Game form of classes on traffic rules with preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Already at an early age, children need to develop the correct attitude towards traffic rules, since they are the norm of behavior of every modern person. In preschool educational institutions, children are given the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities regarding how to cross the road, behave on the street and in public transport. The life and health of the child will depend on the degree of assimilation and implementation of traffic rules.

In the first place in the entire process of teaching children are gaming technologies, with the help of which it is possible to organize various types of children's activities and maintain the constant interest of preschoolers in learning traffic rules. The ability to play is a mandatory indicator of the culture of both an individual and society as a whole.

Games on traffic rules in kindergarten

Goals and objectives of traffic rules games for preschool children

The main goal of organizing lessons on learning the rules of the road is for the little ones to acquire theoretical knowledge, and in their heads to develop stable practical skills on how to protect themselves on the street and on the road.

In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to implement a system of training, development and educational tasks. Educational tasks are represented by broadening one's horizons on issues of safe behavior on the road, studying traffic rules for pedestrians and passengers, mastering the terms and concepts that are used in road traffic and contribute to the successful acquisition of the basics of safe behavior in the future. As for educational tasks, they are as follows:

  • formation of a road traffic member culture;
  • fostering a negative attitude towards everyone who violates norms of behavior and traffic rules.

Note! Developmental tasks mean the development of independence and the ability to organize one’s activities while driving in such a way that it is rational. Also, during developmental activities, the child develops logical and spatial thinking, imagination and memory.

Game form of lessons on traffic rules in younger groups

It is recommended to start a lesson with the youngest preschool children (1.5-2 years) on the topic of road transport concepts with a walk down the street. The teacher must show the tiny pedestrians the sidewalk, the roadway and must tell them about their purpose (it is not necessary to go beyond the preschool). Children will become familiar with concepts such as passenger, driver and pedestrian, while simultaneously observing how vehicles move on the road. As a visual aid, consider a car that delivers food to the kitchen every day and discuss how this road is constructed.

Learning the rules with children outside

During group lessons, experts recommend resorting to the technique of modeling different road situations as often as possible. The teacher should encourage pupils to play with toy cars, pronounce each action out loud and encourage preschoolers to do this (for example, the vehicle reduced speed, reversed or turned right).

Game form of classes in middle groups

In the middle group of kindergarten, all traffic rules games for preschoolers are aimed at learning and practicing traffic rules. The didactic game method is mainly used here. The mandatory points of this method are:

  • rules;
  • clear and consistent game actions;
  • a precisely defined result.

Important! The educational form of classes is presented in 2 types: focusing on the content of game actions or on the props with the help of which the storyline of the game is built.

Game form of classes in senior groups of preschool educational institutions

As a basis for lessons on traffic rules in older groups of kindergarten, personal social skills of interaction with the outside world are used, and behavior patterns are also copied on toys or peers who also participate in the game. For example, in the game “Bus” in the senior group, students must take turns entering the “transport”, then buy tickets from the conductor and ask the driver to stop at one stop or another.

Drawing classes in secondary groups of preschool educational institutions on the theme “Spring”

Game form of classes in preparatory groups

With children 6-7 years old who go to the preparatory group, you can already play theatrical games, implemented in two forms. As a rule, teachers use dramatization, that is, the participants in the game become “artists” who play roles according to the script. You can also resort to director's play, where children direct the movements and actions of characters - dolls.

An example of a doll for traffic rules classes

Types of games based on traffic rules

Since gameplay is the leading activity for preschoolers, with its help children quickly learn what can be done on the road and what actions are prohibited. For this reason, lessons on studying traffic rules are included in programs according to which the educational process is implemented in preschool institutions.

Outdoor games in the senior group according to traffic rules

In the process of active gameplay, children develop skills to act in conditions that are constantly changing, and to instantly respond to unexpected situations. Outdoor lessons develop the following motor skills in toddlers:

  • determination of distance (far - close);
  • speed (fast - slow);
  • dimensions (more - less);
  • visibility (whether the car is obscured).

The child must coordinate his actions with the movements of surrounding people and record the movements of objects.

Didactic games in the senior group on traffic rules

In order to conduct lessons on learning the rules of the road, you must, of course, stock up on visual material in advance. The props can be represented by the main signs with which traffic is regulated, images of a traffic controller, a street map with pedestrian crossings and buildings. In the process, children learn signs and rules of behavior.


With the help of role-playing lessons, the preschooler engages in free improvisation and forms a model of social relationships, acting out various situations. Role-playing entertainment always involves playing “something” or “someone,” and their distinctive characteristic is the presence of a script and roles.

Note! You can play with children on the territory of a children's automobile playground, which must be in a kindergarten, or in a room with special layouts and a magnetic board.


The use of various multimedia tools has become almost the most important innovation in the work of kindergarten teachers. Methodological tools and techniques of educators were diluted with information and communication technologies, which made it possible to make lessons for children more exciting and memorable. Today, the method of interactive games is popular, relevant and effective, and teachers quite often use presentations to study traffic rules.

Puzzles, dominoes, board games

With the help of the unusual “Road” domino, the child will always be able to apply all the knowledge he has acquired about road signs in practice, as well as study traffic lights and road markings. Participants in the entertainment must work together to build their own road, correctly connecting the cards to each other.

Domino "Road"

Note! To study the most common traffic signs, experts recommend using a children's plastic lotto “Traffic Signs”, on the chips of which signs are drawn, and their decoding is written on the cards.

The theme of the week is “Book Week” in the senior and preparatory groups

Games on traffic rules in the senior group. Card index

Games on traffic rules for older preschoolers in kindergarten
Objectives: - to give preschoolers knowledge of traffic rules in an entertaining way, to instill in them the skills and habits of correct behavior on the street, to arouse interest in the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, to the transport itself, respect for the work of drivers vehicles, to the work of traffic police officers. - consolidate and improve skills and abilities to act in constantly changing conditions, to best respond to an unexpected new situation. — to accustom the child to interact with peers in a team, to subordinate his interests to the interests of others. Game “Buses” “Buses” are teams of children “driver” and “passengers”. Flags are placed 6-7 m from each team. On the command “March!” The first players quickly walk (it is forbidden to run) to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where they are joined by the second players, and together they again go the same way, etc. The players hold each other’s elbows. When the bus (front player - “driver”) returns to its place with a full complement of passengers, it must sound a whistle. The team that arrives at the final stop first wins. Game “Traffic Inspector and Drivers” The game involves 5-6 people. On the playing area, 4-5 parallel lines are drawn with chalk, indicating the stages of movement. Players (drivers) place their cars (chairs) behind the last line and sit on them. Drivers have driver's license coupons (cardboard rectangles). A traffic inspector sits on the opposite side of the platform, facing the drivers, with road signs and scissors in his hands. These scissors are needed to cut out the license of an offending driver. The traffic inspector shows road signs to drivers one by one. The driver, who has correctly explained what the sign requires, advances to the next line. The driver, who failed to explain this, receives a puncture (a corner of the driver's license is cut off with scissors) and a remark from the traffic inspector; his car remains in place. A player who receives four punctures is eliminated from the game. A driver who passes all stages without any comments becomes a traffic inspector, and a traffic inspector becomes a driver. The game repeats itself. Drivers who are eliminated from the game receive new driver's license coupons and are included in the game. Game “Be Attentive” Children remember what to do and when. They walk in a circle and carefully listen to the signals of the traffic controller. At the signal: “Traffic light!” - we stand still; at the signal: “Transition!” - we walk; at the signal: “Car!” - We hold the steering wheel in our hands. Game “Funny Tram” We are funny trams, We don’t jump like bunnies, We ride on the rails together. Hey, come sit with us if you want! Children are divided into two teams. One team - trams. The tram driver holds a hoop in his hands. The second team is passengers, they take their places at the bus stop. Each tram can carry only one passenger, who takes his place in the hoop. The final stop is on the opposite side of the hall. Game - attraction “Attention, pedestrian” To play this game you need three rods, painted in three colors of traffic lights. The traffic controller - the teacher - shows the children lined up in a line in front of him, alternately one of the three batons. Participants in the game take a step back when they see a red rod, stand when they see a yellow one, and two steps forward when they see a green one. The traffic controller fines the one who makes a mistake and deprives him of the right to participate in the game. The winner is the one who never makes a mistake. The winner is awarded a chip. Game "Garage" Contents: 5-8 large circles are drawn in the corners of the site - parking lots - garages. Inside each parking lot, draw 2-5 circles - cars (you can put hoops). The total number of machines should be 5-8 less than the number of players. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, to the sound of music. As soon as the music ends, everyone runs to the garages and takes a seat in any of the cars. Those left without a place are eliminated from the game. Game “Truck” Contents: The players hold car steering wheels in their hands - these are trucks. They need to deliver urgent cargo. Each person has a small bag of sawdust or sand on their head. Who can run fast enough to overtake all their rivals and not drop the load - this bag? Game “Yes and No” The teacher turns to one or the other child with some question, for example: “Are you crossing the road at a red traffic light?”, “Are you riding a scooter in the yard?”, “They say that you You don’t give up your seat to older people on public transport. This is true?" You must answer quickly, briefly, and be sure to include the words “yes” or “no.” When answering a question positively (“Yes, I only ride a scooter in the yard”), you must simultaneously turn your head from left to right, and when answering negatively (“No, I give way to older people in public transport”), you must shake your head from top to bottom (as, for example, accepted among the Bulgarians). Since these movements are completely unusual, many make mistakes and involuntarily accompany the answer with the wrong head movements, causing laughter and animation in those around them. Game “Road, transport, pedestrian, passenger” Children stand in a circle, a traffic controller stands in the middle of it. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of the words: road, transport, pedestrian, passenger. If the driver said the word “Road!”, the one who caught the ball must quickly name a word related to the road. For example: street, sidewalk, curb, etc. For the word “Transport!” the player answers with the name of a vehicle; to the word “Pedestrian!” you can answer - traffic light, crossing, etc. The ball is then returned to the traffic controller. The wrong player is eliminated from the game. Game “Road - non-road”
The playing field is drawn in a line, where each line is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), the players stand behind the last line and the driver throws the ball to them one by one, calling out different words.
If a “road” word sounds, the player must catch the ball, “non-road” - miss or discard, if the player’s actions correspond to the named word, the player moves to the next line (to the next step). The one who crosses the last line first wins and becomes the driver. Game “Hare” A bunny is riding on a tram, A bunny is riding, he reasons: “If I bought a ticket, who am I: a hare or not?” (A. Shibaev) The tram “conductor” sells tickets to passengers who sit on chairs - seats on the tram. But there are one fewer chairs than passengers. As soon as all the tickets are sold and someone is left without a ticket, the conductor catches up with this “hare”, and the stowaway runs away. Game “Remember the signals of the traffic controller” Here, at the post, at any time, there is a familiar guard. He controls everyone at once who is in front of him on the pavement. No one in the world can do this, With one movement of the hand, Stop the flow of passers-by And let trucks pass. Preparation.
Children are divided into teams, and a captain is chosen for each of them.
The teams are located behind the starting lines - one opposite the other. The distance between teams is 20-30 m. In the middle of the site, between two lines that limit a strip 2-3 m wide, flags are laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Contents of the game. At a signal from the traffic controller (red light - arms extended to the sides or lowered - stop; yellow light - right hand with a baton in front of the chest - get ready; green light - the traffic controller is facing sideways to pedestrians, arms extended to the sides or lowered - go) players quickly run up to the flags and try to collect as many of them as possible. After a set time, at the command of the traffic controller, the children return to their places and quickly form a line. Captains collect and count the flags brought by their players. One point is awarded for each flag. The team with the most points wins. Rules of the game:
1. During the run, the player is allowed to collect any number of flags lying on the ground.
2. It is prohibited to take away flags from each other. 3. You cannot step beyond the lines limiting the space for flags. 4. Team captains play on equal terms with everyone. Game “Knowledgeable Pedestrian” There are a lot of traffic rules in the world, It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all, But the main rule of traffic is to know how to do the multiplication tables: “On the pavement, don’t play, don’t ride, If you want to stay healthy!” The game is played on the site in the form of an excursion with an element of competition. Children line up in teams. They must walk a path, for example, from the garden to the library. When approaching an intersection or pedestrian path, children must stop and complete a practical task posed in connection with approaching traffic and an active traffic light, then ask: “Street, street, can we cross the road?” To which the street (teacher) replies: “It’s possible if you answer me one question.” Asks one question about traffic rules. And so at every intersection. The squad that answers all the questions correctly will arrive earlier at the designated point, where it will be awarded the “Excellent Pedestrians” pennant. Game “Walking along the path” Players walk along the path, naming at each step, for example, the names of road signs, etc. The one who takes the most steps and names the most words wins. The game “Whoever is named, catches it.” The players are located in a circle. In the center is a traffic controller (driver). He calls the name of one of those standing in a circle and throws the ball to him. The person named catches the ball, names some type of transport and throws the ball to the traffic controller. The one who did not catch the ball or did not say the word becomes the driver. The winner is the one who has never been a traffic controller. Game “Catch - Don’t Catch” The participants of the game, 6-8 people, line up half a step from each other. The leader is 4-5 steps away from the players with the ball, throws it to any player, while pronouncing words, for example: “road”, “crossing”, “road sign”, etc. (in this case the ball must be caught), or words denoting any other objects (in this case the ball should not be caught). The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward, but continues to play. If he makes a second mistake, he is eliminated from the game. It is very important that the driver first says the word and then throws the ball. Game “Name the Sixth” Several people play. The driver turns to someone to whom he throws the ball into his hands: “Name the sixth” - and lists, for example, five types of transport (or road signs, etc.). The person asked to continue the list must catch the ball and quickly add another name without repeating what was listed before. If the words follow immediately, the person answering begins to ask questions; if not, the driver remains the same. Game “Find the Rod” Before the game starts, the teacher hides the traffic control rod in plain sight. The players stand in a line or column, one at a time. At the teacher’s signal, the players move in a column one at a time, and everyone tries to be the first to notice the hidden object. The player who sees the object first puts his hands on his belt and continues walking, without showing others where the hidden object is. The teacher, to make sure that the player really found the item, can approach him and quietly ask. The game ends when all or most of the players have found the item. The player, having noticed a hidden object, must not stop, slow down, touch or in any other way indicate to other players the location of the hidden object. Game “Find a Pair” The players are given strips of paper with images of road signs. Without talking, everyone must find a mate, that is, a partner with the same picture. Couples stand in a circle. Complications: each pair tells what their road sign means. Game “Unusual Road Sign” In this game, children are asked to come up with an unusual road sign. You need to choose one of the objects from the surrounding world and try to transfer its properties to a road sign. At the same time, the most fantastic, most incredible options are possible. The teacher invites the children to think of some object of living or inanimate nature (cat, tree, flower, house, etc.). The teacher asks: “Could an unusual road sign somehow resemble a cat?” The children answer: “Maybe!” Game “Traffic Lights” The traffic light is red! The path is dangerous - there is no passage! And if the yellow light is on, he says “get ready.” Green flashed ahead - the way is clear - cross. In the game, all children are “pedestrians.” When the traffic controller shows a yellow light at the traffic light, all the children line up and prepare to move; when the green light turns on, they can walk, run, and jump throughout the hall; when the light is red, everyone freezes in place. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. When crossing the street, follow the traffic lights. Game "Cobweb" Children sit in a circle. The driver, a traffic controller, has a ball of thread in his hands. He throws a ball to any of the children, naming the cause of accidents on the roads: “Sasha, walking along the roadway when there is a sidewalk is dangerous.” Sasha holds the thread, and throws the ball further: “Sergey! An unexpected exit from behind a stationary car can lead to an accident,” Sergei holds the thread and throws the ball further: “Olya! Children playing on the roadway is very dangerous.” When all the children take part in the game, they will have a “web” in their hands and a long story about the causes of accidents on the roads. Game “Trip to Moscow” To play, you need chairs - one less than the number of players. The chairs are placed tightly in a circle, one next to the other, with the seats facing outward. Each player takes an empty seat. The driver does not have a chair. He walks around the players, holding a flag in his hand, and says: “I’m going to Moscow, I invite those who wish.” All the guys one by one join him. The driver says: “We are going to Moscow by bus (train, plane),” and at the same time speeds up his pace. “The bus is picking up speed,” the driver continues and starts running. “Moscow is very close,” he announces (the run slows down). "Attention, stop!" — the driver’s command is suddenly heard. At this command, everyone runs to the chairs. Everyone tries to occupy any free space. The driver also tries to take a seat. The one who is left without a chair becomes the driver, gets a flag and repeats the game. The driver can take students away from the chairs, lead them across the hall, etc. and give the command “Landing!” unexpectedly anywhere. Game "Crossroads" The leader stands in the center of the intersection - this is a traffic light. Children are divided into two groups - pedestrians and cars. The presenter's whistle sounds. The intersection comes to life: pedestrians walk, vehicles move. If violations of traffic rules are committed, the presenter whistles and calls the name of the violator. He leaves the game. Those who have no mistakes win. Game “Search for the Wand” Two chairs are placed at a distance of 8-10 m from one another and a wand is placed on each. The players stand near the chairs, facing each other. They are blindfolded. At the teacher’s signal, each of them must go forward, go around his friend’s chair and, returning back, find his rod and knock it on the chair. The one who completes this first wins. Game “Different Vehicles” The leading traffic controller exclaims: “Trucks!” - and the trucks quickly drive towards their line. And passenger cars follow them, trying to make them look bad. The presenter remembers (or someone notes) the number of those covered. It’s the turn of the passenger cars to go to their road. And among them there will be losers who were overtaken by trucks. And so on several times. The presenter does not necessarily call the commands strictly in order - it will be more interesting if he unexpectedly calls one several times in a row. It is only important that the total number of trips for trucks and cars ends up being the same. To create more tension in the game, team names should be pronounced syllable by syllable. Here it sounds: “Ma-shi-ny easy...” Game “Traffic Controller” While walking in a column one at a time, the teacher (he goes first) changes the position of his hands: to the side, on the belt, up, behind the head, behind the back. Children perform all the movements behind him, except for one - hands on the belt. This movement is prohibited. The one who makes a mistake leaves the ranks, stands at the end of the column and continues the game. After some time, another movement is declared prohibited. Physical education minute The guard stands stubbornly (we walk in place) He waves to people: Don’t go! (movements with hands to the sides, up, to the sides, down) Here the cars drive straight (hands in front of you) Pedestrian, just wait! (arms to the sides) Look: he smiled (hands on his belt) Invites us to walk (we walk in place) You cars, don’t rush (claps hands) Let pedestrians pass! (jumping in place) Game “Assemble a traffic light” The teams are given a baton and the task is explained: each team member must participate in assembling a traffic light from rectangles. The winner is the team that finishes assembling the traffic light earlier and without errors. Two boxes contain seven gray rectangles and one colored rectangle: red, yellow and green. At a signal, team members run up to the boxes, take out rectangles from the boxes, return to their place, passing the baton to the next one, each next participant takes another rectangle from the box, continuing to assemble the traffic light. The rectangles are placed one on top of the other in the following sequence: gray, gray, red, gray, yellow, gray, green, gray, gray, gray. Game "Traffic Light" The field is limited on 4 sides (depending on the number of players), like a pedestrian path, beyond which you cannot run. The driver in the center of the playing field, turning away, assigns a color, those players who have this color on their clothes calmly cross, the rest - “violators” - must run across the “road”, the grumpy “violator” becomes the driver. Game “Traffic Signals” Two teams of 12-15 people line up in a semicircle, one to the left, the other to the right of the teacher. In the hands of the teacher there is a traffic light - two cardboard circles, one side of which is yellow, the other side of the circles is different (red and green). The teacher reminds the children how important it is to follow the traffic rules on the street, cross it only in designated places where the sign “crossing” is written, first look to the left, then to the right to make sure that there are no cars nearby, and where there is a traffic light, carefully keep an eye on him. He reads poems by S. Mikhalkov to the children. The guys suggest the missing words in unison. If the light turns red, it means moving... (dangerous). The green light says: “Come on, the path... (open). Yellow light - warning - Wait for the signal to... (move). Then the teacher explains the rules of the game: - When I show a green traffic light, everyone marches in place (you need to start with the left foot), when it’s yellow, they clap their hands, and when it’s red, they stand still. Anyone who confuses the signal takes a step back. Signals should change unexpectedly, at different intervals. The team that has the most participants left at the end of the game wins. Game “Let's pass on a driver's license” The game involves 5-7 people: a traffic inspector and drivers. The players choose a driver (traffic inspector). He is given a road sign (from the "Wall Road Signs" set), with its meaning written on the back of the sign. The traffic inspector shows road signs (familiar to the children), changing them one by one, and the drivers explain the meaning of the signs. For the correct answer they receive a point (they are given a colored token, a piece of cardboard). At the end of the game, it is calculated which of the drivers received the most tokens. He is awarded the title of 1st class driver, others - 2nd and 3rd class drivers, respectively. The player who takes first place becomes a traffic inspector. The game repeats itself. Game “Collect a picture” From each team (“Traffic light”, “Car”, “Pedestrian”, etc.), using a counting rhyme, a player is selected to participate in the game. You need to collect the parts of the picture scattered on the road to get a picture with the same image as the name of the team. Game "Taxi" A group of children is divided into pairs. Each pair (“Taxi”) stands inside one hoop (“Taxi”). Each child holds his or her half of the circle (usually at waist or shoulder level). Children run around standing inside hoops while music plays. The two children must move at the same speed and in the same direction. Every time the music stops, children from two different hoops join together. The game continues until the maximum number of children fit inside the hoops (up to 6-8 people). “Colored cars” At the edges of the playground there are children with colored circles in their hands - these are steering wheels. The teacher is in the center with colored flags. He raises a flag of some color. Children with a circle of the same color run around the playground in any direction, honking, turning the circle like a steering wheel. When the flag goes down, everyone returns to their seats. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color and other children run around. You can raise two or three flags at the same time, and then all the cars leave. “Cars” Each child receives a hoop. Children run around the playground, turning hoops and steering wheels left and right, trying not to interfere with each other. Sparrows and a car Purpose: To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place. “Tram” Purpose: To teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movements according to them. “Traffic light” Two teams of 12-15 people line up in a semicircle, one to the left, the other to the right of the leader. In the hands of the teacher there is a traffic light - two cardboard circles, one side of which is yellow, the other side of the circles is different (red or green). The teacher reminds the children how important it is to follow the traffic rules on the street, cross it only in designated places where the sign “crossing” is written, first look to the left to make sure that there is no car nearby, and where there is a traffic light, carefully monitor it . He reads poems by S. Mikhalkov to the children. The guys suggest the missing words in unison. If the light turns red, it means moving.....(dangerous). The green light says: “Come on, the path……(open).” Yellow light - warning - Wait for the signal to....(move). Then the leader explains the rules of the game: - When I show a green traffic light, everyone marches in place (you need to start with the left foot), when it’s yellow, they clap their hands, and when it’s red, they stand still. Anyone who mixed up the signal takes a step back. Signals should change unexpectedly, at different intervals. The team that has the most participants left at the end of the game wins. “We are young motorists” The traffic police inspector (teacher), having checked the children’s knowledge of traffic rules, hands each of them a driver’s license. Having received a driver's license, children of senior and preparatory groups move around the playground, observing the rules of the road: 1. Stick to right-hand traffic 2. Respond correctly to traffic lights 3. Let pedestrians pass (children of the younger group with a teacher) “Stop” The participants in the game move in accordance with the words and color signals of the presenter: “Walk together” - green circle, “Look, don’t yawn” - yellow circle, “Stop!” - red circle.

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Didactic game on traffic rules for preschoolers Summary of a game lesson on traffic rules in the middle group Quiz game on traffic rules in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Abstract Game - quiz on traffic rules in the senior group of kindergarten. Abstract

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How to make a traffic rules game with your own hands

You can make a game for learning the rules of the road with your own hands, without making any special efforts. An example of self-production can be seen in the tabletop entertainment called “What First, What Then.”

First you need to build playing fields from white A4 cardboard, which should be cut lengthwise into two halves. Each half must be divided into three parts and numbered from 1 to 3 (six playing fields will be enough). Using a computer online, you should find an image of a situation on the road that requires performing certain actions in accordance with the road sign.

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Card index of games on traffic rules for preschoolers with goals

The traffic rules card file in the middle group according to Federal State Educational Standards (federal state educational standards) with goals includes such entertainment as “Guess what sign?”, “Drivers” and “On the Road”.

"Guess what sign"

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Traffic rules in the second junior group - a card index with goals

The teacher should take turns inviting the children to the table where the cubes are laid out. The student takes a cube, names the sign and goes to the group of children who already have symbols of this variety.


In the process of educational entertainment "Drivers", the little ones also learn the rules, but in addition to this, they also develop thinking and spatial orientation. To conduct a lesson, you need to stock up on playing fields, toy cars and other toys. The teacher prepares 3-4 options for playing fields in advance, each of which is represented by a picture with signs. This is necessary to change the traffic situation.

For example, a kid becomes a car driver, and he needs to take the fox to the store, get gas and repair the car. The image of the vehicle represents the garage where the little one left and where he must return. The child needs to think and say in what order these points should be visited so that the traffic rules are not violated.

"On the way to"

Thanks to the lesson “On the Road”, students consolidate their knowledge about types of transport, train their memory and attention. To play the game you will need images of cars and trucks, as well as chips. The game is played outdoors, but before starting you need to agree with the children who will collect what type of cars. During the game, the little ones pay attention to the cars, name them and receive chips for each correct answer. Whoever has the most chips at the end is declared the winner.

Note! Based on all of the above, we can conclude that it is easiest for preschoolers to perceive information about traffic rules in a playful way.

Such activities will definitely be effective, because the child will study with great pleasure and interest in the circle of his friends.

Didactic game in the pedagogical process of kindergarten “Studying traffic rules”

Bibliographic description:

Gold, E. A. Didactic game in the pedagogical process of kindergarten “Studying traffic rules” / E. A. Gold. — Text: immediate // Current tasks of pedagogy: materials of the X International. scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, January 2019). - St. Petersburg: Own publishing house, 2022. - pp. 21-26. — URL: (access date: 01/13/2022).

Basic functions of a didactic game. A didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent gaming activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child’s personality.

Didactic games as a gaming method of teaching are considered in two types: game-activities and didactic games .

In the first case, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who, to increase children’s interest in the activity, uses a variety of gaming techniques, creates a gaming situation, introduces elements of competition, etc. The use of various components of gaming activity is combined with questions, instructions, explanations, and demonstration. With the help of games-activities, the teacher not only conveys certain knowledge, forms ideas, but also teaches children to play. The basis for children’s games are formulated ideas about the construction of a game plot, about various play actions with objects. It is important that conditions then be created for the transfer of this knowledge and ideas into independent, creative games, the proportion of which in a child’s life should be immeasurably greater than learning to play. Game-activities therefore refer to the direct teaching of children using a variety of play techniques.

A didactic game as a form of teaching children contains two principles: educational (cognitive) and gaming (entertaining). The teacher is both a teacher and a participant in the game. He teaches and plays, and children, while playing, learn.

The didactic game as an independent gaming activity is based on the awareness of this process.

Independent play activity is carried out only if children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if these rules have been learned by them. How long can a child be interested in a game if its rules and content are well known to him? Children love games that are familiar to them and enjoy playing them. Each such game contains interest in game actions.

The teacher’s task is to ensure that the children play independently, so that they always have such games in stock, so that they themselves can organize them, be not only participants and fans, but also fair judges. The teacher takes care of complicating the games and expanding their variability. If the children's interest in the game wanes, it is necessary to come up with more complex rules together with them.

Independent play activities do not exclude control by an adult. The participation of an adult is indirect: for example, the teacher, like everyone else who plays, participates in the game, rejoices if he wins, that is, he is an equal participant in the game.

When determining the winner, the teacher gives the children the opportunity to evaluate the actions of the players and name the best. But in the presence of a teacher, this stage of the game also takes place in a more organized and clear manner, although he himself does not influence the assessment, but can only, like each participant in the game, express his “for” or “against”. Thus, in games, in addition to the formation of independence and activity of children, an atmosphere of trust is established between children and the teacher, between the children themselves, mutual understanding, an atmosphere based on respect for the child’s personality, attention to his inner world, to the experiences that he experiences during the game. . This is the essence of collaborative pedagogy.

Children can play educational games on their own both in and outside of class. The classes use those didactic games that can be played frontally with all children. They consolidate and systematize knowledge.

But wider scope for developing independence in didactic play is provided to children during the allotted play hours. Here children are independent not only in following rules and actions, but also in choosing a game, a partner, in creating new game options, in choosing a driver.

Didactic games, especially in younger age groups, are considered in preschool pedagogy as a method of teaching children role-playing games: the ability to take on a certain role, follow the rules of the game, and develop its plot.

The use of didactic games in teaching children traffic rules.

The content of didactic games forms in children the correct attitude to the phenomena of social life, to the education of the concepts “I am a pedestrian”, “I am a passenger”, “I am a future driver”, systematize and deepen knowledge about the rules of the road, contribute to the formation of a culture of behavior in children streets.

Many didactic games are aimed at assimilation, clarification, and consolidation of knowledge.

With the help of didactic games, the teacher teaches children to think independently and use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.

Games develop in children the cognitive processes they need for correct and safe orientation on the street, form practical skills and habits of safe behavior, the idea that the road is potentially dangerous and the child must be disciplined and focused.

Also, didactic games develop children's sensory abilities. The processes of sensation and perception underlie the child’s cognition of the environment.

Through the game, preschoolers are taught road vocabulary and included in independent creative work, which allows them to study and understand the danger and safety of specific actions on the streets and roads in the process of completing tasks. Formation of internal motivation of students, responsible and conscious behavior on the streets and roads, so that they comply with traffic rules not under external pressure, but through knowledge and “feeling” of the need for their strict compliance.

I offer you several didactic games that our kindergarten students enjoy playing.

Rice. 1, 2. Game "Tracks"

Rules of the game: students must connect two paired pictures. The path can be drawn with a marker, or it can be laid out with small objects - sticks, buttons, etc. The main thing is that the lines do not intersect and there are no empty cells.

The game is complicated by the number of cells on the playing field. Can be used individually or with a subgroup of children.

Lotto "Transport"

Goal: to teach children to distinguish and correctly name different types of transport and their purpose; develop attention and memory; cultivate moral qualities: consistency and cooperation.

Rules of the game: students receive one or two playing fields. The presenter (at first the teacher will be the leader, and as the game masters, the child will) must pull out a card with a picture and, without showing it to the players, explain what is drawn on it, come up with a riddle, etc. The child who covers all the cards on his or her own wins. field.

If children find it difficult to write riddles, the teacher can guide them by asking questions. The game can be played by 2–6 people.

Rice. 3. Lotto game “Transport”

"Third wheel"

Goal: to learn to combine objects into a set according to a certain property.

Rules of the game: the teacher places 3-4 cards with pictures of transport in front of the child. One of them is redundant. The child needs to choose an extra item.

Rice. 4. Game "Third Man"

"Think about what's missing"

Rules of the game: the student receives a playing field and a set of cards with the same pictures.

One or more images are missing from the field. The student must understand the pattern of images of modes of transport or road signs and fill in the empty cells with cards with pictures.

The game becomes more complicated by increasing the number of empty cells on the playing field. Can be used individually or with a subgroup of children.

Rice. 5. Game “Think what’s missing”

Game "Paired Pictures"

Goal: the game will help develop memory and consolidate knowledge about types of transport.

Rules of the game: the student needs to collect as many pairs of cards as possible, i.e. two cards with the same picture.

The cards are laid out on the table face down. The youngest player starts the game and moves proceed clockwise. Children take turns turning over two cards so that everyone can see the pictures on them. If the pictures on the cards are the same, then the player takes them. He can continue the game as long as he finds cards with the same pictures. If the pictures on the cards do not match, then the player puts the cards back, pictures down, and the turn passes to the next player sitting on the left.

The player who has the most paired cards at the end of the game wins.

This educational game can also be used individually.

Rice. 6. Game “Paired Pictures”

"Fold the picture"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop logical thinking, attentiveness; Foster a culture of safe behavior for children on the road and in public places.

Progress of the game: The child receives an envelope with picture puzzles depicting road signs or transport.

At the teacher’s command, children open the envelopes and put together their signs from the pieces (puzzles). After 5-7 minutes the game stops. Whoever collected the most pictures won.

This didactic game can be played individually, without taking into account time. A conversation is held with the child about different types of transport and the meaning of a particular road sign is explained.

Rice. 7. Game “Fold the picture”

To make games interesting for children, you can change the conditions of the games, add new attributes, and use them in all types of activities in kindergarten (in continuous educational activities, independent activities of children, in individual work).

Work to prevent children's road injuries should be carried out systematically and cover all aspects of kindergarten life and all types of work.

Rice. 8. Card index of teaching aids for studying traffic rules


  1. Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children. Work planning. Conversations. Games: St. Petersburg, Publishing House “Childhood-Press”, 2015.
  2. “Traffic Light” program Teaching preschool children the rules of the road. T. I. Danilova: St. Petersburg, “Childhood-Press”, 2016

Key terms
(automatically generated)
: game, child, didactic game, game rule, picture, teacher, card, kindergarten, independent play activity, traffic.

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