Summary of the lesson “Sun” for children of the younger group; outline of a drawing lesson (junior group)

Summary of GCD in the 2nd junior group on the topic: Sunny

Abstract of the GCD in the 2nd junior group on the topic “Visiting the Sun.”
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children (3-4 years old) on the topic “Visiting the Sun.”
This material will be useful to teachers of the younger group. This is a summary of an educational lesson aimed at cultivating interest in the sun and developing curiosity in younger preschoolers. Procedure:
1. GCD slide “Visiting the Sun”
Children enter the group and greet the guests.
They stand in a semicircle. An audio recording of the Turtle and Lion Cub's song about the sun is played. Educator : Introductory and organizational stage. "Good morning!" Psychological attitude towards activity, creating an atmosphere of interest. -Good morning, eyes! You woke up? (children, together with the teacher, stroke the eyelids) - Good morning, ears! You woke up? (stroke ears) -Good morning, hands! You woke up? (clap our hands) - Good morning, legs! You woke up? (stomping) - Good morning sun! We woke up! (hands open towards the sun). Let's all smile and share the good mood with each other and with our guests. Say hello to them. Educator: Children, now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess it. The golden apple rolls across the sky and the rays in a smile are very hot. Children's answers. (sun) Educator : That's right, and today we will talk about the sun. How can you call the sun affectionately? Children's answers. Educator: That's right, honey. Educator: Look, children, what kind of sun came to visit us today. 2. Slide sun
What is it like?
Children's answers (cheerful, joyful, warm, hot, radiant, kind, clear, bright, beautiful, gentle, affectionate, red-sun). Educator : Now let's talk about the sun in poetry. The sun looks out the window, looks into our room. We clapped our hands, We were very happy about the sun. A. Barto The sun examined the earth, Each ray left a trace. There is no more important thing in the world than giving warmth and light. V. Nesterenko A cloud is hiding behind the forest, The sun is watching from the sky. And so pure, kind, radiant. If we could get him, we would kiss him. 3.Slide the sun is smiling
Let's blow a kiss to the sun, guys.
4. slide the sun hid behind a cloud
Educator: Now let's play.
The game is called "Sunshine and Rain". I suggest we stand in a circle around our sun. Now magical music will play and we will turn into rays of sunshine. If our sun laughs, we will jump and run merrily, but as soon as you hear the sound of rain - like this (the sound of a metallophone), you must hide under an umbrella. 5. Slide people, animals, birds, plants Educator: Without the sun it’s hard for everyone, people, animals, birds, and plants. And when the sun is shining everyone is happy! What happens if the sun disappears? Children's answers (it will become dark, cold, plants will not grow). Educator: That's right, and if plants don't grow, then animals, birds and people will have nothing to eat. But our sun shines on us and we are happy about it, and plants grow. The teacher draws attention to the container in which dummies of vegetables and fruits are hidden in the sand. Educator: Children, look what I found. What's inside? Let's check. Place your hand in the container (children take turns putting their hand down and taking out dummies of vegetables and fruits). D/game “Find out by touch” (children take out vegetables and fruits, name them, color and shape) 6. Slide vegetables and fruits 7. Slide sky (music, the sun came out) Educator: Children, look, there is a sheet of blue paper on the table It’s like a piece of the sky, but there’s no sun on it. Let's make suns and send them to this sky. To do this, take yellow dough, first roll it into a ball, then flatten it, make a circle, and then stick yellow-colored sticks (rays) into the side. And let's send our suns to the sky and admire them. Place on cardboard. 8. Slide the sun in the sky Educator: Your suns turned out beautiful. Result: What came to visit us today? (sunny) Who did you guess riddles about? Who did we read poems about? What happens if the sun disappears? Well done. Educator: Guys, you are also rays of sunshine. Warm your palms with your warmth (blow into your palms, rub them). Now convey your warmth and tenderness to our guests. Come, don't be shy! (children approach the guests and take their hands). Look how warm and happy everyone is! Let's go pass on our warmth to other children.

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Warm-ups on the theme of the sun

Sunshine Sunshine, sunshine, Look through the window. Look through the window, Wake up Seryozhka. So that the day is a little longer, So that we learn more, So that the toys don’t get bored, And we play with Serezhenka.

Physical Education Minute Sun

This is how the sun rises, Higher, higher, higher. (Raise your hands up. Stretch) By night the sun will set Lower, lower, lower. (Squat down. Place your hands on the floor) Okay, okay, Sunny is laughing. And we live happily under the sun. (Clap your hands. Smile) Averina I.E.

We raise our hands. (Children raise and lower their hands.) Raise our hands and disperse the clouds. Brighter, sun, shine, ban the gloomy rain. (Children wave their hands.) The long journey is over. You can sit down and relax. (Children sit down.)

Fizminutka Radiant sun

Hey, Sloths, get up! Run out to exercise! Have a good stretch, you've finally woken up! (stretching, breathing exercise) Let's begin! Is everyone ready? We answer - everyone is ready! We answer, everyone is healthy?! We answer, everyone is healthy! Get in order for some fun exercise. Let's get ready, let's start and sing along together. The sun is radiant, loves to jump, (i.p. hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart, turns the head left and right, forward and backward, fly from cloud to cloud! Just like that One, two, three, four, one, two three , four One, two, three, four, five. Once again! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, One, two, three, four, five! We are all working out our hands! There is no room for more boredom! (arms to the sides and up) We all work out our shoulders so that the hike will be easier! We all work out our legs so as not to get tired on the road. (with the addition of a step in place) We all work out our necks so that we can sing more fun. The radiant sun loves to jump, from cloud to cloud fly. All together! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, five! Once again! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, five! So, get ready, this moment, a very important element (bending the torso forward with the fingers touching the floor) You need to bend in half and touch the ground with your hands! Come on, don’t bend your legs! One, two, three , four, five! Well done! Everyone did their best, straightened up, and caught their breath. The radiant sun loves to jump, fly from cloud to cloud! like this One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four One, two, three, four, five. Again! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, One, two, three, four, five! Don't mess around! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, (hands on the belt, squats) One, two, three, four, five! Everyone in the world jumps and gallops, even hares and bears. (jumping in place) And giraffes and elephants jump straight to the moon. Cats, squirrels, ducks, pigs, all in the morning warm-up. Everyone was in a better mood from such an awakening. The sun is radiant, loves to jump, fly from cloud to cloud! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four One, two, three, four, five! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, One, two, three, four, five! With a feeling of complete satisfaction at the conclusion of the exercise, (on your toes, arms up) We stood quietly on our toes, stretching our arms as hard as we could! Reach straight to the sky, exhale, hands down! Congratulations, everything is fine, well done! end of charging! The sun is radiant, loves to jump, fly from cloud to cloud! together! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four One, two, three, four, five! Again! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, One, two, three, four, five!



The sun is shining, a set of exercises “sun”

Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity” (Drawing), “Communication”, “Physical education”, “Health”.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive, reading.

The goals of the teacher’s activity: to teach to convey the image of a bright sun with a spot of color, placing the drawing in the middle of the sheet, to paint over a round shape with continuous lines from top to bottom or from left to right with the entire bristle of the brush; strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly; develop accuracy and the ability to perform exercises with a tape; improve motor skills and abilities.

Planned results of the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler: shows interest in performing a set of playful physical exercises, is active in creating an individual composition in the drawing “The Sun is Shining”, participates in an exhibition of children's works, in a conversation with the teacher while discussing techniques for drawing the sun, listens with interest to K’s poem Ibryaeva “In the morning the sun rises...”.

Materials and equipment: easel, flannelgraph, figures for flannelgraph (sun, cloud), yellow paint, brushes, sheets of paper, napkins, glasses of water, yellow ribbons.

Preliminary work: during a walk, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that when the sun hides behind a cloud, it becomes dark.

Contents of organized children's activities

  1. Creating gaming motivation.

A figurine of the sun is attached to the flannelgraph.

In the morning the sun rises,

He invites everyone to the street.

I leave the house:

-Hello, sun, it's me!

“And the bright light makes us all happy and happy.” But when the sun hides behind a cloud (attaches a cloud), everything around becomes gloomy. Our mood also changes. Let's draw the sun so that it will always delight us with its golden glow.

2. Drawing “The sun is shining”

Draw a sun, what do we need to prepare? (Children's answers)

That's right, we need to prepare yellow paint, a brush, a glass of water and paper. Help me, show me where the yellow paint is in the box. Tell me, what other objects are yellow? (Children's answers) Who knows what shape the sun has? How are we going to draw it? (Children's answers) The sun is round. How do we draw a circle? (Children draw a circle in the air with their finger.)

The teacher shows techniques for drawing a circle with a brush and painting it with continuous lines.

  1. Performing a set of exercises.

Educator. Our sun is still sleeping. It's time to wake him up. Let's do some exercises with the sun today. Here are his rays (hands out yellow ribbons).

Walking in a column.

I.p. – lying on your back, hold the tape with both hands by the ends above your head.

1-2 – raise your arms and legs, touch your feet with the tape.

3-4 – lower your arms and legs.

Repeat 4-6 times.

I.p. – sitting, legs together, holding the ribbon with both hands by the ends.

1-2 – lean forward, put the tape on the soles of your feet.

3-4 – straighten up, clap above your head.

5-6 – bend down, take the tape.

Repeat 5-6 times.

  • "The sun is spreading its rays."

I.p. – standing, arms down.

1-2 – wave the ribbon in front of you, pull it back.

3-4 - do the same with the other hand.

Repeat 4-6 times.

Children perform dance movements with ribbons to the music (slow twirling, jumping, etc.)

Educator. Now we can draw our beautiful sun.

Children do a drawing on the topic. During work, the teacher monitors work techniques, provides assistance to children experiencing difficulties, and encourages children who draw additional details.

Children's drawings are displayed at the stand.

Educator. Look how bright it has become in our group from your sunshine. What amazingly beautiful and funny drawings!

That's how the sun laughs!

And we live happily under this sun!

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