Outline of a correctional lesson on the development of cognitive processes for grade 3 mental retardation (intellectual impairment)

Lesson notes for students with severe mental retardation and TMDD

LESSON No. 87 Speech 2nd grade. Subject:

Acquaintance with A. Barto's poem "Elephant".
Educational goals: -
To introduce the poem “Elephant” by A. Barto.
— Form emotional contact in children, encourage joint actions. Developmental goals:
- Develop attention, visual and auditory perception through comparison and generalization exercises.
— Development of fine and general motor skills, tactile sensations. Educational goals:
- To form a positive emotional reaction to the intonation, voice of the teacher, joint communication with the teacher.
— Cultivate cognitive interest in the subject. Equipment:
elephant, collapsible elephant toy with magnet, bed, box, bull, bear, elephant for visual gymnastics, illustration for the poem.
I. Organizational moment.
- Look at the bell I have, let's ring it and start the lesson.
Exercise "Hello".
Hello sun! (hands up, fingers pointing like rays) Hello, sky! (hands up, fingers closed) Hello, my whole Earth! (form a circle with our hands) We woke up very early, (hold hands) And we welcome you! (symbol "Hello!")

Articulation gymnastics

Teacher: performs with his own hands for each child
“This is our tongue.” A whale fish lives in the sea, It swims through the waves, It has a huge mouth. Here it is! (Smile widely, showing your teeth, your teeth are also slightly open, hold your mouth in this position for a while) 2. Our lips are very flexible, they deftly stretch into a smile. And now it’s the other way around: The lips move forward. (Repeat exercises 2-3 times)

Exercise "ELEPHANT".

He has a lot of strength
we pretend to be a strong man, clenching his fists) He is almost as tall as a house (we pretend to be a roof) He has a huge nose (we put our fists to our nose) It’s like he’s been two hundred years old (palms forward)
State the topic and purpose of the lesson. - (Name), did you like the exercise?
- What, (name), did you do? — We performed the “Elephant” exercise. - Today in class we will get acquainted with A. Barto’s poem “Elephant”. III .
Explanation of new material. Getting to know toys - animals. - Look who came to visit us?
He is not at all like other toys - animals. Look how big his ears are. And a trunk instead of a nose. - This is an elephant. — Toys also came to visit us: a bull and a bear. Exercise “Big - small”.
— The elephant is big, the bull is small.
- What big ears an elephant has, but a bull and a bear have small ears. Let's pet the bull, the bear and the elephant. Our toys are soft and we enjoy touching them. Exercise “Name in one word”
An elephant, a bear, a bull are animals.
Examination of the illustration for the poem “Elephant”.
Night has come.
The bear went to bed. The bull sleeps in a box. But the elephant doesn’t want to sleep, he nods his head. Reading the poem "Elephant".
It's time to sleep, the bull fell asleep, lay down in a box on a barrel. Sleepy Bear went to bed, Only the elephant doesn’t want to sleep. The elephant nods his head - He bows to the elephant. Now let's put them to bed.

Teacher and children put to bed

: bull in a box on its side, bear in the bed.
But the elephant doesn't want to sleep. The elephant nods his head and bows to the elephant. The teacher reads the poem “Elephant” for the second time. Exercise "Collect an elephant."
Task: fold an elephant into three parts using a magnet.
(The front and back of the torso are connected by a magnet). Give the child three parts of an elephant. Exercise “Lullaby for a Baby Elephant”
In a forest clearing, a baby elephant is quietly rocking a baby.
Her song flows tenderly: “Bai, bai, my little ELEPHANT!” Exercise "Find the elephant."
Illustrations: elephant, bull, bear.
Task: show the elephant. Visual gymnastics “Elephant”
The elephant is big and walks quietly. Look how he goes left - right, up - down. VI .
The final stage. Lesson summary. — Today in class we got acquainted with the poem “Elephant” by A. Barto.
V. Reflection.
Well done, (name), worked well (gesture) in the lesson. The lesson is over.

Exercise “Two girlfriends”

The frogs were jumping - (We bend and straighten the fingers on both hands while moving on the surface of the table) We caught mosquitoes (we slam our palms on the table) We hurried to the water, Jump-jump with our legs, transmitting the sound of jumping) And clap our palms!
(Children clap their hands) II.
State the topic and purpose of the lesson. - (Name)
did you like the exercise?
- What did we do with you? — We completed the exercise. — Did you like the exercise? — Today in class we will do the “Two Frogs” exercise. III .
Explanation of new material. A frog came to our lesson.
Let's look at it. The frog has eyes, legs, and rough skin. The frog makes the sounds qua-qua-qua. Exercise “Two frogs”. Two laughing girlfriends
(Bend all fingers except two, the index and middle ones represent frogs)
They stomped and jumped.
(You need to depict jumping with your fingers)
With a paw - hop, Another - hop,
(clap your palms)
Cheeks were puffed out.
(We show our cheeks with our fingers)
We noticed a mosquito,
(they depict a mosquito and its flight)
They shouted: “Kva-kva-kva!”
(We depict croaking with our fingers)
Our mosquito has flown away, children!
(We use our hands to depict a mosquito flying upward)
There is beauty all around, and the wind!
(wave palm).
Exercise “In water - on land”
Frogs live in water, and the hare lives on land.
Exercise “Big - small”
The frog is small, and the hare is big.
VI .
The final stage. Lesson summary. — Today in class we performed the “Two Frogs” exercise.
V. Reflection.
- Well done, (name). I worked well in class. The lesson is over.

Individual lessons with children with intellectual disabilities

Individual lessons with preschool children with intellectual disabilities. Abstract


— The child will learn to navigate the plane according to verbal instructions, to reflect in speech the location of objects: middle, top, bottom, left, right.
- Fix the count to 4x, the composition of the number 4 from two smaller ones (2 and 2) during gaming activities.
— Corrective task: To develop general and fine motor skills of the hands during the game, using various means: massage, drawing in the sand, exercises for the fingers (using a pipette, tweezers, clothespins). — Develop mental processes: visual, tactile and auditory perception, visual memory, attention. — Cultivate interest in the surrounding nature, the ability to admire its beauty through the relaxation exercise “Sounds of Nature.” Equipment
: Box with sand (with glass and backlight). Forest scenery. Burrow bags filled with peas, buckwheat, rice, 4 hedgehogs, a hare, a fox. Flowers on

clothespins, pipette, water, tweezers, plates for hedgehogs.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational point:

You and I will now go along the path to the fairy tale's house: In a straight line, let's go, let's go. Along the winding one, we'll go. You and I will find the house.
2. Didactic exercise: “Guess who lives in the house.”
- How do you think.
Who lives in this house? - Recognize the residents on the screen and point with your fingers, then they will appear. Images of animal body parts sequentially appear on the monitor: cow horns, dog tail, goat legs, hedgehog spines. The child names the animals and points with his fingers. Images of a cow, goat, dog, and hedgehog appear successively on the monitor. The animal that appears gives a voice. - How does a cow voice? ("mu", the cow moos) - How does a goat (dog, hedgehog) give voice? (“be”, the goat bleats; the dog barks; the hedgehog puffs) 3. D/game: “The fourth wheel.”
- Who is the odd one out here? Why? -Which animals are more domestic or wild? -Turn away. Remember who came first? (second, third, fourth). -Where have the animals gone?

4. D/game “Find the hedgehog”.

— Try to find a hedgehog in our fairy-tale forest. The child searches for the hedgehog by touch in three burrows (bags with various cereals) in succession. -Who did you find? Why do you think it's a hare? (fox, hedgehog). — How many hedgehogs did you find? (the child takes it out and counts it - 4 hedgehogs and 1 sudzhok). - Are all the hedgehogs here? Why did you confuse the hedgehog and the ball? — Our hedgehogs will have a little rest. And we'll play with the ball.

Massage of fingers and palms with sujok in imitation

A round hedgehog rolled along the palm, across the palm, He runs along the fingers, Little by little he puffs
5. D/game “Let's treat the hedgehogs”
- What can we treat our friends with?
(apples, mushrooms). - Give each hedgehog as many apples as there are leaves on the needles. (1, 2, 3,4) (arranges apples with tweezers). — In spring, everyone lacks vitamins. Drop as many vitamins as there are apples in hedgehogs (use a pipette). Our hedgehogs ate and wanted to take a walk. And we are with them. Dynamic pause “House” (by imitation) You and I are building a house, There is a window in that house, A Christmas tree grows nearby, A hedgehog lives in the house. 6. Problem situation.
-While the hedgehogs were having fun, an evil wind blew in and covered the hole with grass and leaves.
Hedgehogs cannot find their home because they are frozen. How can I help them? (the child offers options for help). -We don't have the tools to build a house. But in our fairy tale there is magic sand. He will help us. 7. Exercise: “Drawing a hut for hedgehogs”
Working with sand: Orientation on a plane and drawing on the sand according to the instructions: - Here is a sandy clearing. Show the middle of the clearing (top, bottom, right side, left side). — There is a hut in the middle of the clearing. — The sun is shining above. It has 2 long beams and 2 short ones. — To the right of the hut there are 2 Christmas trees. One high, one low. — To the left of the hut there are 2 tall birch trees. — Below, under the mountain, a stream runs. — Grass grows by the stream. - Where are the hedgehogs? Plant brown urchins between your Christmas trees. Pink hedgehog - under a birch tree. Hedgehog in a hat - in front of the house.

Verbal report.

- Tell the hedgehogs: - Where is the hut?
On which side of the hut do the Christmas trees grow? (birch trees), - What is at the top? ( at the bottom). “But for some reason our friends were sad.” - Show how sad they are (the child depicts sadness with facial expressions). “Something is missing in the spring meadow.” What do you think? (flowers) 8. Exercise “Let’s plant flowers.” Working with clothespins.
- Let's find and plant flowers for the hedgehogs.
Plant 2 daisies and the same number of poppies on the grass. How many flowers are there in total? (shows 2 and 2 on fingers - 4 in total) - It became beautiful in the clearing. The hedgehogs were happy and smiled. Show how happy they are (the child depicts joy with facial expressions). 9. Relaxation exercise
- The hedgehogs ran around on the grass and decided to relax and admire the spring forest.
And together with them we will sit back and admire the forest clearing. 10. Result
- Hedgehogs tell you: “Thank you for the fairy tale. Come play again." The child says goodbye to his friends and leaves.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lesson notes on fine motor skills for children with intellectual disabilities

Kopytova Ekaterina Talgatovna, Sopelnik Elena Aleksandrovna, Vaulina Irina Nikolaevna

teacher, MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 247", Novokuznetsk

Set of classes

Lesson 1. Kindergarten and toys

Self-massage “Iron”

Finger gymnastics

Girls and boys are friends in our group. You and I will make friends Little fingers.

The first two lines are to clasp your right palm around your left palm and sway it to the rhythm of the poem. The next two lines are to clasp your left hand around your right hand and sway to the rhythm of the poem.

Visiting the big toe

To visit the big finger They came straight to the house Index and middle, Ring and last.

The little little finger himself knocked on the threshold. Together the fingers are friends, They can’t live without each other.

On the first line, we put our thumbs up, on the second, we connect the fingertips of both hands at an angle. On the third, alternately called fingers are connected to the thumb on both hands at the same time. Then only the little fingers are pointed up, the other fingers are clenched into a fist. On the sixth - the fists are knocking against each other. The last two lines include rhythmic squeezing of the fingers on both hands.

  • The fingers stood together in a row (show palms with straightened fingers).

Ten strong guys

(clench your fingers into a fist).

These two are pointers to everything (show two index fingers), They will show everything without prompting (hold them with your thumbs). Fingers - two middle fingers (show two middle fingers), two healthy vigorous fingers (hold them with your thumbs).

Well, these nameless silent people are always stubborn. (Show your ring fingers, hold the rest with your thumbs).

Two short little fingers (show little fingers, hold the rest with your thumbs).

The fingers are the most important among them (show two thumbs, clench the rest into fists),

Two big and bold. * We quickly inflate the ball - It becomes big. Suddenly our balloon burst,

The air has come out - shhhh! He became thin and thin.

Methodical instructions. The fingers of both hands are gathered into a pinch and the tips touch. We blow on them - our fingers take the shape of a ball. The air comes out - the fingers return to their original position.

Game (lay beans along the drawn outline).

Lay out a thin path of beans

And you will recognize me, After all, I am your toy.

Game “Wonderful Bag” : choose the one you need from the “Wonderful Bag” by touch from three toys.

Lesson 2. Berries

Self-massage “Saw”

Finger gymnastics

Hello, big clearing! Hello, grass-ant! Hello, forest berry! You are ripe and delicious.

We are carrying a little basket, We will collect all of you.

The fingers of the right hand take turns shaking hands with the fingers of the left, tapping each other with their tips.


The breeze rustles the grass, hides the berry from us, only we will find it and collect it for jam.

The palms are turned towards you, the fingers are spread out. Intense fluttering of the fingers.

Game "Draw the figures"

We went for a walk in the forest and brought a basket of berries.

Children are asked to line the outline of the drawn berries using grains. The teacher asks riddles, and the children name the answer before laying out the outline.

I turned black in the sun, And now I’m ripe.

Lesson 3. Mushrooms

Self-massage "Rink"

Finger gymnastics

This finger

This finger went into the forest, This finger found a mushroom, This finger began to clean, This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything, that’s why it lost weight.

Bend your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger.

For mushrooms

The sun rose early in the morning and caressed all the children. (Palms crossed, fingers spread wide - sunshine?)

We went for mushrooms. (The fingers “walk” along the table and knees.)

They brought three baskets. (Show three fingers?)

Game "Draw the figures"

I went into the forest with a basket and found a fungus near a tree stump.

Place mushroom shapes with pearl barley along the drawn outline.


I take a basket to the forest and put mushrooms in it.

Palms facing you, interlace your fingers, spread your elbows to the sides - the palms “spread apart” , and gaps form between the fingers.

Mushrooms in the meadow

Who's hidden in the picture? Help, fingers! You are running along the contour, Help me recognize the picture.


The breast warms its side in the sun... Go to the box, fungus.

The index finger of the right hand is the stem; the fingers of the left are closed together - a hat. When pronouncing tongue twisters, change the cap and stem. Body - the intertwined fingers of both hands close tightly, “taking” the fungus to themselves.

Game "Wonderful bag"

Offer to find the fungus in the “Wonderful Bag” among several different toys.

Lesson 4. Vegetables

Self-massage “Spiral”

Finger gymnastics

Pickling cabbage

We chop cabbage (sharp movements with straight brushes up and down). We salt the cabbage (moving our fingers to imitate sprinkling salt from a pinch). We press the cabbage (intense clenching of the fingers into a fist).


Not a carrot - a sight for sore eyes, Surprisingly grown, Juicy and tasty, Useful for children.

The fingers of the left hand are clenched into a pinch and directed upward, the palm of the right hand with fingers spread is placed against the pinch of the left.

Game Stick Figures

The car carries the harvest from the fields. Place peas along the drawn outline.


Although I’m called sugar, I didn’t get wet from the rain, I’m round, large, sweet in taste, Did you recognize it? I... (beets).

A game. Hold the beetroot: Holding a tennis ball alternately between your fingers.

Lesson 5. Fruits

Self-massage “Iron”

Finger gymnastics


We shared an orange. There are many of us, but he is alone. (Twist the clenched fist of your left hand, spread the fingers of your right hand, raise the index finger of your left hand, the remaining fingers are clenched)

This slice is for the hedgehog. (The left hand is clenched into a fist, the little finger is bent) This slice is for siskin. (Bend your ring finger) This slice is for ducklings. (Bend your middle finger) This slice is for kittens. (Bend your index finger)

This slice is for the beaver. (Bend your thumb) And for the wolf - the peel. (Turn your palm with the back side up, rounding your fingers, and stroke the peel) He is angry with us. Trouble! (The palms touch the bases, slightly bent fingers tap the same fingers of the other hand - like wolf teeth) Run away in all directions! (Hands “scatter” across the table or knees, tapping their fingers)


We came to the orchard and began to pick plums. Plums, sweet as honey, ask to be put into our mouths.

The thumb and index fingers of the left hand form an oval, the index finger of the right hand is bent and placed towards the plum (oval).

A game

  • Draw an outline of your favorite fruit with colored woolen thread.
  • Tear the paper into small pieces and lay out a pear (or other fruit) from them.
  • Give the children a piece of flexible wire and, together with them, make outlines of various fruits and vegetables from it (use the wire in the game “Find out what it is?” ).

Lesson 6. Trees and shrubs

Self-massage “Warm your palms”

Finger gymnastics


Under a tall pine tree sits a bunny with a scythe.

One hand is a pine tree (fingers spread out, raised up), on the second hand the index and middle fingers form the ears of a hare, the remaining fingers are clenched.

Christmas tree

The Christmas tree comes together quickly if your fingers interlock. Raise your elbows, spread your fingers.

Palms facing away, fingers crossed (palms at an angle to each other). Fingers point forward. The elbows are not pressed together.


The tree has a trunk, There are many branches on the trunk, And the leaves on the branches are Green.

Press your palms with the backs of your hands towards each other. The fingers are spread out and slightly raised up. Move your hands and fingers.


Hello, forest, dense forest, Full of fairy tales and miracles. Raise both hands, palms facing you, fingers spread wide. Stick figures

The garden was fenced off so that the trees would live longer. It’s going to rain in the forest now, and it’s going to flood everything with its water,

Run to the Christmas tree quickly, save yourself from the rain.

A game

Children tear yellow and orange paper into small pieces and lay out an autumn branch from them. Then, using colored woolen threads, leaves from various trees are laid out along the drawn contour. They determine which tree each of the resulting leaves comes from. They make funny little people out of pine cones and read their favorite poem to them.

Lesson 7. Migratory birds

Self-massage “Gimlet”

Finger gymnastics

A flock of birds, sing along, sing along! Ten birds are a flock. This bird is a nightingale,

This bird is a sparrow, This bird is an owl, Sleepy little head, This bird is a waxwing,

This bird is a corncrake, This bird is a starling, This is a gray feather, This is a chaffinch, this is a swift,

This is a cheerful siskin, Well, this is an angry eagle... Birds, birds, go home!

The fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. Having heard the names of the birds, children open one finger at a time, first with their right and then with their left hand. At the last words, the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists.


The starling lives in a birdhouse and sings a sonorous song. The palms touch the fingers, the thumbs are bent inward. Chicks in the nest

The bird flaps its wings and flies to its nest. She will tell her chicks where she got the grain.

Cover all the fingers of your right hand with your left palm and move them.

A game. Bird Feeder: With your eyes closed, sort beans and peas.

Lesson 8. Poultry

Self-massage “Warm your palms”

Finger gymnastics


One, two - the ducklings walked, Three, four - for water, And the fifth trudged behind them, The sixth ran behind,

And the seventh fell behind them, And the eighth was already tired, And the ninth caught up with everyone, And the tenth scared:

Loudly, loudly squeaked: * Pee-pee-pee! Not food. We are nearby, look for it. Alternately bend all the fingers of the right hand, then the left hand, starting with the thumb. To the sounds “Pi-pi-pi” (and until the end), rhythmically bend and straighten the fingers of both hands


The goose is standing and cackling, he wants to pinch you.

The palm is bent at a straight angle. The thumb is set slightly down, the others are pressed against each other.


The cockerel stands all bright, he cleans the comb with his paw.

Palm up, index finger resting on thumb. The remaining fingers are spread out and raised up.

The chicken jumps onto the porch:

- I laid an egg for you.

The thumb and index finger form an oval ( "eye" ). Others are pressed against each other in a half-bent position.

Game tasks for children

Using yellow gouache, use your fingertips to paint the chicken drawn by the teacher. Crumple the paper into small balls - crumbs for the birds.

Offer to trace the outline of the duckling and lay it out with rice.

The hedgehog gave the duckling a pair of leather boots.


The spinning duck dived and surfaced, surfaced and dived.

Bend your palm at a right angle, press your fingers together; rotation of the hands away from you and towards you.

Lesson 9 “Vegetables on a store window”

Goal: To teach children to depict oval-shaped objects, to develop the ability to change the direction of movement along one arc to another; convey the differences between oval and round objects; place two objects evenly on a sheet of paper.


  1. Learn to name the top and bottom of a sheet.
  2. Reinforce techniques for painting objects with paints.
  3. Learn to draw a tail on a cucumber or tomato.

Visual: Pictures of tomato and cucumber (or real ones).

Materials: The teacher has one-color geometric shapes: an oval and a circle, a basket with a cucumber and a tomato (dummies), a sheet of paper for showing how to draw cucumbers. Children have 1/2 landscape paper, soft brushes, and gouache paints.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher brings in a basket of vegetables:

Children, I have two vegetables in my basket. One is similar to this figure (show a circle), and the other is like this (show an oval). Who guessed what vegetables are in my basket?

To make it easier to guess, guess the riddles:

Like in our garden, the riddles grew, juicy and large, so round.

They turn green in summer, and turn red in autumn. Answer (Tomatoes) Our piglets grew up in the garden,

Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.

These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.

Answer (Cucumbers)

Green branches grow in the garden bed, and on them are red children.

I grow in the garden. And when I ripen, they cook a tomato from me, put it in cabbage soup,

And that's how they eat. Answer (Tomatoes)

Lounged in disarray, on their feather bed, a hundred green bear cubs, lying with nipples in their mouths,

They continuously suck the juice, And grow, grow, grow.

Answer (Cucumbers)

The teacher takes vegetables out of the basket, traces the outline of a tomato, and asks:

— What shape does a tomato have, what geometric figure does it resemble?

Children's answers.


- What shape is the cucumber, what geometric figure does it resemble?

Children's answers.


— Look carefully: the ends of the cucumber are very rounded, but the sides are less rounded. To draw an oval cucumber, you need to start drawing it as a circle. Look, I draw an arc, then I slow down the movement of the brush and begin to draw a more straightened arc. Again I draw an arc, like a circle, and straighten it again.”

Now take a dry brush and “draw” a cucumber on paper under “dictation” . The teacher walks through and checks whether the task is being completed correctly.


- To draw vegetables beautifully, we need to prepare our fingers for drawing. Let's do a little pickling of cabbage.

Finger game.


We chop and chop the cabbage, We salt and salt the cabbage, We three and three the cabbage, We squeeze and squeeze the cabbage.

Move your palms straight up and down, alternately stroking your fingertips, rubbing your fist against your fist. Clench and unclench your fists.

Tell the children that they need to draw a round tomato and an oval cucumber so that both of them fit on a sheet of paper.

While working, monitor how children draw round and oval shapes, whether they use paints correctly when painting, etc.

Physical education minute.

We tried to draw (arms to the sides) It was difficult not to get tired (torso tilted to the sides) We will rest a little (sit down, arms forward) Let’s start drawing again (stand up, lower your arms)

Invite children to draw small details of vegetables: a cucumber has a tail, a tomato has small leaves (sepals) and a petiole.

At the end of the lesson, display 5-6 children’s drawings on the stand.


This is the harvest we collected from our garden. We put them on display in the store window, and now housewives can choose vegetables to preserve for the winter. Help me, children, select only oval cucumbers and only round tomatoes for pickling. Show the same in these drawings.

The called children determine the most correct cucumbers and tomatoes in shape. The same work is done with other drawings.


— And we use those cucumbers and tomatoes whose shape is not quite like a circle or an oval to make salad. They're probably delicious anyway. Thank you guys!

Lesson 10. “People pick fruit from fruit trees”

Goal: Continue to teach children to depict oval and round objects, develop the ability to change the direction of movement along one arc to another; convey the differences between oval and round objects; evenly arrange small objects in the drawing.


  1. Learn to draw round and straight lilies
  2. Learn to find the top and bottom of a sheet.
  3. Learn to draw straight lines in different directions.

Visualization: Images of fruits (apples, lemons, pears, etc.), images of fruit trees.

Materials: the teacher has a Grandma Bee toy, the children have sheets of paper with stenciled outlines of trees, soft brushes, gouache paints.

Preliminary work. An excursion with children to fruit plantings, examining how fruits grow on trees, how tall fruit trees are.

Progress of the lesson


- Guys, Grandma Bee came to our lesson today, she brought sad news. Their orchard was visited by an evil wizard, a hurricane, and now all the fruit trees were left without fruit. And now Grandma Bee has nothing to make her famous jam from. And only little wizards with a brush and paints can correct the situation. Shall we help Grandma Bee?

Children: Yes!

Educator, then we need to correctly draw fruits on the trees. Let's remember how we looked at the trees in the garden, let's look again at the color and shape of the fruit.

The teacher shows an apple, traces its outline, asks: what kind of apple (round), what color do apples have (red, yellow, green). Similar work is carried out with all fruits. Then the teacher reminds that fruits are attached to the branch with a special stalk. Then there is a demonstration of drawing different fruits on tree branches.


- Now take your brushes and start painting fruits on one of the trees.

While drawing, the teacher and Grandma Bee walk around the children’s drawings, prompting and reminding them that fruits should grow evenly, and not on one branch, so as not to break it.

Finger gymnastics The finger is thick and big, He went to the garden to buy plums. Index from the doorway,

Showed him the way. The middle finger is the most accurate: It knocks plums off the branch. Nameless eats

And the gentle little finger plants seeds in the ground.

Alternately bend the fingers of first the right and then the left hand.

And now we draw fruits on the second tree, just an agreement, let them be different fruits.

Dynamic pause.

The teacher brings out a dish with peeled oranges, and the children stand in a circle.


We shared an orange, There were many of us, but he was one. This slice is for the hedgehogs, This slice is for the squeezers,

This slice is for the ducklings, This slice is for the kittens, This slice is for the beaver, And the peel is for the wolf.

He is angry with us - trouble. Run away in all directions!

At the end of the lesson, the children build an orchard from their drawings and the teacher and Grandma Bee go around, show the most successful fruits and thank the children.

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