Do-it-yourself art corner.
Subject development environment in preschool educational institutions; methodological development on the topic
Do-it-yourself art corner. Larisa Savchuk Do-it-yourself art corner. Fine Arts Corner
Physical education “Big Races” for older preschoolers
Sports leisure for the senior group in the summer “Visiting fairy tales”
We are tourists. Physical education leisure with the participation of pupils of the senior group Objectives: · expand functional
What is typical for preschoolers to communicate with their peers?
Forms of communication with peers Separation from an adult creates a new social development situation in which
Organization of routine moments in the preparatory group in the first half of the day
Formation of routine moments The daily routine in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard is formed in the preschool educational institution in
modeling tools
Non-traditional ways of working with plasticine as a means of preparing the hand for writing for children of senior preschool age
“Traditional and non-traditional sculpting techniques” Traditional and non-traditional sculpting techniques. Compiled by: teacher of MBDOU "DSOV"
Long-term work plan for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the senior groupmaterial (senior group)
Leisure time on health saving in the senior group “5 rules of a healthy lifestyle” March I. sounds.
sports and kindergarten
Sports games in kindergarten article (middle, senior, preparatory group)
Sports in kindergarten Sports are an essential component of every person’s life. Sports are no less important
Didactic manual for preschool children “Screen for traffic rules”
Subject development environment in preschool educational institutions. Traffic rules corner in the senior group
A great variety of useful ideas for creating centers and arranging themed corners for learning the rules
Forms, methods and means of environmental education
Environmental education is an important component of the educational process in schools and kindergartens. My job
Mood corner in a kindergarten groupconsultation
Environmental project “Corner of a good mood” Environmental project “Corner of a good mood” Updating the problem. IN
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