Organization of a subject-developmental environment in the middle group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and the main educational program of preschool education.

A preschool educational institution is an organization where primary public education of children is carried out, the first link of public education in most developed countries. Toddlers and older preschoolers are in kindergarten from about seven in the morning until five or seven in the evening, learning the minimum necessary communication skills, playing, and preparing for school. To prevent separation from parents for the whole day from being too traumatic for the baby, conditions similar to those at home are created in the preschool educational institution - an abundance of toys, friendly teachers, and the opportunity to sleep during the day. An important factor is the design of the kindergarten - beautiful, comfortable premises, safe areas.

Design principles

When choosing a kindergarten, the first thing parents pay attention to is the interior. This is the calling card of the institution; it is designed harmoniously, in a memorable manner. Children should feel comfortable in it so that they want to return there every day.

The basic principles of the improvement project are approximately the following:

  • compliance with the name - the “Bee” kindergarten should have in its design figurines of bees, black and yellow elements, and the “Fairy Tale” kindergarten should have images of heroes of famous fairy tales;
  • the walls of corridors and lobbies are painted with various scenes so that children find it interesting to look at them;
  • clear zoning - each group must have a separate locker room, bedroom, games room, in harmony with each other;
  • the interior for children of different ages is decorated with different pictures - for the younger group, the plots of “Ryaba Hen”, the cartoon “Little Kids” are suitable, for older ones - fairy tales about “The Sleeping Beauty”, “Ivan the Tsarevich”, etc.;
  • The design materials chosen are environmentally friendly, predominantly natural.

Other types of corners

It should be noted that in the middle group of kindergarten, corners according to the Federal State Educational Standard will also be on topic. They can be equipped with special standards and other information that will be useful for educators and teachers. Such stands should not be ignored, as they are the most informative. They can also be beautifully designed to attract children's attention.

The art corner in kindergarten in the middle group is also in demand. Children will be pleased if, after some competition, their works are hung on this stand. It should be noted that parents who come to the room will also rejoice and look at the drawing their child has drawn. Therefore, if the room allows, such a stand should be installed.

Materials, finishing methods

Basic, most commonly used materials:

  • tree;
  • Fiberboard;
  • MDF;
  • plastic;
  • drywall;
  • ceramic tile;
  • dye;
  • wallpaper.

All materials must be harmless to children’s health and have radiation safety certificates. Ceilings are most often whitewashed and painted with water-based paint. The walls are made smooth so that they are easy to clean, and the floors are not slippery. The walls, floors of sanitary premises, catering units are decorated with tiles, oil paint, and decorative plaster. The floors in the groups are made of wood, laminated, natural linoleum, without cracks or protruding parts. In cold regions, heated floors are preferred. In groups, rugs and rugs are laid on the floor.

The furniture is also selected to be environmentally friendly, comfortable, and light. Preferably one that “grows with the child” - adjustable in height. It can be hard or soft.

Gazebos: canopies and trains

Staying in the fresh air is important for children's health, strengthening their immune system, and physical development. Daily walks involve active activity on the site. To protect from aggressive sun, rain, wind and drafts, the interior design of a kindergarten involves the use of gazebos. These can be houses with furniture inside, sheds, trains, cars, huts, fortresses and more.

There should be a sufficient number of trees, bushes and flowers on the territory of the kindergarten

It is better to place the gazebo in the shade

Safe materials are used for the gazebo:

  • tree;
  • polycarbonate;
  • brick;
  • plastic.

Decorating a gazebo in the shape of a train

Spacious gazebo made of polycarbonate

Wooden gazebos with plank floors

Colorful do-it-yourself canopy design

Inside you can install benches, chairs, and a cabinet for storing toys. After active games, kids can use an easel; preschoolers will need a magnetic board with numbers and letters and an abacus. The walls are decorated with bright drawings and stickers. The area on which the gazebo is located must be clearly visible so that the pupils are under control. It’s good if there is a tree growing nearby that provides shade.

The walls of the gazebo can be decorated with episodes from cartoons

See alsoChildren's room decor

Color palette

Rooms with windows facing north are painted in warm colors - beige, light yellow, orange-pink, peach. “Southern” rooms are decorated in cold colors – light blue, pale green, soft violet. Up to 25% of the area can be painted more brightly, but use a minimal amount of aggressive colors.

With the help of color, rooms are zoned - individual places are highlighted with bright colors and pictures.

How do different colors affect children?

  • pink – calms, the child feels safe;
  • blue – promotes concentration and relaxation;
  • blue – gives calmness, relieves internal tension;
  • yellow – helps to communicate, learn new skills;
  • red – gives self-confidence, in large quantities increases anxiety;
  • green – improves brain function, too bright can tire you.

How to properly design a health corner

The health corner in kindergartens should be located in such a place that it is always visible, and the locker room would be an excellent choice. It is here that parents have the opportunity to get acquainted with useful information while they are waiting for their child.

For the headline, you should choose bright colors that will attract attention, and a large enough font to make it easier to read. And, of course, the most important thing is the semantic load, the essence of the information that needs to be conveyed to the readership. The prepared material must be fresh, interesting, and important, so it must be updated periodically.

Design of individual rooms or zoning

Zoning of space occurs by dividing it into functional zones with defining boundaries.

What are the boundaries?

  • volumetric - partitions, screens, walls, furniture, curtains;
  • spatial – these are different floor heights in different zones, colors, lighting, architectural elements;
  • combined - the space is simultaneously divided and connected, these are stained glass windows, grilles, curtains, columns, arches;
  • translucent, completely transparent - this is how physical separation is achieved while maintaining a visual connection.

Flexible zoning is preferred - prefabricated cabinet structures, sliding partitions, screens, transparent screens. Children often take a direct part in zoning, together with their teachers. Platform podiums with fences and various partitions are often used - straight, angular, curly, of various heights, widths, lengths. The decorative design of the ceiling on holidays will also become an element of division into zones - these are flags, balloons, paper garlands.

Senior groups are often located on the second floor, so the safety and aesthetic appearance of the stairs should also be taken care of. The walls along them should be beautifully decorated - for example, there should be an exhibition of graphic and painting works by students.

Play and study room

Most often, children play and eat in the same rooms. Furniture is selected according to the height of the children - in the younger and older groups it will vary greatly in height.

Posted here:

  • tables, chairs;
  • racks for books, toys;
  • paints, felt-tip pens;
  • finished works made by children's hands;
  • musical instruments.

The walls are decorated with bright, non-aggressive wallpaper and drawings - developing stories, episodes from fairy tales and cartoons are welcome. In the play area, a soft, warm carpet is laid on the floor. Cabinets, racks for toys, books are selected with minimal risk of injury, are stable, and are well secured. The study area should be sufficiently well lit, visually separated from the play area by a different floor covering, walls, or with the help of partitions. Here children learn to read, write, draw, and sculpt. Zones of various games are separated from each other by decorative houses and screens - a kitchen with a toy set, a railway, a Lego town.

Dining area

The dining room is separated from the playing area by a screen and shelving. For ease of cleaning, do not place a carpet in this place, because children often drop food on the floor, spill it, and scatter it. The furniture here includes tables designed for two to four people, and chairs suitable for the height of the bench. On the wall there is a menu, an explanatory note, which describes and depicts how to properly use a spoon, fork, and napkins. The tables are covered with tablecloths and colorful oilcloths. Cartoon characters are often depicted on the walls eating.

Locker room

This is one of the first rooms where children and their parents find themselves when they come from the street. It is decorated brightly, a variety of subjects are used, wallpaper with images of animals and fairy-tale characters is used. Stands with important information, announcements, schedules, and height meters are placed on the walls. They draw on clothes lockers, stick different letters and pictures on them so that each child can easily remember his own and find where his things are. Long benches are placed in the center of the locker room so that the students can dress comfortably, and a carpet is laid on the floor.


The bedroom is intended for daytime sleep, night rest in the gardens with 24-hour stay. It is decorated in calm, mostly pastel, tones. Thick curtains are hung on the windows - the room should be darkened during the daytime rest. They are selected from natural, eco-friendly materials that suit the style. The structures to which they are attached must be highly reliable, and the fabrics must be practical and durable. You can simply whitewash the ceiling or depict a starry sky on it.

What should a bathroom be like?

Strict requirements are imposed on kindergarten bathrooms. Ceramic tiles are laid on the floor, which are easy to clean; on the walls, such covering should be at least one and a half meters high. In the younger groups, the toilet is equipped with pots, in the middle and older groups - with toilets, washbasins, and mirrors. The older the children, the more spacious this room should be. For older children, toilets are located in stalls, but the doors should not have locks. Each student has his own towel, which he hangs on a hook in a separate compartment. In the showers, drainage is provided through holes in the floor; for safety, rubber mats and wooden pallets are used.

Zoning in kindergarten

Perhaps, when planning play areas in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, one should, first of all, take into account the age of the children and their number. It is also worth finding out the opinion of parents: by asking what they want to see in the group, this will not only show your interest, attention and respect, but also, most likely, you will find proactive helpers.

For convenience, transfer all original ideas for designing a group in a kindergarten to a drawing plan, be sure to indicate on it the names of the corners and their locations.

Depending on the vastness of the space, zoning in a kindergarten group can be quite rich. Below are the most popular zones in the kindergarten group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Select and organize those that will correspond to your current goals and objectives for the development and upbringing of children.

Zoning in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Outdoor games area

Physical education plays a vital role in the development of children, and it is also important to remember this when planning the design of a kindergarten. Of course, modern kindergartens have gyms and swimming pools, but it is still worthwhile to provide a mini-health corner in the group. This area should be spacious enough. Children should be able to run and jump. A gymnastic wall and various sports equipment would be appropriate here: hoops, balls, skittles, jump ropes. However, we must not forget that the equipment must be appropriate for the age of the children.

Role-playing games area

The design of play areas in a kindergarten provides wide scope for creativity for their organizer. There should, of course, be a lot of toys here. But among their number, children must be able to navigate. Therefore, it is necessary to make themed corners. Separately, you can organize a hairdresser with a chair, dolls and toy tools; hospital, where there will be white coats and medical supplies. You can also create a kitchen corner for girls in kindergarten. To organize it, a toy stove, dishes, food, an apron and a chef's hat, as well as dolls in aprons, are suitable.

Girls, with their favorite games of mother-daughter, tea party or shopping, will feel cozy in a special playhouse. Be sure to post it if possible.

There is also a place for boys in the playhouse; they will be the ones who will come to visit and learn the basics of etiquette. Their play area can be placed nearby and its design can be approached in an equally original way, for example, by making an impromptu garage, where there will be cars of different sizes and purposes: trucks, cars, dump trucks, buses, ambulances, police and fire departments. A railway could also be built here. You can also make a small repair shop corner with toy hammers, nuts, screws and other supplies.

Correctly designing areas in a kindergarten is an excellent opportunity for a teacher to unobtrusively show children the basics of adult life: what and how to cook with, how to properly receive guests, take care of younger children, and much more.

Study area in kindergarten

In the learning corner there must be a table at which several children can be seated at the same time. There they can draw, make crafts, learn to read, count and play relaxing board games.

The filling and design of the learning area in kindergarten should take into account the age of the children. Place here cubes, mosaics, various kinds of construction sets that do not contain small parts, educational and educational board games - here kids can practice, developing fine motor skills and expanding their knowledge about the world around them. Don't forget to allocate space for the simplest geometric shapes, shapes of different colors.

The safety corner can be placed separately or, if group space does not allow, it can be made part of the study area. Post here information about traffic rules, fire safety, and standards of behavior indoors and outdoors.

Social Development Zone

The previous zone can be separated by a bookcase or bookcases, combining with a social development corner and a book corner. It is advisable to locate this area away from the place of noisy games, because, being distracted, the child will not be able to concentrate on communicating with the book. The corner should be well lit and have a place where the baby can sit and leaf through a book.

Through a book, a child learns a whole range of human feelings, thoughts, and relationships between characters. By identifying himself with a hero, a child takes on a certain model of behavior, which he tries to follow throughout his life. It is necessary to provide a corner with various books appropriate to the age category of children. There should be fairy tales, instructive stories, books about nature, as well as educational books. The corner should be regularly replenished with new interesting and colorful specimens, thereby maintaining children’s interest in it.

In the social development zone there is a place not only for books, but also for a small family history of each child. Try inviting parents and children to choose photos for small family albums that they can proudly show to friends when talking about family, important events or travel.

Corner of nature

There is no doubt that designing a corner of nature in a kindergarten is an excellent basis for introducing a child to natural phenomena.

In the younger group, as a rule, the corner of nature is limited to indoor plants, but for children in the older group it will be much more interesting to study the calendar, the change of seasons, natural phenomena, parts of plants and trees.

The theme of the corner of nature deserves special attention. It is much more interesting when the exhibition changes, for example, once a quarter, then such a corner of the group will attract much more attention from the child. As winter approaches, it is useful to fill it with information on caring for birds at this time, for example, display photographs of wintering birds, perhaps build a feeder with children in labor lessons.

Creating a greenhouse is also of no small importance. Using the example of different types of plants, the child will understand that plants are different, that not all have a stem, but they all have roots, and the leaves can be of different shapes. You can add butterflies or dragonflies to your greenhouse, which children can make on their own. And if the pots with plants are labeled, it will be doubly educational. In the summer, a corner of nature can be supplemented with living garden or field plants or flowers, and in the fall with the fruits that nature gave.

The living inhabitants of the natural corner in the kindergarten will deserve special interest among the children. There could be a cage with a hamster or an aquarium with fish, and kids can be taught the basics of caring for animals. Before getting a pet, you must obtain the consent of all parents, be sure to ask adults if their children have allergies, and do not forget about a certificate from a veterinarian.

Preschool institutions, as a rule, do not effectively use the area in front of the kindergarten. Quite rarely, children are involved in landscaping the site, where corners such as vegetable gardens, flower beds, and corners of the garden have been created, which can be used to develop the basics of environmental consciousness in the child.

Music Development Zone

A music corner in kindergarten will help to reveal creative talents and increase the overall level of education. If it is not possible to place children's musical instruments there, limit yourself to pictures and a player.

Patriotic education zone

And in cultivating a love of work and patriotism, a local history corner will be a faithful assistant, in which there will be a place for objects of applied art and folk crafts that are popular in your area. Also, be sure to place symbols and portraits of the heads of state and your region here. This area will be especially decorated with dolls in national costumes, even if they are cut out of paper.

Creative Development Zone

The real decoration and pride of the kindergarten group is the children's creativity corner. The children’s works are not only aesthetic in nature, but also stimulate the child to achieve further success and serve as a clear example of the interaction between the teacher and the child.

Creative corners in the group, as a rule, are limited to an exhibition of children's works and crafts. But this is not the only function they can perform. For example, you can organize educational corners in preschool educational institutions dedicated to the work of various people, for example, famous artists or composers.

It is not necessary to use a small space for a creativity corner. For example, when preparing for the New Year, you can cut out and decorate the entire group with snowflakes: thus, you will get a “children’s creativity room.” And if you decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys, you will get a “Christmas tree of children’s creativity.”

Children love to do things with their own hands; they always try and are happy with the result, if it also turns out to be satisfactory. And if there is an opportunity to decorate and display works in a different way, then you should not limit yourself to just a corner of creativity.

When forming zones in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, remember that the main requirement for the environment and design of a group in a kindergarten is safety. Avoid sharp corners, slippery floors, and ensure that wall shelves or decorative items are securely attached.

Approach space planning and design of activity areas in kindergarten creatively and with love, and you will definitely have a cozy group where both children and their parents will be happy to come every day!

Decoration of children's playgrounds

There are two main zones on the territory of the kindergarten:

  • recreational - where students walk and play;
  • economic - special transport arrives there and performs loading and unloading.

Experts recommend making playgrounds different - for children of different ages, their communication, games, and any events. The presence of natural areas is complemented by play elements made from natural materials. Also, convenient access to the territory of the preschool educational institution is provided, and the presence of short-term rest areas for adults who look after children is encouraged. Various techniques of modern landscape design are used.

On the site there are:

  • sandboxes;
  • swing;
  • horizontal bars;
  • stairs;
  • sun canopies;
  • tables, chairs, benches;
  • equipped places for sports games;
  • houses, gazebos;
  • plot sculptural compositions.

Some of the decor is easy to make with your own hands - animals from car tires, ladders from wooden slices, logs, miniature buildings from plywood, flower beds, alpine slides. Trees are made from colored plastic bottles, flower bed fences are made, paths are lined with pebbles painted to look like ladybugs and beetles. All decorative elements are painted with bright colors, and the walls of the kindergarten building are decorated with fairy-tale scenes.

Often the garden building has a gym or a swimming pool - children need to develop physically. The gym is equipped with a wall bars, balls, trampolines, basketball hoops, hoops, and skittles. The swimming pool must comply with safety standards, be equipped with life buoys, and be of shallow depth.

Important details for corners

In order to make corners in kindergarten in the middle group, you need to pay attention to some nuances. Here there must be simple recommendations that will indicate how to improve the health of children. These may be prescribed preventive measures or some other points that parents sometimes forget about. An obligatory component of such a corner should be information for the children themselves, that is, it is necessary to include some children’s sections or beautiful pictures. This is the only way to interest such a young viewer. Fairy-tale characters will do a great job promoting a good lifestyle, where children will emphasize the most new aspects of life for themselves. While washing or exercising, children will see and follow all the rules and recommendations.

The corner's children's pages should be as visible as possible. It is also better to diversify the stand with some drawings from the children themselves, which they will make on the topic of health.

Accordingly, you can build a parent’s corner in the middle group of a kindergarten, which will be useful for children too. If you put up a physical education stand, you can highlight all the information that will describe all the moments related to sporting events, relay races, competitions that will develop children. These could be sports results or photographs of children.

Creating a living corner

A living corner is a developmental area that teaches children the first skills of caring for animals and plants, allowing them to observe their behavior and development.

People most often living here are:

  • hamsters;
  • rabbits;
  • Guinea pigs;
  • decorative mice, rats;
  • parrots, canaries;
  • turtles, lizards;
  • certain types of aquarium fish.

Various indoor plants in pots are often placed here - it is important to choose exclusively non-poisonous ones that cannot cause allergies or injure curious children with thorns or thorns. Children give animals food, clean cages under the supervision of adults, water flowers from watering cans, learning about the world of flora and fauna. All necessary equipment is stored here - children learn to use it.

The importance of a developing subject-spatial environment in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

The task of any preschool educational institution (DOU) is to create conditions for the development and upbringing of children, maintaining their health in a safe and comfortable environment. The most important component of this task is the organization of a subject-spatial environment that corresponds to the components of the educational and developmental process carried out by teachers. It has long been proven that a child’s development occurs with his active participation in a variety of activities. For senior group students, the following areas are highlighted:

  • training and development activities;
  • performing practical and creative work;
  • role-playing games;
  • basics of labor activity;
  • physical education classes;
  • music and choreography lessons.

The administration of a children's educational institution, teachers and educators must create a multi-component educational environment for a preschooler, which takes into account different aspects of organizing the process of raising and developing a child. This:

  • developing subject-spatial environment;
  • organizing interaction with teachers;
  • communication with peers;
  • the preschooler's attitude to the world around him and to himself.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Principles of constructing a subject-development environment

The subject-spatial environment in the older group serves the development of children's activities, primarily play. Indeed, during play, the leading activity of preschool children, cognitive motivation develops, which is the basis of educational activity. The subject-spatial developmental environment must correspond to the zone of proximal mental development of a 5-6 year old child - the formation of prerequisites for educational activity.

All about decor and choice of textiles

Textiles are selected to match the overall color scheme. All fabrics are preferred natural, environmentally friendly, fireproof. Dust should not accumulate on them; bedding fabrics must not contain components that can cause allergies. High-quality textiles will not have to be changed after one or two years; they will not fade in the sun or lose their appearance. Pupils, together with adults, make crafts from fabrics, paintings, appliqués from felt on a linen base, sewn toys to decorate the head’s office. Themes and plots used are different.

Rag wall organizers for stationery and interior dolls will also decorate the interior of the room. In the bedroom there are decorative panels depicting sleeping animals, in the dining area there are textile paintings where cartoon characters eat and prepare food. Several textile tents are placed in the games room, in which some children can hide and retire if necessary.

Fabric pockets for a children's locker are easy to make yourself. To do this, you will need about a meter of fabric, from which two pieces 30 by 80 cm are cut, two pockets 40 by 20 cm and 40 by 15 cm. An elastic band is sewn into the upper parts of the pockets, on which they are slightly pulled together, sewn to the base one after the other, starting from the bottom. Afterwards the second part of the base is attached, a strip of plastic is inserted at the top and bottom for rigidity. The edges are decorated with bias tape and strips of the same fabric. Loops are sewn into the upper part on which the pockets will hang. They store spare panties, socks, gloves, a hat, a comb, and office supplies. If desired, the design is decorated with embroidery, applique, and beads.

Formation of the middle group.

Svetlana Yurieva

Formation of the middle group.

This summer we moved to a new group . After the previous one, where we lived for 2 years, this group seemed alien , not cozy, and after some thought, our parents decided to organize a cleanup day on their own, which, however, lasted 3 days. Without sparing their weekends, our parents came to our aid.

Assembling the kitchen set

Washed the group after painting

The team has arrived - just right!

Then it’s just a matter of making the group not only clean , bright and spacious, but also interesting for children. That's why I created development centers:

Fine, which was replenished with various means of depiction

Streets of our city according to traffic rules

Music and theater areas

Pochemuchek Corner - experimental zone

Center for Young Mathematicians

Children go to kindergarten with pleasure, everyone will find something to their liking.

Kindergarten decoration File “/upload/blogs/aa327c36105f8186cd0df59e99c44fa3. pg.jpg" not found. Subject-developmental environment of the group (middle preschool age). .

Main themes for designing a health corner

The topics of the health corner should help parents in instilling in their children the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle. Here are the most popular:

  1. What clothes to choose for a walk?
  2. What do parents need to know about vaccinations?
  3. The importance of maintaining a proper daily routine.
  4. Diet of a middle group child.
  5. Prevention of colds and viral diseases.
  6. Daily physical activity.
  7. Prevention of caries.
  8. Safe behavior on the water.
  9. Protection against ticks, etc.

Corners in kindergartens (we present photos of some below) will certainly help children quickly learn the rules of personal hygiene, and young parents will learn a lot of new things about their children.

Corner of nature

Children love nature very much with its amazing diversity of plants and animals, and direct communication with certain species is the most vivid emotions and clarity that cannot be compared with studying pictures and descriptions in books. That is why corners of nature in kindergartens are of such great importance as a teaching aid and decoration for the group. They bring incomparable pleasure to kids, who can independently care for plants and funny pets, developing a sense of responsibility and love for nature.

Parent's Corner

No less important are parent corners in kindergartens, which should also be equipped in each age group. Such stands are usually installed in locker rooms, where parents have time to familiarize themselves with new information. This could be general news about the kindergarten, the daily routine, the date of the matinee, parent meeting or any other event in the life of the group and young pupils.

Information stands for parents can also be used for another purpose - if medical specialists need to provide operational information about vaccinations, medical examinations, the specifics of caring for babies, development in a given period, subtleties in communication, etc.

It is convenient to provide the parent’s corner in kindergarten with “pockets” for putting information sheets into them. The decoration of such a stand can be the best drawings and applications of children, which will perfectly complement the interior design of the kindergarten group.

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