Project methodology for preparing and conducting teacher councils in preschool educational institutions

Topics of teachers' councils in preschool educational institutions

Planning of methodological work in a preschool institution is carried out before the start of the new school year.
The topic of teachers' councils should be close to the general topic on which the kindergarten team is working, and should also be relevant to the general trends in preschool education. Below are the most common and common topics to be discussed at the teachers' meeting, and can also become an excellent topic for teacher self-education.

1. Features of the development of play in children 2–3 years of age.

2. Pedagogical conditions for organizing independent activities of children of the third year of life.

3. Communication with adults as a condition for the speech development of a young child.

4. Mental education of young children.

5. Excursion as a form of organizing the mental education of children.

6. Formation of curiosity in preschool children in the classroom.

7. Pedagogical conditions for creating problematic situations in kindergarten classes.

8. Ways and means of optimizing the cognitive activity of children of middle (senior) preschool age in the classroom.

9. Development of constructive thinking in older preschoolers in the classroom.

10. Using artistic expression as a means of mental development of preschool children.

11. Organization of collective activities of preschoolers in the classroom.

12. Features of organizing experimentation for older preschoolers in the classroom.

13. Development of sensory abilities of younger preschool children.

14. Mental education of children in creative play.

15. Method of observation in the mental education of preschool children.

16. Individual approach to teaching preschoolers.

17. Organization of a developmental environment in a preschool educational institution.

18. Moral education of preschool children.

19. Raising children’s humane attitude towards the environment.

20. Nurturing the humanistic behavior of children of primary and middle (senior) preschool age.

21. Moral education of preschool children in the pedagogical legacy of S.F. Rusova.

22. Fostering a culture of behavior in children of primary (middle) (senior) preschool age.

23. Pedagogical conditions for the socialization of a preschooler in the process of educational work.

24. Gender approach in the process of education in kindergarten.

25. Raising children's interest in social reality.

26. Raising a conscious attitude towards the fulfillment of moral standards in children.

27. Cultivating a friendly attitude towards children of the same age in children of primary (middle) (senior) preschool age.

28. Labor education of preschool children.

29. Development of the problem of labor education of children in the history of preschool pedagogy.

30. Nurturing independence in children of primary (middle) preschool age.

31. The educational significance of household work for children of senior preschool age.

32. Development of labor skills in children of middle (senior) preschool age.

33. Economic education of preschool children.

34. Formation of ideas about the work of adults in preschool children.

35. Environmental education of preschool children.

36. Raising an interest in nature in preschool children.

37. Excursions into nature as a form of organizing environmental education for children.

38. Environmental education of children in didactic games.

39. Work in nature as a method of environmental education for preschool children.

40. The use of literary words in the environmental education of preschool children.

41. Research method of environmental education for children of senior preschool age.

42. Aesthetic education of preschool children.

43. Nature as a means of aesthetic education of preschool children.

44. Formation in children of an aesthetic attitude towards the world around them.

45. Cultivating interest in visual arts in preschool children.

46. ​​Development of artistic and speech activity in preschool childhood.

47. Fostering a value-based attitude towards art.

48. Interaction of arts in the teaching and educational process of kindergarten.

48. Independent artistic activity of children as a means of aesthetic education.

49. Holidays and entertainment as a means of aesthetic education of preschoolers.

50. Individually differentiated approach to aesthetic education of preschool children.

51. Aesthetic education of preschool children in the family.

52. Development of the plot in the creative play of children of primary (middle) (senior) preschool age

53. Formation of relationships in the play of children of primary (middle) (senior) preschool age.

54. The role of didactic games in familiarizing children of primary preschool age with objects.

55. Didactic game as a means of mental development of preschool children.

56. The educational significance of organizing an object-based play environment in kindergarten.

57. Development of the creative abilities of a preschool child in different types of games.

58. Developmental influence of different types of toys.

59. The pedagogical value of folk games in the education of preschool children.

60. Development of children's creativity in construction games.

61. Folk games (toys) as a means of raising children.

62. Fostering a culture of communication between children in play.

63. Development of children's activity in creative play.

64. Raising children’s motivational readiness for school studies.

65. Formation of cognitive interests and motives for learning in children of senior preschool age.

66. Implementation of the principle of continuity in the work of kindergarten and school.

67. Ideas of “School under the blue sky” by V. Sukhomlinsky in modern preparation of children for school.

68. Using the experience of the Nikitin family in raising children.

69. The role of family traditions in raising children.

70. The role of the family in nurturing the child’s cognitive interests and curiosity.

71. Interaction between kindergarten and family in the aesthetic education of children.

72. Interaction between kindergarten and parents in the labor education of children.

73. Interaction between kindergarten and parents in nurturing the moral and volitional qualities of children.

74. Formation of a humanistic position in parents towards raising children.

75. Pedagogical innovations in preschool education.

76. Types of pedagogical innovations in preschool education.

77. Use of TRIZ in the teaching and educational process of kindergarten.

78. Psychological and pedagogical principles of developmental education for preschool children.

79. Use of Zaitsev’s early and intensive learning technology in kindergarten.

80. The role of innovation in improving the educational work of a preschool educational institution.

speeches at teachers' councils article on the topic

"I affirm"

Head of MBDOU for children

Garden No. 8 “Zoryanochka” ____________S.Yu. Mesikova ___________________2014

Speeches at teachers' meetings.


Goryachkina Valeria


Essentuki 2014

Speech at the teachers’ council “The relationship between preschool educational institutions and the family”

Since the interaction between family and preschool institution plays an important role in the development of the child and ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education, a detailed study of the family is necessary. In recent years, attention to the study of the family as an educational institution has increased from pedagogy, psychology, sociology and other sciences. However, the possibilities of scientists in research are limited due to the fact that the family is a rather closed unit of society, reluctant to initiate outsiders into all the secrets of life, relationships, and values ​​that it professes. Methods for studying the family are tools with the help of which data characterizing the family is collected, analyzed, generalized, and many relationships and patterns of home education are revealed. Among the methods for studying the family, sociological methods have become quite common: - sociological surveys, - interviewing and questionnaires. The interview method requires the creation of conditions conducive to the sincerity of respondents. The productivity of the interview increases if it is conducted in an informal setting; contacts between the teacher and the subjects are colored by personal sympathies. The questionnaire method (written survey) allows you to collect a lot of data that interests the teacher. This method is characterized by a certain flexibility in the possibility of obtaining and processing the resulting material. In work on family studies, it is necessary to use contact questionnaires, i.e. (the teacher himself organizes the survey and collects questionnaires). The study of the family must be carried out consistently, systematically, therefore it is necessary to outline areas of work, a kind of plan. 1. Family composition, professions, educational level of parents, other adult family members taking part in raising the child.2. General family atmosphere, features of relationships between family members: - friendly tone of communication towards each other; - changeable, contradictory nature of relationships; - a kind of autonomy of each member in the family.3. The purpose of raising a child at home.4. The degree to which parents are aware of the special role of the preschool period of childhood in the formation of the child’s personality.5. Family priorities in raising a child: health, development of moral qualities, mental, artistic abilities, early education of the child.6. Level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, practical skills of parents: - presence of certain knowledge and readiness to replenish and deepen it; - limited knowledge and pliability to pedagogical education; - low level of knowledge and negative attitude towards its acquisition.7. Features of educational influences: - participation of all adults in upbringing, the degree of consistency of educational activities; - inconsistency, inconsistency of upbringing, the presence of conflicts regarding upbringing; a family member who primarily performs an educational function; - lack of education as a targeted influence, conditions for the full development of the child.8. Organization of modern forms of activity in the family: - community in all family affairs, involvement of the child in family affairs, concerns; - differentiation of responsibilities among adults, occasional involvement of the child in family affairs; - disunity of adults in family affairs, isolation of the child from family affairs and concerns. 9. The family’s attitude towards the preschool institution: - they highly value the educational capabilities of the kindergarten and are ready to cooperate; - they are wary and distrustful of the kindergarten, do not see the need for cooperation; - they shift all educational functions to the kindergarten, they are not ready to cooperate; - they are indifferent to the kindergarten garden, to raising your own child. The plan for studying the experience of family education is implemented using various methods, among which the most common are the methods of conversation and observation. A conversation differs from an interview in that it has greater freedom in both organization and content, a more informal atmosphere and relationships between interlocutors. But this does not mean that the conversation should not be organized in advance. In accordance with the intended goal, the teacher thinks through a conversation plan and identifies key issues. During the conversation, you can obtain the necessary information about such aspects of home education that are hidden from prying eyes. This is a flexible, targeted, quickly adjustable method. The conversation is needed to confirm, specify or refute some hypothetical conclusions made on the basis of a preliminary study of the experience of family education using other methods. To successfully conduct a conversation, you must have the ability to win over someone, inspire trust, and be able to direct the conversation in the right direction. It is important for a teacher to use the method of empathic listening, the essence of which is to create an atmosphere of interested conversation, a joint search for the truth (and not asserting that one is right, as often happens in mass practice). An important condition for empathic listening is the development of observation skills. The teacher must pay attention not only to the words of the interlocutor, their intonation, but also to gestures and facial expressions. By the expression on the interlocutor’s face and the change in attitude towards the questions asked, one can judge the psychological state, therefore it is necessary to show tact and strive to maintain a trusting relationship. During the conversation, parents should feel that the teacher has no other goal than to provide assistance. This will contribute to the growth of trust and increase the pedagogical effectiveness of the conversation. Care should be taken in assessing the personal qualities of family members, especially the child, to be able to emphasize positive qualities, to create a certain “pedagogical hope” among parents. Observation as a method of studying the family is characterized by purposefulness. The teacher determines in advance for what purpose, when, and in what situation the parents will be observed and their interaction with the child. This usually happens during morning reception hours and during the child's daycare hours. An observant teacher will notice many features of the relationship between an adult and a child, by which one can judge the degree of their emotional attachment and culture of communication. Based on what the child’s parents ask about in the evening and what instructions they give him in the morning, one can draw a conclusion about the priorities of modern education and the attitude towards the preschool institution. The interest of parents in children's work, advice and recommendations placed on the information stand is indicative. The teacher should use not only observation from the outside, but also participant observation, i.e. create special situations: - joint work; -leisure; - classes with parents and children. In the process of participant observation, the teacher can see those family aspects of upbringing that are often hidden during external observation. It should be remembered that in an informal setting, both adults and children reveal their different facets, so it is recommended to involve parents and other family members: - in preparing and holding holidays and entertainment; - in organizing excursions. Usually in such situations, all adults feel responsible for children (and not just for their child), their activities, safety, and try to actively express themselves, so the teacher sees many of the educational techniques of his assistants, which gives grounds to judge the style and methods of home education. The veil of the peculiarities of home education can be lifted by such a method as the child performing some practical task in the presence of his mother (father, grandmother). The teacher specifically specifies the situation: before mom arrives, she invites Yulia to wash the doll’s dress, Sasha - to disassemble the crafts from the construction set and arrange the parts into the cells of the box, etc. The teacher observes and analyzes the mother’s reaction to her daughter’s (son’s) activity, the nature of her help, methods of stimulating or suppressing the child’s independence, assessing the quality of the child’s work, diligence and effort, etc. Analysis of observation results, supported by data obtained using other methods, will shed light on the cause of many “pros” and “cons” in the development of the child, will make it possible to determine lines of interaction with the family, and strengthen their educational work in the group in this area. Preschool teachers should Remember, based on the results of a single observation, it is impossible to draw conclusions about the specifics of home education: it is necessary to observe the phenomenon being studied many times, in similar and different conditions. Thus, the teacher studies the family, the experience of family education, pursuing primarily the interests of the child. Based on the materials obtained, it is possible to solve the problems of complementary family and preschool education, increasing the effectiveness of both. Working with parents, preschool teachers must improve the pedagogical culture of parents. And for this they need to know: - what is the organizational activity of a preschool institution aimed at increasing the pedagogical culture of the family; - what forms of work to use in increasing the pedagogical culture of the family. The importance of family education in the process of children’s development determines the importance of interaction between the family and the preschool institution.

Speech at the teachers' council "Organization of joint activities of children and parents in preschool educational institutions"

The most difficult thing about working with children is working with their parents.

The priority activity of our preschool educational institution is to preserve and strengthen the health of pupils.

The search for effective ways to preserve and strengthen the health of preschool children involves increasing the role of parents in matters of children's health, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle, and creating family traditions of physical education. An important way to realize cooperation between teachers and parents is to organize their joint activities, in which parents are not passive observers of the pedagogical process, but its active participants, i.e., the inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution. Only subject to the implementation of continuity of physical education and health work in a preschool institution and the family, and the targeted activities of parents and teachers, can positive dynamics of indicators characterizing the health of children be ensured.

Forms of work with parents can be divided into four groups: informational - analytical, cognitive, visual - informational, leisure (joint leisure, holidays, participation in exhibitions, competitions, excursions, hikes).

Leisure forms of organizing communication are designed to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children. The use of leisure forms contributes to the fact that, thanks to the establishment of a positive emotional atmosphere, parents become more open to communication; in the future, it is easier for teachers to establish contacts with them and provide pedagogical information.

When planning work in this area this academic year, an attempt was made to diversify leisure activities.

The most effective forms of joint activity between children and adults, in our opinion, are:

  • thematic meetings “Health Lesson” and workshops.

When planning and conducting them, we tried to minimize the lecture form of presenting information to parents; it was assumed that a small amount of information would be communicated orally. In addition, they tried to build the theoretical part in the form of communication with parents. The theoretical part was supplemented by a practical component - joint motor activity of children and adults (“Travel to Skazkino” - 2 ml. gr.; “Playing with our fingers” - middle gr.). Such practical activities help the participants gain real-life experience to a greater extent; parents have the opportunity to immediately analyze and apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. Of course, such events require a lot of, quite complex and thorough preparation. Presentations, exhibitions, and consulting material for parents in the form of booklets and memos were prepared, and children were also involved in the design of invitation cards for the event.

  • joint physical education, holidays.

The most popular and beloved form of work by both educators and parents. An analysis of the survey shows that parents are more willing and eager to take part in such leisure activities.

Joint physical education activities make it possible to introduce not only kindergarten students to a healthy lifestyle, but also their parents.

Physical education holidays help improve children’s motor skills, develop interest and need for physical exercise.

During all these events, opportunities for cooperation and creativity are most fully revealed. Parents take an active part in competitions and contests. A holiday in kindergarten is always joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by adults and children. Years will pass, children will forget the songs and poems that were sung at the holiday, the games they played, but in their memory they will forever retain the warmth of communication and the joy of empathy. Such events, in our opinion, bring families together, provide an opportunity to look at each other in a new environment, and strengthen cooperation between the family and the kindergarten.

  • open days.

When organizing them, we invite parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten and group. An open day provides an opportunity to introduce parents to a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, and features of educational work, to interest them in it and to involve them in participation. On the Open Day dedicated to World Health Day, we plan to invite parents to take part in morning exercises and sports competitions “When we are united, we are invincible! »

  • homework (individual and group, given to parents).

Homework allows you to increase the motor activity of children, improve a child who is behind in movement, give parents specific advice on communicating with children, give parents specific content for communicating with children (for example, solve a sports-themed crossword together with your child; invent and draw your own Olympic Games mascot; learn poems or riddles about nature, sports; make a bird feeder - group tasks; practice hitting and catching a ball - individual task).

  • meeting interesting people (“Group Guest”).

We invite parents to the kindergarten in order to tell their children about their profession, their achievements, their hobbies, showing their skills and abilities, etc. The involvement of parents and other family members in the work of the kindergarten is necessary, first of all, for the children. And not only because they recognize and learn something new. More important, something else. With what respect, love and gratitude children look at their fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, who, it turns out, know so much and talk about it so interestingly. What if we give parents the opportunity to try themselves in the role of a “collective teacher”?

By organizing this work, kindergarten teachers get an amazing opportunity to get to know each student’s family better, understand its strengths and weaknesses in raising children, determine the nature and extent of their help, and sometimes just learn!

  • exhibitions of joint works of children and parents.

Joint activities between children and adults can also be organized through the organization of various exhibitions of creative works. Creative tasks reveal the potential of parents, hidden and sometimes even unconscious resources and opportunities for success. Exhibitions of works by parents made together with their children, participation of families in competitions for the best drawing, handicraft made from natural materials, and the most delicious dish not only enrich family leisure, but also unite children and adults in common activities.

I would like to say about one more important point in the system of working with parents. Every person, having done some work, needs an assessment of his work, and parents also need this. “Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in good intentions,” noted the famous French writer Francois La Rochefoucauld. We must remember this, and we always thank parents for their work (we place words of gratitude in group corners, publish them in the media, present certificates, diplomas, and memorable prizes for participation in a particular event).

The main goal of all the work being done is to awaken parents’ interest in the activities of preschool educational institutions, convince them of the need to find an opportunity for physical education with their child and create all the necessary conditions for him to grow up physically healthy and strong. Involving the family in sports activities is of great importance: such a family will grow up to be a healthy person who loves physical education and sports.

Organizing interaction with the family is difficult work, without ready-made technologies and recipes. Its success is determined by the intuition, initiative and patience of the teacher, his ability to become a professional assistant in the family. Interaction between parents and kindergarten rarely occurs immediately. This is a long process, long and painstaking work, requiring patient, unwavering adherence to the chosen goal.

And in conclusion, I would like to recall a parable:

“Once upon a time there lived a sage. Everyone went to him for advice, everyone respected him. But among everyone there was one envious person. He said that the sage is not so smart anymore, and he can prove it. “I will ask a question that he cannot answer. I will catch a butterfly, hold it in my hands and ask: “What is in my hands: alive or not alive? " If he says, “not alive,” I will release her. If he says: “alive,” I will crush her, and he will be wrong.”

In front of the crowd, the envious man approached the sage with a butterfly clutched in his hands and asked: “Guess what I have here: alive or not alive? " "All in your hands! “- answered the sage.”

This parable is the best fit for the question of a person’s responsibility for their health - it is in the hands of each of us, and everyone chooses the lifestyle that will either ensure their health or lead to illness. It is this idea that we, teachers, are obliged to convey to the consciousness of our students and their parents. Parents also need to understand that a preschooler is not a relay race that the family passes into the hands of the teacher and shifts all responsibility for the child’s health by bringing him to kindergarten. It is not the principle of parallelism that is very important, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions. Family and kindergarten cannot replace each other; each of them has its own functions, its own methods of education. And we need to learn to interact with parents in the interests of the child.

The issues of creating a child-adult community and improving the pedagogical culture of parents must be considered in close connection with improving the qualifications of the educators themselves, since the level of their professional skills determines the family’s attitude towards the kindergarten, teachers and their requirements. Moreover, in order to be a real promoter of ideas, means and methods of promoting a healthy lifestyle, all physical education and health work with preschoolers, a kindergarten, and first of all a teacher, in its activities must serve as a model of such education. Only under this condition will parents trust the recommendations of educators and willingly make contact with them. Therefore, when organizing cooperation with a family to raise a healthy child, you need to pay special attention to constantly improving your skills and finding new approaches to the physical development of children.

Speech at the teachers' council: “Didactic games for spiritual and moral education.”

The didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is

  • game method of teaching preschool children,
  • form of education,
  • independent play activities,
  • a means of comprehensive education of the child’s personality.

The value of didactic games for spiritual and moral education is:

  • Children's moral ideas are formed, they are taught to distinguish between good and evil, and to be able to do good;
  • They teach norms of behavior and relationships with others;
  • They are introduced to positive and negative personality traits, taught to distinguish between good and bad deeds of children and fairy-tale characters;
  • They help to reveal the main qualities of a person: kindness, modesty, hard work, responsiveness, mercy;
  • Develop the ability to be attentive, think, be active in thought, and be quick-witted;
  • They develop empathy, namely: understanding, sympathy, assistance to other people.

Techniques I used:

  • Problematic – situational nature of tasks;
  • Visibility;
  • Game actions;
  • Competitions;
  • Fanta;
  • Wonderful pouch;
  • Passing the pebble;
  • Sketches;
  • Imitation of movements.

After studying this topic I came to the following conclusion:

Thanks to the use of this technology, 80% of preschool children know the heroes of fairy tales, name moral actions, compare character traits, distinguish their pairings (good - evil), and determine their mood by facial expressions. They know how to express sympathy and help to those who need it.

Methodology for preparing and conducting pedagogical councils in preschool educational institutions Article on the topic

The problem of improving the quality of training and conducting pedagogical councils worries the majority of heads and senior teachers of preschool institutions. It is relevant for both beginners and experienced managers. How to hold a teachers' meeting that would amaze colleagues with the originality of the topic, form, and methodological equipment? How to turn it into an event?

The Pedagogical Council is a permanent collegial body of self-government of teaching staff. With its help, the development of preschool educational institutions is managed.

The pedagogical council, as the highest governing body of the entire educational process, solves the specific problems of a preschool institution. Its activities are determined by the Regulations on the Pedagogical Council of the Preschool Educational Institution. It is created in all preschool institutions where there are more than three teachers. It includes all teaching staff and part-time teachers. Also, the pedagogical council is the central link in the organization of all methodological work, the “school of pedagogical excellence.”

The topics of teachers' councils are indicated in the annual plan of the preschool educational institution. If necessary, additions and clarifications are made to it.

The main issue on the agenda is always the results of the work of teachers: the level of development of students; their health status; development of forms of joint work between teachers and parents.

The main goal of the pedagogical council is to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution staff to improve the level of the educational process, use the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices in practice.

The modern pedagogical council is multifunctional (functions - lat., duty, range of activities, purpose).

Functions of the pedagogical council:

  • determines the directions of educational activities of preschool educational institutions;
  • selects and approves educational programs for use in preschool educational institutions;
  • discusses issues of content, forms and methods of the educational process, planning educational activities of preschool educational institutions;
  • considers issues of advanced training and retraining of personnel;
  • identifies, generalizes, disseminates, implements pedagogical experience;
  • considers issues of organizing additional services for parents;
  • listens to reports from the head on creating conditions for the implementation of educational programs.

Meetings of the Council of Teachers are valid if at least half of its members are present. A decision made within the competence of the Council of Teachers and not contrary to the law is binding.


Types of pedagogical advice:

  • installation, or analytical-planning, is carried out before the start of the school year, at the end of August, and is devoted to analyzing the results of the previous year, adopting a plan and focusing on solving upcoming problems;
  • a thematic teaching council with interim results is devoted to one of the annual tasks of the teaching staff;
  • final, or final-organizational, is held at the end of the academic year, where the results of the year are summed up.

Pedagogical councils are divided into types. The academic year is determined by the cycle of pedagogical councils. The most common structure of the annual cycle is formed from four components: an orientation teacher council, two thematic ones and one more final one. Meetings of the pedagogical council are convened, as a rule, once every two months in accordance with the work plan of the preschool educational institution.

With such a structure, pedagogical councils cannot cover all the problems of preschool educational institutions in one academic year. There is a need to plan topics for a longer period. The content of pedagogical councils should become a system-forming factor for the implementation of the development program developed at the preschool educational institution.

Pedagogical councils are also distinguished by forms of organization:

  • traditional is a teachers' council with a detailed agenda, held with strict adherence to regulations on each issue and making decisions on them;
  • teacher council using certain methods of activating teachers;
  • non-traditional teacher council (for example, in the form of a business game, conference, etc.). Its preparation requires writing a script, dividing participants into teams and assigning roles.
  • However, it must be remembered that the result of the work of any teachers’ council should be the adoption of decisions to improve the work of the team.

Traditional pedagogical councils are distinguished by the predominant use of verbal methods, the traditional nature of the content, and the authoritarian style of communication between the administration and teachers. According to the form and organization of the activities of participants, teacher councils are divided:

  • to the teachers' council (classic) based on a report with discussion (speeches);
  • report with co-reports;
  • meeting with the invitation of a specialist speaker.

Along with this, there may not be a main report at the teachers' council, which is replaced by a series of messages united by one topic.

The report can be structured as follows:

Introduction - indicate the relevance, essence of the problem, at least in one sentence. Defining the goal, i.e. a reflection of the most essential thing that determines the presentation of a report.

The main part is a presentation of facts, events, provisions in a logical and chronological sequence.

Conclusion in the form:

  • conclusions, if they are required, that is, if the goal is persuasion;
  • recommendations, if they are required, i.e. if a certain plan of action is being defended;
  • summary - a brief summary of the essence of the report, if it is complex and long.


The traditional structure of the teachers' council may include certain methods of activating teachers: collective viewing of classes and other events; use of video materials; display and analysis of the results of the educational process of preschool children.

In the practice of preschool educational institutions, both in preparation and during teacher councils, the following methods and forms of activation of teachers can be used:

  • imitation of a specific situation. This method helps you choose the right option from the many offered. There are four types of specific situations. By selecting them taking into account gradual complication, you can achieve the greatest interest and activity of educators. Illustrative situations describe simple cases from practice and immediately provide a solution. Situations-exercises encourage you to take certain actions (make a note plan, fill out a table, etc.). In assessment situations, the problem has already been solved, but teachers are required to analyze it and justify their answer, evaluate it. Problem situations view a specific case study as an existing problem that needs to be solved;
  • discussion of two opposing points of view. The leader offers two points of view on the same problem for discussion. Teachers must express their attitude towards them and justify it;
  • training in practical skills. This method is very effective, but you need to think it through in advance and decide which teacher you can recommend it to. It is better to offer a learning element from work experience;
  • imitation of a teacher's working day. Teachers are given a description of the age group of children, the goals and objectives that need to be solved are formulated, and the task is set: to simulate their working day within a certain time. In conclusion, the leader organizes a discussion of all the proposed models;
  • solving pedagogical crosswords helps clarify teachers’ knowledge on a specific topic, develops their horizons, and therefore affects the quality of work with children;
  • work with instructive and directive documents. Educators are asked in advance to familiarize themselves with this or that document, apply it to their activities and, highlighting one of the areas, think through a work plan to eliminate shortcomings. Everyone completes this task independently, and at the teachers’ council different approaches to solving the same problem are discussed;
  • analysis of children's statements, their behavior, creativity. The leader prepares tape recordings, collections of children's drawings or crafts, etc. Teachers get acquainted with the material, analyze it, evaluate the skills, development, and education of children, formulate several specific proposals to help the teacher working with them;
  • intellectual, business and creatively developing games that allow teachers to exchange opinions with their colleagues in a relaxed manner.

Game modeling increases interest, causes high activity, and improves skills in solving real pedagogical problems.

At teacher councils, teachers are offered various questions, during the discussion of which a dialogue-discussion can arise, which has become a true sign of our time. However, not everyone masters the art of collective discussion of issues in the form of dialogue or argument.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people, a free exchange of opinions, often complementing the characteristics of various aspects of the problem being discussed. In this case, a dispute usually does not arise, since each participant in the conversation expresses his or her point of view.

Discussion is a discussion of any controversial issue, identifying the truth and making the right decision by everyone who wants to express their own point of view.

Features of the discussion:

  • involves constructive interaction,
  • searching for group agreement in the form of a common opinion or consolidated decision.

Rules for discussion

  • The truth does not belong to you, just as it does not belong to anyone.
  • When discussing topic A, do not start a discussion on topic B.
  • The debate is not a socialist competition; there can be no winners.
  • You cannot turn a remark into a report.
  • Everyone has the right to their opinion.
  • If you cannot express your arguments in 3 minutes, then there is something wrong with them.
  • Ideas are criticized, not people.

Organizing a discussion is not an easy task. Particular attention should be paid to creating a favorable psychological environment. The first step is to seat the participants in a circle. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of goodwill and interested attention to everyone. The object of discussion can be a truly ambiguous problem, in relation to which each participant freely expresses his opinion, no matter how unpopular and unexpected it may be. The success or failure of a discussion is determined by the formulation of the problem and questions. What should you be guided by? Questions should be controversial, that is, ones that can be answered with both “no” and “yes.” The level of preparedness of the discussion participants should also be taken into account: are they able to independently formulate the optimal solution to the problem?

Discussants need to be prepared for the fact that conceptual conflict and differences of opinion will not be resolved quickly. At the same time, the long-term activity of opponents should be considered a successful outcome of the discussion.

In recent decades, non-traditional pedagogical councils have become widespread. Let's consider some forms of their organization and implementation.

Signs and conditions for the pedagogical council - business game

  • the presence of a problem and goal that the teaching (game) team must solve;
  • imitation of a real situation, the presence of game roles and the assignment of game participants to them (most often social roles are played: teachers, children, parents, preschool administration, authorities, etc.);
  • real difference in interests, opinions, points of view of the participants themselves;
  • compliance with game rules and conditions;
  • the presence of gaming incentives: competition in social activity, expert assessment of personal and collective contributions, public assessment of the result of gaming activities.

Teachers' council is a business game - an educational form in which participants are assigned certain roles. A business game teaches you to analyze and solve complex problems of human relationships, in the study of which not only the correct decision is important, but also the behavior of the participants themselves, the structure of relationships, tone, facial expressions, intonation.

One form of business game is “brainstorming”. It can be used to summarize the work of a team on a particular problem or for a certain period. The main place in such a teachers' council is occupied by group activities. Organizers need to think through the scenario down to the smallest detail, define roles, tasks, and calculate regulations. Participants analyze the issues raised, develop goals and objectives, and draw up programs that will form the basis for the decisions of the teachers’ council.

Business games are a type of activity in artificially created situations aimed at solving a learning problem.

The teacher council conference can be practiced in large preschool educational institutions (10 groups or more) to activate the final pedagogical councils.

A conference in the scientific world is a form of presenting to the public any results or results of experience. At conferences, orally or in writing (poster presentations, publication of abstracts), authors make applications for primacy and exchange information.

The pedagogical council-conference combines the qualities of both the pedagogical council and the scientific conference. A pedagogical council of this form is held in the form of a series of short (up to 10–15 minutes) reports containing the results of the creative, educational, scientific and methodological work of teachers and the head.

The topics of teacher council conferences can be devoted to both the results of the work of the institution as a whole, and a separate general pedagogical problem, of a scientific and practical nature. Their peculiarity is mandatory incentives and awards (at the end of the year), design and release of materials summarizing teaching experience, taking into account and implementing teachers’ suggestions and recommendations in the plans for the next academic year.

If the topic of the teachers' council-conference touches on a separate pedagogical problem, then the teachers' council may consist of several parts, for example, a main message and a dialogue organized by a senior teacher with a group of specialists (music director, psychologist, physical education teacher, speech therapist). Their answers to the questions asked will encourage other participants to develop the topic by expressing their opinions. In conclusion, relevant recommendations are adopted.

The teachers' council - round table requires serious preparedness and interest of each participant. To carry it out, managers need to select important, interesting issues for discussion and think through the organization. For example, some topics can be given to a group of educators in advance and the relevant literature can be offered to them. Then they will be able to familiarize themselves with different theories, approaches, opinions and think about their point of view.

Situational teacher council consists of considering one or more situations that can be played out by pre-prepared participants. You can conduct a discussion of the situation based on the video recorded on the video camera.

The teacher council discussion requires that teachers divide into subgroups in advance and propose their concepts of the problem being discussed. During the discussion, a plan to solve the problem is jointly thought out.

Teachers' council-dispute is a type of teachers' council-discussion.

Dispute (from the Latin disputable - to reason, argue) involves an argument, a clash of different, sometimes opposing points of view. It requires the parties to have conviction, a clear and definite view of the subject of the dispute, and the ability to defend their arguments. Such a teacher council is a collective reflection on a given topic or problem.

Laws of dispute

  • Dispute is a free exchange of opinions.
  • Everyone is active at the debate. In a dispute, everyone is equal.
  • Everyone speaks out and criticizes any position with which they disagree.
  • Say what you mean and mean what you say.
  • The main thing in a dispute is facts, logic, and the ability to prove. Facial expressions, gestures, exclamations are not accepted as arguments.
  • A sharp, apt word is welcome.
  • Whispering on the spot and inappropriate jokes are prohibited.

The subject of the dispute should be a problem that causes conflicting judgments and is solved in different ways. The dispute does not exclude, but presupposes the depth and comprehensiveness of the disclosure of the problem. Where there is no subject of dispute, but only speeches that complement or clarify certain arguments, there is no dispute, this is, at best, a conversation.

The formulation of the topic should be acute, problematic, awaken the thoughts of teachers, contain a question that is solved differently in practice and in the literature, causing different opinions, for example:

  • “Do kindergartens need standards?”
  • “What should we teach preschoolers today?”
  • "Innovative technologies: pros and cons",
  • “What are the goals of education today?”
  • “What are universal human values?”
  • “What is the role of family education today?”

A variant of the pedagogical council-dispute is the solution of pedagogical situations. The leader or senior teacher selects a bank of complex pedagogical situations on the problem and offers it to the team. The form of presentation can be varied: targeted, by drawing lots, divided into groups. The administration of the preschool educational institution can play the role of jury, presenter, consultant, opponent, etc.

A pedagogical council - a scientific and practical conference can be prepared and held by combining the efforts of several preschool educational institutions on the basis of an institution that has the status of an experimental site. When preparing it, open days for teachers should be organized in advance. It is important to set the agenda so that each institution participates on an equal basis in demonstrating its experience, discussing problems and proposals for developing solutions. Decisions at such a teachers' council can be made both general for everyone and for each team separately, taking into account its specifics.

Teachers' council in the form of collective creative activity (hereinafter referred to as CTA) - all members of the teaching staff participate in the planning, implementation and analysis of activities that have the nature of collective creativity.

The main goal of KTD is to create conditions for the self-realization of each teacher, the manifestation and development of all his abilities and capabilities. Therefore, CTD is based on creative, creative activity. A system of collective relations - cooperation, mutual assistance - develops in the process of creative activity, which includes several stages:

  • search for ideas and preliminary formulation of tasks;
  • collection-start;
  • elections of the council of affairs (activities);
  • collective planning of activities;
  • work of micro-teams;
  • readiness check;
  • carrying out technical testing;
  • collective analysis (“light”);
  • consequences stage.

In these stages there is a large share of play and entertainment, which are combined with a high level of ideology and purposefulness, which is the main uniqueness of KTD.

Whatever form the teacher council takes, decisions must be made. They are recorded in protocols. Their number depends on the agenda, therefore, if there are five items on it, then there should be at least five decisions. But several decisions can be made on one issue. Together they will help to cope with the problem that has arisen. The wording of decisions must be specific, indicating those responsible and the deadline for implementation. In other words, such that they can be verified. After all, each new teachers’ council begins with a brief summing up of the implementation of the decisions of the previous one.

Approximate structure of a meeting of the teachers' council:

  • information about those present and absent, determining the competence of the council of teachers;
  • information on the implementation of decisions of the previous meeting and the progress of implementation of decisions with a longer period;
  • introductory speech by the chairman of the council of teachers about the topic, agenda, significance of solving the problem posed for the entire staff of the preschool educational institution;
  • discussion of issues in accordance with the agenda;
  • final speech by the chairman of the council with an analysis of the work done, discussion of the draft decision;
  • adoption of a decision by the council of teachers by voting.

Typically, during the meeting, a draft of the minutes is drawn up, which is then duly executed within five days. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting. Competent protocol preparation is a kind of art. It is recommended to elect a secretary for at least an academic year. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the pedagogical council.

We must remember that protocols are mandatory reporting documentation. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the secretary clearly records the speeches of the meeting participants, i.e., his notes should reflect an objective picture of how the discussion went, what issues the discussion unfolded on, and how the teachers’ council came to certain decisions. If the participants of the pedagogical council make a report, report, message, presented in writing, then an entry is made in the protocol: “The text of the report (report, message) is attached.” When making decisions that require voting, it is necessary to note how many votes are “for”, “against”, “abstained”.

Due to the fact that in kindergartens meetings of the council of teachers are thematic in nature, it is possible to make general decisions on the issues stated on the agenda.

At meetings of the pedagogical council the following are discussed:

  • issues of educational work with children;
  • the use of new achievements in science and pedagogical practice;
  • existing shortcomings, decisions taken to eliminate them;
  • issues of exchange of experience.

The final speech of the chairman of the teachers' council should be brief, specific, and contain constructive proposals. It is not always justified to include secondary issues of a domestic, economic and organizational nature. Such problems need to be discussed at planning meetings. The topics brought to the teachers' council, the nature of their consideration, the behavior of teachers at the teachers' council, as well as their attitude towards it, reveal the professional level of the preschool educational institution's management.

In order for the teachers' council to be a governing body, and its decisions to be effective and conducive to improving work with children, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

An important condition when organizing a teachers' council is the relevance of the issues being considered. Teachers are only interested in those that help to practically solve problems that cause difficulties for the majority of team members, as well as new pedagogical technologies and proprietary developments.

The thoughtful placement of its participants also contributes to the creation of a working spirit at the teachers’ council. For example, depending on the purpose of the council of teachers, their workplaces can be arranged as follows:

frontal arrangement (chairman against those present) is necessary when the meeting is informative;

  • a “round table” is useful for an equal collective discussion of pressing issues;
  • The “triangle” allows you to highlight the leading role of the leader and include everyone in the discussion of the problem;
  • work in “small groups”, i.e. 3-4 people at separate tables (solving pedagogical situations);

To conduct a discussion, it is possible to provide a frontal arrangement of participating groups defending their positions.

A detailed agenda with issues for discussion should be posted no later than two to three weeks before the teaching council meeting. An exhibition is set up in the teaching room, for example, “Preparing for the Teachers’ Council.” Preparations for the teachers' council are underway within two months, during which time it is recommended to create a working group that will organize it (Appendices 1–2).

A pedagogical council of any form necessarily requires an analysis of the results with answers to the following questions: what was achieved and what was not achieved during the discussion; which of the teachers was active and which was passive and why; what lessons can be learned from the experience; how to influence individual passive teachers. Various preschool educational institutions and teaching staff take part in the preparation of the teachers’ council.

The Pedagogical Council helps in forming a team of like-minded people, creates conditions for analysis and evaluation of existing attitudes and principles in accordance with the requirements of modern science and best practice.


Annex 1

Algorithm for preparing the teachers' council

  1. Definition of goals and objectives.
  2. Formation of a small creative group (think tank) of the teachers' council.
  3. Selection of literature on the issue under consideration and preparation of primary material by a small creative group.
  4. Drawing up a plan for the preparation and holding of the teachers' council (the questions of the teachers' council, the holding plan, schedules of questionnaires and open viewings are posted (at least) a month before the teachers' meeting, the topic of the teachers' council and literature on the stated topic - 2 months).
  5. Development of questionnaires and conducting surveys.
  6. Attendance at open viewings of the teaching process.
  7. Discussion and processing of digital material by a small creative group.
  8. Systematization and preparation of final material.
  9. Seminars on the topic of teachers' council.
  10. Conducting creative workshops by experienced teachers.
  11. Preparing questions for discussion at the teachers' council.
  12. Preparation of the hall and all necessary materials.
  13. Inclusion in the work of psychological services: surveys parents, prepares for work in small creative groups.
  14. Preparation of a draft decision of the teachers' council.
  15. Analysis of the work of the teachers' council.
  16. Final order on encouraging teachers.
  17. Making a piggy bank with teacher council materials.
  18. Formation of further goals and tasks that require solutions


Appendix 2

Detailed plan for preparing the teachers' council

weeks Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Methodist Specialists Secretary
1 Develops a plan for preparing and holding the teachers' meeting.

Determines the topic of the seminar and appoints a lecturer.

Organizes the work of a small creative group

Defines the conditions for viewing open classes.

Selects survey questions on the topic.

Involved in the work of a small creative group

Formulate the theoretical foundations of the problem of the teachers' council.

Determine their role in preparing the teachers’ council

Selects methodological literature and prepares a catalog
2 Conducts a coordination meeting on the work of a small creative group Attends and analyzes classes according to a specific pattern.

Analyzes the effectiveness of pedagogical work with children

Take an active part in preparing and conducting open viewings.

Analyze the level of development of children

Prepares packages of teaching materials (notes, plans, scripts, etc.)
3 Organizes a theoretical seminar with the invitation of specialists Organizes mutual attendance of classes and other open events by teachers Conducting cross-sections of children's development levels Forms a bank of diagnostic materials
4 Discusses preliminary materials of the teachers' council with group members.

Discusses the form of holding a teachers' meeting

Organizes a joint open viewing according to a specific scheme Preparing teachers for open classes Collects questionnaires, forms, and analysis cards for open events
5 Get acquainted with the results of open views Processes data from open classes Teachers are preparing to perform.

Prepare your own abstracts

Prepares the results of viewing open events
6 Organizes a creative workshop on the topic Work of a creative workshop on the topic of pedagogical council Prepares a package of teaching materials
7 Analyzes digital material.

Prepares a draft decision of the teachers' council

Form a bank of creative finds.

Determine the holistic structure of the pedagogical process and interaction between teachers and specialists

Prepares stands with digital material, graphs, tables
8 Approves the script for holding a teachers' meeting Developing a script for the teachers' council.

Proposals are being prepared

Prepares the hall and equipment for the teachers' meeting
9 Creative week: all members of the teaching staff, invitees (parents, etc.) participate in the work of the pedagogical council

Tishkina N.V. Forms of holding teacher councils article on the topic

Forms of holding pedagogical councils

  1. A teachers' meeting in the form of a business game can be held to sum up the results of the team's work on a particular problem or for a certain period. The main place in such a teachers' council is occupied by group work. It is important for organizers to think through the scenario down to the smallest detail, define roles, tasks, and calculate regulations. Group members complete tasks, develop goals and objectives, and develop programs that will form the basis for the decisions of the teachers’ council.
  2. A teachers' council conference may consist of several components, for example: a main theoretical message and a dialogue organized by a senior educator with a group of specialists (music director, psychologist, physical education teacher, speech therapist). The answers of these specialists to the questions asked will encourage everyone else to ask questions on the topic and express their opinions. In conclusion, recommendations are made on the issue under discussion.
  3. Teachers' council in the form of a round table. To prepare such a teacher council, leaders need to select important issues that are interesting for discussion and think through the organization. For example, give some topics in advance to a group of educators and offer them relevant literature. Then they will have the opportunity to get acquainted with different theories, approaches, opinions, think about and develop their point of view on this issue (topic). The main rule when organizing a round table is the preparedness and interest of each participant. It is important to choose a presenter who knows how to navigate the issues and direct the conversation in the right direction.
  4. Situational teachers' council

It consists of considering one or more pedagogical situations, which can be played out here by pre-prepared participants of the teachers' council. You can discuss situations based on a video recorded on a video camera.

There are four known types of situational teacher councils. By selecting them taking into account gradual complication, you can achieve the greatest interest and activity of educators.

1. Illustrative situations describe simple cases from practice, and a solution is given here.

2. Situations-exercises need to be solved by doing some exercises (drawing up a note plan, filling out a table of how children have mastered one or another section of the Education and Training Program in kindergarten, etc.).

3. In assessment situations, the problem has already been solved, but teachers are required to analyze it and justify the decision made, evaluate it.

4. Problem situations are the most complex method of activation, when a specific example from practice is presented as an existing problem that needs to be solved. Several questions are given to help educators.

  1. Teachers' council in the form of discussion

Requires teachers to divide into subgroups in advance and prepare their concepts of the problem being discussed. During the discussion, a plan to solve the problem is jointly developed. For example, you can discuss the topic “What should be the plan for educational work with children and what are the forms of writing it”

  1. Teachers' Council in the form of a scientific and practical conference

Involves a deep and comprehensive discussion of the topic with the active participation of the preschool educational institution. It can be prepared and carried out by combining the efforts of several preschool institutions. The basis for holding such a pedagogical council can be an institution that has the status of an experimental site: science works here. When preparing such a teacher council, open days for teachers should be organized in advance. It is important to set the agenda so that each institution participates on equal terms in presenting its experience, discussing problems and proposing solutions. The scientific supervisor in the introductory message briefly presents the main provisions of the issue under discussion. Decisions at such a teaching council can be made both general for everyone and for each teaching staff separately, taking into account its specifics.

  1. Pedagogical Council - creative report

Involves the presentation of individual teachers or a methodological association of educators. The best pedagogical experience is summarized, the most effective ways to improve teaching and education are selected. Such pedagogical advice is one of the most important ways to improve the methodological level of educators.

  1. Pedagogical Council - Auction

Considers many presented ideas (methods, methodological techniques) on a specific problem. The pedagogical council can be held in the form of “project defense”, encouraging the growth of teacher initiative, their independence and creativity, an attempt to create their own unique experience (forms, techniques), their own program - author’s, authorized.

  1. Pedagogical Council – Festival

It takes place as a wide public review of achievements, a celebration,

accompanied by a display and inspection of forms, methods, techniques, teaching aids in a variety of artistic designs.

  1. Pedagogical council - seminar - workshop

The most important component of the teachers’ council is the exchange of experience in the process of mutual attendance of classes and events by teachers, the development of memos and recommendations, the preparation of creative works of students, and visual aids.

Becomes an effective form of advanced training for the teaching staff; involves the majority of educators in methodological activities during preparation or implementation. This teacher council is held in 2 stages. In the first stage, teachers participate in theory learning activities and practical activities. At the second stage of the meeting of the teachers' council, the speakers sum up the achievements of the team in a generalized form and illustrate them with visual material.

11.Pedagogical council - KTD (collective creative work) Involves the active cooperation of all teachers to achieve a certain goal. Pedagogical advice in this form is used to intensify the search and identify new original solutions to theoretical and practical problems.

12. Pedagogical council-consilium

It is carried out to coordinate the actions of teachers in working with students of a certain group, to determine the reasons for identifying difficulties and ways to resolve them. The pedagogical council makes knowledge about children more comprehensive, more objective, and promotes the exchange of experience in an individual approach to preschoolers.

13. Pedagogical council using separate methods of activating teachers; during such a pedagogical council, the chairman can offer participants various active methods, for example, solving a situational problem on a topic or using the “game modeling” method.

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