Calendar-thematic plan for traffic safety in 2 ml. group

Plan of work with children on traffic rules in the second junior group

Main goals and objectives:

Formation of basic ideas about road safety rules; fostering a conscious attitude towards the need to comply with these rules.


1. Topic: Conversation: “Transport on city streets.”

Goal: To teach children to classify vehicles by purpose (to give basic concepts about the types of cars and their purpose).

2. Topic: Examination of a passenger car.

Goal: To clarify knowledge about the work of a driver, to consolidate the concept of types of cars.

3. Topic: Conversation on the street layout: “Getting to know the street.”

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the street (roadway, sidewalk). Provide basic knowledge about pedestrian behavior.

4. Topic: Targeted walk down the street.

Purpose: To clarify children’s understanding of the roadway and sidewalk.


5. Topic: Monitoring traffic outside the garden (standing at the gate).

Goal: Recognize familiar types of transport, name them, know that a driver is behind the wheel.

6. Topic: Conversation: “Special transport of rescue services.”

Goal : To give children an idea of ​​special types of transport (ambulance, fire, police) and their purpose.

7. Topic: Game: “City Street”.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

8. Topic: Consideration of different types of transport.

Goal: Learn to name the parts of a car.


9. Topic: Comparison of a truck and a car on toys.

Goal: Learn to name the main parts, find similarities and differences between cars.

10. Topic: Looking at the bus in the illustration.

Goal: To recognize the bus among other types of transport, to know that it transports people.

11. Topic: Examination of buses and trolleybuses in illustrations.

Goal: Name all the main parts, find similarities and differences.

12. Topic: Conversation “What do people drive?”

Goal: Based on the experience of children, teach them to tell what people drive.


13. Topic: Introduction to traffic lights (planar).

Goal: Look at the colored windows, name their colors, find out which of the children saw the traffic light and what it is needed for. Inform that the lights are lit one by one.

14. Topic: Introduction to the operation of a traffic light (layout).

Purpose: To provide knowledge that if the light is red, you cannot cross the road; if it is green, you are allowed to cross.

15. Topic: Examination of different types of traffic lights in illustrations.

Purpose: To give an idea that traffic lights are different in appearance, but the lights light up for everyone in turn.

16. Topic: Memorize S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Traffic Light”.

Goal: To teach children to memorize words and concepts about light.


17. Topic: Game. Construction of a street in a group of building materials.

Goal: To consolidate the received ideas in the game. Use houses, cars, figures of people, trees.

18. Topic: Game “Bus”.

Purpose: To familiarize children with how the driver announces stops.

19. Topic: Monitoring the movement of pedestrians.

Goal: Reinforce the knowledge that pedestrians should walk on the sidewalk.

20.Looking at pictures “City Street”.

Learn to find and name different types of transport.


21. Topic: Examination of a traffic light.

Goal: To reinforce with children the yellow color of traffic lights and knowledge about the purpose of traffic lights

22. Topic: Game “Pedestrians”.

Goal: To promote children’s understanding of the concepts of “pedestrian” and “passenger”.

23. Topic: Game "Train".

Goal: To teach children an idea of ​​the rules of behavior in public transport.

24. Topic: Game “We are drivers.”

Goal: Learn to develop the plot of the game based on observations.


25. Topic: Examination of various types of machines on posters.

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​what these types of transport are needed for.

26. Topic: D – I “Cut pictures”.

Goal: Learn to compose a whole image of a car from individual parts.

27. Topic: looking at a motorcycle or bicycle.

Goal: Learn to identify the main parts: steering wheel, wheels, seat, trunk.

28. Topic: D - And “Where it is.”

Purpose: To practice orientation in space: above, below, close, far.


29. Consider the “Pedestrian crossing” sign.

Introduce children to the sign and its meaning.

30. a story about what transitions there are.

Give information that there are crossings: across the street, across the railway, across the bridge.

31. Examination of a traffic light and repetition of a quatrain about a traffic light.

Reinforce knowledge about traffic lights.

32. D – I “Find your car”

Strengthen your knowledge of different types of transport.


33. Construction of a street in the sand.

Consolidating practical knowledge that there are sidewalks and roads for cars on the street.

34. Review of various books about traffic.

Exchange impressions with each other.

35. Conversation “Where children should play.”

Tell children in an accessible way why they should not play on the roadway.

36. Games on the layout.

Reinforce your knowledge of pedestrian rules.

Long-term planning for the second junior group in traffic rules.


MBDOU Kindergarten No. 11 "Polyanka" Arkhangelsk

Pryalukhina Irina Aleksandrovna

Long-term plan for the 2nd junior group on traffic rules.


  1. Expand your orientation in the surrounding space. Introduce children to the rules of the road.
  2. Learn to distinguish between the roadway and sidewalk, understand the meaning of green, yellow and red traffic lights.
  3. Form initial ideas about safe behavior on the roads (cross the road holding the hand of an adult).
  4. Introduce the work of the driver, types of transport, their functions and purpose.


  1. Veraksy N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. An exemplary general education program for preschool education “From birth to school.” 4th edition, corrected and expanded in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. "Mosaic-Synthesis", Moscow, 2016
  2. Bordacheva I.Yu. "Road safety" posters and road signs.
  3. T.F. Saulina “Introducing preschoolers to PPD” “Mosaic-Synthesis”, Moscow, 2014.
  4. Krutetskaya V. A. “My first road alphabet in pictures. – St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2012. – 64 p.: ill. – (Rainbow series).
  5. Saulina T.F. Three traffic lights “Enlightenment”, Moscow, 1989.
  6. Stepanenkova E.Ya., Filenko M.F. For preschoolers - about the rules of the road “Enlightenment”, Moscow, 1975.
month Subject Target Form of work
September “Why do you need to know the rules of the road?”

"What is a road?"

"Road Participants".

Introduce children to the concept of “road” with parts of the road (roadway, median, sidewalk).

The first rules of road safety.

  • Outdoor game “Cat and Mice”, “Sparrows and Car”.
  • Role-playing game “Driver and pedestrian”.
  • Word game “Imagine a car signal.”
  • Looking at pictures on the topic.
  • Lesson: “Acquaintance with the road and its parts.”
  • Sandbox game "Let's build a street."
October "Assistant - traffic light."

"Traffic on a street where there is no traffic light."

Introduce children to the concept of “traffic light”, its purpose and traffic signals.

Teach how to cross the street following traffic lights.

Form orientation in space.

  • Reading the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov “The slacker traffic light.”
  • Didactic game "Red and Green".
  • Didactic game "Traffic Light".
  • Reading the poem by S. Mikhalkov “If the light turned on red...”.
  • Memorizing the poem by S. Mikhalkov “Traffic Light”.
  • Didactic game “Indicate the extra traffic light signal.”
  • Outdoor game “Three signals”
November “Pedestrians are road users.”

"Pedestrian Rules of Conduct"

Clarify and expand children’s ideas about the street, road, sidewalk; about trucks and cars.

Give basic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street.

Develop observation skills.

Introduce children to basic traffic rules.

  • “Getting to know the street” (walk).
  • Didactic game "Find your color."
  • Conversation on the painting “City Streets”.
  • Conversation “How to behave on the street.”
  • S. Marshak “About smart little animals.”
  • Reading the poem by S. Mikhalkov “About one boy.”
December Profession: driver.

"Types of ground transport"

Introduce children to the profession of “driver” (he drives a car, transports goods and people).

Give children an idea of ​​cargo and passenger transport, be able to distinguish them by appearance, as well as their main parts (cabin, body, door, windows, wheels, steering wheel).

  • "Birds and Cars"
  • Learning the rhyme “Stop, car, stop, motor!”
  • Outdoor game "Colored Cars".
  • Nursery rhyme “Let's go, let's go...”; A. Barto “Truck”;
January “Types of urban public transport”

"Rules of conduct for passengers in public transport."

"Rules of conduct for passengers in a passenger car."

Introduce children to a variety of passenger transport. Note the characteristic distinguishing features of freight transport. Teach children through playful images the rules of behavior in public transport

Strengthen the skills of cultural behavior on the road.

  • Lesson: “Looking at a car, bus” (toy).
  • Examination of the painting “Riding on the Bus.”
  • Outdoor game "Train".
  • Constructive game "Let's build a garage."
  • Conversation “How to behave on the bus.”
  • Role-playing game "Bus".
February Road safety.

"Road Riddles"

Introduce children visually to road signs. Learn to solve riddles. To consolidate knowledge about regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians using traffic lights.
  • Reading the story by I. Seryakov “The car that was taught to draw.”
  • "Find differences".
  • Constructive game "Road for cars."
  • Reading the work of A. Petrushevskaya “Peter the Pig and the Machine.”
March "Don't get into trouble on the road." Rules for regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians
  • Looking at pictures on the topic.
  • “Tasks for attentive participants in DD.”
  • Game-dramatization “How the car rolled animals”
April Familiarization with road signs.

Lesson on DB: “Road Tale”

Introduce children to road signs

Introduce children to basic traffic rules.

Teach children not to break traffic rules, to walk on the street only with their parents and under their supervision.

  • Looking at pictures on the topic.
  • Didactic game "Guess the sign."
  • Didactic game "Labyrinth".
May "The street is full of surprises." Consolidate children's knowledge acquired throughout the year. Consolidating children's knowledge about road signs. Convince children of the need to respond to light and sound signals from cars.
  • Reading the story by I. Seryakov “The Street Where Everyone is in a Hurry.”
  • “Answer the inspector’s questions.”
  • Drawing with chalk on the asphalt “Cars on our street.”
Working with parents
  • "Safety on the road."
  • “The road and us”, “Rules for safe crossing of the road with a child and on a sled”, “On behavior in public transport”, “How to teach a child to behave safely on the street”
  • "Child and adult on the street."
  • Parent meeting.
  • Consultations.
  • Joint design of creative works “The ABC of the Road”.
  • Recommendations for parents.



Stop, car! Stop, motor! Brake quickly, Driver!

Red Eye: Staring straight ahead - This is a strict traffic light. He looks menacing, he lets you go further, he doesn’t let you go further. The driver waited a little, then looked out the window again. The traffic light this time showed a green eye, winked and said: “You can go, the way is open!”

Stories for children.

A street where everyone is in a hurry.

Everyone knows who firefighters are. At the first call, at the alarm, they rush to help, driving red cars to put out the fire. Fire trucks also have a special signal – it’s called a siren. When it starts buzzing, everyone will hear it! This is so that they know that the car is coming to put out a fire, so that everyone will give way to it.

And if someone starts to cross the road, the driver immediately presses the brakes, stops the car, wastes time, when he arrives at the fire, then only embers will be left of the house. The fire truck must not be delayed for a minute.

An ambulance is rushing to the patient, the doctor is riding on it, carrying medicine. There was a red cross painted on the ambulance, and they also set a siren. She can’t linger for a second on the way, the doctor needs to come to the patient as soon as possible.

Truck drivers are also rushing about their business. The car is driving fast and fast, with the words “Milk” written on its body. She’s bringing fresh milk to the store, and they’re really waiting for her there.

And here comes another truck, with the words “Bread” written on its back. He's bringing fresh rolls. Everyone wants to quickly buy fresh bread.

A large truck is driving, dragging a trailer behind it, with a mountain of bricks on it. Builders are waiting for the driver - they are building a house, laying walls, they really need bricks so that the work does not stop. And coal also really needs to be brought in for the heating to work and to keep the houses warm. Buses, trams, taxi trolleybuses are rushing by, people are traveling in them: some to work, others to home, and others to visit or to the theater. There are a lot of people on the street, they are also going about their business. Cars are running, some along the pavement, others rushing over people's heads along bridges and overpasses, and still others rushing through tunnels underground. Everyone is in a hurry on the street. And not just the one where you live, but everyone. On all streets, on all roads. And no one should interfere with drivers or pedestrians. There must be order there. Everyone must obey him, deal with the cars in the world, know what order should be on the street.

I. Seryakov

The car that was taught to draw

The guys were playing in the yard, and some funny car was walking along the pavement and growling its engine. She was not carrying anything, but was just tossing and turning on the street. It will go forward, then back, and then it will start moving across the pavement. And all the trucks and cars stopped in front of her. We waited for her to pass.

- Funny! – said Sasha. – why doesn’t anyone drive it? Why isn't she carrying anything?

- I'd like to ride one of these! - someone said. “She’s barely moving.” And why did they come up with this?

- Why why? – Alena mimicked him. - She draws! Chalk or something.

-Can machines draw? They are not artists. Where's her brush? Where are the paints? Do you have drawing paper?

“But she doesn’t need paper at all, she draws on the pavement.” Do not believe? Look!

The guys began to look at the pavement, and there indeed were some dashes and lines left after it. White.

- Why does she draw? - everyone was interested.

“Let’s ask Tatyana Semyonovna,” suggested Alena.

- Why does he draw lines on the pavement? – asked Sasha.

“Come here, everyone,” said Tatyana Semyonovna. – Now I’ll talk about the car and what it draws.

Everyone gathered in a circle and began to listen.

“This, children, is a very useful machine,” the teacher began. “She walks the streets and draws. But, of course, she can’t draw any pictures. He will make a dash in one place and draw a line in another.

“She doesn’t have chalk, but she has white paint and a mechanical brush for painting.”

- Where is she?

— They are hidden inside the car.

- Why does she draw them?

“She draws lines that indicate where to cross the street and where to stand and wait for cars to pass. Everyone should know these lines.

I Seryakov

Scientist friend

Sasha’s cousin Lesha came to visit. He lives in a village and has never been to a big city. I even saw trams and trolleybuses only in pictures and in movies.

When Lesha and his mother were getting ready to leave home, Sasha said to his grandmother:

— I really want to give Lesha the ball! Would you like me to give you a ball? – he asked Lesha.

- Really want to!

“It’s a good idea, Sasha,” the grandmother praised, “let’s buy Lesha a ball.” let him play and remember us more often. Get dressed guys, let's go to the store.

Everyone began to gather. The black shaggy dog ​​Druzhok was lying on the carpet in the hallway and pretending to be asleep. But as soon as she noticed that everyone was starting to get dressed, she suddenly started jumping, squealing with joy, and trying to lick Sasha right on the nose.

“Get in place,” shouted Sasha. The friend lay down on the carpet, looked everyone in the eyes and wagged his tail. It was he who asked to be taken with them and not left alone in the apartment. When grandma opened the door, Druzhok jumped out onto the stairs. Everyone went down to the courtyard, and there Genka was building a sand fortress.

- Where are you going? - he asked Sasha.

“I should buy the ball,” Lesha boasted. - Leather!

- Take me with you too. “I know where the balls are sold,” Genka asked.

“Okay, let’s go,” Sasha generously allowed. Everyone went outside. The friend began to run from side to side along the sidewalk and poked his nose everywhere, ran ahead, looked Sasha in the eyes, and wagged his tail.

“To the leg,” Sasha commanded. The friend calmed down and obediently walked next to him.

- Look! – Genka almost shouted and pointed to the other side of the street.

- What to look at? – Sasha shrugged his shoulders in bewilderment.

- How about what? Don't you see that there's a Sporting Goods store there? They sell balls there too!

- Balls? – Lesha asked happily. He wanted to get the leather ball so quickly that he didn’t even have the patience.

“Let’s run,” he shouted and rushed onto the pavement. And at that very moment, Druzhok jumped and grabbed Lesha’s jacket with his teeth and began to drag him back.

“Oh, how evil,” Lesha muttered in bewilderment, shaking off his jacket.

- Not evil, but scientist! – Sasha objected. - Do you think he wanted to bite you? He didn't allow you to run across the pavement. You can't cross here. Understood?

- How does he know that you can’t cross? – Lesha asked.

“We taught him the rules of movement,” Sasha answered, laughing.

- He doesn’t even know that yet! You have to cross the street where there are buttons.

- What fun! – Lesha didn’t believe it. - Why do the streets need buttons? This is not a coat or some kind of shirt!

“They came off someone’s coat and are lying on the pavement,” Genka chuckled.

- And these are not at all the same buttons as on a shirt or coat. And not the ones that came off! – Sasha got excited. - And you'll see!

While the guys were arguing, Druzhok ran forward. Everyone also went forward. Then the friend stopped, looked in the direction of our friends, wagged his tail and sat down on the edge of the sidewalk. If he could speak, the guys would hear:

- Come here! I found a place where you can cross the pavement.

- Why did he sit down? – Lesha asked.

Indeed, when they approached Druzhka, they saw that on the pavement two rows of large metal circles, very similar to buttons, were pressed into the asphalt, shining in the sun. Between them there was a strip of pavement that went to the other side of the street.

- Well, what did I say? – Sasha said triumphantly. – Do you see the buttons now?

“Well, yes,” the guys were embarrassed. - But we didn’t even see it.

“This is a pedestrian crossing,” said the grandmother. - You can cross the pavement here. - And everyone went across the street, and Druzhok ran ahead. When we bought the ball, my grandmother said:

— We still need to go to the bakery for bread. - And everyone moved on. Then Druzhok ran forward, stopped and looked at Sasha, wagged his tail and sat down on the edge of the sidewalk.

“My friend is showing me the place where you can cross the pavement,” Sasha said authoritatively.

-Where are the buttons? There are no buttons! - said Lesha when they came to that place.

- But there are white squares, checkers! They were drawn instead of buttons! They made two chains of squares, with a strip between them. She's across the street.

“This is also a pedestrian crossing,” the grandmother confirmed.

“Only here there are not buttons, but checkers,” everyone crossed the pavement.

“Let’s buy some fruit now,” said the grandmother.

To get to the fruit store, you had to cross another street. Everyone walked in silence. Then the friend began to jump, squeal and run forward and soon sat down.

“Look,” shouted Lesha, “I’ve found the crossing point again!” Wide white stripes are painted across the entire pavement.

“You can cross them too,” said Sasha. And when they bought fruit, everyone went home the same way.

The friend quickly found the crossing points. Lesha admired Druzhka’s resourcefulness.

I. Seryakov

Pooh and the three-eyed miracle.

Golden autumn has arrived! At this time of year, deciduous rabbits are born. They are called so because they are born when the leaves fall from the trees. This is how the glorious little bunny Pooh was born.

“Grow up healthy, baby,” said mom.

When the little hare grew up, he went on a journey.

“Be careful on the street,” his mother told him.

And so he walked merrily along the road... For a long time he wandered along forest paths, through flower meadows, until he came to a huge city... The hum of cars, the noise of roads, but nothing is scary for our Pooh.

But why did the little bunny stop and not move on?

- Hey, three-eyed miracle! - he shouted. “I’m traveling, and you stand and blink with your big eyes and don’t let me pass.”

- What an ill-mannered bunny! Don’t you know what my “big eyes” are for?

- Of course, to watch!

- No, not just look, but also show the way!

- Isn’t it for me?

- For both you and the other bunny! In general, for any adult and child.

- Well, here’s another thing, someone will point it out to me...

And our little bunny quickly walked straight along the road. Suddenly a huge truck came around the bend. What will happen now?

The noise of the wheels... the car stopped...

What about our “traveler”? Where is he?

Our little bunny lies right in front of the truck wheels. The dog Barbos ran out of the cabin:

- What a disgrace! Can't you see the pedestrian light is red? - and the dog pointed to the “three-eyed miracle.” “You must stand on the sidewalk until the yellow light comes on.”

And after the light turns green, you can head across the road! Do you really know such simple rules?

Our Pooh blushed and did not answer Barbos.

The little hare ran up to the “three-eyed miracle” and said:

- I will definitely remember these rules! Honestly! Let's be friends with you! My name is Pooh, what's yours?

- Traffic light! I am very pleased that you finally understand how important it is to be friends with traffic signals!

The little hare was very happy, walked happily along the road, and the Traffic Light blinked his green eye after him.

Do you remember what rules the dog Barbos Pooh taught? ……

Introducing Mishka, the playful little girl, to the walking path.

Once upon a time there was Mishka, he was a naughty boy. One morning, without waiting for his mother, he went to kindergarten.

He stomped along the road happily. Cars and trucks, motorcycles, buses and trolleybuses rushed past him.

And then he saw something strange.

- Hey, road monster, why are you standing here?

- Ay-ay-ay, ignoramus! Every child knows me from the cradle!

Do you guys recognize me? Who am I?

- Right! I am the Traffic Light! My signals are needed and important! Ask any kid and he will tell you what red, yellow and green lights mean.

Do you guys remember?

- But tell me, how did you end up alone on the road?

- I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten!

-Where is your mother?

Mishka didn’t answer, he just lowered his head.

- Yes... Things are bad! What to do?

- But it’s very close to me! There's my garden, you just need to cross the road!

No. I remember. You need to cross the road when the traffic light is green!

- That's right, but that's not enough. You must cross the road at a special pedestrian crossing:

Walk along the pedestrian path,

She's like a zebra at our feet

Lies across the road.

The little animals know all the rules,

They are never violated!

“And this road sign will help, the pedestrian crossing will be indicated for you, Mishka, always,” added the Traffic Light.

- Thank you! I promise that without my mother I will never go out onto the roadway again, and I will always remember that you need to cross the road when the traffic light is green and only where there is a pedestrian crossing.

And Mishka, the naughty boy, walked across the road, and never again upset his mother or violated the traffic rules.

Do you guys always cross the road correctly?

Three traffic lights.

One day the bear cub Toptyzhka was riding on a tram with his mother. Mishka was sitting by the window and suddenly saw a bright flashlight.

- Mom, look at the lantern hanging on the wire.

At this time, the “lantern” lit up with a red light and the tram stopped.

- Why are we standing? - asked Toptyzhka.

— Now, pedestrians will cross the road, and the tram will move again.

“We’ll probably never go.” There are too many pedestrians,” the little bear sighed and continued to look out the window.

The lantern turned on a green light and suddenly spoke to Toptyzhka:

- I am not a “lantern”, but a traffic light! My lights are reliable helpers. They are not simple, but magical.

“Is this like “magic”?” the little bear was surprised.

“Very simple,” continued Traffic Light. - Red light - stop! Yellow light - attention! We need to get ready to move. Green light - boldly go forward!

- And everyone listens to such commands?

- Of course, because if you don’t follow them, disaster can happen!

What do you think will happen?

Then the light turned green and the tram began moving again.

- See, son, we're going again!

- This is because the traffic light turned green! - Toptyzhka said importantly.

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