Report “Effective forms of interaction with parents”

Report “Effective forms of interaction with parents”



This article is a presentation of the most effective forms, methods and techniques of preschool educational institutions working with parents, a combination of traditional and innovative forms of working with families.


forms of working with parents, methods of working with parents, methods of working with parents, working with parents.

Being a parent is an important job.

Parents are mentors, teachers,

friends, advocates, judges and leaders.

Remez Sasson

It is no secret for us, teachers, that the goal of our work is to solve problems related to the revival of the traditions of family education, involving parents in the pedagogical process, strengthening emotional contacts between children and adults to create a unified educational space between kindergarten and family.

The educational process is serious daily work, and its successful implementation requires desire, perseverance and, of course, love for children.

The family and kindergarten are connected by common tasks in raising the child. Therefore, what is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions: family and kindergarten.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education is the most relevant in the modern world, as it meets the needs of today's life, contributes to the unification of the efforts of the kindergarten and the family in promoting the health, education and training of preschool children, searching for new organizational ways to attract parents to cooperation with the kindergarten, contributes to the creation of conditions for improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Both the family and the preschool institution, in their own way, convey to the child the social experience accumulated over generations. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for the harmonious entry of a little person into society.

What forms, methods and techniques should be used when working with parents and families? In modern education, there are two points of view on this problem: follow traditional practices or innovation. At the same time, modern science expresses the idea that tradition and innovation, tradition and modernity are interconnected and interdependent.

Any tradition is a former innovation, and any potential innovation is a future tradition [5, p. 12]. Therefore, in our work we are not talking about traditional or innovative forms of working with parents, we are talking about effective, efficient forms, methods and techniques.

When working with parents, the following priority tasks are highlighted:

— Improving the pedagogical culture of parents, activating and enriching their pedagogical knowledge and skills.

— Study and generalization of the best experience of family education.

— Involving parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work.

We base work in our group on an individual approach to each child and knowledge of his mental and physical health (based on the results of diagnosis together with a speech therapist, psychologist, study of the family microclimate and the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents).

Below is a list of forms, methods and techniques that allow parents to participate in the life of a preschool educational institution, and teachers to indirectly influence this situation. Traditional forms of work are known to everyone, these are:

— frontal and individual surveys of parents, studying the problems of families of pupils;

— information stands to familiarize parents with the preschool institution, the features of its work, teachers, other specialists involved in raising children, information on enriching parents’ knowledge about the features of the development and upbringing of preschool children;

— information booklets;

— thematic consultations in groups, subgroups (for example, for parents of left-handed children), individual;

— involvement in competitions at the kindergarten, village, district, regional, all-Russian, international level (for example: snow buildings, “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”, “The library is part of me, I am part of the library”, etc.);

— use of the positive socializing opportunities of the Internet: participation in social surveys, online Olympiads and competitions (sociological survey to assess the effectiveness of the activities of individual organizations providing services to the population of the Ust-Kamchatsky municipal region, “League of Erudites”, “Olympiad”, etc.);

— for creative communication, there is such a form of work with the family as exhibitions of children’s and parents’ works (the themes of the exhibitions are varied: “Autumn”, “Gifts for my beloved mother”, crafts made from natural materials, “The land in which I live”, etc. ). These exhibitions provide opportunities for parents and children to organize joint activities. Parents note that in the process of jointly preparing materials for the exhibition, adults and children get to know each other even better; the family has another opportunity to talk about the child, about his life in the group and at home;

- collection of natural material for children’s activities: pebbles, seeds, shells, herbarium, etc.;

— parents are informed about everything that is happening or will happen in the group and in the kindergarten in a special information sheet in the group’s locker room, as well as in the WhatsApp group and on the website of the “Yagodki” group;

— an invitation to discuss the current situation in the development of the child and make a decision on further joint actions of teachers, specialists and parents capable of ensuring the successful development of students;

— parents are encouraged to participate in methodological activities: making costumes, playing materials, video filming, etc.;

— work on the improvement of preschool educational institutions (equipping a subject-development environment, cleanup days for the improvement of group areas, cleanup days for the improvement of group rooms);

— organizing parent duty in the group;

- homework or solving problematic cognitive problems with searching for answers in various sources to be done together with children.

In this work we will dwell in more detail on innovation activities.

1. Viewing video clips of various types of child activities in a preschool educational institution, followed by analysis by parents and then teachers.

Figure 1. Family holiday “What is Family?”

2. Themed leisure activities

in traditional (“Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Harvest Festival”, “Day of Knowledge”, “Funtik in the Circus”) and innovative forms (“Russian gatherings”; “At the fair”, “Maslenitsa Fair”; oral magazine “Family Album”, “We will serve the Motherland”; quest “The Path to the General”; quiz game “What is a family?”).

3. Oral journal

is an event in which information is communicated in the form of separate “pages”. The content of an oral journal can reflect one topic or a whole complex of a wide variety of issues, i.e., in other words, the journal can be of a thematic or review nature. The contents of the oral journal are revealed on its pages. The methods for designing each page can be very diverse: performances by children, demonstrations of entertaining experiments, meetings with scientists, answers to questions, reading poems, performing songs, musical works, humoresques, etc. Technical means are widely used in the magazine: multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboard.

4. Joint leisure activities

, where parents play the role of participants in the holidays, and not spectators (“What is a family?”, “Russian gatherings”, etc.).

5. Game library

in kindergarten with the invitation of parents and other family members. The toy library is a collection of games that are aimed at all types of activities in the development of a child. The goals of the toy library: familiarize parents with the conditions, methods of using games and play exercises aimed at developing children at home.

6. Health holidays

(for example: “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family”, “Russian heroes”, quest game “Path to the General”).

Quest - “search, subject of search, search for adventure.” In mythology and literature, the concept of “quest” originally meant one of the ways to construct a plot - the journey of characters to a specific goal through overcoming difficulties.

An educational quest is a pedagogical technology that includes a set of problematic tasks with role-playing game elements, the implementation of which requires any resources, and primarily Internet resources.

7. Technology "Family theater in kindergarten"

, where parents are participants in joint theatrical activities with children (for example: “New Year's Tale”, “Masha and the Bear in Search of Health”, etc.).

Figure 2. Fairy tale “Turnip”

Family theater is a new form of joint child-adult artistic activity that promotes the development of sociocultural ties between kindergarten and family, focused on integrating the traditions of home and public theater and developing the educational potential of the family.

The “Family Theater in Kindergarten” technology allows teachers to transfer parents and children from observing the teacher’s play actions to direct involvement in the process of theatrical activities in kindergarten, and then to independently organizing home theater productions; from situational influence on the child to systematic, meaningful, emotionally filled leisure; improve relationships between children and adults.

8. Parent meetings.

When organizing parent meetings, techniques are used that activate the attention of tired parents, make it easier to remember the essence of conversations, and create a special mood for a friendly conversation. After a short introduction, a transition to discussion follows; moments from the life of the group are used as examples, practical tasks, games, and musical accompaniment are included.

Meetings were held in various innovative forms:

— creative reports on project implementation;

— creative reports on the results of the academic year;

— intellectual game “Health of our children”;

- use of the brainstorming method (at a parent meeting in a school preparatory group when discussing the form of graduation). The purpose of brainstorming is to organize collective mental activity to find unconventional ways to solve a problem.

9. Thematic projects

, implemented in collaboration with parents of students (“The ABC of Health”, “From Rus' to Russia”, “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, “This is My Motherland”, “Circus, Circus, Circus”, “My Family”, “Rus, Russia” - Motherland”, etc.). Project activities contribute to parents' interest in the problems of a preschool institution and the formation of parents as active participants in the life of a kindergarten, which allows for more effective education of morality in preschool children.

One of the results of the project activities is the organization in the group of a mini-museum on the theme of the project (“The Magic World of Fairy Tales”, “Rus”, “The ABC of Health”, “This is My Motherland”, etc.). In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, the creator of the exhibition. And not only himself, but also his dad, mom, grandparents. Each mini-museum is the result of communication and joint work of the teacher, children and their families.

10. Children and parents scientific and practical conferences

(“My Family”, “The Planet Created by Me”) as one of the interactive forms of working with families.

The presentation of children's projects takes place in an atmosphere of positive communication, where each child feels his importance and the importance of his first discoveries. They make all their discoveries, so important for a small child, under the guidance of their teachers and parents.

11. Open classes for parents

. This is a way to introduce parents to the conditions, content, methods and techniques of educational work aimed at teaching and raising a child. Parents come to the group with pleasure, worry and worry, really see the capabilities of their pet, ask for advice on how best to organize help for their child at home, and get acquainted with new programs.

For children, the presence of their parents is a great emotional factor, causing them to strive to show their good side, to be attentive and collected.

The advantages of this pedagogical concept of interaction between teachers and parents are undeniable and numerous, since they are:

- positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together to raise children;

— increasing the level of pedagogical and legal competence of parents,

- increase in parental activity,

— parents become not only first helpers, but also active participants in the educational and educational process;

— establishing close contact with each family;

- taking into account the child’s individuality. The teacher constantly maintains contact with the family, knows the characteristics and habits of his pupil and takes them into account when working, which, in turn, leads to increased efficiency of the pedagogical process;

- the opportunity for parents to choose and shape the direction in the development and upbringing of the child that they consider necessary. Thus, parents take responsibility for raising the child;

- coordination of educational influence on the child,

— generalization of the positive experience of family education;

— strengthening intra-family ties;

— the possibility of implementing a unified program for the upbringing and development of children in preschool educational institutions and families;

— the ability to take into account the type of family and style of family relationships. The teacher, having determined the type of family of the student, will be able to find the right approach to interaction and successfully work with parents.

Thus, no pedagogical system, even the best, can be fully effective if there is no place for the family in it! A child cannot exist outside the family system. If the preschool institution and the family are closed to each other, the child finds himself between two non-communicating systems. To avoid this, it is necessary that these two systems become open to each other, to interact. The main thing in them should be an atmosphere of kindness, trust and mutual understanding.

Only in this case is it possible to create conditions that help reveal the child’s talents and abilities, only then will he grow up healthy, happy and smart!


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Kochura N.N. Organization of work with parents in a preschool institution // Electronic scientific and practical journal “OWL”, Number 1 (11) 2022.

Mayer A.A., Davydova O.I., Voronina N.V. 555 ideas for involving parents in kindergarten life. – M.: TC Sfera, 2012. – 128 p.

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Electronic resources:

Quest as a pedagogical technology. History of quest technology: URL:

Features of individual work with families

1. Objectives, principles, methods and forms of organizing individual work with parents of preschool children

Currently, when organizing work with parents of older preschool children, the educational psychologist uses both traditional forms and methods of work, as well as innovative, non-traditional ones. At the same time, the emphasis is on active methods of interaction between parents and specialists. An analysis of the literature shows the variety of existing methods and forms, among which the most common are the following: frontal and individual surveys of parents, studying the social portrait of pupils’ families, group meetings in the form of round tables, discussions, debates, parents’ living rooms, organizing open days, happy family days for parents, activation of information baskets, information letters, a helpline, joint leisure activities, targeted and spontaneous conversations - meetings with family members of pupils, group meetings - workshops with training elements, theatrical performances for children with the participation of parents (where parents act as leading actors), organizing a family talent competition, drawing up a family tree of the family (organizing retro living rooms for grandparents), compiling family albums, visual propaganda, conversations and consultations, organizing clubs, organizing business games.


The work of preschool institutions with parents is varied:
live speech, demonstration of educational work, organization of exhibitions, pedagogical libraries, involving parents in active participation in the life of the kindergarten,
etc. This work is carried out in two directions: individually and with a team of parents.

Individual forms of work with parents

- these are conversations, consultations, visits to families, instructions for parents, etc. For the team

general consultations, group and general parent meetings, conferences, exhibitions, lectures, clubs are organized for parents; Information and thematic stands and photo montages are designed; There are radio broadcasts, question and answer evenings, round table meetings, etc.

By communicating with parents individually, the teacher gets the opportunity to establish relationships with them based on mutual respect, outline ways to effectively help the family, and give specific advice to parents.

An important link in individual work with parents is visiting the family. It allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives and the general atmosphere in the house. As a result, the teacher can give parents more informed recommendations and find optimal ways to create a single line of influence on the child in kindergarten and at home.

An effective form of working with parents is individual conversations between teachers and other employees with adult family members. In these conversations, parents are more willing and open to talk about the grief that can sometimes exist in the family, about the anxiety that the child’s behavior causes, about the child’s successes. Individual conversations can take place at the initiative of the teacher or the parents themselves. Sometimes such a conversation needs to be agreed upon in advance; sometimes a conversation in the morning or evening when parents come to kindergarten is enough.

The library collected in kindergarten is of great benefit in the pedagogical education of parents. During the child's stay in a preschool institution, parents can read a lot of pedagogical literature, and the teacher has the opportunity to supervise and guide their reading. Books for such a library are mainly selected and purchased by the kindergarten administration; Parents can also help with this. It is useful to keep a record of the literature that parents have read.

It is better to introduce parents to this or that issue of education using folders. Usually they contain thematic material with illustrations and practical recommendations; it is systematically updated, illustrations are replaced with new ones. The contents of the folders are periodically reviewed by the head or teacher-methodologist.

Great opportunities are revealed by working with a team of parents - broad pedagogical information, exchange of experience, involving parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten.

Based on the work plan, individual conversations with parents, family visits, observations of the behavior of children in the group, the teacher selects material for collective

consultation conversations, group and general parent meetings.

Consultations for parents can be planned or unscheduled. The topics and content of both scheduled and unscheduled consultations are discussed and then approved by the head of the kindergarten. The time and timing of scheduled consultations are scheduled in advance (this may be a constant number). Parents are notified of the timing and topic of the consultation.

Parents from all groups can be invited to some consultations. It is good for all parents to consult with a lawyer, a police officer, an accident inspector, or a safety inspector.

Unscheduled consultations are appointed both at the initiative of the head or teacher, and at the request of the parents themselves.

The main form of work with a team of parents

- a group parent meeting, which is usually held once a quarter.

At these meetings, parents are systematically introduced to the goals and objectives, forms and methods of raising children of this age group in kindergarten and family. This could be a report or information from a teacher, doctor, music worker, or manager. The results of the work for a certain period are summed up. The topics of pedagogical conversations and reports at group meetings are determined by the teacher in accordance with the annual work plan of the kindergarten. The interests and wishes of the parents are also taken into account.

It is useful if, in addition to the teacher, doctor or other kindergarten employees, the parents themselves also speak at meetings. The candidacy of the speaker and the content of the speech are agreed upon with the head of the kindergarten, who advises how to make the speech more specific and vivid in order to arouse the activity of all those present at the meeting.

A meeting between parents and teachers becomes lively if it is accompanied by a display of children's works and a tour of the kindergarten.

The first group meeting is an organizational one. It is usually prescribed in September - October. The final meeting is held in May; a meeting on the results of the summer health campaign - in August and another one - on various issues of education - in January - February. Control over attendance at group meetings is carried out by the teacher together with the active parents.

Each meeting makes decisions affecting both the kindergarten and the family. Their content should be specific and aimed at improving educational work. The next meeting should begin with a report on the implementation of the meeting's decisions.

At general parent meetings, decisions are made that are brought to the attention of all parents. Control over the implementation of decisions is entrusted to the administration and the pedagogical commission of the parent committee. The implementation of decisions is reported at the next meeting.

When organizing joint work of a preschool educational institution with families within the framework of the new philosophy, it is necessary to observe the basic principles:

  • openness of the kindergarten to the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);
  • cooperation between teachers and parents in raising children;
  • creation of an active developmental environment that provides unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's team;
  • diagnosis of general and specific problems in the development and upbringing of a child.

The main goal of preschool teachers

– professionally help the family in raising children, without replacing it, but complementing it and ensuring a more complete implementation of its educational functions:

  • development of the child’s interests and needs;
  • distribution of duties and responsibilities between parents in constantly changing situations of raising children;
  • supporting openness in relationships between different generations in the family;
  • developing a family lifestyle, forming family traditions;
  • understanding and acceptance of the child’s individuality, trust and respect for him as a unique person.

This goal is achieved through the following tasks:

  • fostering respect for childhood and parenthood;
  • interaction with parents to study their family microenvironment;
  • increasing and promoting the general culture of the family and the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;
  • providing practical and theoretical assistance to parents of pupils through the transmission of the fundamentals of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills in practical work with children;
  • using various forms of cooperation and joint creativity with parents, based on an individually differentiated approach to families.

2. Providing targeted assistance to the modern family in the upbringing, education and development of children

The interaction of a kindergarten with a family should be considered, first of all, as a dialogue between two partners in the joint business of development, education, training and formation of a preschooler. This interaction does not arise immediately. This is a fairly lengthy process, long and painstaking work that requires patient, unwavering adherence to the chosen goal.

Modern parents are educated and have wide access to popular scientific information from the fields of pedagogy and psychology. However, a high level of general culture, erudition and awareness of parents do not guarantee a sufficient level of their pedagogical competence.

Parents experience difficulties in the development, upbringing and education of their children, in choosing optimal educational methods and techniques, in applying information gleaned from the Internet and popular science literature directly into practice. Teachers of preschool educational institutions note the continued need among parents to receive specific targeted assistance in the upbringing and education of their children.

In practice this is expressed as follows:

 insufficient awareness of parents about the peculiarities of the medical, psychological, pedagogical components of the child’s development, and, as a result, the inability to provide him with the timely necessary assistance;

 inadequacy of expectations in relation to the processes of development, upbringing and education of the child;

 parents’ own psychological and pedagogical problems, which they try to resolve on their own, without seeking help from specialists;

 insufficient mutual understanding when interacting with preschool teachers, etc.

Today it is necessary to talk about psychological and pedagogical education of parents of preschool children in order to improve their pedagogical culture as one of the areas of activity of a preschool educational institution. T.A. Kulikova defines the pedagogical culture of parents as an integral part of a person’s general culture, which embodies the accumulated human experience of raising children in a family.

Pedagogical culture includes several components:

1) understanding and awareness of responsibility for raising children; 2) knowledge about the development, upbringing, education of children; 3) practical skills in organizing the life and activities of children in the family; 4) carrying out educational activities; 5) productive connection with other educational institutions (preschool, school) [2].

One of the tasks of teachers of a preschool educational institution in the process of interaction with families is to overcome difficulties in communication due to differences in the level of training. We can say that finding a “common language” with parents means finding a “language of trust.”

Cooperation between a preschool institution and the family presupposes that parents have responsibility, and that teachers have family-centered pedagogical activities, based on considering the child only in the context of the family.

To form a position of cooperation between teachers and children and their parents, it is necessary to create a unified space for the child’s development, which should be supported by both the kindergarten and the family. In order to build effective communication between teachers and parents, it is important to have communication skills and navigate the problems of raising each family. Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on topics common and significant for both parties, if each of them enriches its information baggage in the process of communication.

The main way to establish such cooperation is to organize the educational process, the result of which will be the implementation of the goals and principles of personality-oriented education of preschool children [1].

Families regarding educational potential can be divided into three groups:

1. Families with high educational potential. The main task in working with this group of parents is to involve them in active participation in educational work and in organizing assistance to families with average and low potential. It can be noted that these families have the most favorable conditions for raising preschool children, since relationships are built on respect for the child’s personality and love.

2. When working with parents with average educational potential, the main emphasis is on developing skills in the proper organization of family leisure and family life in order to overcome mistakes made in raising children.

3. In working with parents with low family potential, the main task is to establish contacts between the family and the preschool educational institution, formulate ideas about parental responsibilities, improve pedagogical culture, help parents eliminate conflict situations, and correct child-parent relationships.

The initiator of establishing such cooperation should be teachers of an educational institution, since they are professionally prepared for educational work and understand that its success depends on the consistency of continuity in the upbringing, education and development of children.

The professional functions of a modern teacher of a preschool educational institution include the following: 1) participation in the pedagogical education of parents; 2) regulation and coordination of the educational influences of the family and preschool institution [2].

Preschool specialists play a leading role in managing and organizing the educational process with parents and other family members. But this role is successfully carried out only with good knowledge of the characteristics of the family and the pedagogical conditions for raising a child in a particular family.

Managing the educational process with a family is a rather complex process, since it presupposes the personal and professional readiness of all preschool specialists to accept and master new approaches in working with parents, the development of prospects for the educational and educational space, and the choice of values ​​when organizing the educational environment. As well as the readiness of parents to interact with preschool specialists on issues of raising children.

The upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become teacher assistants and develop creatively together with children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and noble thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, helping in everything, being patient and delicate and then everything will work out.

3. Prevention of manifestations of alienation between the child and family

One of the most common forms of parental irresponsibility, which currently has a tendency to increase, is spiritual deafness, alienation between children, especially teenagers, and parents. This phenomenon manifests itself in the indifference and inattention of parents to the inner world of their children, in their inability to understand the experiences, interests, and hobbies of children and adolescents, which ultimately leads to a loss of contacts between them. The lack of spiritual closeness with their parents is acutely experienced by teenagers; they become withdrawn and stop sharing their joys and sorrows with their parents.

The psychological basis of alienation is formed by a lack of communication and the emotional hunger it generates, which adolescents compensate for outside the family. Hours once taken away from children, saved due to attention to them, return as a boomerang of children's distrust and even hostility against the parents themselves. Alienation of adolescents from their parents is one of the most important social and psychological reasons for the emergence of juvenile delinquents.

Very often we have difficulties and questions that relate to our relationship with our child: misunderstandings, the teenager’s reluctance to share problems that are troubling him with his parents, conflicts, unreasonably low mood, reluctance to fulfill the requests and instructions of his parents, disobedience. But the reason for these problems is that sometimes we do not take into account the age characteristics and needs of our children, imposing on them our own opinions, sometimes incorrect. We forget that our child has already grown up, and he has his own interests, desires, problems, aspirations, and we often believe that we know better and know better what he needs and how best to act. But without changing our attitude towards our child, without thinking about what is important to him and not to us, we risk running into even greater problems in communicating with our children: conflicts, refusal of the child to communicate with his parents, hostility and aggression towards parents, leaving home.

This problem can affect every child and arise at any stage of its development, regardless of age. After all, a child, as he develops, absorbs the words, behavior, and reproaches of his parents throughout the entire period of growing up. It is necessary to think about the problems that arise, solve them and change your attitude towards the child, if necessary. It is possible to prevent such difficulties in the future and begin to adapt to the interests and needs of our children now.

Many parents believe that the child is forever in their power - this is a delusion. After all, indicating how to live, what to do, etc. you tell the child that he is not able to make decisions on his own and choose what he considers necessary for himself. Without learning from his own trials and errors, a child will not be able to instill in himself the skills of independent living.

How often do parents respond to their children in this way:

- Mom, let's play together...

- Oh, I’m so tired, let’s do it tomorrow!


- Dad, let's go somewhere!

- Go to mom, don’t pester me!

This leads to the fact that the child begins to be afraid to do something that contradicts the demands of his parents and others, is wary of talking about failures for fear of punishment, or does not want to tell the events of the past day, since, in his opinion, his parents have no time for him, they constantly are busy and don’t want to listen to him. This lowers the child's self-esteem. The child begins to develop various complexes that lead to problems in the child’s communication with peers, reluctance to learn, the development of various kinds of fears, increased anxiety, aggressiveness towards others, and irritability. It is difficult for such a child to adapt to the social environment, and it is difficult to lead a full independent life.

It must be remembered that if at an early age a child had enough of children's games and fairy tales, then as he gets older, he develops other interests. In adolescence, this is communication with peers, which comes to the fore for them and at this age is the predominant interest. This is often a problem for parents; many conflicts and disagreements arise about this. At this stage, the likelihood of alienation between parents and children is highest. The child no longer considers himself a child, and the parent does not yet realize and does not want to accept the fact that the child has matured and is ready to express his needs, is ready for an independent life, where the mistakes he makes will be his only; his emotions will belong only to him, where he wants to act, the way he wants, and not as they impose and indicate to him. During this period, parents often increase control over their children, and this should be the case. But this control should not limit the child’s personal freedom and his desire to self-realize. It is important to understand the child and become for him not a controller and moral teacher, but a friend.

The situation can be corrected, changed or prevented by following these recommendations:

  • Come up with activities you can do together with your child: walks, board games, social hours, etc.;
  • Create a collage together on the theme “My dreams”, “My happy future”, etc.;
  • Help your child prepare homework, because besides you, he has no one to turn to for help if questions and difficulties arise;
  • Explain to your child your actions related to prohibitions;
  • Avoid phrases that belittle the child’s dignity: “you’re still small,” “you can’t,” etc.;
  • Do not compare your child with others, because what some can do, others cannot due to their abilities and temperament. Each child is individual and has its own characteristics that distinguish it from others.

Be more patient and tolerant of the teenager’s actions and interests:

1. Listen carefully to your child, even if his action categorically does not suit you or contradicts your beliefs (a teenager does not always do things specifically to annoy you). After all, if something happened, he already experiences fear or anxiety when telling you. And first of all, he expects help and understanding from you, not reproach and punishment. Understanding does not mean forgiveness at all. It creates a solid foundation on which you can build further relationships with your child.

2. Clearly formulate the reason for your dissatisfaction and in a calm, friendly, but firm tone, explain to the child why he should not act in one way or another, using the expressions: “try not to do this next time,” “please warn me if you are late,” “ I’m worried”, “this worries me”, “I’m very worried when...”, etc. Rudeness always causes a response and it is never positive.

3. Formulate clearly what you expect from your child. The child must know and understand why he is being punished or why he should not behave in one way or another. He should not think that his parents are in a bad mood or that they just like to scold him.

4. Establish rules in the family, but in this case, make sure that the rules apply to all family members (they are required to be strictly followed by all family members), otherwise the child will think that he is disadvantaged or not like everyone else, since they only him is required to perform, and the rest can do whatever they want.

5. If your child doesn’t have hobbies, help him find one. Observe what he is interested in or talk to your child about what he would like to do. Hobbies allow a child to develop personally and protect him from getting involved in bad companies. If a child has a hobby, he will not want to look for adventures on the streets out of boredom, he will be interested in doing his own thing.

6. Appreciate your children’s moments of frankness and be sincerely interested in their problems.

7. Communicate with your child as equals; the tone of the order does not work in your favor. Let your child know that you are on his side, that you understand him and are always ready to help, regardless of the circumstances.

8. Respect the child’s need for privacy and personal life. This principle requires some distance, which may seem impossible for some parents. But make sure that solitude is not regular and long-term, as this indicates problems in the teenager’s personal life.

9. Avoid loud phrases and sermons. Try talking instead of lecturing. Avoid statements like “When I was your age...”

10. Don't give labels. “You are stupid and lazy. You'll never achieve anything." This “hanging” leads to the fact that the prediction comes true by itself. After all, children tend to conform to what their parents think of them.

11. Avoid extremes: giving complete freedom is just as wrong as categorically prohibiting it.

12. It is necessary to understand that the child may not immediately listen to you and should not unquestioningly follow your advice.

4. Features of planning lessons - situations for children’s development

One of the leading approaches to the development of the child as a subject of children's activities is the creation of an educational pedagogical
that ensures the active participation of the child as a partner in the educational process.

The implementation of the content of the educational program “Childhood”, on which I work, presupposes the creative design by the teacher of the educational process, the unit of design of which is educational situations. The educational situation can be constructed in various forms of interaction with children (classes, joint activities, intimate conversation, conversation on business, looking at illustrations, playing, etc.).

It is necessary that the life of children in the group be filled with events, children’s “fantasies” and ideas are supported, and each child can get involved in this interesting activity, show their ingenuity, creativity and initiative, and become an active subject of children's creativity.

The educational situation provides the opportunity to rely on the child’s social experience and level of independence, and provides the child with the opportunity to express himself.

Using educational situations, I move away from traditional classes according to the proposed model, create conditions for emancipation, and allow the child to reveal his inner state.

Educational situation "Birthday cookies"

Task: Develop children's ability to select cookie cutters using substitute items
Problem: The hare decided to throw a party in honor of her daughter’s birthday. The highlight of the program was to be cookies of various shapes. The hare went to all the stores in the area, but could not buy cookie cutters. How can the Hare make cookies of different shapes?
Activities of the teacher Children's activities
To prepare the dough, the children were offered diagrams and algorithms for preparing the dough. Together with the teacher, the children kneaded the dough and rolled it into a flat cake.
Guys, what do you think the Hare should use to replace the molds with? You can take a sand mold, a checker, stamps, a glass, a bowl, a plastic ring from a pyramid.

Cut geometric shapes with a knife or scissors.

Just knead it with your hands, giving it the shape of a flower or various figures.

You can take the constructor and cut it with it.

You can try a lemonade bottle cap; the cookies will be small. Everything that children suggest using instead of molds, they try when working with dough.

Tell me, why is it more convenient to make with molds and a glass? They have thin edges and cut through the dough like a knife. The checkers and rings have blunt edges and cutting the dough is very difficult. Children come to the conclusion that it is more convenient to make cookies with sand molds and a cup, because they have thin edges that cut the dough.
So guys, we helped the Hare find a way out of the situation The children are proud of their help: we came up with a good idea, we’re great, now we can celebrate

Children take the finished cookies to the kitchen for baking.

The hare treats the children and bunnies with delicious cookies
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