Organization of work with parents in kindergarten Svetlana Glazunova Organization of work with parents in
Presentations The Rainbow presentation is based on a mnemonic technique for remembering something. This presentation will help your child remember
The child learns well what he is interested in on his own initiative and does it himself. This is facilitated by
Card index of morning conversations of the preparatory group Svetlana Chernova Card index of morning conversations of the preparatory group Expand ideas
5.1. Methodological: To implement the program, the following methodological materials are used: educational and thematic plan; methodological literature on
Project “Children's Book Week “Book, I Love You!” Minibaeva O.S. Project "Children's Book Week"
The magazine “Preschool Education” is well known to all kindergartens. And it is prestigious to publish material in it.
Physical education exercises of different types: Set of exercises 1 (sitting at a desk) 1. Starting position - hands