Long-term planning of a circle for environmental education of children of middle preschool age “Young ecologists”
“Optimization of interaction between teachers and children” Consultation – workshop for teachers
Pedagogical activities aimed at the comprehensive development of the child’s personality will be more effective if
A modern preschooler, what he is like. Interesting facts on the topic
Modern preschoolers. What are they? Modern preschoolers, what are they like? Today they write and talk a lot about
Innovative technologies for environmental education of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions.”
Approximate planning of educational work for a week in the first junior group on the topic “Furniture”
Complexes of rhythmic gymnastics, methodological development in physical education (preparatory group) on the topic
Rhythmics for children: lesson in kindergarten Rhythmics (rhythmic gymnastics) is a system of musical-rhythmic
Card file of work assignments in a corner of nature. Card file of the world around us (junior group)
Card file of work assignments in a corner of nature. Card file of the world around us (junior group) Card 29 “Getting to know each other
TRIZ technology. Experience working in the second junior group of a kindergarten.
The ability to communicate, explore the world, and plan one’s actions are formed in a child as he develops.
Organization of children's visual activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard up to
1. Eastern administrative district. GBOU Gymnasium No. 1476. Topics of speeches: 1. “The content of the basic educational
Development of a class hour on the topic “Health Relay Race”
Names of sports teams, mottos and emblems Names for competing teams should be thought out in advance, you can
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