game, roles may change. Game actions begin to be performed not for their own sake, but for the sake of the meaning of the game. There is a separation between playful and real interactions of children.

    Relationships with peers are characterized by selectivity, which is expressed in the preference of some children over others. Regular play partners appear. Leaders begin to emerge in groups. Competitiveness and competitiveness appear. The latter is important for comparing oneself with others, which leads to the development of the child’s self-image and its detailing.

    It should be noted that at the age of 4-5 years, the shortcomings in raising a child begin to gradually take root and turn into stable negative character traits.

    Logical thinking

    A child aged 4 - 5 years should be able to:

    • Without distraction, complete the task for 5-10 minutes.
    • Find similarities and differences between objects. Find a pair for each item.
    • Assemble a pyramid without outside help.
    • Distinguish and name surrounding objects, their characteristics, purpose, materials.
    • Classify objects, call a group of objects with a general word (apple, pear, banana - fruits; table, chair, sofa - furniture, etc.). Find the extra item in each group.
    • Fold according to the model of a building from a construction set.
    • Fold the cut picture into 3-4 equal parts.
    • Remember 5-7 words out of 10 proposed; be able to remember pairs of words related in meaning after reading to an adult: winter-snow, cat-dog, etc.
    • Find similarities and differences between objects.


    A child aged 4 - 5 years should be able to:

    • Distinguish and name parts of the day, seasons
    • Know your right and left hand. Determine the location of objects: right, left, top, bottom, back, front, middle.
    • Recognize and name the basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, ball, cube, cylinder), their characteristic differences.
    • Find objects in the environment that are similar to familiar figures.
    • The child must know all the numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Count objects within five, correlate the number of objects with the desired number.
    • Compare 2 groups of objects by making pairs.
    • Understand the meaning: more - less, equally.
    • Know the definitions: high, low, narrow, wide, more, less. Be able to compare 5 objects using these definitions, arranging them in ascending order by length, height, etc.
    • The child becomes familiar with the graphic image of numbers and learns to write numbers correctly.
    • Know and name at least 8 colors (6 primary and at least 2 shades).

    Speech Development

    A child aged 4 - 5 years should be able to:

    • Understand the speech of others.
    • Use from 800 to 1000 words in your speech, build phrases of 6-8 words. The speech must be understandable.
    • Engage in dialogue: ask questions, answer questions.
    • Find an item by description. Describe the item.
    • Compose a simple descriptive story of 3-4 sentences based on a plot picture or a past event.
    • Understand, use, form words - antonyms (warm - cold, low - high, etc.).
    • Name nouns in singular and plural (pear - pears).
    • Understand the meaning of prepositions (in, on, above, under, behind, between, before, about, etc.).
    • Highlight the first sound in a word.
    • Read short poems by heart.
    • Answer questions meaningfully about the content of the work you read.
    • Dramatize (retell) short fairy tales with the help of an adult.

    The world

    A child aged 4 - 5 years should be able to:

    • Say your first and last name, how old he is, the city in which he lives, his country.
    • Surnames, names, and professions of their parents.
    • Understand the difference between the human structure and the structure of animals, name their body parts (hands - paws, nails - claws, hair - fur).
    • Distinguish between vegetables, fruits and berries, know what they are like when they ripen.
    • Distinguish between trees and shrubs. Identify trees by their bark and leaves. Know the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants.
    • Name domestic and wild animals and their young.
    • Name insects, be able to talk about how they move (a butterfly flies, a snail crawls, a grasshopper jumps).
    • Name what professions there are, what people in these professions do.

    Fine motor and self-care skills

    A child aged 4 - 5 years should be able to:

    • Use cutlery (spoon, fork) correctly.
    • Undress independently, dress with the help of an adult.
    • Fasten buttons, zippers, untie laces.
    • String large buttons or beads onto a thread.
    • Hold a pencil correctly in your hand.
    • Draw lines accurately without lifting the pencil from the paper.
    • Shade the figures with even straight lines, without going beyond the contours of the drawing.

    Visual activities

    A child aged 4 - 5 years should be able to:

    • Correctly hold a pencil, brush, felt-tip pen, colored chalk, and use them when creating an image.
    • Depict objects, convey them expressively by creating distinct forms, choosing colors, and carefully painting.
    • Convey a simple plot by combining several objects in a drawing, arranging them on the sheet in accordance with the content of the plot.
    • Create a pattern on a circle or square.
    • Create images of different objects and toys (consisting of several parts), combine them into a collective composition.
    • Use all the variety of learned modeling techniques.
    • Hold the scissors correctly and cut with them in a straight line, diagonally (square and rectangle), cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cut and round the corners.
    • Carefully paste images of objects consisting of several parts.
    • Choose colors according to the color of the objects or at your own request.
    • Make patterns from plant shapes and geometric shapes.

    Physical development

    The first few years of a child's life are crucial for his physical development.

    Height and weight at 5 years

    Don't worry too much about your child's lack of appetite. If your son or daughter is developing normally, and you rarely visit the doctor, there is nothing to worry about. A child can grow by about 5 cm and gain about 2 kg of weight from the moment of their 4th birthday.

    Here are some approximate parameters so you can estimate the height and weight of your child:

    Parameters/Gender of the childBoysGirls
    Weightfrom 16 to 21 kgfrom 15.8 to 21.2 kg
    Heightfrom 105.3 to 114.6 cmfrom 104.7 to 114.2 cm

    ⠀ Provide your child with the right daily routine, healthy eating, walk more in the fresh air, and then you will have no reason to worry about his height or weight.

    Motor skills

    5 years is the time when children's motor skills develop the most. Pay attention to the following stages of physical development of your 5-year-old child:

    • deftly runs, jumps, climbs, kicks a ball, swings on a swing, because... by this age, coordination and balance will improve;
    • can eat independently and at the same time carefully;
    • can stand on one leg for about 10 seconds;
    • walks forward and backward easily;
    • rides a tricycle well.

    5 years is the ideal age to start participating in sports clubs.

    Fine motor skills

    Children learn and experience the world through play. If there are no problems with fine motor skills, a 5-year-old child should be able to:

    • build large towers from blocks/cubes;
    • hold a pen/pencil well;
    • be able to draw basic geometric shapes;
    • deftly use a spoon and fork;
    • dress/undress, use the toilet, brush your teeth without assistance;
    • draw a person.

    Advice. At 5 years old, a child is constantly improving his skills. To strengthen them, gradually make the task more difficult for him. For example, as your ability to use utensils improves, begin teaching your child good manners while eating.

    Physical development at 5 years old

    By the age of 5, the child already has fairly well developed coordination of movements and the ability to maintain balance. In addition, complex motor skills that require good physical fitness, dexterity and speed of movement can be effectively taught to five-year-old children. At this age, the baby will be able to achieve success in sports such as swimming, gymnastics, figure skating, and dancing.

    Here's what children typically can do at age 5:

    • Jump high on two legs;
    • Jump and stand on one leg;
    • Throw and catch the ball;
    • Jump rope;
    • Climb a rope ladder;
    • Ride a bicycle and scooter.

    In addition to gross motor skills, at the age of five, fine motor skills of the hands actively develop, as a result of which movements become clearer and more coordinated.

    Features of speech

    Together with the child, his vocabulary grows, and his thought process becomes more advanced. We will not talk about the fact that lack of speech at 5 years old is an alarming sign. If there are existing problems, as a rule, at this age parents already know what they are dealing with and take care of their children’s health.

    Development of language and communication

    Your inquisitive “why” already knows how to conduct a conversation well and has the skills to communicate with people. Children aged 5 years not only answer simple questions easily and logically, but are already noticeably better at expressing their feelings. Most children at this age enjoy singing, rhyming, and making up words.

    Good communication skills will help your child in the future, so it is important to ensure his proper language development.

    Pay attention to the following stages of language development in your five-year-old:

    • speaks clearly using complex sentences;
    • correctly names basic colors and shapes;
    • knows at least a few letters, perhaps even knows how to write a few words (for example, “mom”, “dad” and his name);
    • understands the daily routine: breakfast in the morning, dinner in the evening, etc.;
    • uses the future tense: “We will go to the park soon”;
    • carries out assignments consisting of two or three parts. For example, “put away the book, wash your face and go to bed”;
    • knows his address, home telephone number, surnames and names of parents, grandparents;
    • can tell you how his day went.

    The age period from 5 to 6 years is called senior preschool. From the age of five, a child must be prepared for future schooling. In the article we will consider the main features of the development of children of this age and give recommendations to parents so that this time of the child’s life can be used most effectively.

    Physical development

    At five years old, the baby’s movements become more confident and dexterous. The child jumps well in length and height, maintains balance, confidently climbs a gymnastic wall, rope or hanging ladder, deftly handles the ball and can jump rope, is well oriented in space, walks well on a narrow board, steps over and jumps over obstacles. And at the end of the fifth year, many children can already ride a two-wheeled bicycle.

    He must be able to correctly use various symbols of spatial relationships: go down, turn right, reach a corner, go to the other side, etc. Five-year-old children are very active. For normal physical development, a child needs to move a lot. Some children at this age already begin to attend sports clubs.

    Buy a few simple exercise equipment for home - a crossbar, rings, a gymnastic wall. Exercises should be done at the same time every day. It is advisable to come up with musical accompaniment for them. Numerous educational videos that can be downloaded on the Internet will tell you how to properly engage with your baby. Use walking time for sports games: let the child play ball and various outdoor games, run on the playground and race with peers, overcome obstacles.

    Fine motor skills and household skills

    By the age of five, fine motor skills are actively improving. Children know how to string beads and buttons on a string, sculpt various figures from plasticine, and play with complex construction sets. Preschoolers draw well, using brushes, pencils and felt-tip pens. Their pictures turn out to be quite recognizable. They hold the pen well and try to write in cursive. They can connect different dots on paper, try to make origami out of paper, and are good at putting together puzzles with a dozen pieces.

    The development of fine motor skills is the main indicator of readiness to master writing, reading, correct speech and intelligence in general: the hands, head and tongue are connected, and any violations in this chain lead to a lag. Therefore, a normally developing child of six years old should be able and love to draw, sculpt, cut with scissors, use a needle, etc. Excellent tools for developing fine motor skills are the art of origami (creating various products from paper), as well as the art of tying knots from strings.

    In everyday life, by the age of five, a child becomes completely independent. He eats with a spoon, knife and fork, and drinks from a mug. Knows the rules of table etiquette and does not throw food away. He washes himself, brushes his teeth and rinses his mouth. Dresses without assistance, knows how to fasten a zipper, tie shoelaces, fasten and unfasten buttons. Allow your child to improve his everyday skills, do not help unless necessary. Children who go to kindergarten often cope with everyday things much better than those who are raised at home.

    Speech development

    The vocabulary of a child aged five to six years is quite large and amounts to more than 3000 words. He pronounces most sounds, but has problems with the letter “r” and some sibilants. If any difficulties arise in the development of a child’s speech at this age, it is necessary to consult with a professional speech therapist, undergo diagnostics, receive recommendations for independent study at home, or start attending regular classes with a speech therapist at a children’s center. Therefore, it is so important that parents talk more with the baby, monitor their speech, pronounce words and phrases correctly, and avoid too loud sounds, since the child copies the speech of adults along with their mistakes.

    The sentences a preschooler speaks usually consist of 5-6 words. The children's dictionary contains nouns in all cases, verbs, adverbs, short participles. The child uses all tenses, superlatives, diminutives, uses synonyms and antonyms, although he sometimes makes grammatical errors. Children aged five can independently form an adjective from a noun. Their speech is logically structured, they are able to communicate on abstract topics, retell fairy tales, capturing their main meaning, and independently recite poetry, actively using different intonations.

    According to child psychologists, in the sixth year of a child’s life one should begin to teach reading. Most children of this age themselves show an interest in mastering literacy, especially if you constantly talked and played with your child, answered his questions and stimulated his cognitive interests, read a lot, learned poems and simple songs. Many parents and their children collect cubes with pictures for each letter of the alphabet: M - ant, I - apple, etc. You can also write the corresponding letter above each picture and every day, looking at the pictures, ask the child to name this letter . Children really like these activities.

    To read aloud, choose bright, colorful books with interesting stories; "magic books" are very good for this purpose. Let the child choose the book himself. Sit him on your lap or next to you on the sofa, in an armchair, so that he can “read” with you. This is very important from the point of view of developing interest in the reading process, not to mention the fact that it brings you closer to each other emotionally. Teach your child not only to listen to readings, but also to retell in his own words what he heard. This way the child will better understand its content, learn to remember the events described in the book, and therefore his memory will improve.

    Manual skills also contribute to speech development. It is very important to shape and strengthen the hand, especially the leading one. Even an intellectually developed and school-prepared child will not be successful in learning if his fine motor skills are not developed. All this will create further, secondary difficulties, affecting self-esteem and even attitude towards learning. Therefore, it is very important during this period to engage in all kinds of creative activities, learn to hold a pencil correctly and confidently, cut with scissors, make appliqués, design and sculpt. Get your child interested in creating something new and interesting. As you know, any creativity is also a therapy that allows you to relieve stress and recharge with positive emotions.

    Mental development of a child of the sixth year of life (features of cognitive processes)

    The attention of a child of this age period is characterized by involuntariness; he cannot yet control his attention and often finds himself at the mercy of external impressions. This manifests itself in rapid distractibility, inability to concentrate on one thing, and in frequent changes of activities. Additional activities that go beyond the scope of the task are difficult for the child. If a child is hyperactive, it is even more difficult for him to concentrate. He prefers outdoor games and cannot sit in one place for more than five minutes.

    An adult's guidance should be aimed at the gradual formation of voluntary attention, which is closely related to the development of responsibility, which is so necessary for a child in the process of schooling. This involves carefully completing any task - both interesting and not very interesting to the baby.

    A child’s perception develops literally from the first months of life. By the age of five or six, a child can usually distinguish colors and shapes of objects well. The child is well oriented in space and correctly uses a variety of symbols of spatial relationships. More difficult for a child is the perception of time - orientation in the time of day, in assessing different periods of time. It is still difficult for a child to imagine the duration of any task.

    In five-year-old children, visual-figurative thinking predominates. They understand well how many household appliances work and how they can be used. Toys are not broken, but disassembled into parts. They quickly learn to use new objects during the game. Verbal and logical thinking is just beginning to form. Children can already make the first generalizations, sort objects according to their characteristics, create logical chains and find unnecessary objects in them. But many abstract concepts are still inaccessible to them; they have difficulty grasping the logic of words if they are not supported by material objects. By the age of five or six, the child uses such mental operations as generalization, comparison, abstraction, and establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Thanks to this, the child can understand the main idea of ​​a fairy tale, picture, combine several pictures based on a common feature, sort pictures into groups based on an essential feature, etc.

    Classes with a child from parents, teachers or psychologists can improve thinking indicators by 3-4 times. It is important that the tasks set do not exceed the child’s capabilities, but are based mainly on motivation for success. Now there are many bright and exciting encyclopedias, board games and educational toys that can captivate a child. For example, a series of reading books with 4 levels of difficulty. Each book is a small encyclopedia, which contains facts on various topics, ranging from everyday life to scientific ones. The child will gain an understanding of space, the ancient world, the human body, animals and plants, countries, inventions and much more. Various games, construction, modeling, drawing, reading develop in the child such mental operations as generalization, comparison, abstraction, and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. Thanks to this, the child can understand the main idea of ​​a fairy tale, picture, combine several pictures based on a common feature, sort pictures into groups based on an essential feature, etc. Thanks to the development of verbal and logical thinking, the child becomes able to understand the connections of objects and phenomena that cannot be represented in visual form. This makes it possible to talk about them abstractly. Therefore, the game material becomes more complicated, it becomes logical, intellectual, and the child has to think and reason.

    In a child of the sixth year of life, memory is still involuntary, based on emotions and interest, that is, the child easily remembers what interests him. But even in this case, forgetting occurs very quickly. Already at this age, individual differences appear: some children have better developed visual memory, others have better auditory memory, others have better emotional memory, and others have better mechanical memory. In activities with a child, one should develop all types of memory, but still strive to teach memorization based on mental activity and understanding.

    Emotional and social development of five-year-old children

    By the age of five, children learn to control their emotions, and they are already quite good at it. Psychological development reaches a level when it is easier for a child to evaluate his actions and restrain impulsive desires. Now he speaks well and can express whatever he wants in words. Therefore, the baby begins to feel more confident, because everyone understands him. Children's perseverance and patience improves. They can calmly wait their turn, ask permission to take this or that thing. The child can still be shy with strangers, but it is much easier to make contact than before. Children prefer group games to individual ones. They know how to share their toys and treat each other with goodies. During the game, they adhere to the rules and give in to each other if necessary. Now they have a sense of justice, they try not to offend their peers in vain.

    By the age of five, the child learned to help his parents around the house and does it with pleasure. He continues to copy their behavior, so you shouldn’t expect the child to do things that mom and dad don’t do. At this age, the baby’s personality and habits are formed. It is important to lay down in the next two years all the skills that will be useful in adult life. Teach your preschooler to take initiative, give him the opportunity to choose. For example, when you go outside, ask what your baby wants to wear. The choice should be clear, between 2-3 things. His self-esteem will increase, the preschooler will feel like an important person. At the same time, he will develop a sense of responsibility for his choice.

    Game Features

    The formation of voluntary behavior in the period of 5-6 years is facilitated by play, which is still the leading activity for the child, the main component of his mental development. Now, the role-playing game is reaching its peak, and relationships between people become its content. Children themselves create models of these relationships, forming stable associations of 3-4 people or more. This game contains many actions that help the child build role-playing relationships with other participants. Thus, children become able to consciously plan and perform complex sequential actions. Children of this age have a very developed imagination; while playing, they imagine themselves as pilots, doctors, or fairy tale heroes. They sometimes invent friends for themselves and are afraid of monsters that exist only in their imagination. It happens that a child deceives adults and tells stories that did not actually happen. There is no need to worry that your baby is lying. To develop his creative abilities, independence, and initiative, he must go through a stage in life when fantasies are mixed with reality.

    Regime and nutrition of a child at 5 years old

    For normal growth and development, a child at five years old needs to eat properly. His table fully corresponds to the table of adults. If you yourself adhere to the rules of healthy eating, you may not prepare separate meals for your baby. Make sure he doesn't eat too much fried or smoked food. Snacking should not be encouraged; it is best when the child eats 4 times a day and at the same time.

    In a year, the preschooler will become a schoolchild, which is why it is so important to accustom him to a routine now. Children should go to bed on time, no later than nine o'clock in the evening. Start your morning with hygiene procedures, gymnastic exercises and a full breakfast. It is advisable for the baby to wake up, wash and eat at the same time. Then you need to devote time to various activities with the child, which should take place in the form of a game, but at the same time, you should train the perseverance and attentiveness of the preschooler. After classes, you should definitely go for a walk with your child. Many children no longer sleep during the day by the age of five. But if your baby likes to take a nap after lunch, this is not a deviation from the norm, his nervous system just requires more rest. Evening activities should not be as intense as morning ones - play educational games or read a fairy tale.

    Thus, preschool education for children should be interesting and educational. You should not pay attention only to intellectual pursuits all the time. We must not forget that physical exercise is no less important for a child. Approach education comprehensively - harmonious development will help your child successfully move to a new stage of life at school and be happy later.

    Cognitive development

    Cognitive development is an indicator that a child is developing thinking, logic and memory. Children already understand the difference between “right” and “wrong”, “good” and “bad”. At this age, they think and express themselves at a higher level.

    Knowing the basic rules of behavior and the ability to follow them is an important stage in the development of a child.

    At the age of 5, a child’s cognitive skills already allow him to begin teaching him to read and write. His memory and attentiveness become more perfect, which means that the learning process will not cause difficulties.

    Remember that at the age of 5 all the gaps and shortcomings in upbringing begin to take root and turn into negative character traits of the child.


    Memory plays an important role in children's development, as well as future school performance. Train this skill in your child: learn songs and rhymes, read to him more - now is the best time to replenish his vocabulary.


    At 5 years old, your child better understands the opinions and attitudes of others. This helps him make friends and meet new people.

    At this time, children's fears actively manifest themselves. The child is separated from his parents and feels insufficiently protected in the big world. To overcome this, he uses fantasy. However, the unrestrained “magical” thinking can give rise not only to new fears, but also to imaginary friends or protectors. Parents need to devote enough time to their children during this period.

    Speech development at 5 years

    At this age, the child’s speech is increasingly approaching the speech of an adult. A 5-year-old child should be able to correctly construct sentences, decline parts of speech, use suitable prepositions and the correct tense. Five-year-olds are quite capable of making compound and complex sentences using conjunctions “a”, “and”, “but”, “so that”, “because”, “if”.

    For the development of a child’s speech, his environment is important: communicate with the baby, read fairy tales, listen to songs. Only emotional experience associated with the native language will help the child reveal its fullness and richness.

    The vocabulary of a 5-year-old child has about 2 thousand words, which also include abstract concepts. Typically, five-year-old children can easily compose a story, describe the properties of an object, and evaluate some actions. The quality of sound pronunciation also improves. It happens that at this age children do not pronounce some sounds (usually “r”, “l”), in this case it is recommended to seek help from a speech therapist.

    Five-year-old children are most often ready to learn to write and read. The level of readiness is determined by the development of the following skills:

    • Ability to listen carefully;
    • Recognize sounds;
    • Build phrases;
    • Ability to hold a pencil.

    Cognitive motivation is very important. The child should be interested in finding out what is written on that sign and how this word is spelled. Without this, learning to read and write can turn into torture for a child.

    Emotions and social skills

    5 years is a period of emotional extremes. Either you notice that your child has better control over himself, then suddenly he begins to “play” at being little and seems completely helpless.

    During this time, children learn to control their emotions, although they may burst into tears over an overturned glass of water. It is important to teach your child to understand his feelings and cope with them. At the same time, “coping” does not mean suppressing negative emotions.

    A five-year-old child can already consciously sympathize with another or share his problems with someone.

    Check how well your son or daughter's emotional and social development complies with generally accepted norms:

    • periodically the child tries to please people;
    • can distinguish reality from fantasy;
    • may be more independent;
    • realizes that society has its own rules that must be followed;

    Your child can become more sociable if he starts going to kindergarten and meets more children.

    Directions of development

    The curriculum for preschoolers (both boys and girls) must take into account the basic school requirements of the first year of study. There is no need to strive to make a child prodigy out of your child, but you can convey to him the understanding that the more he knows, the more successful he will be at school.

    Speech, logic, memory

    Developed logical thinking is of primary importance, when a child can identify from a number of objects the one that does not correspond to him, classify the proposed data and compose a reasonable story based on pictures that are sometimes not clearly connected with each other.

    Developmental tasks for children aged 5-6 years should bring children’s speech closer to that of adults in terms of word agreement and the ability to make inferences. The child must learn:

    • clearly explain where and with whom he lives, name the personal data of the family and his own, including age, first and last names, professions of family members;
    • master intonation (emotional, interrogative and exclamation levels), correct pronunciation of sounds;
    • quickly change the forms of words, according to number, gender and case, correctly insert prepositions;
    • speak confidently on topics that are interesting to him (both in a monologue and in dialogue), argue with an opponent and provide compelling evidence for his views;
    • retell long stories, know poems and small passages of prose, riddles and counting rhymes by heart;
    • be able to correctly compose sentences, have a large vocabulary and the desire to expand it.

    To achieve such results, it is not enough to take your child to educational activities 3 times a week. It is necessary to constantly communicate with the baby, answer questions, play entertaining games with the alphabet and syllable cards. The following activities will be useful and interesting:

    • laying out cards with letters and words in logical pictures and reproducing a puzzle with a word from memory;
    • colorful copybooks, labyrinths with paths, tracing letters and drawings in a dotted pattern;
    • tests with pictures, when you need to insert a missing letter or write down part of a sentence represented by a picture in a word;
    • coming up with a story based on images mixed in an illogical order, which also trains logical thinking;
    • daily memorization of poetry and reading books.

    It is recommended to start all classes with speech therapy exercises for the language, development of the speech apparatus through tongue twisters.

    To develop logic, there are many brightly illustrated manuals that suggest dividing different objects into groups, eliminating unnecessary things, or continuing the analogy. It is convenient to print out the pages of the book in several copies and periodically let the child complete the task again. This way you can check how well he has learned it.

    Numbers and counting

    A child’s brain strives to organize the information it receives, which is why math classes are so exciting for kids. Children aged 5-7 years are quite capable of performing simple arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction, solving simple problems and puzzles, and also being able to:

    • distinguish geometric bodies and figures, divide them into equal components;
    • navigate in space according to the principle - straight, left, right, back, forward;
    • count from 1 to 10 and back, name numbers selectively;
    • master the concepts of more, less, equal;
    • Know the arithmetic signs of addition, subtraction, and equality.

    To develop these skills, you need to purchase math workbooks for preschoolers, copybooks, counting sticks, coloring books with geometric shapes, and mazes. You can draw cards with numbers yourself or together with your child. All this will be needed for exciting lessons or homework assignments that are given in educational programs for children. With these guides you can:

    • learn to write numbers correctly by connecting dots according to a pattern;
    • connect the numbers sequentially, resulting in a drawing;
    • arrange the correct counting order using cards;
    • train your memory by guessing which card is missing;
    • determine the number of objects in the picture and correlate them with numbers;
    • perform simple counting operations using sticks;
    • classify geometric shapes by shape and color;
    • determine the directions right - left.

    You can teach your child mathematics completely free of charge - count pine cones and pebbles while walking, draw numbers and figures in the sand, and lay them out from blades of grass and twigs. Psychologists assure that such a pastime is more useful than the official development program.

    The world around us and etiquette

    An adult often forgets that the world around him is something new and unknown for a child. It is important to call by its proper name everything that comes across on a walk or in a store, talking about the properties of objects, plants, animals. It is imperative to discuss the following topics with your preschooler :

    • the current time of year, its duration and distinctive features, what changes the change of seasons brings;
    • names of days of the week, months;
    • hours, minutes, seconds, how to determine what time it is;
    • differences between wild animals and domestic ones, migratory birds and wintering birds;
    • species of insects and amphibians;
    • professions of people and the variety of their activities;
    • what fruits and vegetables are there, how they differ.

    An assortment of stores is suitable as visual aids, where you can show different types of clothing, shoes, furniture and household appliances, and at home you can consolidate the material by studying in workbooks.

    A child’s intelligence is also characterized by successfully mastered everyday skills. Polite behavior, the ability to thank and apologize, and respect for elders are no less important than acquired abilities:

    • call on the phone and talk to the interlocutor according to the rules of dialogue;
    • sew on a button and seal torn pages of a book;
    • behave culturally at the table and in public places;
    • fasten buttons on clothes and lace up shoes;
    • maintain regular personal hygiene;
    • Maintain a clean and tidy appearance.

    These skills can only be acquired at home, and not in development classes, so you need to teach them to your child as early as possible.

    There are special cardboard devices for learning the principle of lacing and tying bows and knots. You can build busy boards yourself to help develop everyday skills. Fairy tales and stories about politeness and good manners will be deposited in the child’s subconscious with the constant personal example of all family members.

    Psychology of a five-year-old or how to raise a happy preschooler

    At 5 years old, children understand much more than we think. Another thing is how the child reacts: discusses what he saw with his parents or draws his own conclusions. It is important to have a trusting relationship with your child.

    The child's psyche cannot tolerate physical and harsh punishment. Insults will cause just as much harm. At 5 years old, a child is able to listen to an adult and analyze his mistake with him.

    During this period, it is very important not to give long lectures to children and try to prohibit as little as possible. Offer an alternative. For example, you can’t hit a ball against walls at home, but you can hit it on the street. Or: you can’t draw on wallpaper, but you can on a sheet of paper.

    Be sure to spend time with your child every day . Even if it’s just 15 minutes after work in the evening, it’s just your time without gadgets and the rest of your household.

    Developmental Level Test for 5 Year Olds

    To find out the level of development of your child, we offer the simplest and fastest test. Ask your son or daughter to complete 5 tasks:

    1. Name the seasons and days of the week (it would be ideal if the child names them in order).
    2. “Why do people brush their teeth every day?” A child is considered to have given an answer if he backs it up with a good explanation or facts.
    3. Say out loud clearly any 5 simple words. Ask your child to repeat them from memory.
    4. Ask to explain why an item is needed (kettle, paints, etc.). The child will receive credit for the question for answering in 3-4 detailed sentences.
    5. Draw 3-4 broken lines on paper. Show them to your child, then remove the sheet and ask your son or daughter to draw the same lines. For children aged 5 this should not be difficult.

    If your child has completed only 3 tasks or less , try to work with him more and develop him. Pay attention to his memory and thinking habits.

    4 correct answers is a good result. You can try to test your child again later, perhaps something was distracting or bothering him.

    If your child passes the entire test quickly and without errors, you have nothing to worry about!

    Cognitive development of children 5 years old

    • Memory

    At the age of 5 years, the child still has a predominant memory. In other words, the baby remembers better what makes an impression on him and causes an emotional reaction. Therefore, information needs to be presented to preschoolers in a way that is interesting to them. Five-year-olds remember poems, songs and counting rhymes well. It is important to develop both auditory and visual memory, using various mnemonics for this.

    • Attention

    As children grow older, their perseverance gradually increases, that is, the stability of attention and the ability to distribute it competently. At 5 years old, a child can concentrate on one thing for about 15-20 minutes. Like memory, the attention of preschoolers is selective and involuntary. To learn how to develop the attention of 5-year-old children, watch the video.

    • Thinking

    At preschool age, visual-figurative thinking dominates in children. But one of the most important mental developments at the age of 5 years is the formation of verbal and logical thinking, characteristic of adults. A five-year-old learns to perform such mental operations as analysis, generalization, comparison, and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

    Basically, parents pay attention to the mental development of older preschoolers. However, we should not forget that an equally important aspect of the life of a five-year-old child is social, communicative and personal development. It is worth paying attention to how well the child works in a team, whether he can play by the rules, how he communicates with adults and peers.

    • Imagination

    It's no secret that preschool children have a developed imagination. They love to listen to fairy tales and come up with different stories and games on their own. Usually, preschoolers, thanks to their developed imagination, quickly get used to the role and game situation. The child’s imagination manifests itself in productive and creative activities (drawing, modeling, dancing, theatrical activities, etc.), and, of course, in role-playing games.

    • Arbitrariness

    The ability to make plans and control one’s behavior in accordance with the rules does not come to the child right away. It is at the age of 5 that children usually develop the ability to plan their actions. The older preschooler is no longer focused only on the process itself, but also on the result.

    • Orientation in time and space

    With five-year-old children, you can begin to seriously study the concept of time: learn the names of months, days of the week, time of day. This is often not easy for them, since it is difficult for preschoolers to perceive abstract information. You need to try to interest the baby: use visual aids and come up with exciting games.

    Interestingly, children's sense of time is not as developed as adults'. For babies it flows much more slowly.

    Spatial perception of 5-year-old children is quite well developed, but many children confuse “right” and “left.” This is normal, as the baby's brain continues to develop activity. It is believed that boys are better than girls at oriented in space, since they usually have a better developed right hemisphere of the brain.

    Daily regime

    The daily schedule of a child at 5 years old differs little from the schedule at 4 years old, especially for those who attend kindergarten.

    The most unexpected thing that parents may encounter is the refusal of daytime sleep. There's nothing you can do about it. In return, it is necessary to organize a quiet pastime for your son or daughter during lunch hours. The main thing is to give the child’s body a rest so that overexertion does not occur in the evening.

    There is no need to follow rigid schedules or make a schedule. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

    1. On weekdays and weekends, the daily routine should not change much. Meals should always be at the same time.
    2. Preschoolers are advised to go to bed no later than 21:00.
    3. Do sports, active games, and developmental activities in the first half of the day.
    4. Walking in the fresh air is a must in any weather (of course, we are not talking about frosts above -25°C).
    5. Avoid overexertion, fatigue, or intense emotions before bed.

    A child at the age of 5 becomes very active and spends more and more time at a distance from his parents: in kindergarten, on the playground with children, and so on. To ensure complete safety, buy your baby a children's GPS watch. With them you will always know where your child is and what is happening around him.

    Time management. Our schedule (5-6 years)

    Hello, dear readers, guests, friends. Today I will continue my story about my time management. Last time, I tried to structure information about how, in my opinion, to correctly determine the priority areas of a child’s development and how to create a schedule for different periods of a child’s life, so that this very development can be brought into the life of mother and child.

    Last time, I also promised to talk in detail about how we live now and what our rhythm of life is, since this question worried almost all my readers who sent me their questions.

    So, what makes this year so special? This is our last year before school. And on September 1, 2015, Dasha will become a first-grader (I hope that nothing will interfere with this). Therefore, the main goal we have set this year is to prepare well for school. I planned to cook Dasha at home + take her to the preparatory class at the school that I had chosen so that she could get to know her future teacher (and she with her) better, so that Dasha would get used to the atmosphere of the lesson and the school itself. But it so happened that the preparatory class had to be canceled, since it completely coincided in time with our choreography classes, and Dasha really asked us not to give up choreography. I listened to her, and we did not go to preparatory class.

    When compiling our schedule this year, classes at the art school and the English language came to the fore (by the way, Dasha herself asked to start studying last year, but we had big problems finding a tutor and only at the beginning of summer this year we managed to solve it). All our other plans are already being made taking into account these very activities.

    Dasha attends choreography classes 2 times a week in the evenings (Mon and Wed), on Thursday she has music and drawing, on Tuesday and Sunday English with different tutors (it would take a long time to explain the reason for combining two tutors, but believe me, this was the case in our case more convenient and efficient). Accordingly, we still have our favorite Friday. Favorite because it's in a museum. We try to go on excursions and walks on Fridays (but not every week). We try to spend weekends outdoors with the whole family.

    It turns out that we always have plans for the evening, and the whole day is at our disposal.

    Dasha wakes up from 7-8 in the morning and goes about her business: draws, plays, reads, etc. Around the same time, dad wakes up, feeds Dasha and leaves for work. As soon as the door closes behind dad, Dasha wakes me up and our day begins (on average it’s 9 am). Since it’s difficult for me to get up right away, especially in winter, we just cuddle and fool around in bed for a while. Then I make a Herculean effort and stand up

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