Music for children in pictures – Children and music. Pictures and photos.

Russian folk musical instruments: balalaika, domra, gusli, bells and others. Children's educational videos about Russian folk musical instruments from the series “Great Music for Little Children” . Riddles, poems, speech exercises.

It's Maslenitsa! Russian festivities! And how can we not remember our original Russian folk musical instruments on this day? Therefore, I suggest that we all today go to the Great Concert Hall named after Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky for a lesson for children of preschool and primary school age “In the old days in Russia” , and also talk with children about Russian folk musical instruments.

Children and music. Pictures and photos.


Photos of children playing musical instruments. Children and music! This is wonderful!)

The boy plays the violin diligently. The music is mesmerizing! )

The baby in the photo is listening to music on headphones!) How beautiful! Children know a lot about music! )

Nice to see the trio of musicians in the photo! )

The boys enjoy learning to play the guitar. Children love music! )

In the photo, children are playing musical instruments. In kindergarten, all children love music! )

Wow! A real musical ensemble! Children and music are great! )

In the photo, a cute little girl is singing a song! A real singer! ))

In this cool picture of children, one boy plays the trumpet, another plays the drum, and a girl plays the violin! )

A boy plays the trumpet for his teddy bear toys! ))

The song flows in the open space. In the picture the children are singing and they have a conductor, everything is as it should be! ))

One friend plays the trombone, and the other holds sheet music for her! That's what friends mean! )

Funny guys! Even though they are kids, they love music! )

The kids love music and can play different instruments! )

The boy plays the piano himself and claps for himself too! ))

The boy in the photo listens to music and sings himself. Listen: I sing very well!))

What a cheerful group of children! We play and sing ourselves! ))

Three girlfriends play the piano! Very young kids, but they are interested in music! )

A young mother with her little son at the piano. Son plays the first chords! ))

Little children look at the guitar with interest! How is it played so beautifully? We must learn! ))

This kid loves to beat the drum! I'll be a drummer! ))

Just look: the boy has a real drummer! ))

Children play musical instruments: a girl plays the violin and a boy plays the flute!

The photo shows such a cute duo: dad and son! )They sit and play guitars! )

The boy is interested in the saxophone. He presses the buttons, but so far only with his feet! ))

In a cool picture, children are listening to a gramophone and enjoying the music! )

These funny little kids love music! ) It's more fun with her! )

A boy is diligently learning to play the guitar.

The girl got ready to sing karaoke. She’s shy and timid, but really wants to sing! ))

What friendly guys! Listen to music with just headphones! ))

The young guitarist performs in front of the public and has great fun! ))

The kid happily plays the piano. She doesn’t know any sheet music yet, but she loves music! ))

A funny picture of children playing musical instruments! And their conductor is a mouse! ))

An entertaining kid studies notes with interest! ) What funny hooks, sticks and squiggles! ))




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Video about Russian folk musical instruments for children.

In these wonderful educational and very beautiful music videos for children, you will see the main instruments of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments (balalaika, domra, gusli and others), learn about what kind of music was heard before at folk festivals, where the word “balalaika” came from, how they were held fair celebrations and caroling and much more. Enjoy watching! And thank you very much to the “My Joy” TV channel, which makes such wonderful programs for our children!

In the second part of this program for children, you will not only continue your acquaintance with famous Russian folk musical instruments and famous works for the Russian folk orchestra, but also learn about such little-known, but very interesting folk musical instruments as “ladoshki”, “turtle”, “ kokoshnik”, as well as... a ruble, a saw, spoons and rattles!

It is best to watch each video separately and discuss it with your child after watching. Ask what surprised him most in the film, what new things he learned, what else he would like to know about Russian instruments. And after that, a few days later, remember again your journey into the world of Russian folk musical instruments - ask riddles. Let the child try, based on the experience gained, to guess the names of Russian folk instruments. And they will help you guess our pictures, tasks and poems. Don't rush to tell everything at once! It is quite enough to introduce your baby to 1-2 instruments at a time!

Animated pictures “Music and children”

Russian folk musical instruments: riddles, poems, pictures and tasks for children.


Guess the riddle:

It has three strings, you have to pluck them with your hand, you can dance to it and squat in Russian. (Balalaika).

What signs of this instrument are mentioned in the riddle? (The balalaika has three strings, they are plucked by hand; this item is needed to play music).

What kind of instruments is the balalaika - strings, percussion or wind? Yes, it's a string instrument. Why? (it has three strings; a melody is played on the strings).

Balaika is a plucked string instrument. Why “plucked”? Remember with your child how a musician plays the balalaika.

There is another riddle about the balalaika: “It is cut out of wood, but cries in its hands.”>What other musical instruments can we say that they are “cut out of wood”? (Remember with your child the famous musical instruments made of wood - domra, guitar, violin and others)

Balalaika is a very fun instrument! The legs dance on their own. And it’s not for nothing that the name of this instrument is similar to the words “balaganit”, “to joke”, “to babble”, “to babble”, “to dabble”. What kind of person is said to be a jokester? And about whom can we say that he is “talking about”? There is an opinion among scientists that the word balalaika comes from the Tatar word “bala” - child.


Tell your child a riddle about domra:

Plays, not a guitar. Wooden, not a violin. Round, not a drum. Three strings, not a balalaika.

What kind of musical instrument is this? We saw him in the video. This is domra! Here it is - look at the domra in the picture.

There is another riddle about domra:

Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing! She makes everyone happy by playing, but she only needs three strings for music.

There are several answers to this riddle. Which? This could be the balalaika, already familiar to children, or the domra - any instrument that has three strings. Domra is a very ancient musical instrument. The children saw the domra in the video above and recognize it in the picture.

Tell your child about the domra: “The domras were played by musicians - buffoons. While the domra was playing, epics were recited. Some scientists believe that for a very long time musicians had different domras: from the smallest one - it was called very funny, what would you call it? (Listen to the children’s suggestions) It was called “domrishka”

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