Modern approaches to labor education of preschool children in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Modern approaches to labor education of preschool children in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Forms of labor organization
Order Duty Teamwork

2. Labor education of children in the middle group of kindergarten.


Create conditions for the manifestation of independence, accuracy, and neatness (children should dress and undress with some help from an adult).

Encourage them to eliminate messy clothes with a little help and on their own.

Promote the formation of the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands with soap before eating, when dirty, and after using the toilet.

Develop the ability to correctly hold a spoon and pick up the required amount of food.

Encourage the use of napkins during and after meals.

Household and household work.

Encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks: prepare materials for classes, help set the table for lunch, put away toys and building materials after playing.

To promote the desire to participate in feasible work and the ability to overcome minor difficulties.

Encourage to maintain order and cleanliness in the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten.

Create conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards the work of adults. To update children’s knowledge about professions that they understand (janitor, assistant teacher, cook), to expand and enrich their understanding of labor actions and the results of labor.

Cultivate respect for people of familiar professions.

Encourage to provide assistance to adults, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work.

Labor in nature

Encourage children to participate in caring for plants in the corner of nature and on the site: watering indoor plants and plants in beds, planting onions, sowing flower seeds.

To promote the acquisition of basic information about the growing environment of plants and the rules for caring for them.

In the spring, summer and autumn, involve children in all possible work in the garden and flower garden (sowing seeds, watering, collecting seeds, harvesting dry plants in the flower garden); in winter - to clearing paths, raking snow to the roots of trees and sprinkling slippery paths.

Involve children in preparing seeds and feeding wintering birds (with the help of adults).

Education of cultural and hygienic skills

• Gaining an understanding of the need for the habit of washing oneself, washing hands with soap before eating, when dirty, and after using the toilet.

•Help develop the ability to use a comb and handkerchief.

•Train to turn away when coughing and sneezing and cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

•Create conditions for developing the skills of careful eating: take food little by little, chew well, eat silently, use cutlery correctly (spoon, fork), napkin, rinse your mouth after eating.

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At preschool age, the formation of basic types of activity, including labor, occurs. Therefore, labor education of preschool children is one of the leading directions in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. At present, the place of labor in the pedagogical process of kindergarten has been determined, and its content has been developed. In the Encyclopedic Dictionary, the concept of “labor” is interpreted as “purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting objects of nature to satisfy one’s needs.” The importance of labor as a factor in the development of a child’s personality is reflected in the history of Russian pedagogy: the works of P.P. Blonsky, N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.T. Shatsky and others. The theoretical justification of labor education with practical recommendations is covered in the works of P.R. Atutova, S.Ya. Batysheva, K.N. Katkhanova, V.A. Polyakova and others N.K. Krupskaya in her works repeatedly emphasized the need to accustom children from an early age to the simplest types of work available to them, noting that in this way they become familiar with the properties of materials and learn how to work with various tools. In their work, children show activity, ingenuity, perseverance, a desire to achieve results, and they develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults. Of particular importance to N.K. Krupskaya emphasized the unification of children in work, pointing out that “the joint work of children should be especially valued - these are the beginnings of collective work. It is in this collective work that the child’s strengths are best developed” [1,54]. A.S. Makarenko said that labor is the basis. But what labor is is not at all what a child’s hands are occupied with. Labor is what develops a little person, supports him, helps him assert himself. Hard work and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Work must be creative, because it is creative work that makes a person rich spiritually. Work develops a person physically. And finally, work should bring joy, happiness and prosperity. We can also say that work is the manifestation of people about each other. Labor education is a purposeful process of forming in preschool children a conscious attitude and inclination to work as a basic life need, as well as the formation of a habit of work by including the child in active work. The goal of labor education for preschool children is to form children’s ideas about the work activities of adults, to develop labor skills and abilities, and to cultivate diligence as a personality trait [4,158]. Labor education is a joint activity of the teacher and students, aimed at developing general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude towards work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession. Labor education is an important means of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler. The main goal of work is its educational influence on the child’s personality. Labor activity (especially at its early stages) is not stable; it is closely related to children’s games. The connection between work and play is important in preschool age - play images help children do work with greater interest. But it would be wrong in all cases to turn work into play. Labor education in preschool age is closely related to moral education: personal qualities and positive relationships between children are cultivated in work and with the help of work. Educators set themselves the following tasks: to form, firstly, such moral and volitional qualities as perseverance, perseverance, responsibility, conscientiousness, creative attitude to work, etc., and, secondly, mutual assistance, support, the ability to negotiate, the desire to teach others and learn oneself, empathy, etc. To solve these problems, various methods are used: joint activities of children, children and adults, conversations, problem situations and logical tasks, communication during the work process, etc. Work gives real results. The result of the work of preschoolers should be understood not only as material embodiment, but also as moral content: the child sees that his actions are pleasant to someone, arouse gratitude, and a friendly attitude. Such emotional reinforcement of the result of work constitutes its main pedagogical value. In order for work to become a means of moral education, already at preschool age it is necessary, along with the instillation of labor skills, to direct the child’s efforts to socially useful work, in which satisfaction with one’s activities for others is born, and an understanding of one’s connection with everyone. In work, friendly relationships are formed: goodwill, the ability to give in, provide a service, offer help. Business relationships emerge, which are characterized by the ability to distribute and plan common work, the desire to complete the task oneself and expect the same from others, to provide assistance to each other and to treat the assigned work with a sense of responsibility [3, 37]. In work, preschoolers successfully learn and reinforce moral standards of behavior. Analysis of the possibilities of work activity of preschoolers for their aesthetic development: familiarization with the work of adults, the content and nature of the performance of work tasks. In the process of aesthetic education, it is important to introduce children to the work of people in creative professions: writers, musicians, artists, masters of applied arts. Methods of introducing children to people of the named professions. Compliance with the principle of quart: creator, interpreter, listener, child performer. The connection between the parts of the quart: the composer composed the music, the interpreter performed it, adults and children listened, the child tries to compose music himself. The same is true for other types of creative activity. Particular attention is paid to the fourth part - the own activities of preschoolers. Here an aesthetic attitude towards completing a task is formed: not just to depict something, but to do it beautifully; find the most attractive option for crafts made from natural material, paper. The teacher instills in children the ability and desire to include elements of aesthetics in household work, self-service, work in nature, teaches them to evaluate the results not only by what happened, but also how aesthetically the work was done, how much invention, creativity, and independence the child showed. Aesthetic education in work is also carried out through teaching children to order in the arrangement of tools and tools. Aesthetic education is also facilitated by working with music, during which children receive satisfaction and pleasure [3, 39]. Studying at school will require a lot of volitional and physical effort from the child, the ability to conscientiously and responsibly carry out tasks, plan their activities and anticipate their results. All these skills are successfully instilled in preschool age. Formation of motives for work activity (work to achieve a positive result, for the benefit of oneself and for other people). Exercise in achieving a positive result in work as the leading method of raising children (calmly redo poorly done work, try to finalize details slowly, carefully and accurately, etc.). Accustoming to mental work (solving logical problems, puzzle problems, joke problems, searching for an answer to a question of interest in a book, making crafts and subsequent analysis of the work process). Experimentation and experiments as a means of mental education in work. Formation of interest in the thought process and a feeling of satisfaction from an independently found solution. Developing the ability and need to keep your workplace in order, take care of your appearance, etc. Accustoming a child to life according to a schedule and independently finding a place for work and rest. Reasonably organized work strengthens the physical strength and health of the child. Movements become more confident and accurate. By acting, the baby becomes increasingly better oriented in space [3, 36]. To date, the place of labor in the pedagogical process of kindergarten has been determined, its content has been developed (E.I. Korzakova, V.G. Nechaeva, E.I. Radina, etc.); forms of organization of children in labor are highlighted (Z.N. Borisova, R.S. Bure, A.D. Shatova); the process of forming a positive attitude towards the work of adults is studied (V.I. Glotova, V.I. Loginova, YaZ. Neverovich, A.G. Tulegenova, M.V. Krulekht, etc.), the features of labor education of preschool children in the family are considered (D O. Dzintere, L.V. Zagik, T.A. Markova), the influence of work on the development of moral and volitional qualities of children, their relationships is studied (R.S. Bure, G.N. Godina, A.D. Shatova and etc.). Of no small importance are the studies of Ya. Z. Neverovich, T.A. Markova, who showed that the main motive that encourages children to work is their desire to help adults. In preschool pedagogy, three ways of bringing children closer to the work of adults are identified: observation of work, partial assistance from children to adults, and organization of joint activities of adults and children (V.I. Glotova, L.V. Zagik, S.M. Kotlyarova, G.N. Leskova, E.I. Radina, D.V. Sergeeva and others). According to E.I. Radina, in joint work an adult can act as a role model not only with his skills, but also with his attitude to work. Thus, scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of the problem of identifying the signs and components of hard work in preschool children. However, the problem of instilling hard work in preschoolers as the main personality quality has not yet been sufficiently developed. The hard work of preschoolers is organically connected with other personality qualities. Thus, interest in the activities of adults, the relationship between children and adults, careful attitude towards the products of labor is nothing more than humanism; conscious fulfillment of one's duties is responsibility; cooperation between children, adults and children - collectivism; the ability to complete a task reflects the degree of diligence, perseverance, and determination. Consequently, hard work is a quality that reflects the development of the individual as a whole. Theoretical foundations of instilling hard work in preschool children [2, 34]. Labor education is the most important component of preschool education, the basis for the development of a child’s creative abilities, and the most important means of developing a culture of interpersonal relationships. The tasks are set to develop in children (taking into account age-related capabilities) an interest in the work of adults and a desire to work; education of basic labor skills and hard work. These tasks are solved through familiarizing children with the work of adults and through their direct participation in feasible labor activities in kindergarten and at home. The role of familiarizing children with the social orientation of work and its social significance is emphasized; formation of respectful attitude towards working people. In each age group, the types and content of labor activity are determined, as well as the tasks that are solved in the process of child labor. By organizing work activities, the teacher ensures the comprehensive development of children, helps them gain confidence in their abilities, promotes the formation of vital skills and abilities, instilling responsibility, independence and a value-based attitude towards their own work and the work of other people.

References: 1. - Labor education of children. How to instill hard work. 2. Lobanova E.A. Preschool pedagogy: educational and methodological manual / E. A. Lobanova. - Balashov: Nikolaev, 2005. - 76 p. 3. Markova T.A. Fostering hard work in preschoolers. – M.: Education, 1991 4. Vasilyeva, M.A. Labor education / M.A. Vasilyeva // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 4. — P.18.

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Author: Khozyasheva Valentina Viktorovna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of labor education of preschool children


TOC \o “1-3” \h \z \u Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc471667933 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F00630034003700310036003600370039003300 33000000

1. List ways to familiarize children with the work of adults. PAGEREF _Toc471667934 \h 5 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F00630034003700310036003600370039003300 34000000

2. What are the educational capabilities of each path? PAGEREF _Toc471667935 \h 8 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F00630034003700310036003600370039003300 35000000

3. What manifestations of a child’s behavior characterize the formation of a positive attitude towards work? PAGEREF _Toc471667936 \h 12 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003400370031003600360037003900330 036000000

4. What motives encourage a preschooler to get involved in work? PAGEREF _Toc471667937 \h 14 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003400370031003600360037003900330 037000000

5. How can you characterize the features of children’s association in labor? PAGEREF _Toc471667938 \h 16 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003400370031003600360037003900330 038000000

Conclusion. PAGEREF _Toc471667939 \h 18 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003400370031003600360037003900330 039000000

References.. PAGEREF _Toc471667940 \h 19 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F006300340037003100360036003700390 0340030000000

In the preschool years, children show a keen interest in the work of adults; they strive to imitate them in play and everyday life and want to do something themselves. Up to the age of seven, they can easily master simple labor skills in self-care, maintaining cleanliness and order, and caring for plants. Older preschoolers successfully perform simple duties in serving the team, are already capable of basic responsibility for the assigned task, and can overcome minor difficulties in work.

To create a positive attitude and habit of work, the living example of surrounding adults and direct contact with their work are of utmost importance. But it is possible to instill psychological readiness for work in children only in the process of activity. Many types of activities are simply inaccessible to children due to their knowledge and skills. But at the same time, a child going to school should already have an idea of ​​“adult” professions. That is why one of the tasks of a preschool institution is early career guidance for preschoolers. New programs designed for preschool institutions have relevant sections, however, not all teachers are satisfied with their content. Many kindergartens, in turn, offer their own programs to introduce children to the world of “adult” professions. In turn, such a private initiative does not always deserve the approval of theorists. All this makes this topic extremely relevant.

The purpose of this work: to analyze the ways of forming ideas in senior preschool children about the essence of adult labor.

The problem of labor education in kindergarten was studied in sufficient detail in the Soviet Union. A. P. Usova, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. M. Leushina, V. G. Nechaeva and others wrote about the need to solve it in the process of forming knowledge about labor [6, 14, 33]. In addition, a number of classics of Russian psychology and pedagogy also examined this problem in detail, but we will specifically focus on this issue in the second paragraph of the first chapter of the work. Currently, much less is written on this issue. Existing programs contain relevant sections [3], but many authors believe that these programs are not ideal and create a number of problems [28].

The results of studying the state of labor education in a number of areas show that children of senior preschool age have knowledge of only individual facts from the field of one or another type of labor, and in most cases do not understand the role of labor in people’s lives. The education in children of a caring attitude towards things as a result of labor and respect for it is not adequately ensured [4, p. 90].

You can introduce children to the work of adults both at home in the family and in a preschool institution.

In kindergarten, various ways are possible to familiarize children with the work of adults.

The first way is to show children the varied work of adults and explain its significance; the second way is the direct organization (to the extent that the conditions of the kindergarten allow) joint activities of adults and children.

The following types of child labor are distinguished:

1) self-service (work aimed at satisfying everyday personal needs);

2) household work (cleaning a group room, area);

3) work in nature (in a corner of nature, in a flower garden, in a vegetable garden, in a garden);

4) manual labor (maintaining order in the group’s household: repairing, gluing up books, boxes, sewing on torn buttons, loops, affordable repair of toys, etc.).

It is also possible for children and adults to work together in a kindergarten setting.

Showing children the work of adults can also happen in different ways. Let's list them:

1. Excursions

2. Meetings with people of different professions

3. teacher’s stories about different professions

4. Reading books about different professions

5. Watching films and cartoons about the world of professions.

An important way to introduce children to the world of professions is through play. Role-playing game is a creative game of preschool children in a developed form, representing an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a generalized form, in specially created game conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them [2, p. 19]. Describing the role-playing game, S. Ya. Rubinshtein emphasized that this game is the most spontaneous manifestation of the child and at the same time it is based on the interaction of the child with adults [8, p. 69]. It has the main features of the game: emotional richness and enthusiasm of children, independence, activity, creativity. The main source that feeds a child’s role-playing game is the world around him, the life and activities of adults and peers.

The main feature of a role-playing game is the presence of an imaginary situation in it. The imaginary situation consists of a plot and roles. The plot of the game is a series of events united by vitally motivated connections. The plot reveals the content of the game - the nature of the actions and relationships between the participants in the events. The role is the main core of the role-playing game. Most often, the child takes on the role of an adult. Having a role in the game means that in his mind the child identifies himself with this or that person and acts in the game on his behalf. The child uses certain objects appropriately (prepares dinner like a cook; gives an injection like a nurse), enters into various relationships with other players (buys goods from a seller, examines a patient, etc.). All this introduces the child to different professions.

Another way is to visually introduce children to work activities, when the teacher performs actions in front of them, and the children observe this process and help the teacher. It is necessary to create situations when children have a need for items that are not available. For example, the new doll that the children want to take for a walk does not have a hat, which means that it cannot be taken with them, it will become cold. Such a “problematic” situation will direct children’s attention to finding the right object. The next stage is to create the desired item in the presence of children (in this case, sewing a hat, which does not exist and the need for which has been identified). Waiting for the appearance of the desired object causes children to actively focus their attention on the result of labor, the expectation of this result, which allows them to connect the labor process with its result - obtaining the desired object. Next, you need to use the thing created in front of the children in accordance with its purpose and the needs of the children (the doll is given a hat, the doll is warm, and the children can take it for a walk).

In addition, labor education is carried out in the family and also in two ways - telling and showing children the varied work of adults and direct help around the house.

Each of the ways of introducing children to the world of work and professions has its own educational opportunities.

The good thing about this storytelling method is that it can introduce children to a wide variety of professions. Familiarization with the work of adults aims to give children specific tasks and ideas about work and to cultivate respect for the work of adults, teach them to value it, and develop interest and love for work. At the same time, the task of influencing the behavior of children is solved - to create a desire to work, to work conscientiously, carefully. A teacher's oral history or reading books develops children's imagination, but at the same time it is difficult for them to imagine a world they have never seen: a doctor's office or a power plant.

Showing films, slides or cartoons about people of different professions allows you to make the story more visual. But at the same time it creates a false impression in children about the world of professions. Everything looks too easy and beautiful on the screen.

If preschoolers become familiar with the work of adults on the basis of direct observations of labor actions, then this can be done in different ways. Observing the work of adults in kindergarten is of great educational importance - they clarify children’s ideas, awaken curiosity and interest in the activities of adults, and contribute to the development of a positive attitude and respect for their work.

Children can watch the work of people of different professions in kindergarten; older preschoolers are more attracted to the work that takes place outside the walls of the kindergarten. Excursions may be used here. The work of a kindergarten has its own difficulties in the implementation of labor education: a significant part of the work of adults does not take place in front of children, and the possibilities of observing the work of adults are limited. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways and forms of bringing preschoolers closer to the work of adults, showing its social significance. Excursions or invitations to different people from kindergarten with a request to talk about their profession can be used here. You can invite the children's parents one by one.

The most effective ways to familiarize adults with the work are observations of the labor process, excursions, conversations and meetings with representatives of professions that provide the greatest clarity of ideas and the maximum effectiveness of the knowledge acquired by children. However, visual perception requires interpretation. In the process of further conversations, through the teacher’s stories, the information obtained during observations is clarified, consolidated, and supplemented.

Familiarity with professions during specially organized educational situations, when children are presented with a problem that needs to be solved, and educational activities themselves also contribute to the expansion, consolidation and systematization of children’s knowledge acquired during direct communication with representatives of professions. During such situations, various educational areas are integrated, a variety of methods and techniques are used (visual, verbal, practical, problem-search, game). Solving pedagogical situations can develop into a project. Recently, project-based forms of work with children have been increasingly used. Conducting research on the topics of professions (emergence, relevance in the world, content of activities) develops the cognitive and creative activity of children, contributes to the formation and systematization of knowledge about people’s work.

The central place in labor education is given to play. One of the main types of games is a role-playing game. It allows you to concretize and expand children’s ideas about the various activities of adults, their relationships with other people, professions, tools used, etc. Preparation for games in a profession takes place wherever only a child can become familiar with certain qualities of specialties and accumulate the necessary volume information, even if minimal, but based on which, it is already possible to recreate in the game a distant semblance of this type of human activity.

In resolving the issue of possibly bringing staff closer to children, of creating conditions where children could use clear examples from their elders, various ways are possible:

– approaching the work of adults;

– bringing the work of adults closer to children;

– joint activities of adults and children.

Recognizing the value of special observations of labor, they still need to be supplemented with more active means of influencing the development of the child. It is necessary to bring the work of adults closer to children as much as possible. Work that systematically and naturally takes place in front of children usually attracts their attention and arouses the desire to act themselves, imitating adults.

Labor education for the youngest begins with self-service, with the formation of the need to do everything necessary for this. Even at a young age, children can be given simple tasks.

Labor education in a child’s family begins with the formation of elementary ideas about labor responsibilities. Work has been and remains a necessary and important means of development of the individual as a whole. Labor activity should become a natural physical and intellectual need for children.

In the family, children under three years of age get their first ideas about the work of adults by observing how their mother, grandmother, teacher, nanny, medical worker, cook, and driver work.

Thus, the main task of nurturing a positive attitude towards work in adults can be successfully solved with properly organized joint work between the family and the kindergarten.

Let us first list the basic skills that indicate that a child has developed labor skills:

1) the ability of children to accept the goal of work

2) a high level of ability to highlight the subject of work.

3) the ability to foresee the result of work

4) ability to plan the work process

5) the ability to select the necessary equipment from

6) level of mastery of labor skills and abilities

Let us list below the manifestations of a positive attitude towards work in children with appropriate comments:

1) children have a respectful attitude towards the worker and the results of his work, a desire to imitate him in their activities, and to demonstrate moral qualities;

2) children’s mastery of labor skills, organization and planning of their work, self-control and self-esteem;

3) developing interest in mastering new skills, feeling joy from one’s skills, and independence;

4) the presence of moral and volitional qualities (persistence, determination, responsibility for the results of one’s activities), habits of work effort;

5) formation in children of readiness for work and development of independence;

6) the presence of moral motives for activity that encourage participation in work if necessary. The action of these motives should cause in the child an active desire to obtain a high-quality result, a feeling of joy from his own work;

7) the presence of a humane attitude towards others: the ability and desire to engage in joint work with peers, to show goodwill, activity and initiative, the desire for high-quality implementation of a common cause, awareness of oneself as a member of the children's society.

Motivation is the urge to action; a psychophysiological process that controls human behavior, setting its direction, organization, activity and stability; a person’s ability to actively satisfy their needs [17, p. 60].

The social orientation of the result of labor, which is realized already by middle preschool age, allows us to form an understanding of the need for work for others, fosters respect for the result of labor and the working person. The result acts as a materialized goal of labor, a clear measure of the cost of labor effort. Isolation of the result of labor occurs in children at the age of 3, subject to the teaching influence of an adult [15, p. 60].

There are usually four types of motivation:

The first type is play motivation - “Help the toy.” In this case, the child works to solve the problems of toys. The creation of this motivation is based on the following scheme:

1. The teacher said that the toy needs help, and only children can help them.

2. The teacher asks the children if they agree to help the toy.

3. The teacher offers to teach the children to do what the toy requires.

4. During work, each child should have his own character.

5. The toy-ward evaluates the child’s work and always praises the child.

With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector of the toy.

The second type of motivation is helping an adult - “Help me.”

Here, the motive for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to gain approval, as well as interest in joint activities that can be done together. Creation of motivation is based on the following scheme:

1. An adult tells the child that he is going to do something and asks the child to help. The child is given a feasible task. At the end, you emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.

The third type of motivation, “Teach me,” is based on the child’s desire to feel knowledgeable and capable. This motivation is created according to the following scheme:

1. An adult informs the child that he is going to engage in some activity and asks the child to help - to teach.

2. The child is asked if he agrees to help.

3. The child is given the opportunity to teach an adult a business.

4. At the end of the game, each child is given an assessment of his actions and praise.

The fourth type of motivation, “creating objects with your own hands for yourself,” is based on the child’s internal interest. This motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for their own use or for their loved ones. Children are sincerely proud of their crafts and willingly use them.

Collective work is a common work activity that unites all the children of a group at once (cleaning a group room or plot, laying out a vegetable garden, flower garden, picking vegetables or fruits, decorating a hall or group room for a holiday) [18, p. 61].

Conditions of collective work:

I. All children can be united only after they have acquired the necessary experience of working in a small team.

2. When organizing the collective work of children of the entire group, it is advisable to divide them into several units (up to 4), each of which is offered a common task.

3 The content of general work includes only those types of work, the skills of which children have a sufficiently good command of,

4. All children should be involved in labor [18, p.67].

Common work is one of the types of collective work itself, in which children are united by a common task and generalization of the results of the work of all participants. For the first time, it can be organized in the middle group in the 2nd half of the day, it takes place in all types of work, it is organized as a general assignment, it gives the child the opportunity to feel like a member of the team, to realize the usefulness of his work, to be convinced of the team’s attitude towards him as a member of the children’s society; the significance of each individual result and its connection with others appears only after the end of the activity process itself [16, p. 58].

Features of the organization of joint work are:

1) the presence of a number of successive stages (each child does not complete the entire task, but some part, repeats the same actions many times and each time transfers the result of his work to the next participant, who continues the work further; in this case, children become dependent on each other from friend;

2) non-simultaneous inclusion of children in the activity process;

3) each of the proposed operations has some completeness; represents great opportunities for the formation of positive relationships between participants [16, p. 58].

In work, friendly relationships are formed: goodwill, the ability to give in, provide a service, offer help. Business relationships emerge, which are characterized by the ability to distribute and plan common work, the desire to complete the task oneself and expect the same from others, to provide assistance to each other and to treat the assigned work with a sense of responsibility.

The social significance of the work of preschool children in its educational impact on the child’s personality is as follows. In the process of work, children develop the habit of labor effort, the ability to complete a task, as well as perseverance, independence, responsibility, the ability and desire to help a friend, initiative and other personal qualities. The consistency and accuracy of movements in work and the resulting result form the ability to create, appreciate, and take care of what is beautiful, i.e., they ensure the moral and aesthetic development of a preschooler.

Labor education is an important means of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler. Of course, the work activities of young children are unique. It does not always lead to material results. The main goal of work is its educational influence on the child’s personality.

A child must not only work himself and observe how adults work, he must constantly increase the baggage of his ideas about the world of adults, including the world of professions. The importance of developing children's knowledge about the work of adults has always been emphasized by pedagogy. During Soviet times, a number of teaching aids and textbooks on this topic were created in our country. Currently, due to changing economic conditions, many of these benefits are outdated, which, however, does not negate the need to develop children's ideas about the work of adults. Therefore, new methodological developments on this topic are needed.

The main developmental function of labor is the transition from self-esteem to self-knowledge. In addition, abilities, skills and abilities are developed in the process of work. New types of thinking are formed in work activity. As a result of collective work, the child gains skills in work, communication, and cooperation, which improves the child’s adaptation in society. Labor is an equivalent subject of the training program.

Therefore, in educational work, work should be one of the most basic elements. It is important that the system of work for the labor education of children creates in children a desire to help their elders, to do work quickly and accurately, to complete the task, and to experience the joy of work.

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2. Vygotsky, L.S. Educational psychology [Text]/ L.S. Vygotsky – M.: Pedagogika, 1991. – 330 p.

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8. Korchinova, O.V. Children's etiquette [Text]/ O.V. Korchinova – M.: Infra-M, 1999. – 213 p.

9. Leontyev A.N. Perception and activity [Text]/ A.N. Leontiev - M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1976. - 612 p.

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19. Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Selected pedagogical works In 3 volumes [Text]/ V.A. Sukhomlinsky - M.: Education, 1979. - T. 1. - 432 p.

20. Ukhtomsky, A.A. Dominant [Text]/ A.A. Ukhtomsky - M.; L.: Nauka, 1966. – 195 p.

21. Ushinsky, K.D. Collected works [Text]/K.D. Ushinsky - M.: Progress, 1985. - T. 2. - 410 p.

I.1. The concept of "labor". The role of labor in the development of the personality of a preschooler.

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And methodological foundations of the organization

Labor activity


Educational and methodological manual for students majoring in “Preschool education”

Compiled by:

Barsukova L.S., Smirnova T.V.


The manual reveals the content of MDK 02.02 “Theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing the work activities of preschool children.”

Upon mastering the MDK 02.02 program, the student must:

have practical experience:

· planning the work activities of children;

· organizing various types of work activities for preschool children;

· observation and analysis of children’s work activities;

· observation of the formation of labor skills of preschool children;

· development of proposals for correcting the organization of children’s work activities;

be able to:

· determine the goals, objectives, content, methods and means of managing the work activities of children;

· organize feasible labor for preschool children, taking into account age and type of work activity (household, self-service, outdoor, manual labor);

· care for plants and animals;

· analyze methods of organizing and managing the feasible work of preschool children, taking into account the age and psychophysical development of children;


· analyze methods of organizing and managing the feasible work of preschool children, taking into account the age and psychophysical development of children;

· theoretical foundations and methods of planning various types of activities and communication of children;

· the essence and originality of the work activity of preschool children;

· content and methods of organizing the work activities of preschool children;

· methods of caring for plants and animals;

· theoretical foundations for managing various types of children's activities;

· methods for diagnosing the results of children’s work activities.


Section 1. Theoretical foundations for organizing the work activities of preschool children………………………………………………………………………………… 5

1.1. The concept of "labor". The role of labor in the development of the personality of a preschooler. 5

1.2. Specifics of work activity of preschool children.. 6

1.3. Tasks and means of labor education for preschool children…………… 10

1.4. Types and content of work in different age groups of preschool educational institutions... 14

1.5. Forms of labor organization for preschool children……….. 23

1.6. Researchers and directions of their research on issues of labor education of preschool children………………………………………………………37

Section 2. Methodological principles for organizing the work activities of preschool children…………………………………………………………………………………. 42

2.1. Methodology for managing the work activities of younger preschoolers …………………………………………………………………………………42

2.2. Methodology for managing the work activities of older preschoolers 51

2.3. Planning work on labor education of preschool children………. 64

2.4. Diagnosis of labor skills and abilities of children of primary preschool age 76

2.5. Diagnosis of labor skills of children of senior preschool age…………. 80

Literature………………………………………………………………………………… 99

Applications……………………………………………………………………………….. 102

Section 1. Theoretical foundations for organizing the work activities of preschool children

I.1. The concept of "labor". The role of labor in the development of the personality of a preschooler.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, the concept of “labor” is interpreted as “purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting objects of nature to satisfy one’s needs.” All material and spiritual values ​​are created by human labor; In the process of labor, the person himself improves, his personality is formed. The current stage of social and economic development places high demands on the child’s personality: the attitude towards work as the most important social duty; conscientious attitude to work, movement towards work and its results, collectivism; manifestation of initiative, active creative approach to work; the internal need to work to the full extent of one’s mental and physical strength; attitude towards work as a conscious necessity and one’s basic life need.

The role of labor in the formation of the personality of preschool children:

· Work satisfies the child’s needs for self-affirmation, for knowledge of his own capabilities, and brings him closer to adults (this is how the child himself perceives the activity).

· In work, children master a variety of skills and abilities necessary in everyday life: in self-service, in household activities. Improving skills and abilities does not only mean that the child begins to do without the help of adults. He develops independence, the ability to overcome difficulties, and the ability to exert volition.

· In the process of work, children practically learn the properties of surrounding things, observe the growth and changes of plants, examine animals, becoming familiar with their living conditions. They develop curiosity and educational interests. Work becomes an important means of children's mental development.

· In work activities, aesthetic education and emotional development are carried out. Children develop the ability to do any task carefully and make their crafts look beautiful. They rejoice when they notice a new bud when watering the plant, examining the neatly tidy room and the cleanly washed doll clothes.

· Labor strengthens children physically, since they perform many types of work outdoors. Children become capable of exerting their strength and overcoming difficulties.

· Labor activity is of particular importance for the formation of moral qualities. By performing simple duties related to setting the table and helping to prepare everything necessary for classes, children learn to be useful to others. This forms in them a willingness to come to the aid of those who need it, willingly carry out feasible work assignments, forms a responsible attitude towards the assigned work, diligence and diligence.

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