Card file of walks junior group (April) card file (junior group) on the topic

Progress of observation

Invite the children for a walk around the kindergarten. Explain to them that from this moment they become pedestrians and must strictly follow the rules of the road: move only on the pedestrian path (sidewalk), do not rush, be attentive, hold each other’s hands tightly, do not shout, listen carefully to the teacher.

Be careful on the street, children!

Remember these rules firmly!

Always remember these rules

So that no trouble happens to you.

Labor activity

Invite children to rake dry leaves to a certain place, fill buckets with them and take them into a container.

Goal: to teach how to use a rake correctly and fill buckets to a certain size.

Outdoor games

"Sparrows and the car"


Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and spatial orientation.

"Dashes - catching up"


Goal: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Remote material

Dolls dressed for the weather, emblem masks, rakes, buckets.

___ September.

Walk 12 . Watching leaf fall

Objectives: learn to identify the signs of autumn;

develop observation skills;

to cultivate the ability to enjoy the beautiful, to treat nature with care.

Progress of observation

In autumn you can often see sparrows sitting and chirping on telegraph wires or bushes. Pay attention to the children that the birds are going to the cold. Invite the children to feed the birds by pouring bread crumbs on them and watch the birds peck at the food.

Sparrow, what are you waiting for?

You can't peck bread crumbs.

I noticed the crumbs a long time ago

Yes, I'm afraid of an angry cat.

Together with the children, consider the appearance of birds. (The body is covered with down, feathers, there are wings; they fly, jump, peck.)

Labor activity Feeding birds.

Goals: - encourage one to independently carry out basic tasks (feeding birds, cleaning the area)


- develop a desire to care for animals.

Outdoor games: “Sparrows and the cat”


Goals: - learn to jump softly, bending your knees;

run without touching each other, dodge the driver, quickly run away, find your place;

teach to be careful when taking up space, and not to push a friend.

"Get in the circle"


improve the ability to operate with different objects;

develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands;

develop eye, coordination, dexterity.

Remote material

Bird food, dolls dressed for the weather, emblem masks, pencil, scoops, cars.

___ September.

Walk 8

Monitoring the roadway


introduce the roadway - highway;

give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

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