Notes on the organization of labor in nature, (middle group)
Children's work in the open air Children's feasible work in the open air Good feelings take root
Lesson for the senior group on the topic: “Travel into space”
Lesson for the senior group on the topic: “Travel into space” Purpose: Familiarization with the solar planets
Artistic work (modeling) “Tumbler” in the 2nd junior group
Preview: MBDOU “General developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities on social and personal development
Card file of communication situations for middle group children
Interactive forms of cooperation with parents. Mechanism for organizing cooperation with parents: - study of scientific and methodological literature; - choice. - presentation
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Methodological development “Interactive forms of working with parents in preschool educational institutions” Updating the preschool system
Features of interaction between a teacher-psychologist and kindergarten teachers
Features of the interaction of a teacher-psychologist with kindergarten teachers 11. Provides psychological preventive assistance to teachers with
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Trip to a furniture store”
GCD summary for speech development for children of the 1st junior group: Furniture GCD summary for
Work experience on the topic: “Game methods and techniques in teaching children”
Work experience on the topic: “Game methods and techniques in teaching children” Game is a mechanism of development
Formation of professional competencies of preschool teachers
Formation of professional competencies of preschool teachers Modern standard of a preschool teacher Requirements from educational standards
File of work assignments for children of senior preschool age
Card file of work orders for children of senior preschool age Alexandra Alekseeva Card file of work orders for
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