Girl hanging a towel on a hook
Methodological features of preparing and conducting conversations in the first junior group
Goals and objectives of the conversation in the first junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard Organized conversation with the group
How to methodically correctly prepare an open lesson on familiarization with the environment in kindergarten
Goals and objectives of open classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in kindergarten Contents
Methodology and experience in using thematic weeks in preschool educational institutions
The current stage of development of preschool education is characterized by the rapid pace of introduction of innovative technologies into work practice
personally oriented technologies
Technologies of personality-oriented interaction in the social and communicative development of preschool children
What is it? This term first appears in the works of psychologist Carl Rogers. To him
Preschool children - moral education
Morality is the internal attitude of a person to act in accordance with conscience and free will, the internal requirements of the individual
Forms of organizing the labor activity of preschool children.
The forms and methods of labor education are varied. They depend on the age and other characteristics of the children being raised.
Work program for the course “Labor education” (grades 1-4)
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Round table with parents on the topic: “Labor education in the family.” Topic: “How
Children are working on creating a duty corner
Long-term labor planning in the senior group; calendar and thematic planning (senior group)
How to organize a duty schedule? The basis for organizing duty in kindergarten, creating a schedule and
Self-analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment of the middle group
Self-analysis of the lesson. Methodology. Types of self-analysis.
Self-analysis of an open lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard 2016 Self-analysis of GCD Topic: “A fairy tale to visit us
Corners to order
Construction of a subject-spatial environment in a group of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard
Where to begin? For boys Reception Design of a group room in a preschool institution for everyone
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